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- Faculty Publications (2,159)
- October 1986 (Revised November 1988)
- Case
B-W Footwear
By: David B. Yoffie
As import penetration into the American footwear market reached 81% in 1986, B-W Footwear, along with all of its American competitors, was struggling. Supply lines were deteriorating, retailers and importers were gaining power, and the government had rejected two... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Management; Globalization; Government and Politics; Business Strategy; Trade; Apparel and Accessories Industry; United States
Yoffie, David B. "B-W Footwear." Harvard Business School Case 387-022, October 1986. (Revised November 1988.)
- August 1986 (Revised June 1987)
- Case
Lotus Development Corporation: Entering International Markets
By: David B. Yoffie and John J. Coleman
Lotus 1-2-3 exploded on the American market in the spring of 1983. Nine months later Jim Manzi, vice president of marketing, hired Chuck Digate to develop an international strategy for Lotus. Case explores Lotus' rapid rise to the top of the software market in the... View Details
Keywords: Market Entry and Exit; Applications and Software; Global Strategy; Management Teams; Information Technology Industry; United States
Yoffie, David B., and John J. Coleman. "Lotus Development Corporation: Entering International Markets." Harvard Business School Case 387-034, August 1986. (Revised June 1987.)
- July 1986 (Revised April 1989)
- Background Note
Note on Sources of Comparative Advantage
By: David B. Yoffie and John J. Coleman
After Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin's propositions about the sources of comparative advantage were empirically challenged by Wassily Leontief, scholars set out to explain the "Leontief paradox" by developing alternative theories on the sources of comparative... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Advantage
Yoffie, David B., and John J. Coleman. "Note on Sources of Comparative Advantage." Harvard Business School Background Note 387-024, July 1986. (Revised April 1989.)
- April 1985
- Case
SEEQ Technology--1984
By: Kim B. Clark
Examines a decision about product and process technology facing a small, three-year old semiconductor company. The company must decide between pursuing a well-defined technology (N-MOS) with significant short-term advantages or an advanced technology (CMOS) that has... View Details
- January 1985 (Revised February 1997)
- Case
Lotus Development Corp.
Contains a description of the history and venture capital financing of Lotus Development. Focuses on issues related to the possible terms of investment in Lotus by a major venture capital firm. The pedagogic objectives in the case are: to explore the elements of the... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Venture Capital; Organizational Structure; Entrepreneurship; Financing and Loans; Outcome or Result; Corporate Finance; Planning; Computer Industry
Sahlman, William A. "Lotus Development Corp." Harvard Business School Case 285-094, January 1985. (Revised February 1997.)
- April 1984
- Background Note
Export Controls
By: David B. Yoffie
Explores the problems and opportunities associated with export controls--one of the most widely used tools of international trade policy in the 1970s and early 1980s; and the role of the United States and Soviet Union as major players in the international economy.... View Details
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Problems and Challenges; Opportunities; Soviet Union; United States
Yoffie, David B. "Export Controls." Harvard Business School Background Note 384-008, April 1984.
- November 1983 (Revised October 1988)
- Case
Canon Inc.: Worldwide Copier Strategy
Describes Canon's worldwide strategy in the copier business. Designed to be used to explore strategy formulation in a worldwide industry, and the principles of international competition. View Details
Keywords: Values and Beliefs; Global Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Manufacturing Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Canon Inc.: Worldwide Copier Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 384-151, November 1983. (Revised October 1988.)
- September 1983 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
Allen Lane
By: Howard H. Stevenson and Michael J. Roberts
Describes Allen Lane's search for a business to buy. The case explores several failed attempts and the ethical, business, and tax issues that surround the acquisition business. Ends with a description of a new acquisition candidate, an independent valuation report of... View Details
Stevenson, Howard H., and Michael J. Roberts. "Allen Lane." Harvard Business School Case 384-077, September 1983. (Revised May 1999.)
- December 1982 (Revised July 1985)
- Case
Kennedy and the Balance of Payments
By: David B. Yoffie
In 1960, the United States was facing a balance of payments problem. Gold reserves were being drained, American products were losing competitiveness, and the dollar was under attack. This case analyzes the roots of this problem, provides an opportunity to discuss in... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Accounting; Macroeconomics; Money; Currency; Trade; United States
Yoffie, David B. "Kennedy and the Balance of Payments." Harvard Business School Case 383-073, December 1982. (Revised July 1985.)
