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- All HBS Web
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- 29 Sep 2008
- Research & Ideas
How Economics May Lead to Better Football Games
several weeks before the regular season had even ended. The 1990–1991 postseason was particularly dire: Premature matching led, predictably, to games that left undecided the pressing question of which team was best. Faced with these View Details
- November – December 2011
- Article
Explaining Influence Rents: The Case for an Institutions-Based View of Strategy
By: Gautam Ahuja and Sai Yayavaram
Research in strategy has identified and tried to explain four types of rents: monopolistic rents, efficiency rents, quasi rents, and Schumpeterian rents. Building on previous work on political and institutional strategies, we add a fifth type of rent: influence rents.... View Details
Keywords: Institutions; Influence Rents; Generic Strategies; Strategy; Organizations; Renting or Rental; Economics
Ahuja, Gautam, and Sai Yayavaram. "Explaining Influence Rents: The Case for an Institutions-Based View of Strategy." Organization Science 22, no. 6 (November–December 2011): 1631–1652.
- Web
The New Role for Government & NGOs - Institute For Strategy And Competitiveness
kind works against it and even makes tradeoffs between economic and social goals inevitable. Traditional Roles New Roles Philanthropists Donate to charitable causes Partner with companies and NGOs to catalyze shared value initiatives NGOs... View Details
- Web
Behavioral Economics for Managerial Decision Making - Course Catalog
and other data to guide managerial decisions. Students will learn how to use psychological, sociological, and economic research, and a thoughtful approach to data, to structure organizational or View Details
- 2013
- Working Paper
Entrepreneurs, Firms and Global Wealth since 1850
By: G. Jones
This working paper integrates the role of entrepreneurship and firms into debates on why Asia, Latin America and Africa were slow to catch up with the West following the Industrial Revolution and the advent of modern economic growth. It argues that the currently... View Details
Keywords: Institutional Change; Political Economy; Emerging Economies; Developing Countries; Industrial Development; Culture; Human Capital; Economic History; History; Wealth and Poverty; Business History; Emerging Markets; Globalization; Developing Countries and Economies; Manufacturing Industry; Mining Industry; Service Industry; Latin America; Asia; North and Central America; Africa; South America; Europe
Jones, G. "Entrepreneurs, Firms and Global Wealth since 1850." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-076, March 2013.
- 28 Jun 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
Leviathan in Business: Varieties of State Capitalism and their Implications for Economic Performance
Keywords: by Aldo Musacchio & Sergio G. Lazzarini
- 18 Nov 2020
- News
Networking Goes Truly Global; Confronting Institutional Racism with Case Method Webinar
to recent political and economic shifts or part of a deeper social and cultural history? What can be done to address this crisis in our criminal justice system? The HBS Association of Boston (HBSAB), in partnership with the HBS... View Details
Keywords: Margie Kelley
- 2006
- Chapter
The Social Dimensions of Entrepreneurship
By: Amir Licht and Jordan I. Siegel
Schumpeter's canonical depiction of the entrepreneur as an agent of social and economic change implies that entrepreneurs are especially sensitive to the social environment. We use an organizing framework based on institutional economics, in combination with lessons... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Social Institutions; Culture; Law; Social Networks; Reputation; Social Entrepreneurship; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact
Licht, Amir, and Jordan I. Siegel. "The Social Dimensions of Entrepreneurship." In Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship, edited by Mark Casson, Bernard Yeung, Anuradha Basu, and Nigel Wadeson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
- 1989
- Book
Planning and Power in Iran: Ebtehaj and Economic Development under the Shah
By: Geoffrey Jones
This book provides a biography of Abol Hassan Ebtehaj, who headed Iran's central bank and Plan Organization during the 1940s and 1950s. It provides a wide-ranging survey of the problems of modernization and economic planning in Iran. Ebtehaj was at the center of... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Decision Making; Economics; Central Banking; Policy; Political History; Resignation and Termination; Biography; Books; Surveys; Growth and Development Strategy; Planning; Iran
Jones, Geoffrey. Planning and Power in Iran: Ebtehaj and Economic Development under the Shah. London: Frank Cass, 1989.
- 28 Nov 2023
- Book
Economic Growth Draws Companies to Asia. Can They Handle Its Authoritarian Regimes?
authoritarian regime organizes its institutions or informal practices to serve the productive interests of business, and mutual endangerment, whereby economic elites and political elites are mutually... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- November 2005 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
Nestle's Milk District Model: Economic Development for a Value-Added Food Chain and Improved Nutrition
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Kerry Herman
Nestle is the largest milk firm in the world. For over a century, it has developed a milk model procurement program that improved the well-being of the small-scale farmer and the ultimate consumer. Can it partner with other firms and institutions to make even greater... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Value Creation; Programs; Partners and Partnerships; Food and Beverage Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Kerry Herman. "Nestle's Milk District Model: Economic Development for a Value-Added Food Chain and Improved Nutrition." Harvard Business School Case 906-406, November 2005. (Revised March 2006.)
