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- 2018
- Other Teaching and Training Material
Financial Accounting Reading: Liabilities
By: Suraj Srinivasan
Core Curriculum Readings in Financial Accounting cover the fundamental concepts in financial accounting. Many readings include videos and Interactive Illustrations to help students master complex concepts.
This is a standalone reading designed to enhance... View Details
This is a standalone reading designed to enhance... View Details
Srinivasan, Suraj. "Financial Accounting Reading: Liabilities." Core Curriculum Readings Series. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing 5079, 2018.
- May 2022
- Article
When Does Product Liability Risk Chill Innovation? Evidence from Medical Implants
By: Alberto Galasso and Hong Luo
Liability laws designed to compensate for harms caused by defective products may also affect innovation. We examine this issue by exploiting a major quasi-exogenous increase in liability risk faced by U.S. suppliers of polymers used to manufacture medical implants.... View Details
Keywords: Product Liability; Innovation; Tort; Medical Devices; Vertical Foreclosure; Product; Innovation and Invention; Legal Liability; Laws and Statutes; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Galasso, Alberto, and Hong Luo. "When Does Product Liability Risk Chill Innovation? Evidence from Medical Implants." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 14, no. 2 (May 2022): 366–401.
- September 1992 (Revised September 2004)
- Background Note
Liabilities and Time
By: William J. Bruns Jr.
An introduction to accounting for liabilities. Both current liabilities and long-term debts are described, and illustrations of bond interest calculations and financial reporting formats are included. View Details
Bruns, William J., Jr. "Liabilities and Time." Harvard Business School Background Note 193-051, September 1992. (Revised September 2004.)
- August 2000 (Revised November 2001)
- Background Note
Liability Reporting
By: Paul M. Healy and Preeti Choudhary
By examining key criteria for recognizing a liability, this case explores liability recognition in straightforward situations and then examines the most difficult reporting issues in recording liabilities. These often arise when: 1) uncertainty arises about whether an... View Details
Keywords: Financial Reporting; Legal Liability; Valuation; Problems and Challenges; Accounting Industry
Healy, Paul M., and Preeti Choudhary. "Liability Reporting." Harvard Business School Background Note 101-016, August 2000. (Revised November 2001.)
- January 1998 (Revised August 2010)
- Background Note
Limited Liability Companies
By: Henry B. Reiling
As of early 1998, virtually all U.S. states had adopted legislation permitting the organization of limited liability companies. This note describes this new type of entity and the reason why it has become so popular. View Details
Reiling, Henry B. "Limited Liability Companies." Harvard Business School Background Note 298-097, January 1998. (Revised August 2010.)
- Article
Liability Structure in Small-Scale Finance
By: Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro and Bilal Zia
Microfinance, the provision of small individual and business loans, has experienced dramatic growth, reaching over 150 million borrowers worldwide. Much of the success of microfinance has been attributed to attempts to overcome the challenges of information asymmetries... View Details
Keywords: Microfinance; Emerging Markets; Financial Markets; Legal Liability; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry; India
Carpena, Fenella, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, and Bilal Zia. "Liability Structure in Small-Scale Finance." World Bank Economic Review 27, no. 3 (2013): 437–469.
- May 1995
- Background Note
Note on Product Liability
By: Willis M. Emmons III, Monica Brand and Greg Keller
This note provides an overview to the evolution and current state of product liability law in the United States. View Details
Keywords: Goods and Commodities; Legal Liability; Safety; Product Marketing; Business Strategy; Policy; Government and Politics; United States
Emmons, Willis M., III, Monica Brand, and Greg Keller. "Note on Product Liability." Harvard Business School Background Note 795-049, May 1995.
- September 2004 (Revised April 2005)
- Background Note
Note on Individual and Corporate Liability
By: Lynn S. Paine
Answers some of the most common questions managers ask about potential corporate and individual liability for corporate misconduct under U.S. law. Describes a few general principles of liability that managers should be aware of. A rewritten version of an earlier note. View Details
Paine, Lynn S. "Note on Individual and Corporate Liability." Harvard Business School Background Note 305-049, September 2004. (Revised April 2005.)
- February 1994 (Revised August 1994)
- Background Note
Note on Contingent Environmental Liabilities
Addresses contingent environmental liabilities that are the result of unforeseen environmental risks where the dollar amount of such liabilities is unknown and depends on future events. In contrast, fines for violating environmental laws are liabilities, but are not... View Details
Keywords: Legal Liability; Risk Management; Natural Environment; Laws and Statutes; Pollutants; Governance Compliance; United States
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Forest L. Reinhardt. "Note on Contingent Environmental Liabilities." Harvard Business School Background Note 794-098, February 1994. (Revised August 1994.)
