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- Faculty Publications (595)
- July 2018
- Article
Reimagining Health Data Exchange: An Application Programming Interface-Enabled Roadmap for India
By: Satchit Balsari, Alexander Fortenko MD, MPH, Joaquin A. Blaya PhD, Adrian Gropper MD, Malavika Jayaram LLM, Rahul Matthan LLM, Ram Sahasranam, Mark Shankar MD, Suptendra N. Sarbadhikari PhD, Barbara Bierer, Kenneth D. Mandl MD, Sanjay Mehendale MD, MPH and Tarun Khanna
In February 2018, the Government of India announced a massive public health insurance scheme extending coverage to 500 million citizens, in effect making it the world’s largest insurance program. To meet this target, the government will rely on technology to... View Details
Keywords: Health Information Exchange; India; Health APIs; Health Care and Treatment; Information; Analytics and Data Science; Information Technology; Health Industry; India
Balsari, Satchit, Alexander Fortenko MD, MPH, Joaquin A. Blaya PhD, Adrian Gropper MD, Malavika Jayaram LLM, Rahul Matthan LLM, Ram Sahasranam, Mark Shankar MD, Suptendra N. Sarbadhikari PhD, Barbara Bierer, Kenneth D. Mandl MD, Sanjay Mehendale MD, MPH, and Tarun Khanna. "Reimagining Health Data Exchange: An Application Programming Interface-Enabled Roadmap for India." Journal of Medical Internet Research 20, no. 7 (July 2018).
- June 2018 (Revised November 2018)
- Case
Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn: The Power of Writing to Launch and Sustain a Movement
By: Julie Battilana, Lakshmi Ramarajan and Michael Norris
In 2018, New York Times writer Nicholas Kristof and his wife, former Times writer Sheryl WuDunn (HBS ’86) who worked in finance, were planning for their next book. The couple’s earlier books had given rise to social movements around gender equity and poverty issues.... View Details
Keywords: Social Movement; Gender Equality; Writing; Social Issues; Gender; Equality and Inequality; Poverty; Books; Change; Leadership
Battilana, Julie, Lakshmi Ramarajan, and Michael Norris. "Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn: The Power of Writing to Launch and Sustain a Movement." Harvard Business School Case 418-004, June 2018. (Revised November 2018.)
- Summer 2018
- Article
CSR Needs CPR: Corporate Sustainability and Politics
By: Thomas Lyon, Magali A. Delmas, John W. Maxwell, Pratima Bansal, Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline, Patricia Crifo, Rodolphe Durand, Jean-Pascal Gond, Andrew King, Michael Lenox, Michael W. Toffel, David Vogel and Frank Wijen
Corporate sustainability has gone mainstream, and many companies have taken meaningful steps to improve their own environmental performance. But while corporate political actions such as lobbying can have a greater impact on environmental quality, they are ignored in... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Communication; Policy; Business and Government Relations
Lyon, Thomas, Magali A. Delmas, John W. Maxwell, Pratima Bansal, Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline, Patricia Crifo, Rodolphe Durand, Jean-Pascal Gond, Andrew King, Michael Lenox, Michael W. Toffel, David Vogel, and Frank Wijen. "CSR Needs CPR: Corporate Sustainability and Politics." California Management Review 60, no. 4 (Summer 2018): 5–24.
- May 2018
- Case
Harvest City: The Intelligent Procurement System Project
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Ramiro Montealegre
The Harvest City case describes the implementation of a cloud- and IoT-based intelligent procurement system at a new convention complex in the U.S. Midwest. The decision to build a convention complex is a strategic initiative for this city and involves extensive use of... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Projects; Management; Decision Making; Business and Government Relations; Information Technology Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Ramiro Montealegre. "Harvest City: The Intelligent Procurement System Project." Harvard Business School Brief Case 918-507, May 2018.
- May 2018
- Article
Effects of an Information Sharing System on Employee Creativity, Engagement, and Performance
By: Shelley Xin Li and Tatiana Sandino
Many service organizations rely on information sharing systems to boost employee creativity to meet customer needs. We conducted a field experiment in a retail chain, based on a registered report accepted by Journal of Accounting Research, to test whether an... View Details
Li, Shelley Xin, and Tatiana Sandino. "Effects of an Information Sharing System on Employee Creativity, Engagement, and Performance." Journal of Accounting Research 56, no. 2 (May 2018): 713–747.
- April 2018
- Case
Cisco Systems and OpenDNS: Strategic Integration
By: Andy Wu, George Gonzalez and David Wang
With more than 72,000 employees and revenues approaching the $50B mark, Cisco Systems is one of the largest information technology and networking firms globally. As the company grew and expanded into different lines of businesses, Cisco consistently looked outwards for... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Integration; Corporate Strategy; Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Organizational Culture; Information Technology Industry
Wu, Andy, George Gonzalez, and David Wang. "Cisco Systems and OpenDNS: Strategic Integration." Harvard Business School Case 718-489, April 2018.
