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- All HBS Web (79)
- Faculty Publications (31)
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- All HBS Web (79)
- Faculty Publications (31)
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- 2024
- Working Paper
Consumer Inertia and Market Power
By: Alexander MacKay and Marc Remer
We study the pricing decisions of firms in the presence of consumer inertia. Inertia, which can arise from habit formation, brand loyalty, and switching costs, generates dynamic pricing incentives. These incentives mediate the impact of competition on market power in... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Inertia; Market Power; Dynamic Competition; Demand Estimation; Consumer Behavior; Markets; Performance; Competition; Price
MacKay, Alexander, and Marc Remer. "Consumer Inertia and Market Power." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-111, April 2019. (Revised January 2024. Direct download.)
- 10 May 2019
- Working Paper Summaries
Consumer Inertia and Market Power
Keywords: by Alexander MacKay and Marc Remer
- 01 Dec 2008
- News
Lack of Energy: The Problem of Human Inertia
Energy Future’s timeliness underscores another key “energy” problem: America’s inability to get its energy act into gear. “Cognitive, organizational, and political barriers — which are all interconnected — must be surmounted if we are to solve our energy problems,”... View Details
- Article
Inertia and Incentives: Bridging Organizational Economics and Organizational Competence
By: Rebecca M. Henderson and Sarah Kaplan
Henderson, Rebecca M., and Sarah Kaplan. "Inertia and Incentives: Bridging Organizational Economics and Organizational Competence." Organization Science 16, no. 5 (September–October 2005): 509–521.
- June 2020
- Article
Start-up Inertia versus Flexibility: The Role of Founder Identity in a Nascent Industry
By: Tiona Zuzul and Mary Tripsas
Through an inductive, comparative study of four early entrants in the nascent air taxi market, we examine why start-ups, generally characterized as flexible, malleable entities, might instead exhibit inertial behavior. While two of the firms engaged in ongoing... View Details
Keywords: Founder Identity; Nascent Industries; Entrepreneurship; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Identity
Zuzul, Tiona, and Mary Tripsas. "Start-up Inertia versus Flexibility: The Role of Founder Identity in a Nascent Industry." Administrative Science Quarterly 65, no. 2 (June 2020): 395–433.
- 31 Oct 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
Technology, Identity, and Inertia through the Lens of ‘The Digital Photography Company’
- 2008
- Working Paper
Technology, Identity, and Inertia through the Lens of 'The Digital Photography Company'
Tripsas, Mary. "Technology, Identity, and Inertia through the Lens of 'The Digital Photography Company'." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-042, September 2008.
- June 2020
- Article
Lazy Prices
By: Lauren Cohen, Christopher J. Malloy and Quoc Nguyen
We explore the implications of a subtle "default" choice that firms make in their regular reporting practices, namely that firms typically repeat what they most recently reported. Using the complete history of regular quarterly and annual filings by U.S. corporations... View Details
Keywords: Default Behavior; Inertia; Firms; Disclosure; Information; Business or Company Management; Behavior; Annual Reports; Corporate Disclosure; Financial Reporting; United States
Cohen, Lauren, Christopher J. Malloy, and Quoc Nguyen. "Lazy Prices." Journal of Finance 75, no. 3 (June 2020): 1371–1415. (Winner of the First Prize, Chicago Quantitative Alliance Academic Paper Competition, 2016. Winner of the Jack Treynor Prize for superior work in the field of investment management and financial markets, sponsored by the Q-Group,The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance, 2016. Winner of the Hillcrest Behavioral Finance Prize, 2016.)
- Article
Frame Flexibility: The Role of Cognitive and Emotional Framing in Innovation Adoption by Incumbent Firms
By: Ryan Raffaelli, Mary Ann Glynn and Michael Tushman
Why do incumbent firms frequently reject nonincremental innovations? Beyond technical, structural, or economic factors, we propose an additional factor: the degree of the top management team's (TMT) frame flexibility, i.e., their capability to cognitively expand an... View Details
Keywords: Innovation Adoption; Cognition; Framing; Emotional Resonance; Incumbent Inertia; Innovation and Invention; Technology Adoption; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management
Raffaelli, Ryan, Mary Ann Glynn, and Michael Tushman. "Frame Flexibility: The Role of Cognitive and Emotional Framing in Innovation Adoption by Incumbent Firms." Strategic Management Journal 40, no. 7 (July 2019): 1013–1039.
- March 1992 (Revised February 1995)
- Supplement
Introduction of FM Radio (B): FM Takes to the Air
Illustrates organizational and industry-wide inertia to a change that threatens the status quo. Also reinforces the message that those most willing to encourage change are either the proponents of change or those who are locked out from the existing system. View Details
Dhebar, Anirudh S. "Introduction of FM Radio (B): FM Takes to the Air." Harvard Business School Supplement 592-093, March 1992. (Revised February 1995.)
- 26 Apr 2015
- News
Investors’ climate change ‘gamble’ exposed
- 02 Oct 2015
- Working Paper Summaries
Gradualism in Monetary-Policy: A Time Consistency Problem?
- 07 Jun 2017
- News
ExxonMobil’s Shareholder Vote Is a Tipping Point for Climate Issues
- May 2014
- Case
Gunfire at Sea (multi-media case)
By: Michael Tushman and Tom Ryder
This short video illustrates the challenges of leading innovation and change. This classic case (one of the oldest in the HBS system) retains its timeliness. The case describes how Lt. Sims develops a new form of gunfire at sea—continuous aim gunfire. While 3,000% more... View Details
Keywords: Organization Behavior; Change; Innovation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leading Change; Innovation Leadership; United States
Tushman, Michael, and Tom Ryder. "Gunfire at Sea (multi-media case)." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 414-707, May 2014.
- 2019
- Working Paper
Understanding and Overcoming Roadblocks to Environmental Sustainability. Past Roads and Future Prospects
By: Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Shawn A. Cole, John Ehrenfeld, Andrew A. King and Auden Schendler
This working paper examines key barriers to business sustainability discussed at a multidisciplinary conference held at the Harvard Business School in 2018. Drawing on perspectives from both the historical and business literatures, speakers debated the historical... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability; Problems and Challenges; History; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Opportunities
Bergquist, Ann-Kristin, Shawn A. Cole, John Ehrenfeld, Andrew A. King, and Auden Schendler. "Understanding and Overcoming Roadblocks to Environmental Sustainability. Past Roads and Future Prospects." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-067, January 2019.
- 06 Jun 2007
- Research & Ideas
Behavioral Finance—Benefiting from Irrational Investors
How "sleepy" or "awake" are you when it comes to your stock portfolio? If you're like most people, you probably don't spend a great deal of time monitoring your investments. So when another company uses stock to acquire a firm in which you hold a... View Details
Keywords: by Julia Hanna
- 04 Nov 2018
- News
Why Large Companies Continue To Struggle With Innovation
- 25 Sep 2012
- News
Ten Reasons People Resist Change
- March 2002 (Revised July 2002)
- Case
TiVo in 2002: Consumer Behavior
Brodie Keast is anxious to understand the sharp contrast between the inertia of prospects and the deep emotional response shown by converted users of TiVo. After an overview of the company's situation and problems, the case focuses on different kinds of data (sales... View Details
Wathieu, Luc R., and Michael A. Zoglio. "TiVo in 2002: Consumer Behavior." Harvard Business School Case 502-062, March 2002. (Revised July 2002.)