- October 2001
- Exercise
Liability Problems
By: Robert S. Kaplan
This case provides three examples of the recognition and measurement of liabilities. The first focuses on recognizing when employees have rendered services for which future period benefits have been earned, that is, whether unused vacation, sick, and personal days at... View Details
Keywords: Cash; Annuities; Interest Rates; Compensation and Benefits; Employees; Wages; Problems and Challenges; Value
Kaplan, Robert S. "Liability Problems." Harvard Business School Exercise 102-035, October 2001.
- June 1982 (Revised June 1985)
- Background Note
Note on Liabilities
Dearden, John. "Note on Liabilities." Harvard Business School Background Note 182-272, June 1982. (Revised June 1985.)
- March 1993 (Revised July 2008)
- Case
Liability Management at General Motors
By: Peter Tufano
An analyst at General Motors charged with managing the structure of the automaker's debt must decide whether and how to modify the interest rate exposure of the firm's most recent debt offering. The analyst must take into consideration GM's liability management policy... View Details
Keywords: Borrowing and Debt; Capital Structure; Financial Management; Interest Rates; Risk Management; Auto Industry; North America
Tufano, Peter. "Liability Management at General Motors." Harvard Business School Case 293-123, March 1993. (Revised July 2008.)
- Article
The Changing Landscape of Auditors' Liability
By: Colleen Honigsberg, Shivaram Rajgopal and Suraj Srinivasan
We provide a comprehensive overview of shareholder litigation against auditors since the passage of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA). The number of lawsuits per year has declined, dismissals have increased, and settlements in recent years have... View Details
Keywords: Auditor Litigation; Tellabs; Section 10(b); Section 11; Audit Quality; Janus; PSLRA; Class-action Litigation; Accounting Audits; Lawsuits and Litigation; Legal Liability
Honigsberg, Colleen, Shivaram Rajgopal, and Suraj Srinivasan. "The Changing Landscape of Auditors' Liability." Journal of Law & Economics 63, no. 2 (May 2020): 367–410.
- Article
On the Optimal Structure of Liability Laws
By: Jerry R. Green
We consider the control of tvo-party accidents through the use of liability rules that assign damages according to whether or not predetermined standards for care have been met. Particular emphasis is given to how the differential in the costs of accident avoidance... View Details
Green, Jerry R. "On the Optimal Structure of Liability Laws." Bell Journal of Economics 7, no. 2 (Fall 1976): 553–574.
- August 1985
- Case
Bob Malott and Product Liability Law Reform
Robert Malott, Chairman and CEO of FMC, must decide whether or not to continue his work on product liability law reform, an issue on which he has worked for almost 10 years. Malott must decide how extensive his own involvement should be and what arguments he can or... View Details
Keywords: Management; Decision Choices and Conditions; Personal Development and Career; Legal Liability
Weinberg, Martha W. "Bob Malott and Product Liability Law Reform." Harvard Business School Case 386-014, August 1985.
- Forthcoming
- Article
Public Perception and Autonomous Vehicle Liability
By: Julian De Freitas, Xilin Zhou, Margherita Atzei, Shoshana Boardman and Luigi Di Lillo
The deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs) and the accompanying societal and economic benefits will greatly depend on how much liability AV firms will have to carry for accidents involving these vehicles, which in turn impacts their insurability and associated... View Details
De Freitas, Julian, Xilin Zhou, Margherita Atzei, Shoshana Boardman, and Luigi Di Lillo. "Public Perception and Autonomous Vehicle Liability." Journal of Consumer Psychology (forthcoming). (Pre-published online January 12, 2025.)
- July 2020 (Revised September 2020)
- Exercise
Accounting for Liabilities at Tesla
By: Paul Healy and Marshal Herrmann
Healy, Paul, and Marshal Herrmann. "Accounting for Liabilities at Tesla." Harvard Business School Exercise 121-010, July 2020. (Revised September 2020.)
- December 2019 (Revised November 2023)
- Background Note
Legal Analysis: Insider Trading Liability
By: Trevor Fetter, Eugene F. Soltes and Grant Wahlquist
There are numerous restrictions against trading on material, nonpublic information (MNPI)—typically called “insider trading.” This note describes the limitations facing managers and investors as enforced civilly and criminally within the United States. View Details
Fetter, Trevor, Eugene F. Soltes, and Grant Wahlquist. "Legal Analysis: Insider Trading Liability." Harvard Business School Background Note 320-080, December 2019. (Revised November 2023.)
- July 2009
- Teaching Note
Kim Park (B): Liabilities (TN)
By: David F. Hawkins, Gregory Miller and V.G. Narayanan
Teaching Note for [110018]. View Details
Keywords: Accounting