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- Faculty Publications (195)
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- July 1999 (Revised December 2005)
- Case
Quickturn Design Systems, Inc. (G)
By: Jay W. Lorsch and Katharina Pick
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Patents; Governing and Advisory Boards; Behavior; Lawsuits and Litigation; Organizations; Acquisition; Corporate Governance; Service Industry
Lorsch, Jay W., and Katharina Pick. "Quickturn Design Systems, Inc. (G)." Harvard Business School Case 400-012, July 1999. (Revised December 2005.)
- November 1998 (Revised December 1998)
- Case
Jeanne Lewis at Staples, Inc. (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Kristin Doughty
Jeanne Lewis, after six years with Staples, Inc., is promoted to senior vice president of marketing. She is to work for fifteen months alongside her predecessor, a legacy in the organization, "learning the ropes" before he moves on. This case is set nine months after... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Management Style; Change Management; Marketing Strategy; Management Succession; Competitive Advantage; Problems and Challenges; Management Teams; Retail Industry; United States
Hill, Linda A., and Kristin Doughty. "Jeanne Lewis at Staples, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 499-041, November 1998. (Revised December 1998.)
- June 1998 (Revised December 2006)
- Case
Clear Communications Ltd. vs. Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Ltd. (A)
By: Willis M. Emmons III and Martin Calles
Features the challenges facing an entrant in the New Zealand telecommunications market during the period 1989-1994. Clear Communications Ltd. (CCL), a joint venture owned by Bell Canada, MCI, New Zealand Television Corp., and Todd Companies, begins offering long... View Details
Keywords: Market Entry and Exit; Competition; Emerging Markets; Privatization; Monopoly; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Corporate Strategy; Business or Company Management; Expansion; Law; Telecommunications Industry; New Zealand
Emmons, Willis M., III, and Martin Calles. "Clear Communications Ltd. vs. Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Ltd. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 798-085, June 1998. (Revised December 2006.)
- April 1995
- Teaching Note
EMC Corporation: Response to Shareholder Litigation (Case Series) TN
By: Josh Lerner
Teaching Note for (9-294-070) and (9-294-071). View Details
- January 1995 (Revised November 1995)
- Case
Candela Laser vs. Cynosure, Inc.
By: Josh Lerner and Benjamin Conway
Summarizes the lawsuit by Candela Laser against its former CEO and founder, who has begun a competing firm. The extent of patent and trade secret protection are crucial issues. View Details
Lerner, Josh, and Benjamin Conway. "Candela Laser vs. Cynosure, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 295-097, January 1995. (Revised November 1995.)
- November 1994
- Case
Dow Corning and the Breast Implant Controversy (A)
By: Willis M. Emmons III, Monica Brand and Greg Keller
In early 1994, Dow Corning Corp. debates whether to participate in a proposed $4.2 billion product liability settlement. Specifically, the firm must decide whether to contribute $2 billion to end a class action suit filed by women suffering from connective tissue... View Details
Keywords: Safety; Ethics; Health Disorders; Government Legislation; Crime and Corruption; Legal Liability; Risk and Uncertainty; Business Strategy; Communication Strategy; Lawsuits and Litigation; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III, Monica Brand, and Greg Keller. "Dow Corning and the Breast Implant Controversy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 795-047, November 1994.
- January 1994 (Revised April 1995)
- Case
EMC Corporation: Response to Shareholder Litigation (A)
By: Josh Lerner
EMC Corp. is the target of a shareholder class-action lawsuit for the second time. CEO, Richard Egan, must decide whether to settle the case, as is done in 96% of such cases and as EMC itself did previously, or fight the action. View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Lawsuits and Litigation; Going Public; Management Teams; Business and Shareholder Relations; Technology Industry; United States
Lerner, Josh. "EMC Corporation: Response to Shareholder Litigation (A)." Harvard Business School Case 294-070, January 1994. (Revised April 1995.)
- January 1994 (Revised April 1994)
- Case
EMC Corporation: Response to Shareholder Litigation (B)
By: Josh Lerner
Reports EMC's decision concerning the second shareholder class-action suit and its implications. Legislative efforts to reform securities litigation are also discussed. View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Lawsuits and Litigation; Going Public; Policy; Management Teams; Business and Shareholder Relations; Technology Industry; United States
Lerner, Josh. "EMC Corporation: Response to Shareholder Litigation (B)." Harvard Business School Case 294-071, January 1994. (Revised April 1994.)
- December 1993 (Revised September 2003)
- Supplement
Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation (D)
By: Lynn S. Paine
Prosecutors in the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Consumer Litigation reflect on their case against the Beech-Nut Nutrition Corp. View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Lawsuits and Litigation; Management; Family Ownership; Cognition and Thinking; Food and Beverage Industry
Paine, Lynn S. "Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation (D)." Harvard Business School Supplement 394-105, December 1993. (Revised September 2003.)
- January 1992 (Revised August 1992)
- Case
Lexon Corp. (B)
By: Lynn S. Paine
Lexon Corp. lawyers must decide how to respond to two lawsuits challenging the company's interception of electronic mail on privacy grounds. They must also formulate a company policy on e-mail. One suit was filed by an employee dismissed from her job after asking that... View Details
Keywords: Information; Rights; Managerial Roles; Interpersonal Communication; Employee Relationship Management; Ethics; Lawsuits and Litigation; Computer Industry; California
Paine, Lynn S. "Lexon Corp. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 392-072, January 1992. (Revised August 1992.)
- October 1990 (Revised April 1994)
- Case
CGE vs. Dowpont
By: David E. Bell
Keywords: Lawsuits and Litigation
Bell, David E. "CGE vs. Dowpont." Harvard Business School Case 191-089, October 1990. (Revised April 1994.)
- June 1989 (Revised May 1993)
- Supplement
Rossin Greenberg Seronick & Hill, Inc. (C)
By: John A. Quelch
Teaching objectives: 1) to consider legal and other obligations advertising agencies owe to their clients, 2) to show how aggressive marketing can lead to allegations of misconduct, 3) to explore conflicts of interest which may arise for professional service companies... View Details
Keywords: Conflict of Interests; Ethics; Lawsuits and Litigation; Marketing; Advertising; Advertising Industry; New England
Quelch, John A. "Rossin Greenberg Seronick & Hill, Inc. (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 589-126, June 1989. (Revised May 1993.)
- 1978
- Chapter
Medical Malpractice and the Propensity to Litigate
By: Jerry R. Green
Green, Jerry R. "Medical Malpractice and the Propensity to Litigate." In The Economics of Medical Malpractice, edited by S. Rottenberg. Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1978.
- Forthcoming
- Article
In the Red: Overdrafts, Payday Lending and the Underbanked
By: Marco Di Maggio, Angela Ma and Emily Williams
The reordering of transactions from “high-to-low” is a controversial bank practice thought to maximize fees paid by low-income customers on overdrawn accounts. We exploit multiple class-action lawsuits resulting in mandatory changes to this practice, coupled with... View Details
- Teaching Interest
By: John F. Batter
As as Senior Lecturer I teach the EC course Law, Management and Entrepreneurship (cross-listed in the General Management and Entrepreneurial Management Units) in both the Fall and Spring semesters. While I have retired from my public and private company litigation... View Details
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