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- All HBS Web
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- 18 Dec 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
Concentration Levels in the U.S. Advertising and Marketing Services Industry: Myth vs. Reality
- 2015
- Case
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Mike Critelli and Dossia Service Corporation
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Patricia Bissett Higgins
In 2010, Mark Critelli was a well-seasoned corporate executive who had recently transitioned from being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to that of a startup called Dossia. As an AL Fellow, he knew that despite believing in Dossia’s mission to empower individuals with... View Details
Keywords: Health And Wellness; Health Care; Health Care Education; Health Care Entrepreneurship; Health Care Industry; Health Care Investment; Health Care Outcomes; Health Care Quality; Health Care Reform; Health Care Services; Health Costs; Preventive Care; Insurance Companies; Insurance Industry; Employee Compensation; Empoylee Wellness Programs; Patient Reported Outcome Measures; Patient Satisfaction; Data; Data Analytics; Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Organizations; Entrepreneurial Ventures; Start-up; Leadership Skills; Disruptive Change; Health; Insurance; Employees; Leadership; Disruptive Innovation; Health Care and Treatment; Employment; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Information Technology; Analytics and Data Science; Health Industry; United States
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Patricia Bissett Higgins. "Advanced Leadership Pathways: Mike Critelli and Dossia Service Corporation." Harvard Business Publishing Case 316-053, 2015. (Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative.)
Jacob M. Cook
Jake Cook is a Lecturer of Business Administration in the Marketing Unit at Harvard Business School and an entrepreneur with a deep-seated passion for e-commerce, digital marketing, and AI.
As a Cofounder and CEO of... View Details
- October 2007 (Revised July 2013)
- Case
Vertex Pharmaceuticals and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: Venture Philanthropy Funding for Biotech
By: Robert F. Higgins, Sophie LaMontagne and Brent Kazan
In 2001, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated acquired the San Diego-based biotech company, Aurora Biosciences. The combination of Vertex's and Aurora's technologies would improve the flow of novel drug candidates into development. However, several questions related to... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy; Philanthropy Funding; Innovation; Funding Model; Venture Capital; Partners and Partnerships; Financing and Loans; Investment Funds; Acquisition; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; San Diego
Higgins, Robert F., Sophie LaMontagne, and Brent Kazan. "Vertex Pharmaceuticals and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: Venture Philanthropy Funding for Biotech." Harvard Business School Case 808-005, October 2007. (Revised July 2013.)
- 2013
- Working Paper
Visualizing and Measuring Enterprise Architecture: An Exploratory BioPharma Case
By: Robert Lagerstrom, Carliss Baldwin, Alan MacCormack and David Dreyfus
We test a method that was designed and used previously to reveal the hidden internal architectural structure of software systems. The focus of this paper is to test if it can also uncover new facts about the components and their relationships in an enterprise... View Details
Lagerstrom, Robert, Carliss Baldwin, Alan MacCormack, and David Dreyfus. "Visualizing and Measuring Enterprise Architecture: An Exploratory BioPharma Case." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-105, June 2013.
- 11 Apr 2023
- Research & Ideas
Is Amazon a Retailer, a Tech Firm, or a Media Company? How AI Can Help Investors Decide
estate company—they have a lot of buildings,” says MarcAntonio Awada, head of research and data science at the Digital, Data, and Design Institute at Harvard (D^3). For an... View Details
- 20 Jan 2011
- News
Tribes still matter
- 14 Nov 2019
- News
How migration makes the world brainier
- September 1988 (Revised December 1998)
- Case
Donner Co.
By: Roy D. Shapiro
The management of a small manufacturer of circuit boards faces a number of production and operations management problems. The first day on this case is used to analyze the production capacity of various stages in the process and to examine bottlenecks and key... View Details
Keywords: Information Management; Management; Management Practices and Processes; Production; Performance Capacity; Problems and Challenges; Semiconductor Industry
Shapiro, Roy D. "Donner Co." Harvard Business School Case 689-030, September 1988. (Revised December 1998.)
Philippe van der Beck
Philippe van der Beck is an Assistant Professor in the Finance Unit at Harvard Business School. He teaches the Finance I course in the MBA required curriculum. Philippe’s research interests are in empirical asset pricing, sustainable finance, and structural estimation.... View Details
- 2024
- Working Paper
Antitrust Platform Regulation and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China
By: Ke Rong, D. Daniel Sokol, Di Zhou and Feng Zhu
Many jurisdictions have launched antitrust enforcement and brought in regulation of large tech platforms. The swift and strict implementation of China’s Anti-Monopoly Guidelines for the Platform Economy (Platform Guidelines) provides a quasi-natural experiment... View Details
Keywords: Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Competition; Venture Capital; Market Entry and Exit; Supply and Industry; China
Rong, Ke, D. Daniel Sokol, Di Zhou, and Feng Zhu. "Antitrust Platform Regulation and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-039, January 2024.
