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- October 2015
- Case
DPDHL Group: Employee Safety and Wellbeing
By: John A. Quelch and Carin-Isabel Knoop
Management at Deutsche Post DHL Group is designing a three-country test of investment in a new health and wellbeing strategy. View Details
Keywords: Health; Wellbeing; Wellness; Safety; Risk; Employees; Human Resources; Risk Management; Service Industry; China; Mexico; Middle East
Quelch, John A., and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "DPDHL Group: Employee Safety and Wellbeing." Harvard Business School Case 516-049, October 2015.
- Article
Time Use and Happiness of Millionaires: Evidence from the Netherlands
By: Paul Smeets, A.V. Whillans, Rene Bekkers and Michael I. Norton
How do the very wealthy spend their time, and how does time use relate to well-being? In two studies in the Netherlands, the affluent (N=863, N=690) and the general population (N=1232, N=306) spent time in surprisingly similar ways, such as by spending the same amount... View Details
Keywords: Time And Wellbeing; Millionaires; Social Class; Wealth; Happiness; Demographics; Netherlands
Smeets, Paul, A.V. Whillans, Rene Bekkers, and Michael I. Norton. "Time Use and Happiness of Millionaires: Evidence from the Netherlands." Social Psychological & Personality Science 11, no. 3 (April 2020): 295–307.
- 2018
- Chapter
Time, Money, and Subjective Wellbeing
By: Cassie Mogilner, A.V. Whillans and Michael I. Norton
Time and money are scarce and precious resources: people experience stress about having insufficient time and worry about having insufficient money. This chapter reviews research showing that the ways in which people spend their time and money, the tradeoffs that... View Details
Mogilner, Cassie, A.V. Whillans, and Michael I. Norton. "Time, Money, and Subjective Wellbeing." In Handbook of Well-Being, edited by Ed Diener, Shigehiro Oishi, and Louis Tay. Noba Scholar Handbook Series. Salt Lake City: DEF Publishers, 2018. Electronic.
- 03 Sep 2024
- News
AI and Wellbeing
- November–December 2018
- Article
Slack Time and Innovation
By: Ajay Agrawal, Christian Catalini, Avi Goldfarb and Hong Luo
Traditional innovation models assume that new ideas are developed up to the point where the benefit of the marginal project is just equal to the cost. Because labor is a key input to innovation when the opportunity cost of time is lower, such as during school breaks or... View Details
Agrawal, Ajay, Christian Catalini, Avi Goldfarb, and Hong Luo. "Slack Time and Innovation." Organization Science 29, no. 6 (November–December 2018): 1056–1073.
- October 2020
- Article
Why Time Poverty Matters for Individuals, Organisations, and Nations
By: Laura Giurge, Ashley V. Whillans and Colin West
Over the last two decades, global wealth has risen. Yet, material affluence has not translated into time affluence. Instead, most people today report feeling persistently “time poor”—like they have too many things to do and not enough time to do them. This is critical... View Details
Giurge, Laura, Ashley V. Whillans, and Colin West. "Why Time Poverty Matters for Individuals, Organisations, and Nations." Nature Human Behaviour 4, no. 10 (October 2020): 993–1003. (Shared Authorship.)
- 01 Dec 2012
- News
Taking Time to Make Time
hours. How does that hurt productivity? The most obvious answer is that there is a negative financial incentive to solving problems quickly and efficiently. Hourly billing is a deeply ingrained model of measuring work, but it comes from a... View Details
Keywords: Time management
- October 2012
- Article
Giving Time Gives You Time
By: Cassie Mogilner, Zoe Chance and Michael I. Norton
Four experiments reveal a counterintuitive solution to the common problem of feeling that one does not have enough time: giving some of it away. Although people's objective amount of time cannot be increased (there are only 24 hours in a day), this research... View Details
Keywords: Time Perception; Well-being; Volunteering; Prosocial Behavior; Helping; Time Management; Welfare
Mogilner, Cassie, Zoe Chance, and Michael I. Norton. "Giving Time Gives You Time." Psychological Science 23, no. 10 (October 2012): 1233–1238.
- 08 Mar 2022
- News
France Telecom: Corporate Restructuring and Employee Wellbeing
- August 2019 (Revised September 2019)
- Teaching Note
Legal Time Case
By: Christine L. Exley, Katherine B. Coffman and Joshua Schwartzstein
Legal Time is a two-party dynamic negotiation simulation. Students take the role of either the prosecution or the defense in a case that centers on a client who has been accused of spear-heading a conspiracy to commit wire fraud. This conflict-resolution scenario gives... View Details
Keywords: Conflict Resolution; Time Stress; Negotiation; Conflict and Resolution; Fairness; Learning
- August 8, 2017
- Article
Buying Time Promotes Happiness
By: A.V. Whillans, Elizabeth W. Dunn, Paul Smeets, Rene Bekkers and Michael I. Norton
Around the world, increases in wealth have produced an unintended consequence: a rising sense of time scarcity. We provide evidence that using money to buy time can provide a buffer against this time famine, thereby promoting happiness. Using large, diverse samples... View Details
Whillans, A.V., Elizabeth W. Dunn, Paul Smeets, Rene Bekkers, and Michael I. Norton. "Buying Time Promotes Happiness." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, no. 32 (August 8, 2017): 8523–8527.