- November 2021
- Article
Gaussian Process Subset Scanning for Anomalous Pattern Detection in Non-iid Data
By: William Herlands, Edward McFowland III, Andrew Gordon Wilson and Daniel B. Neill
Identifying anomalous patterns in real-world data is essential for understanding where, when, and how systems deviate from their expected dynamics. Yet methods that separately consider the anomalousness of each individual data point have low detection power for subtle,... View Details
Herlands, William, Edward McFowland III, Andrew Gordon Wilson, and Daniel B. Neill. "Gaussian Process Subset Scanning for Anomalous Pattern Detection in Non-iid Data." Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) 84 (2018): 425–434. (Also presented at the 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2018.)
- March 2018
- Teaching Note
Twine Health
By: Robert S. Huckman and Ariel D. Stern
In late 2014, Dr. John Moore (CEO), Frank Moss (chairman), and Scott Gilroy (CTO) of Twine Health (Twine) had to resolve several challenges that threatened to restrict the widespread dissemination of its sole product, Twine. Twine was a cloud-based platform that... View Details
- January 2018 (Revised May 2018)
- Case
AT&T: Managing Technological Change and the Future of Telephone Operators in the 20th Century
By: Daniel P. Gross and William R. Kerr
By the 1930s, AT&T dominated the American phone industry, serving 10 million telephones and employing over 100,000 switchboard operators. But beginning in the mid-1910s, the company began changing from manually operated switchboards to mechanical switching systems that... View Details
Keywords: AT&T; Bell Telephone; Phone Lines; Phone Operators; Mechanical Switching; Layoffs; Technological Change; Transition; History; Innovation and Invention; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Disruption; Change Management; Communications Industry; Telecommunications Industry; United States
Gross, Daniel P., and William R. Kerr. "AT&T: Managing Technological Change and the Future of Telephone Operators in the 20th Century." Harvard Business School Case 718-486, January 2018. (Revised May 2018.)
- January–February 2018
- Article
Inclusive Growth: Profitable Strategies for Tackling Poverty and Inequality
By: Robert S. Kaplan, George Serafeim and Eduardo Tugendhat
More than a billion people in the developing world remain in extreme poverty and outside the formal economy. Traditional CSR programs have done little to alleviate the situation and rarely produce transformative change.
Instead of trying to fix local problems,... View Details
Instead of trying to fix local problems,... View Details
Keywords: Inclusive Growth; Sustainability; Social Impact; Business Strategy; Shared Value; Impact Investing; Inequality; Corporate Governance; Balanced Scorecard; Strategy Execution; Economic Growth; Developing Countries and Economies; Poverty; Equality and Inequality; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Strategy; Investment
Kaplan, Robert S., George Serafeim, and Eduardo Tugendhat. "Inclusive Growth: Profitable Strategies for Tackling Poverty and Inequality." Harvard Business Review 96, no. 1 (January–February 2018): 127–133.
- Article
Your Visual System Provides All the Information You Need to Make Moral Judgments about Generic Visual Events
By: Julian De Freitas and George A. Alvarez
To what extent are people's moral judgments susceptible to subtle factors of which they are unaware? Here we show that we can change people’s moral judgments outside of their awareness by subtly biasing perceived causality. Specifically, we used subtle visual... View Details
De Freitas, Julian, and George A. Alvarez. "Your Visual System Provides All the Information You Need to Make Moral Judgments about Generic Visual Events." Cognition 178 (September 2018): 133–146.
- November 2017 (Revised September 2020)
- Supplement
Miami's Tech Future (C): Reaching Another Miami
The effects of Miami’s startup scene have not reached many “left-behind” lower-income Black communities, which are disproportionately affected by problems such as segregation and racial discrimination, lack of transportation access, crime, education quality, government... View Details
Keywords: Technology; Change; Transformation; Progress; Scaling; Startup; Community Engagement; Community Impact; Community Relations; Future; Income Inequality; Business; Change Management; Business Startups; Information Technology; Diversity; Race; Equality and Inequality; Social Issues; Business and Community Relations; Miami; Florida
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. "Miami's Tech Future (C): Reaching Another Miami." Harvard Business School Supplement 318-035, November 2017. (Revised September 2020.)
