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- All HBS Web
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- 24 Nov 2009
- Working Paper Summaries
From Strategy to Business Models and to Tactics
- September 2014 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
Managing Multi-Media Audiences at WHDH (Boston)
By: Thales Teixeira and V. Kasturi Rangan
WHDH's Channel 7 News rose to the #1 position in Boston-area news broadcasting through its embrace of an innovative format and for affiliating with NBC. Since the early 2000s, however, other news programs had copied their format, and young audiences had begun to use... View Details
Keywords: Online News; Television Advertising; Attention Economics; Cross-media Efforts; Competition; Internet and the Web; Consumer Behavior; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Marketing Strategy; Decision Choices and Conditions; Digital Marketing; Television Entertainment; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Boston
Teixeira, Thales, and V. Kasturi Rangan. "Managing Multi-Media Audiences at WHDH (Boston)." Harvard Business School Case 515-037, September 2014. (Revised March 2015.)
- Article
Using Internet Data for Economic Research
By: Benjamin Edelman
The data used by economists can be broadly divided into two categories. First, structured datasets arise when a government agency, trade association, or company can justify the expense of assembling records. The Internet has transformed how economists interact with... View Details
Keywords: Data and Data Sets; Research; Internet; Cost Management; Information Management; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Reports; Archives; Surveys; Economics
Edelman, Benjamin. "Using Internet Data for Economic Research." Journal of Economic Perspectives 26, no. 2 (Spring 2012): 189–206.
- March 2022
- Article
Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-based Models: A New Protocol
By: Emanuele Borgonovo, Marco Pangallo, Jan Rivkin, Leonardo Rizzo and Nicolaj Siggelkow
Agent-based models (ABMs) are increasingly used in the management sciences. Though useful, ABMs are often critiqued: it is hard to discern why they produce the results they do and whether other assumptions would yield similar results. To help researchers address such... View Details
Keywords: Agent-based Modeling; Sensitivity Analysis; Design Of Experiments; Total Order Sensitivity Indices; Organizations; Behavior; Decision Making; Mathematical Methods
Borgonovo, Emanuele, Marco Pangallo, Jan Rivkin, Leonardo Rizzo, and Nicolaj Siggelkow. "Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-based Models: A New Protocol." Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 28, no. 1 (March 2022): 52–94.
- April 1998 (Revised September 1998)
- Case
Classic Pen Company, The: Developing an ABC Model
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Classic Pen has diversified from its core blue and black pen business by introducing new specialized colors. But costs have risen and margins on blue and black pens are decreasing. The controller turns to activity-based costing (ABC) for an explanation. View Details
Kaplan, Robert S. "Classic Pen Company, The: Developing an ABC Model." Harvard Business School Case 198-117, April 1998. (Revised September 1998.)
- June 2012
- Article
A Reexamination of Tunneling and Business Groups: New Data and New Methods
By: Jordan I. Siegel and Prithwiraj Choudhury
One of the most rigorous methodologies in the corporate governance literature uses firms' reactions to industry shocks to characterize the quality of governance. This methodology can produce the wrong answer unless one considers the ways firms compete. Because... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Mergers And Acquisitions; Business Economics; Firm Organization; Firm Performance; Groups and Teams; Analytics and Data Science
Siegel, Jordan I., and Prithwiraj Choudhury. "A Reexamination of Tunneling and Business Groups: New Data and New Methods." Review of Financial Studies 25, no. 6 (June 2012): 1763–1798.
- 29 Mar 2009
- News
How Crisis Shapes the Corporate Model
- 07 Jul 2003
- Research & Ideas
The Organizational Model for Open Source
themselves from individual liability. Since the Free Software Foundation was founded in 1985, a number of new nonprofit foundations have formed, often around specific technologies, to serve the interests of programmers. HBS professor... View Details
Keywords: by Mallory Stark
- 2008
- Chapter
Corporate Honesty and Business Education: A Behavioral Model
By: Rakesh Khurana and Herbert Gintis
Since the mid-1970s neoclassical economic theory has dominated business school thinking and teaching in dealing with the nature of human motivation. However valuable in understanding competitive product and financial markets, neoclassical economic theory employs an... View Details
Keywords: Business Education; Ethics; Managerial Roles; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Organizational Culture; Business and Shareholder Relations; Mathematical Methods; Behavior
Khurana, Rakesh, and Herbert Gintis. "Corporate Honesty and Business Education: A Behavioral Model." In Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy, edited by Paul J. Zak. Princeton University Press, 2008.
