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- All HBS Web
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- June 2010
- Teaching Note
The Southeast Bank of Texas in the Financial Crisis (TN)
By: Robert C. Pozen and Benjamin Greff Schneider
Teaching Note for 310141. View Details
- March 2011 (Revised March 2014)
- Case
The IASB at a Crossroads: The Future of International Financial Reporting Standards (A)
By: Karthik Ramanna, Karol Misztal and Daniela Beyersdorfer
What are the major challenges to the continued growth of IFRS worldwide? Should countries be encouraged to pursue "full adoption" of IFRS or should each country determine its own IFRS "convergence" strategy? Given the limitations of governance and... View Details
Keywords: International Accounting; Emerging Markets; Financial Reporting; Global Strategy; Fair Value Accounting; Corporate Governance; Standards; Adoption; Growth and Development Strategy
Ramanna, Karthik, Karol Misztal, and Daniela Beyersdorfer. "The IASB at a Crossroads: The Future of International Financial Reporting Standards (A)." Harvard Business School Case 111-084, March 2011. (Revised March 2014.)
- 22 Aug 2024
- Research & Ideas
Reading the Financial Crisis Warning Signs: Credit Markets and the 'Red-Zone'
clarity. “Financial crises come out of periods of overheated credit markets.” Rachel Layne: Part of your research with HBS Professor Samuel Hanson explores market behavior, including examining the origin of financial crises. Where do... View Details
- September 2000
- Case
Japanese Financial Crisis and the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, The
By: Malcolm S. Salter and Andrew Eggers
Illustrates the failure of Japan's banking elite to adjust to new economic conditions. View Details
Salter, Malcolm S., and Andrew Eggers. "Japanese Financial Crisis and the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, The." Harvard Business School Case 801-039, September 2000.
- November 2016 (Revised March 2018)
- Case
Deutsche Bank: Structured Retail Products
By: Boris Vallée and Jérôme Lenhardt
Describes how Deutsche Bank, a leading European bank, is deciding whether or not to launch a new structured retail product in Germany: an autocallable note. Will this product find a market and how does it fit into the bank’s product portfolio? The case investigates how... View Details
Keywords: Structured Products; Structured Retail Products; Germany; Auto Callable Note; Financial Product; Financial Product Development; Financial Product Marketing; Financial Product Launch; Financial Product Positioning; Finance; Assets; Asset Pricing; Asset Management; Capital Markets; Financial Institutions; Banks and Banking; Commercial Banking; Financial Instruments; Annuities; Bonds; Stocks; Financial Management; Financial Markets; Financial Strategy; Interest Rates; Investment
Vallée, Boris, and Jérôme Lenhardt. "Deutsche Bank: Structured Retail Products." Harvard Business School Case 217-037, November 2016. (Revised March 2018.)
- October 2009 (Revised February 2010)
- Case
Merger of Equals: The Integration of Mellon Financial and The Bank of New York (A)
By: Ryan D. Taliaferro, Clayton S. Rose and David Lane
Less than a month after the close of the merger between The Bank of New York and Mellon Financial, managers at the two firms realized that plans for combining their asset servicing businesses—and realizing the $180 million of annual cost savings that they had promised... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Asset Management; Financial Institutions; Risk Management; Integration; Information Technology; Financial Services Industry
Taliaferro, Ryan D., Clayton S. Rose, and David Lane. "Merger of Equals: The Integration of Mellon Financial and The Bank of New York (A)." Harvard Business School Case 210-016, October 2009. (Revised February 2010.)
- October 2009 (Revised February 2010)
- Supplement
Merger of Equals: The Integration of Mellon Financial and The Bank of New York (B)
By: Ryan D. Taliaferro, Clayton S. Rose and David Lane
[Continuation of "A" case.] Less than a month after the close of the merger between The Bank of New York and Mellon Financial, managers at the two firms realized that plans for combining their asset servicing businesses – and realizing the $180 million of annual cost... View Details
Taliaferro, Ryan D., Clayton S. Rose, and David Lane. "Merger of Equals: The Integration of Mellon Financial and The Bank of New York (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 210-025, October 2009. (Revised February 2010.)
