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- Faculty Publications (2,616)
- 1988
- Chapter
Managing Change in Innovative Organizations
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "Managing Change in Innovative Organizations." In Productivity and Quality Through Science and Technology, edited by Y. K. Shetty and V. M. Buehler. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1988. (Reprinted in The Quest for Competitiveness, edited by Y.K. Shetty and V.M. Buehler. Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books, 1991.)
- February 1988
- Case
Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc. (Condensed)
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Richard S. Rosenbloom
A condensed version of Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc. The principal changes are the elimination of details about the early history of the company and condensation of the final section, Outlook for the Future. View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Industry Growth; Environmental Sustainability; Business Strategy; Trends; Manufacturing Industry
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Richard S. Rosenbloom. "Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc. (Condensed)." Harvard Business School Case 388-096, February 1988.
- 2000
- Chapter
When a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Structural, Collective, and Social Conditions for Innovation in Organizations
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "When a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Structural, Collective, and Social Conditions for Innovation in Organizations." In Research in Organizational Behavior. Vol. 22, edited by B. Staw and R. Sutton. Elsevier Science, 2000. (Reprintings include: The Evolution and Adaptation of Organizations, edited by B. Staw and L.L. Cummings. Greenwich, Conn: JAI Press, 1990; Knowledge Management and Organizational Design, edited by P.S. Myers. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996, pp. 93-132; Entrepreneurship: The Social Science View, edited by R. Swedberg. Oxford University Press, 2000.)
- January 1988 (Revised January 2007)
- Background Note
Leading Change
By: Michael Beer
Presents a conceptual framework for understanding the process of leading organizational change. Change leaders must create dissatisfaction with the status quo, develop a vision of the future state, and manage a process that sequences and orchestrates events and changes... View Details
Beer, Michael. "Leading Change." Harvard Business School Background Note 488-037, January 1988. (Revised January 2007.)
- November 1987 (Revised June 1988)
- Case
ServiceMaster Industries, Inc.
By: James L. Heskett
The CEO of ServiceMaster Industries has convened an internal task force to come up with ideas for reorganizing the company to accommodate unusually fast growth. In developing both alternatives and criteria for appraising them, the task force has to keep in mind the... View Details
Heskett, James L. "ServiceMaster Industries, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 388-064, November 1987. (Revised June 1988.)
- October 1987 (Revised October 1989)
- Background Note
Moving Ideas into Action: Mastering the Art of Change
Discusses elements in organizing a large scale change effort: defining a shared vision, coalition building, management structure and process, communication and education, local participation and innovation, standards and measures, and symbols and signals. View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Communication; Policy; Innovation and Invention; Standards; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Strategy
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "Moving Ideas into Action: Mastering the Art of Change." Harvard Business School Background Note 388-002, October 1987. (Revised October 1989.)
- October 1987
- Case
Philips Group--1987, The
By: Francis Aguilar and Michael Y. Yoshino
Discusses how Philips, a major Dutch-based multinational company, attempts to bring about a fundamental change in its strategy, organization, and culture in response to a rapidly changing market and competitive environment. View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Corporate Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Markets; Change Management; Netherlands
Aguilar, Francis, and Michael Y. Yoshino. "Philips Group--1987, The." Harvard Business School Case 388-050, October 1987.
- July 1987
- Case
Altoona Corp.: Computer Products Division
By: Roger E. Bohn and Robert H. Hayes
A relatively small manufacturer of computer memory disks has achieved a major market position through the use of its statistical quality control (SQC) program. It is now expanding the production of a new line of disks and is encountering problems getting the process... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Volatility; Performance Consistency; Performance Improvement; Performance Productivity; Quality; Mathematical Methods; Hardware; Manufacturing Industry
Bohn, Roger E., and Robert H. Hayes. "Altoona Corp.: Computer Products Division." Harvard Business School Case 688-010, July 1987.
- May 1987 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Murray Ohio Manufacturing Co.
After a record year in 1983, Murray Ohio's earnings declined in 1984. The company was faced with competition from cheap imports and was experiencing declining margins. Students are asked to analyze the company's 1984 financial statements and predict whether there is... View Details
Keywords: Financial Statements; Financial Reporting; Business Divisions; Cost Management; Spending; Decision Making; Change Management; Problems and Challenges; Management Systems; Manufacturing Industry
Palepu, Krishna G. "Murray Ohio Manufacturing Co." Harvard Business School Case 187-178, May 1987. (Revised October 1996.)
- April 1987 (Revised April 1987)
- Case
Tiberg Co.
By: Michael Beer and Daniel J. Isenberg
Describes the efforts of a vice president of purchasing to coordinate and centralize purchasing procedures in a multinational company. He encounters a lack of active cooperation. A rewritten version of an earlier case by G. Lombard. View Details
Keywords: Cost Management; Multinational Firms and Management; Governance Controls; Managerial Roles; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Design; Power and Influence
Beer, Michael, and Daniel J. Isenberg. "Tiberg Co." Harvard Business School Case 487-079, April 1987. (Revised April 1987.)
- January 1987
- Article
The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Kaplan, Robert S. "The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting." Management Accounting (January 1987): 22–30.
- November 1986 (Revised October 1995)
- Case
Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions (A)
By: Linda A. Hill
Illustrates: 1) the impact of a manager's leadership style on corporate culture, direction, and performance; 2) the concept of fit between leadership style and the requirements of situations in which managers find themselves; and 3) the need for managers to adapt their... View Details
Keywords: Management Style; Race; Organizational Culture; Leadership Style; Gender; Management Teams; Change Management; Situation or Environment; Creativity; Relationships; Music Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Hill, Linda A. "Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions (A)." Harvard Business School Case 487-042, November 1986. (Revised October 1995.)
- October 1986 (Revised November 1989)
- Case
Becton Dickinson & Co.: VACUTAINER Systems Division
Concerns negotiations between managers of Becton Dickinson's (BD) VACUTAINER division (which manufactures and sells blood collection products) and managers of a large hospital buying group. Recent changes in the health care industry are the background for the... View Details
Keywords: Distribution; Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Process; Price; Sales; Manufacturing Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Health Industry; United States
Cespedes, Frank V. "Becton Dickinson & Co.: VACUTAINER Systems Division." Harvard Business School Case 587-085, October 1986. (Revised November 1989.)
- May–June 1986
- Article
Managing After the Revolutionaries Have Won
By: James E. Austin and John C. Ickis
Austin, James E., and John C. Ickis. "Managing After the Revolutionaries Have Won." Harvard Business Review 64, no. 3 (May–June 1986).
- April 1986 (Revised May 1988)
- Case
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (B)
By: Kim B. Clark
Dissects the manufacturing process and procedures of a high-end computer manufacturer. The main issue is how to introduce new products and ramp them up quickly in a competitive environment where time-to-market is crucial. Focuses on engineering change orders--how they... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Time Management; Product Launch; Production; Business Processes; Competitive Strategy; Computer Industry
Clark, Kim B. "Sun Microsystems, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 686-134, April 1986. (Revised May 1988.)
- 1986
- Book
Organization: Text, Cases, and Readings on the Management of Organizational Design and Change
By: J. P. Kotter, L. A. Schlesinger and V. Sathe
Kotter, J. P., L. A. Schlesinger, and V. Sathe. Organization: Text, Cases, and Readings on the Management of Organizational Design and Change. 2nd ed. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1986.
- January 1986
- Case
Telecommunications in Transition: Managing Business and Regulatory Change
Vietor, Richard H.K. "Telecommunications in Transition: Managing Business and Regulatory Change." Harvard Business School Case 986-001, January 1986.