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- Faculty Publications (740)
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- Faculty Publications (740)
- March 2019
- Teaching Note
PCAOB Efforts to Improve Audit Quality (A) and (B)
By: Aiyesha Dey and Paul Healy
Teaching Note for HBS Nos. 118-108 and 118-109. View Details
- July–August 2018
- Article
The Other Diversity Dividend
By: Paul Gompers and Silpa Kovvali
Researchers have struggled to establish a causal relationship between diversity and financial performance—especially at large companies, where decision rights and incentives can be murky, and the effects of any given choice can be tough to pin down. So the authors... View Details
Gompers, Paul, and Silpa Kovvali. "The Other Diversity Dividend." Harvard Business Review 96, no. 4 (July–August 2018): 72–77.
- June 2018 (Revised July 2018)
- Case
PCAOB Efforts to Improve Audit Quality (A)
By: Aiyesha Dey and Paul Healy
Dey, Aiyesha, and Paul Healy. "PCAOB Efforts to Improve Audit Quality (A)." Harvard Business School Case 118-108, June 2018. (Revised July 2018.)
- June 2018
- Supplement
PCAOB Efforts to Improve Audit Quality (B): Excerpts of Public Comment Letters
By: Aiyesha Dey and Paul Healy
Dey, Aiyesha, and Paul Healy. "PCAOB Efforts to Improve Audit Quality (B): Excerpts of Public Comment Letters." Harvard Business School Supplement 118-109, June 2018.
- June 2018
- Teaching Note
Sandra Brown Goes Digital
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Jonathan Cohen
As a middle manager at a biotechnology company, Sandra Brown harnessed digital tools and social media to engage others and build campaigns for change in the company. This Teaching Note presents strategies for teaching the Sandra Brown case series, which follows Brown's... View Details
- Article
Defining, Measuring, and Improving Value in Spine Care
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Derek Haas
This chapter discusses how to measure and improve spine care outcomes and costs. Today’s commonly used outcome metrics, such as readmission and complication rates, are actually process and quality metrics. They are not the outcomes, such as improvement in pain and... View Details
Keywords: Spine Care; Outcomes Measurement; Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing; Health Care and Treatment; Cost; Measurement and Metrics; Performance Improvement; Value
Kaplan, Robert S., and Derek Haas. "Defining, Measuring, and Improving Value in Spine Care." Seminars in Spine Surgery 30, no. 2 (June 2018): 80–83.
- 2018
- Chapter
The Strategic Imperative of Psychological Safety and Organizational Error Management
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Paul Verdin
Despite discussion in the management literature about agile organizations or learning organizations, many large organizations are top-down, slow to change, and fraught with obstacles to learning. We describe “strategy-as-learning” to contrast with the traditional... View Details
Edmondson, Amy C., and Paul Verdin. "The Strategic Imperative of Psychological Safety and Organizational Error Management." In How Could this Happen? Managing Errors in Organizations, edited by Jan U. Hagen. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
- May 2018
- Supplement
Video Supplement to Toyota Motor Manufacturing, U.S.A. case (693-019): An updated video of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky, Georgetown, KY site showing seat installation
By: Willy C. Shih
This is an updated video of the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky (TMMK) assembly facility in Georgetown, KY. It is meant to be paired with the 693-019 Toyota Motor Manufacturing U.S.A. case, but with higher quality video. The vidoe shows a line tour of Assembly Two... View Details
Keywords: Manufacturing; Manufacturing Strategy; Lean Management; Toyota Production System; Just-in-time; Lean Production; Automotive Industry; Automobile Manufacturing; Automotive; Automotive Supply Chain; Production; Operations; Logistics; Auto Industry; United States
Shih, Willy C. "Video Supplement to Toyota Motor Manufacturing, U.S.A. case (693-019): An updated video of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky, Georgetown, KY site showing seat installation." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 618-713, May 2018.
