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- Faculty Publications (281)
- June 2002 (Revised August 2002)
- Case
WorldSpace: Digital Radio for the Developing World
By: Debora L. Spar
Describes the evolution of WorldSpace, the world's first major provider of digital radio service to the developing world. The brainchild of Noah Samara, an African-born, American-trained lawyer, WorldSpace has a dual commercial and social mission. Samara wants to... View Details
Keywords: Information; Social Entrepreneurship; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Developing Countries and Economies; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Asia; Latin America; Africa
Spar, Debora L., Allison Morhaim, and Bharesh Patel. "WorldSpace: Digital Radio for the Developing World." Harvard Business School Case 702-034, June 2002. (Revised August 2002.)
- April 2002 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
News Corporation
By: Bharat N. Anand and Kate Attea
In 2001, News Corp. is the smallest of the major media and entertainment conglomerates, but it has the broadest global presence. In an effort to establish a major distribution presence in the United States, News Corp. had looked to acquire DirecTV, the largest U.S.... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Business Conglomerates; Globalization; Distribution; Organizational Culture; Family Ownership; Competition; Consolidation; Corporate Strategy; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Journalism and News Industry; United States; Australia
Anand, Bharat N., and Kate Attea. "News Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 702-425, April 2002. (Revised June 2003.)
- March 2002 (Revised June 2005)
- Case
AOL Time Warner, Inc.
By: Stephen P. Bradley and Erin Sullivan
AOL Time Warner, which has been billed as the "first fully integrated media and communications company of the Internet Century," raises the fundamental question of how value will be created and captured by the merger of AOL and Time Warner. This case describes just how... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Internet and the Web; Value Creation; Organizational Culture; Consolidation; Change Management; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States
Bradley, Stephen P., and Erin Sullivan. "AOL Time Warner, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 702-421, March 2002. (Revised June 2005.)
- March 2002 (Revised November 2003)
- Case
Satellite Radio
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and Alastair Brown
In early 2002, XM and Sirius were fighting for control of the emerging U.S. market for satellite radio. Each company targeted consumers in automobiles, providing 100 channels of CD-quality audio for a monthly subscription fee of $10-$13. Wall Street analysts predicted... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Price; Risk and Uncertainty; Problems and Challenges; Network Effects; Partners and Partnerships; Information Technology; Business Model; Investment Return; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and Alastair Brown. "Satellite Radio." Harvard Business School Case 802-175, March 2002. (Revised November 2003.)
- January 2002 (Revised February 2002)
- Case
Valuing the AOL Time Warner Merger
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Rena Miller and John N Rei
On January 11, 2000, AOL and Time Warner announced their intention to merge, creating what AOL CEO Stephen Case and Time Warner CEO Gerald Levin called the 21st century's first fully integrated communications, media, and entertainment company. This case, prepared from... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Valuation; Situation or Environment; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., Rena Miller, and John N Rei. "Valuing the AOL Time Warner Merger." Harvard Business School Case 802-098, January 2002. (Revised February 2002.)
- November 2001 (Revised September 2002)
- Case
International Management Group (IMG)
By: Bharat N. Anand and Kate Attea
In 2001, International Management Group (IMG) is the dominant company in the sports management industry. Its founder and CEO, Mark McCormack, is credited with having created the industry of sports management in the early 1960s. Over the next 40 years, IMG's expansion... View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Finance; Organizational Structure; Planning; Relationships; Conflict of Interests; Competition; Corporate Strategy; Expansion; Sports Industry
Anand, Bharat N., and Kate Attea. "International Management Group (IMG)." Harvard Business School Case 702-409, November 2001. (Revised September 2002.)
- fall 2001
- Article
News Is Strategic in the Newspaper Business
By: Joseph L. Bower
Bower, Joseph L. "News Is Strategic in the Newspaper Business." The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University Nieman Reports 55, no. 3 (fall 2001): 82–83.
- May 2001 (Revised June 2001)
- Teaching Note
Reuters Greenhouse Fund TN
Teaching Note for (9-301-012). View Details
- May 2001 (Revised June 2002)
- Case
Frasier (A)
By: Guhan Subramanian and Michelle Kalka
In 2001, NBC entered into contract negotiations with Paramount Television Group to keep the hit show "Frasier" on the network. Paramount, the studio that produced the show, threatened to move "Frasier" to CBS, Paramount's sister network, if NBC did not agree to a... View Details
Subramanian, Guhan, and Michelle Kalka. "Frasier (A)." Harvard Business School Case 801-447, May 2001. (Revised June 2002.)