- 27 Sep 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
How Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Economic Growth? Exploring the Effects of Financial Markets on Linkages
- Web
Democratizing development: Inequality in Latin America | Institute for Business in Global Society
on investing, innovating, and creating wealth. Recently, however, there has been a growing call for business leaders to take a more active role in creating an economic system that works for everyone. In November 2023, the View Details
- November 2002
- Article
Who Underreacts to Cash-Flow News? Evidence from Trading between Individuals and Institutions
By: Randolph B. Cohen, Paul A. Gompers and Tuomo Vuolteenaho
Cohen, Randolph B., Paul A. Gompers, and Tuomo Vuolteenaho. "Who Underreacts to Cash-Flow News? Evidence from Trading between Individuals and Institutions." Special Issue on Limits to Arbitrage Journal of Financial Economics 66, nos. 2-3 (November 2002): 409–462. (Was NBER Working Paper 8793.)
- 2018
- Book
A Crisis of Beliefs: Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility
By: Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer
The collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 caught markets and regulators by surprise. Although the government rushed to rescue other financial institutions from a similar fate after Lehman, it could not prevent the deepest recession in postwar history. A... View Details
Keywords: Financial Fragility; Economic Risk; Investor Behavior; Behavioral Economics; Financial Crisis; Risk and Uncertainty; Financial Markets; Investment; Values and Beliefs; United States
Gennaioli, Nicola, and Andrei Shleifer. A Crisis of Beliefs: Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility. Princeton University Press, 2018.
- Web
Improving the Local & Regional Business Environment - Institute For Strategy And Competitiveness
improvements in the local business environment in the regions in which they have major operations. Factors affecting the local business environment —discussed in more detail in Michael Porter’s work on economic development—include the... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Heath Economics, Course and Research Seminar
Instructor, Pasteur Institute CNAM School of Public Health (Paris, France).View Details
Postgraduate Masters, Course EGS230.
Keywords: Health Economics
- March 2013
- Article
From Social Control to Financial Economics: The Linked Ecologies of Economics and Business in Twentieth Century America
By: Marion Fourcade and Rakesh Khurana
This article draws on historical material to examine the co-evolution of economic science and business education over the course of the twentieth century, showing that fields evolve not only through internal struggles but also through struggles taking place in adjacent... View Details
Keywords: Professions; Disciplines; Neo-Liberalism; Education; Economics; Finance; Society; United States
Fourcade, Marion, and Rakesh Khurana. "From Social Control to Financial Economics: The Linked Ecologies of Economics and Business in Twentieth Century America." Theory and Society 42, no. 2 (March 2013): 121–159.
- September 2011
- Article
Political Instability: Effects on Financial Development, Roots in the Severity of Economic Inequality
By: Mark J. Roe and Jordan I. Siegel
We here bring forward strong evidence that political instability impedes financial development, with its variation a primary determinant of differences in financial development around the world. As such, it needs to be added to the short list of major determinants of... View Details
Keywords: Financial Development; Political Instability; Government and Politics; Finance; Growth and Development; Economics; Equality and Inequality
Roe, Mark J., and Jordan I. Siegel. "Political Instability: Effects on Financial Development, Roots in the Severity of Economic Inequality." Journal of Comparative Economics 39, no. 3 (September 2011): 279–309. (We here bring forward strong evidence that political instability impedes financial development, with its variation a primary determinant of differences in financial development around the world. As such, it needs to be added to the short list of major determinants of financial development. First, structural conditions first postulated by
Engerman and Sokoloff (2002) as generating long-term inequality are shown here empirically to be exogenous determinants of political instability. Second, that exogenously-determined political instability in turn holds back financial development, even when we control for factors prominent in the last decade's cross-country studies of
financial development. The findings indicate that inequality-perpetuating conditions that result in political instability are fundamental roadblocks for international organizations like the World Bank that seek to promote financial development. The evidence here includes country fixed effect regressions and an instrumental model inspired by Engerman and Sokoloff's (2002) work, which to our knowledge has not yet been used in finance and which is consistent with current tests as valid instruments. Four conventional measures of national political instability — Alesina and Perotti's (1996) well-known index of instability, a subsequent index derived from Banks' (2005) work,
and two indices of managerial perceptions of nation-by-nation political instability — persistently predict a wide range of national financial development outcomes for recent decades. Political instability's significance is time consistent in cross-sectional regressions back to the 1960's, the period when the key data becomes available, robust
in both country fixed-effects and instrumental variable regressions, and consistent across multiple measures of instability and of financial development. Overall, the results indicate the existence of an important channel running from structural inequality to political instability, principally in nondemocratic settings, and then to financial
backwardness. The robust significance of that channel extends existing work demonstrating the importance of political economy explanations for financial development and financial backwardness. It should help to better understand which policies will work for financial development, because political instability has causes, cures, and effects quite distinct from those of many of the key institutions most studied in the past decade as explaining financial backwardness.)
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Helping and harnessing business to address society’s greatest challenges. | Institute for Business in Global Society
chains, create inclusive organizations, expand economic mobility, and explore new governance models—all while spurring economic growth. Seeking reliable guidance, many look to academia for impartial,... View Details