- 29 Sep 2014
- Other Presentation
Reshaping Regional Economic Development: Clusters and Regional Strategy
Professor Michael Porter delivered a keynote speech at Mapping the Midwest's Future, a conference held in Minneapolis and hosted by the University of Minnesota that officially launched the new U.S. Cluster Mapping tool. His presentation focused on U.S. competitiveness... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Reshaping Regional Economic Development: Clusters and Regional Strategy." Mapping the Midwest's Future, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness and University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, Minneapolis, MN, September 29, 2014.
- 10 Jul 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
Making Economics More Useful: How Technological Eclecticism Could Help
Keywords: by Amar Bhidé
- 25 Sep 2019
- Research & Ideas
The Economic Cost of Physician Burnout
Physician burnout costs the United States health care industry $4.6 billion a year, a number that brings a new spotlight to an age-old problem. In a paper published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine this past June, a research... View Details
- 2008
- Working Paper
Minimally Altruistic Wages and Unemployment in a Matching Model
By: Julio J. Rotemberg
This paper presents a model in which firms recruit both unemployed and employed workers by posting vacancies. Firms act monopsonistically and set wages to retain their existing workers as well as to attract new ones. The model differs from Burdett and Mortensen (1998)... View Details
Rotemberg, Julio J. "Minimally Altruistic Wages and Unemployment in a Matching Model." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 13755, February 2008.
- 21 Feb 2019
- Blog Post
Machine Learning and Behavioral Economics
economics is about how people understand information.” As an undergraduate at William & Mary, he interned at Google, where he gained an insider’s perspective on a new technology, Google Glass. Bracaglia... View Details
- 2023
- Working Paper
In-Context Unlearning: Language Models as Few Shot Unlearners
By: Martin Pawelczyk, Seth Neel and Himabindu Lakkaraju
Machine unlearning, the study of efficiently removing the impact of specific training points on the
trained model, has garnered increased attention of late, driven by the need to comply with privacy
regulations like the Right to be Forgotten. Although unlearning is... View Details
Pawelczyk, Martin, Seth Neel, and Himabindu Lakkaraju. "In-Context Unlearning: Language Models as Few Shot Unlearners." Working Paper, October 2023.
- 2010
- Working Paper
A New Model of Integrity: The Missing Factor Of Production (PDF file of Keynote and PowerPoint Slides)
By: Michael C. Jensen, Kari L. Granger and Werner Erhard
An Actionable Pathway To Dramatic Increases In Individual And Organizational Performance.
Full Day Executive Program Seminar taught at Olin Business School, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
Workshop Objectives:
To provide you and your... View Details
Keywords: Performance Improvement; Programs; Trust; Competitive Advantage; Value Creation; Washington (state, US)
Jensen, Michael C., Kari L. Granger, and Werner Erhard. "A New Model of Integrity: The Missing Factor Of Production (PDF file of Keynote and PowerPoint Slides)." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-087, March 2010.
- August 2000 (Revised July 2002)
- Background Note
Economic Evidence on the Globalization of Markets
Presents the systematic evidence in the context of the microeconomic model of market integration. Market integration is just one (economic) aspect of globalization; this is one of the particular interests to business managers. View Details
Keywords: Globalized Markets and Industries
Ghemawat, Pankaj. "Economic Evidence on the Globalization of Markets." Harvard Business School Background Note 701-015, August 2000. (Revised July 2002.)
- April 2002 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
News Corporation
By: Bharat N. Anand and Kate Attea
In 2001, News Corp. is the smallest of the major media and entertainment conglomerates, but it has the broadest global presence. In an effort to establish a major distribution presence in the United States, News Corp. had looked to acquire DirecTV, the largest U.S.... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Business Conglomerates; Globalization; Distribution; Organizational Culture; Family Ownership; Competition; Consolidation; Corporate Strategy; Journalism and News Industry; Journalism and News Industry; United States; Australia
Anand, Bharat N., and Kate Attea. "News Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 702-425, April 2002. (Revised June 2003.)
- 18 Dec 2019
- News
‘We squandered a major economic recovery': Harvard professor
- January 2019
- Case
King Abdullah Economic City: Population Drivers and Cash Flow
By: John D. Macomber
CEO of high profile new economic city in Saudi Arabia must decide how to allocate limited investment funds across projects under duress. Issues include understanding core economic drivers; planning infrastructure investment and return; attracting multinationals; and... View Details
Keywords: Urban Development; Infrastructure; Project Finance; Resource Allocation; Decision Making; City; Real Estate Industry; Saudi Arabia
Macomber, John D. "King Abdullah Economic City: Population Drivers and Cash Flow." Harvard Business School Case 219-079, January 2019.