- 01 Mar 2015
- News
Remembering John Whitehead (MBA 1947)
John C. Whitehead (MBA 1947)—business leader, community collaborator, prominent philanthropist, education visionary—died February 7 at age 92. During a lauded career, Whitehead guided Goldman Sachs to the forefront of investment banking; served his country as deputy... View Details
Keywords: Social Enterprise Institute; Securities, Commodities, and Other Financial Investments; Securities, Commodities, and Other Financial Investments; Securities, Commodities, and Other Financial Investments; Securities, Commodities, and Other Financial Investments; Securities, Commodities, and Other Financial Investments
- January 2020 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
BlackRock: Linking Purpose to Profit
The case revolves around the actions that Barbara Novick, co-founder and Vice-Chair of Blackrock, and Michelle Edkins, Global Head of Investment Stewardship, would need to take in response to the controversial CEO letters from Laurence (Larry) Fink, Chairman and CEO of... View Details
Keywords: Boards Of Directors; Institutional Investors; Disclosure; Transparency; Corporate Purpose; Corporate Profits; ESG; ESG Disclosure Metrics; Corporate Sustainability; Engagement Strategy Of Institutions; Stewardship Role Of Institutions; BlackRock; Corporate Governance; Governing and Advisory Boards; Institutional Investing; Accounting; Corporate Disclosure; Mission and Purpose; Profit; Environmental Sustainability; Climate Change; Diversity; Corporate Accountability; Financial Services Industry; United States
Deshpandé, Rohit, Aiyesha Dey, and George Serafeim. "BlackRock: Linking Purpose to Profit." Harvard Business School Case 120-042, January 2020. (Revised July 2020.)
- March 2013
- Article
From Social Control to Financial Economics: The Linked Ecologies of Economics and Business in Twentieth Century America
By: Marion Fourcade and Rakesh Khurana
This article draws on historical material to examine the co-evolution of economic science and business education over the course of the twentieth century, showing that fields evolve not only through internal struggles but also through struggles taking place in adjacent... View Details
Keywords: Professions; Disciplines; Neo-Liberalism; Education; Economics; Finance; Society; United States
Fourcade, Marion, and Rakesh Khurana. "From Social Control to Financial Economics: The Linked Ecologies of Economics and Business in Twentieth Century America." Theory and Society 42, no. 2 (March 2013): 121–159.
- September 2009
- Article
Finance and Politics: A Review Essay Based on Kenneth Dam's Analysis of Legal Traditions in The Law-Growth Nexus
By: Mark J. Roe and Jordan I. Siegel
Strong financial markets are widely thought to propel economic development, with many in finance seeing legal tradition as fundamental to protecting investors sufficiently for finance to flourish. Kenneth Dam finds that the legal tradition view inaccurately portrays... View Details
Keywords: Financial Development; Economic Development; Kenneth Dam; Finance; Government and Politics; Information; Law
Roe, Mark J., and Jordan I. Siegel. "Finance and Politics: A Review Essay Based on Kenneth Dam's Analysis of Legal Traditions in The Law-Growth Nexus." Journal of Economic Literature 47, no. 3 (September 2009): 781–800. (Strong financial markets are widely thought to propel economic development, with many in finance seeing legal tradition as fundamental to protecting investors sufficiently for finance to flourish. Kenneth Dam finds that the legal tradition view inaccurately portrays how legal systems work, how laws developed historically, and how government power is allocated in the various legal traditions. Yet, after probing the legal origins' literature for inaccuracies, Dam does not deeply develop an alternative hypothesis to explain the world's differences in financial development. Nor does he challenge the origins core data, which could be origins' trump card. Hence, his analysis will not convince many economists, despite that his legal learning suggests conceptual and factual difficulties for the legal origins explanations. Yet, a dense political economy explanation is already out there and the origins-based data has unexplored weaknesses consistent with Dam's contentions. Knowing if the origins view is truly fundamental, flawed, or secondary is vital for financial development policy making because policymakers who believe it will pick policies that imitate what they think to be the core institutions of the preferred legal tradition. But if they have mistaken views, as Dam indicates they might, as to what the legal traditions' institutions really are and which types of laws are effective, or what is really most important to financial development, they will make policy mistakes—potentially serious ones.)
- October 2009
- Supplement
Merger of Equals: The Integration of Mellon Financial and The Bank of New York (C)
By: Ryan D. Taliaferro, Clayton S. Rose and David Lane
[Continuation of "A" and "B" cases.] Less than a month after the close of the merger between The Bank of New York and Mellon Financial, managers at the two firms realized that plans for combining their asset servicing businesses – and realizing the $180 million of... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Horizontal Integration; Financial Institutions; Business Processes; Risk Management; Strategy; Market Transactions; Assets; System; Saving; Banking Industry; New York (state, US)
Taliaferro, Ryan D., Clayton S. Rose, and David Lane. "Merger of Equals: The Integration of Mellon Financial and The Bank of New York (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 210-028, October 2009.