- January 1981 (Revised June 1993)
- Background Note
Note on Why Employees Join Unions
By: Michael Beer
Provides some answers to the question of why employees join unions. Summarizes recent data on workers' perceptions of unions: their power and instrumentality. Also explores the special situation of white collar workers. View Details
Beer, Michael. "Note on Why Employees Join Unions." Harvard Business School Background Note 481-121, January 1981. (Revised June 1993.)
- 01 Nov 1979
- Conference Presentation
Exploring the Relationship Between Fantasy and Creativity
By: M. L. Stubbs and Teresa M. Amabile
Keywords: Creativity
- 1978
- Article
An Incentive Compatible Planning Procedure for Public Good Production
By: Jerry R. Green and Jean-Jacques Laffont
It is only recently that economic theorists have faced the fact that the proposed allocation mechanisms in economies with public goods might have bad incentive properties. In this paper we introduce a new planning procedure such that truthful revelation of the marginal... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Jean-Jacques Laffont. "An Incentive Compatible Planning Procedure for Public Good Production." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 80, no. 1 (1978): 20–33.
- Article
Optimal Capital-Gains Taxation under Limited Information
By: Jerry R. Green and Eytan Sheshinski
Taxation of capital gains at realization may distort individuals' decisions regarding holding or selling during an asset's lifetime. This creates the problem of designing a tax structure for capital gains so as to induce efficient patterns of holding and selling.... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Eytan Sheshinski. "Optimal Capital-Gains Taxation under Limited Information." Journal of Political Economy 86, no. 6 (December 1978): 1143–1158.
- October 1976 (Revised February 1987)
- Case
Cramer Electronics, Inc.
Designed to be the second day of a two-day series on the electronic component distribution industry, following a day spent discussing Note on the Electronic Component Distribution Industry and Raytheon Co.: Diversification. The important teaching themes which this case... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Innovation Strategy; Management Style; Resource Allocation; Opportunities; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Distribution Industry; Electronics Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Cramer Electronics, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 377-063, October 1976. (Revised February 1987.)
- October 1976 (Revised May 1985)
- Case
Raytheon Co.: Diversification
Centers on the question of whether Raytheon should enter the electronic component distribution industry in the context of its broad diversification approach and acquisition criteria. This industry represents a vertical integration area for Raytheon, so the analytical... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Policy; Market Entry and Exit; Distribution; Diversification; Vertical Integration; Distribution Industry; Electronics Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Raytheon Co.: Diversification." Harvard Business School Case 377-055, October 1976. (Revised May 1985.)
- 1975
- Article
Women and the Structure of Organizations: Explorations in Theory and Behavior
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "Women and the Structure of Organizations: Explorations in Theory and Behavior." Sociological Inquiry 45, nos. 2-3 (1975). (Also in Another Voice, edited by M. Millman and R.M. Kanter. N.Y.: Doubleday Anchor, 1975; Reprintings include: The Management of Libraries: Basic Readings, edited by B.P. Lynch. Neil Schuman, 1985; The Sociology of Organizations: Basic Studies, edited by O. Grusky and G.A. Miller (Rev. ed.) N.Y.: Free Press, 1980;.)
- Research Summary
By: Ashish Nanda
Ashish Nanda's research focuses on ethics and economics of managing
professional service firms.
Nanda is working on a project that studies how management of conflict of interest influences professional identity, the role of professional associations, and the... View Details
- Research Summary
(formerly Leonard-Barton) Creating and Exploiting Knowledge-Based Assets
For the past decade, Dorothy Leonard's research has focused on how companies develop and exploit strategically advantageous knowledge assets. In her 1995 book Wellsprings of Knowledge (HBS Press), she identified and described in depth, activities that create and... View Details
- Research Summary
A History of Green Entrepreneurship
This research recovers the history of the entrepreneurs and firms who developed green or “sustainable” businesses, identifies the multiple motivations behind their strategies, explores the clustering of green business in specific locations, and shows how the concept of... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Advanced Management Program: Transforming Proven Leaders into Global Executives
As the world economy continues to evolve, so do the requirements for global leadership. The Advanced Management Program (AMP) is a powerful, transformational, and personalized learning experience that explores the best management practices... View Details