- September 1999 (Revised October 2006)
- Case
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III and Diana S. Gardner
Greg Erman and Nancy Benovich-Gilby have assembled a team and selected a market for the launch of a high-potential venture based on using an Internet-based service to manage the flow of sales leads between principals and their distribution channel partners. Their... View Details
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and Diana S. Gardner. "MarketSoft." Harvard Business School Case 800-069, September 1999. (Revised October 2006.)
- 2023
- Working Paper
Debiasing Treatment Effect Estimation for Privacy-Protected Data: A Model Auditing and Calibration Approach
By: Ta-Wei Huang and Eva Ascarza
Data-driven targeted interventions have become a powerful tool for organizations to optimize business outcomes
by utilizing individual-level data from experiments. A key element of this process is the estimation
of Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATE), which... View Details
Huang, Ta-Wei, and Eva Ascarza. "Debiasing Treatment Effect Estimation for Privacy-Protected Data: A Model Auditing and Calibration Approach." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-034, December 2023.
- March 1993
- Case
Clarion Optical Co.
By: Michael J. Roberts and Howard H. Stevenson
Focuses on two individuals' attempts to purchase Clarion Optical Co. Forces students to consider alternative proposals for financing the purchase; generate pro forma cash flows to assess the feasibility of these proposals; estimate the sources and magnitude of... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Financing and Loans; Investment Return; Cash Flow; Forecasting and Prediction
Roberts, Michael J., and Howard H. Stevenson. "Clarion Optical Co." Harvard Business School Case 393-116, March 1993.
- 2018
- Working Paper
Global Portfolio Diversification for Long-Horizon Investors
By: Luis M. Viceira and Zixuan (Kevin) Wang
This paper conducts a theoretical and empirical investigation of global portfolio diversification for long-horizon investors in the presence of permanent cash flow shocks and transitory discount rate shocks to asset prices and returns. An increase in the cross-country... View Details
Keywords: Investment Portfolio; Risk and Uncertainty; Diversification; Capital Markets; Global Range
Viceira, Luis M., and Zixuan (Kevin) Wang. "Global Portfolio Diversification for Long-Horizon Investors." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-085, March 2017. (Revised July 2018.)
- March 2001
- Background Note
Extracting Information from the Futures and Forwards Markets: The Relation between Spot Prices, Forward Prices and Expected Future Spot Prices
Discounted cash flow valuation calls for using expected future prices of inputs or outputs. This case describes the relationship between spot prices, forward/future prices, and expected future prices. Knowing current forward and future prices alone is not enough to... View Details
Meulbroek, Lisa K. "Extracting Information from the Futures and Forwards Markets: The Relation between Spot Prices, Forward Prices and Expected Future Spot Prices." Harvard Business School Background Note 201-109, March 2001.
- September 1991 (Revised October 1991)
- Background Note
LIFO or FIFO? That Is the Question
By: William J. Bruns Jr.
Excerpts from annual reports of Blount, Inc., Penn Central Corp., and Quaker Oats. Shows changes in inventory valuation from FIFO to LIFO and LIFO to FIFO. Intended to promote a discussion of assumed cost flows through inventory accounts, accounting method changes, the... View Details
Keywords: Accounting
Bruns, William J., Jr. "LIFO or FIFO? That Is the Question." Harvard Business School Background Note 192-046, September 1991. (Revised October 1991.)
- February 1992 (Revised July 1992)
- Background Note
Note on Cross-Border Valuation
By: W. Carl Kester and Julia Morley
Provides a fundamental technical review of valuation techniques used to assess cross-border investments. Discusses the discounting of free cash flows with a weighted average cost of capital, the use of adjusted present value, and the importance of considering real... View Details
Kester, W. Carl, and Julia Morley. "Note on Cross-Border Valuation." Harvard Business School Background Note 292-084, February 1992. (Revised July 1992.)
- Research Summary
Time Varying Expected Returns, Stochastic Dividend Yields, and Default Probabilities: Linking the Credit Risk and Equity Literature (with George Chacko and Jens Hilscher)
In standard structural bond pricing models, the firm defaults once the market value of assets has fallen below a threshold. Expected returns, or at least dividend yields, are assumed to be constant, which implies that any asset value movement is permanent and has the... View Details
Chiara Farronato
Chiara Farronato is Glenn and Mary Jane Creamer Associate Professor of Business Administration in the Technology and Operations Management Unit at Harvard Business School, and co-Principal Investigator of the Platform Lab at the Digital... View Details