- May 2018 (Revised October 2020)
- Supplement
La Ribera Health Department (B): Epilogue
By: Regina E. Herzlinger, Emer Moloney and Daniela Beyersdorfer
The La Ribera case studies depict an innovative low cost/high quality privately financed hospital model struggling to achieve alignment with the Six Factors. It is reimbursed by the public sector in a Spanish environment whose Consumers, Structure, and Public Policy... View Details
- May 2018
- Article
Effects of an Information Sharing System on Employee Creativity, Engagement, and Performance
By: Shelley Xin Li and Tatiana Sandino
Many service organizations rely on information sharing systems to boost employee creativity to meet customer needs. We conducted a field experiment in a retail chain, based on a registered report accepted by Journal of Accounting Research, to test whether an... View Details
Li, Shelley Xin, and Tatiana Sandino. "Effects of an Information Sharing System on Employee Creativity, Engagement, and Performance." Journal of Accounting Research 56, no. 2 (May 2018): 713–747.
- April 2018
- Teaching Note
Formlabs: Selling a New 3D Printer
By: Frank Cespedes
Teaching Note for HBS No. 817-001. Formlabs is a venture that manufactures and sells 3D printers used in a variety of industries and applications. As the young company prepares to ship its latest model, the head of Customer Development is tasked with developing a... View Details
Keywords: 3D Printing And Manufacturing; Sales Channel Development; Sales Strategy; Entrepreneurial Management; Product Engineering; Prototype; Prototyping; Entrepreneurship; Product Launch; Information Infrastructure; Business Startups; Customers; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Technology Adoption; Marketing Channels; Marketing Strategy; Product Positioning; Demand and Consumers; Sales; Salesforce Management; Technology Industry; Computer Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; Massachusetts; Europe; Asia
- April 2018
- Case
Miami's Tech Future (Abridged): Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Leadership Challenges
By the middle of the 1990s, Miami’s reputation was changing. An influx of Spanish-speaking immigrants and major investments in the airport and seaport had changed the image of a sleepy southern city to the de facto business center of Latin America, a center for... View Details
- March 2018
- Case
Sandra Brown Goes Digital (A): The Promise and Perils of Social Movements in a Healthcare Company
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Jonathan Cohen
As a middle manager at a biotechnology company, Sandra Brown harnessed digital tools and social media to engage others and build campaigns for change in the company. This case follows her career at the company and describes the challenges she faced as a change agent,... View Details
Keywords: Digital; Engagement; Stakeholder Engagement; Grassroots Movement; Organization Change And Adaptation; Quality; Health Care; Health Care Industry; Career Path; Leading Change; Management; Innovation and Management; Personal Development and Career; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Biotechnology Industry; Health Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Jonathan Cohen. "Sandra Brown Goes Digital (A): The Promise and Perils of Social Movements in a Healthcare Company." Harvard Business School Case 318-082, March 2018.
- March 2018
- Supplement
Sandra Brown Goes Digital (B): The Commitment Decision
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Jonathan Cohen
Sandra Brown, a middle manager at a biotech company who has led internal and external movements for change over the last few years, faces a decision. Whether to continue to work for change at the company or move on to pursue new opportunities elsewhere, where her new... View Details
Keywords: Digital; Stakeholder Engagement; Managing Change; Career Path; Health Care Industry; Quality; Leading Change; Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Personal Development and Career; Decision Choices and Conditions
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Jonathan Cohen. "Sandra Brown Goes Digital (B): The Commitment Decision." Harvard Business School Supplement 318-083, March 2018.
- March 2018
- Supplement
Sandra Brown Goes Digital (C): Raising Quality in a Healthcare Company
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Jonathan Cohen
Using digital and social media tools and lessons learned from prior change campaigns as a middle manager in a large biotech company, Sandra Brown continued in a new role in the quality division, engaging staff in a quality movement at the company. She had found a new... View Details
Keywords: Digital; Grassroots Movement; Managing Change; Career Path; Stakeholder Engagement; Engagement; Health Care Industry; Quality; Leading Change; Performance Improvement; Personal Development and Career; Social Media; Health Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Jonathan Cohen. "Sandra Brown Goes Digital (C): Raising Quality in a Healthcare Company." Harvard Business School Supplement 318-084, March 2018.