- Article
An Invitation to Market Design
By: Scott Duke Kominers, Alexander Teytelboym and Vincent P. Crawford
Market design seeks to translate economic theory and analysis into practical solutions to real-world problems. By redesigning both the rules that guide market transactions and the infrastructure that enables those transactions to take place, market designers can... View Details
Keywords: Matching; Trading; Scrip; Liquidity; Efficiency; Equity; Allocation Rules; Marketplaces; Market Design; Marketplace Matching; Auctions
Kominers, Scott Duke, Alexander Teytelboym, and Vincent P. Crawford. "An Invitation to Market Design." Oxford Review of Economic Policy 33, no. 4 (Winter 2017): 541–571.
- Article
The IT Transformation Health Care Needs
By: Nikhil R. Sahni, Robert S. Huckman, Anuraag Chigurupati and David M. Cutler
In recent years, health care organizations have made sizable investments in information technology. They’ve used their IT systems to replace paper records with electronic ones and to improve billing processes, thereby boosting revenue. But so far, IT has been of little... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Information Technology; Performance Improvement; Business Model
Sahni, Nikhil R., Robert S. Huckman, Anuraag Chigurupati, and David M. Cutler. "The IT Transformation Health Care Needs." Harvard Business Review 95, no. 6 (November–December 2017): 128–136.
- Article
"Troll" Check? A Proposal for Administrative Review of Patent Litigation
By: Lauren Cohen, John Golden, Umit Gurun and Scott Duke Kominers
The patent system is commonly justified as a way to promote social welfare and, more specifically, technological progress. For years, however, there has been concern that patent litigation is undermining, rather than furthering, these goals. Particularly in the United... View Details
Cohen, Lauren, John Golden, Umit Gurun, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Troll" Check? A Proposal for Administrative Review of Patent Litigation. Boston University Law Review 97, no. 5 (October 2017): 1775–1841.
- 2017
- Book
Extreme Teaming: Lessons in Complex, Cross-Sector Leadership
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Jean-François Harvey
Today's global enterprises increasingly involve collaborative work by teams of experts operating across different professions, organizations, and industries. Extreme Teaming provides new insights into the world of complex, cross-industry projects and the ways... View Details
Edmondson, Amy C., and Jean-François Harvey. Extreme Teaming: Lessons in Complex, Cross-Sector Leadership. Emerald Group Publishing, 2017.
- September 2017 (Revised March 2018)
- Case
Great Lakes Banking Group: Data Management
By: Shane Greenstein and Christine Snively
In May 2016, Michael Rechtin, an expert in international data center law, advised global financial services firm Great Lakes Banking Group (GLBG) on its plans to upgrade its data centers. The bank’s data processing and storage systems were in need of an update, and... View Details
Greenstein, Shane, and Christine Snively. "Great Lakes Banking Group: Data Management." Harvard Business School Case 618-021, September 2017. (Revised March 2018.)
- September 19, 2017
- Article
After Equifax Breach, Companies Advised to Review Open-Source Software Code
By: Ben DiPietro and Lou Shipley
It doesn’t make much sense: At a time when high-powered automated trading systems can execute stock sales in real time, some companies that rely on open-source software to help to run their businesses track their open-source use on spread sheets on paper.
Lou... View Details
Lou... View Details
Keywords: Software; Open-source; Security Vulnerabilities; Data Privacy; Hack; Applications and Software; Safety; Cybersecurity
DiPietro, Ben, and Lou Shipley. "After Equifax Breach, Companies Advised to Review Open-Source Software Code." Wall Street Journal (September 19, 2017).
- September 2017 (Revised July 2018)
- Case
CyberArk: Protecting the Keys to the IT Kingdom
By: Raffaella Sadun, David Yoffie and Margot Eiran
CyberArk was the recognized leader in the Privileged Account Management (PAM) space, a cybersecurity subsegment it had essentially created to secure organizations’ IT systems and sensitive data. Over 17 years, the Israeli company had grown to a market capitalization of... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Organizational Culture; Competitive Advantage; Information Technology; Cybersecurity; Information Technology Industry; Israel; United States
Sadun, Raffaella, David Yoffie, and Margot Eiran. "CyberArk: Protecting the Keys to the IT Kingdom." Harvard Business School Case 718-418, September 2017. (Revised July 2018.)
- August 2017
- Case
Data-driven Manufacturing: The Kutesmart System
By: Willy Shih and Nancy Hua Dai
The data-driven manufacturing system at this Chinese bespoke mens' suit manufacturer illustrates the use of information technology to support mass customization in a largely manual production environment. It contrasts sharply with some of the Industrie 4.0... View Details
Keywords: Manufacturing; Garment Manufacturing; Mass Customization; Data-driven Management; Data-driven Manufacturing; Operations; Production; Product; Customization and Personalization; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Manufacturing Industry; China
Shih, Willy, and Nancy Hua Dai. "Data-driven Manufacturing: The Kutesmart System." Harvard Business School Case 618-005, August 2017.