- November 2019
- Article
The Relevance of Broker Networks for Information Diffusion in the Stock Market
By: Marco Di Maggio, Francesco Franzoni, Amir Kermani and Carlo Sommavilla
This paper shows that the network of relationships between brokers and institutional investors shapes information diffusion in the stock market. We exploit trade-level data to show that central brokers gather information by executing informed trades, which is then... View Details
Keywords: Broker Networks; Institutional Investors; Asset Prices; Business and Shareholder Relations; Institutional Investing; Information; Knowledge Dissemination; Financial Markets; Asset Pricing
Di Maggio, Marco, Francesco Franzoni, Amir Kermani, and Carlo Sommavilla. "The Relevance of Broker Networks for Information Diffusion in the Stock Market." Journal of Financial Economics 134, no. 2 (November 2019): 419–446.
- 2000
- Chapter
Main Banks, Creditor Concentration, and the Resolution of Financial Distress in Japan
By: Brian J. Hall and David E. Weinstein
- September 2009
- Article
How to Fix Wall Street: Regulation Alone Can't Right the Financial System
By: Lynn S. Paine
Keywords: Stocks; Financial Institutions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Finance; System
Paine, Lynn S. "How to Fix Wall Street: Regulation Alone Can't Right the Financial System." HBS Alumni Bulletin (September 2009).
- 2021
- Working Paper
Nonbank Lending and Credit Cyclicality
By: Quirin Fleckenstein, Manasa Gopal, German Gutierrez and Sebastian Hillenbrand
We document three facts about nonbank lending in the syndicated loan market. First, nonbank lending is more than twice as cyclical as bank lending. Second, declines in nonbank lending explain most of the declines in syndicated lending during the Great Recession and... View Details
Keywords: Nonbank Lending; Credit Cycles; CLO; Mutual Funds; Leveraged Lending; COVID-19; Great Migration; Non-bank Financial Institutions; Financing and Loans; Business Cycles
Fleckenstein, Quirin, Manasa Gopal, German Gutierrez, and Sebastian Hillenbrand. "Nonbank Lending and Credit Cyclicality." Working Paper, June 2021.
- May 2020
- Case
Trust Merchant Bank
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, Pippa Tubman Armerding, Dilyana Karadzhova Botha and Salim Dewji
Trust Merchant Bank (TMB), a leading bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), needs to decide whether to enter the soon-to-be-liberalized insurance industry. Since its founding in 2004, TMB has played a pivotal role in reshaping the DRC banking landscape by... View Details
Keywords: Retail Banking; Financial Services; Financial Inclusion; Turnaround; Fintech; Banks and Banking; Financial Condition; Insurance; Corporate Strategy; Expansion; Business Model; Family Business; Entrepreneurship; Information Technology; Monopoly; Banking Industry; Insurance Industry; Africa; Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, Pippa Tubman Armerding, Dilyana Karadzhova Botha, and Salim Dewji. "Trust Merchant Bank." Harvard Business School Case 720-449, May 2020.
- 2011
- Chapter
Explaining the Loss of Community: Competing Logics and Institutional Change in the U.S. Banking Industry
By: Christopher Marquis, Zhi Huang and Juan Almandoz
Keywords: Banks and Banking; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Conflict and Resolution; Banking Industry; United States
Marquis, Christopher, Zhi Huang, and Juan Almandoz. "Explaining the Loss of Community: Competing Logics and Institutional Change in the U.S. Banking Industry." In Communities and Organizations. Vol. 33, edited by Christopher Marquis, Michael Lounsbury, and Royston Greenwood. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Emerald Group Publishing, 2011.
- September 1990
- Article
The Role of Banks in Reducing the Costs of Financial Distress in Japan
By: David S. Scharfstein, Takeo Hoshi and Anil Kashyap
Scharfstein, David S., Takeo Hoshi, and Anil Kashyap. "The Role of Banks in Reducing the Costs of Financial Distress in Japan." Journal of Financial Economics 27, no. 1 (September 1990): 67–88.
- March 2009
- Journal Article
Does Individual Performance Affect Entrepreneurial Mobility? Empirical Evidence from the Financial Analysis Market
By: Boris Groysberg, Ashish Nanda and M. Julia Prats
Our paper contributes to the studies on the relationship between workers' human capital and their decision to become self-employed as well as their probability to survive as entrepreneurs. Analysis from a panel data set of research analysts in investment banks over... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Investment Banking; Retention; Human Capital; Performance Effectiveness; Banking Industry
Groysberg, Boris, Ashish Nanda, and M. Julia Prats. "Does Individual Performance Affect Entrepreneurial Mobility? Empirical Evidence from the Financial Analysis Market." Journal of Financial Transformation 25 (March 2009): 95–106.