- March 2018 (Revised September 2019)
- Case (A)
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport and Matthew G. Preble
In late 2013, Ryan Cohen, cofounder and CEO of online pet products retailer, faces a “bet the company decision”—whether to stay with a third-party logistics provider (3PL) for all of its e-commerce fulfillment or to take the function in house. Cohen worries... View Details
Keywords: Pet Food; Pet Products; Retail; Growth and Development Strategy; Service Operations; Decision Choices and Conditions; E-commerce; Retail Industry; Service Industry; Florida; United States
Rayport, Jeffrey F., and Matthew G. Preble. " (A)." Harvard Business School Case 818-079, March 2018. (Revised September 2019.)
- 2021
- Working Paper
Government Shareholdings in Brokerage Firms and Analyst Research Quality
By: Sheng Cao, Xianjie He, Charles C.Y. Wang and Huifang Yin
During times when the Chinese government wished to prop up the market, sell-side analysts from brokerages with significant government ownership issued relatively less pessimistic (or more optimistic) earnings forecasts, earnings-forecast revisions, and stock... View Details
Keywords: Sell-side Analysts; Forecast Optimism; Forecast Accuracy; Government Incentives; Stocks; Forecasting and Prediction; Business and Government Relations; Emerging Markets
Cao, Sheng, Xianjie He, Charles C.Y. Wang, and Huifang Yin. "Government Shareholdings in Brokerage Firms and Analyst Research Quality." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-095, March 2018. (Revised June 2021.)
- February 2018
- Case
The Golden Triangle: Back in Business (A)
By: Joseph Fuller, William Kerr, Manjari Raman and Donald Maruyama
The Golden Triangle Region (GTR) is a three-county area in rural Mississippi that suffered a steep decline as manufacturing companies faced pressures from automation and overseas competition. Between the mid 1980s and late 1990s, several textile, toy, and tubing... View Details
Keywords: Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Development Economics; Change; Leadership; Success; Mississippi
Fuller, Joseph, William Kerr, Manjari Raman, and Donald Maruyama. "The Golden Triangle: Back in Business (A)." Harvard Business School Case 818-089, February 2018.
- February 2018 (Revised June 2021)
- Case
New Constructs: Disrupting Fundamental Analysis with Robo-Analysts
By: Charles C.Y. Wang and Kyle Thomas
This case highlights the business challenges associated with a financial technology firm, New Constructs, that created a technology that can quickly parse complicated public firm financials to paint a clearer economic picture of firms, remove accounting distortions,... View Details
Keywords: Fundamental Analysis; Machine Learning; Robo-analysts; Financial Statements; Financial Reporting; Analysis; Information Technology; Accounting Industry; Financial Services Industry; Information Technology Industry; North America; Tennessee
Wang, Charles C.Y., and Kyle Thomas. "New Constructs: Disrupting Fundamental Analysis with Robo-Analysts." Harvard Business School Case 118-068, February 2018. (Revised June 2021.)
- 2018
- Chapter
Work and Well-being: A Global Perspective
By: Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, and Council Members: A. Blankson, A. Clark, C. Cooper, H. James, C. Krekel, J. Lim, P. Litchfield, J. Moss, M. I. Norton, M. Rojas, G. Ward and A.V. Whillans
Work and employment play a central role in most people’s lives. In OECD countries, for example, people spend around a third of their waking hours engaged in paid work. We not only spend considerable amounts of our time at work, employment and workplace quality also... View Details
De Neve, Jan-Emmanuel, and Council Members: A. Blankson, A. Clark, C. Cooper, H. James, C. Krekel, J. Lim, P. Litchfield, J. Moss, M. I. Norton, M. Rojas, G. Ward, and A.V. Whillans. "Work and Well-being: A Global Perspective." Chap. 5 in Global Happiness Policy Report, edited by Global Council for Happiness and Wellbeing, 74–127. New York: Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2018. Electronic.