- August 2019
- Case
Legal Time Case
By: Christine L. Exley, Katherine B. Coffman and Joshua Schwartzstein
Legal Time is a two-party dynamic negotiation simulation. Students take the role of either the prosecution or the defense in a case that centers on a client who has been accused of spear-heading a conspiracy to commit wire fraud. This conflict-resolution scenario gives... View Details
Keywords: Conflict Resolution; Time Stress; Negotiation; Conflict and Resolution; Fairness; Learning
Exley, Christine L., Katherine B. Coffman, and Joshua Schwartzstein. "Legal Time Case." Harvard Business School Case 920-010, August 2019.
- Article
Making Seconds Count: When Valuing Time Promotes Subjective Well-being
By: Alice Lee-Yoon and A.V. Whillans
Time is a finite and precious resource, and the way that we value our time can critically shape happiness. In this article, we present a conceptual framework to explain when valuing time can enhance vs. undermine well-being. Specifically, we review the emotional... View Details
Lee-Yoon, Alice, and A.V. Whillans. "Making Seconds Count: When Valuing Time Promotes Subjective Well-being." Current Opinion in Psychology 26 (April 2019): 54–57.
- September 2023
- Article
Measuring Time Use in Rural India: Design and Validation of a Low-Cost Survey Module
By: Erica Field, Rohini Pande, Natalia Rigol, Simone Schaner, Elena Stacy and Charity Troyer Moore
Time use data can help us understand individual labor supply choices, especially
for women who often provide unpaid care and home production. Although
enumerator-assisted diary-based time use data collection is suitable for
low-literacy populations, it is costly and... View Details
Field, Erica, Rohini Pande, Natalia Rigol, Simone Schaner, Elena Stacy, and Charity Troyer Moore. "Measuring Time Use in Rural India: Design and Validation of a Low-Cost Survey Module." Journal of Development Economics 164 (September 2023): 103105.
- October 2023 (Revised April 2024)
- Case
ghSMART & Co: Building and Scaling a Time Smart Firm
By: Ashley Whillans and Sara Coronel Rodriguez
"For ghSMART, freedom is the first principle from which all good things flow”—Geoff Smart, Chairman and Founder, ghSMART. ghSMART was a leadership advisory firm that was grounded in the principle of freedom. Talented Consultants and Partners could work remotely from... View Details
Keywords: Time; Consulting Firms; Time Management; Talent and Talent Management; Employee Relationship Management; Innovation Strategy; Knowledge Sharing; Organizational Culture; Going Public; Partners and Partnerships; Expansion; Reputation
Whillans, Ashley, and Sara Coronel Rodriguez. "ghSMART & Co: Building and Scaling a Time Smart Firm." Harvard Business School Case 924-009, October 2023. (Revised April 2024.)
- 15 Jun 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
Slack Time and Innovation
- January 2017
- Case
Where Should Pat Gelsinger's Time Go?
By: Raffaella Sadun
Pat Gelsinger, CEO of VMware, is deciding how to structure the firm presence in cloud computing. He can pursue the opportunity in multiple ways: doubling down the investments in an internal and nascent cloud offering, partnering with established third parties, or... View Details
Sadun, Raffaella. "Where Should Pat Gelsinger's Time Go?" Harvard Business School Case 717-408, January 2017.
- 18 Nov 2020
- Podcast
WWT: IT innovation rooted in diversity and employee wellbeing
Corporate social responsibility and commitment to a local workforce can go hand-in-hand with profitability. World Wide Technology in St. Louis is managing to thrive while dealing head-on with the pandemic and social and racial issues. One of the largest minority-owned... View Details
- 2021
- Working Paper
Time Dependence and Preference: Implications for Compensation Structure and Shift Scheduling
By: Doug J. Chung, Byungyeon Kim and Byoung G. Park
This study jointly examines agents’ time dependence—period effects within instantaneous utility—and time preference—behavior on discounting future utility. The study considers the start- and end-of-period effects for time dependence and exponential and hyperbolic... View Details
Keywords: Time Preferences; Present Bias; Hyperbolic Discounting; Compensation; Dynamic Structural Models; Identification; Time Management; Motivation and Incentives; Behavior; Performance; Compensation and Benefits
Chung, Doug J., Byungyeon Kim, and Byoung G. Park. "Time Dependence and Preference: Implications for Compensation Structure and Shift Scheduling." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-121, April 2021.
- September 2019
- Supplement
Legal Time Case – Video Short 1
By: Christine L Exley, Katherine B. Coffman and Joshua Schwartzstein
Legal Time is a two-party dynamic negotiation simulation. Students take the role of either the prosecution or the defense in a case that centers on a client who has been accused of spear-heading a conspiracy to commit wire fraud. This conflict-resolution scenario gives... View Details
Keywords: Conflict Resolution; Time Stress; Negotiation; Conflict and Resolution; Fairness; Learning
Exley, Christine L., Katherine B. Coffman, and Joshua Schwartzstein. "Legal Time Case – Video Short 1." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 920-703, September 2019.