- April 2001 (Revised February 2002)
- Teaching Note
Radio One Inc. TN
Teaching Note for (9-201-025). View Details
- April 2001 (Revised August 2002)
- Case
Frasier (B)
By: Guhan Subramanian and Michelle Kalka
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Subramanian, Guhan, and Michelle Kalka. "Frasier (B)." Harvard Business School Case 801-448, April 2001. (Revised August 2002.)
- April 2001
- Teaching Note (A): NBC Incubates E-business TN
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Brooke Bartletta
Teaching Note for (9-300-090). View Details
- November 2000
- Case
Geocast Network Systems, Inc.
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann, Christina L. Darwall and Elizabeth Kind
Geocast, a venture-backed start-up, had developed innovative technology for "datacasting" broadband information and entertainment content to an external hard drive, where it was cached for later retrieval by a Web-enabled PC. By using terrestrial TV, direct broadcast... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Customer Value and Value Chain; Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Information Management; Technological Innovation; Marketing Channels; Corporate Strategy; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Web Services Industry
Eisenmann, Thomas R., Christina L. Darwall, and Elizabeth Kind. "Geocast Network Systems, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 801-211, November 2000.
- November 2000
- Case
Reuters Greenhouse Fund
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Daniel Galvin
Reuters Greenhouse Fund had successfully invested in a portfolio of 79 companies working in areas relevant to Reuters Group's strategic interests. It had itself facilitated a powerful network among the companies and become a respected global venture capital firm.... View Details
Keywords: Venture Capital; Investment; Investment Portfolio; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Financial Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Transition; Partners and Partnerships; Networks; Internet; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Daniel Galvin. "Reuters Greenhouse Fund." Harvard Business School Case 301-012, November 2000.
- September 2000 (Revised May 2003)
- Case
Radio One, Inc.
By: Richard S. Ruback and Pauline M Fischer
Radio One (NYSE: ROIA and RIOAK), the largest radio group targeting African-Americans in the country, had the opportunity to acquire 12 urban stations in the top 50 markets from Clear Channel Communications, Inc. (NYSE: CCU) in the winter of 2000. The stations were... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Valuation; Race; Mergers and Acquisitions; Financial Strategy; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Indiana; United States; North Carolina
Ruback, Richard S., and Pauline M Fischer. "Radio One, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 201-025, September 2000. (Revised May 2003.)
- September 2000 (Revised February 2001)
- Case
CBS MarketWatch
Larry Kramer, the chairman and CEO of, is faced with a dilemma. In April 2000, his company--a joint venture of CBS and Data Broadcasting Corp.--has emerged as the leading financial information and data provider online. Yet, because of the downturn in... View Details
Rayport, Jeffrey F., and Dickson Louie. "CBS MarketWatch." Harvard Business School Case 801-175, September 2000. (Revised February 2001.)
- June 2000 (Revised February 2003)
- Case
Must Zee TV
By: Bharat N. Anand and Tarun Khanna
Explores issues related to (1) the vertical boundaries of the firm in an emerging-economy context, especially the effects of lack of intellectual property rights and lack of contract enforcement on both industry structure and boundaries of the firm; and (2) the extent... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Developing Countries and Economies; Copyright; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Anand, Bharat N., and Tarun Khanna. "Must Zee TV." Harvard Business School Case 700-122, June 2000. (Revised February 2003.)
- Article
The Entrepreneurial M-Form: Strategic Integration in Global Media Firms
By: T. R. Eisenmann and J. L. Bower
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Strategy; Integration; Global Range; Business Ventures; Media; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Eisenmann, T. R., and J. L. Bower. "The Entrepreneurial M-Form: Strategic Integration in Global Media Firms." Organization Science 11, no. 3 (May–June 2000): 348–355.
- Article
The U.S. Cable Television Industry, 1948-1995: Managerial Capitalism in Eclipse
By: T. R. Eisenmann
Keywords: Management Systems; Television Entertainment; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States
Eisenmann, T. R. "The U.S. Cable Television Industry, 1948-1995: Managerial Capitalism in Eclipse." Business History Review 74, no. 1 (Spring 2000).
- December 1999 (Revised May 2002)
- Case
CNBC (A): NBC and Its Startup Friends
NBC expands further on to the Internet with NBC's Internet strategy, supported by corporate parent General Electric, involves numerous investments as well as new ventures like Soon after is launched in 1999, NBC brings in a new CEO, Pamela... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Change Management; Management Teams; Corporate Strategy; Leadership Development; Internet and the Web; Expansion; Media; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "CNBC (A): NBC and Its Startup Friends." Harvard Business School Case 300-090, December 1999. (Revised May 2002.)