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- Faculty Publications (21)
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- April 2024
- Article
How Our Ideological Out-Group Shapes Our Emotional Response to Our Shared Socio-Political Reality
By: Julia Elad-Strenger, Amit Goldenberg, Tamar Saguy and Eran Halperin
What shapes our emotional responses to socio-political events? Following the social identity approach, we suggest that individuals adjust their emotional responses to socio-political stimuli based on their ideological out-group's responses, in a manner that preserves... View Details
Elad-Strenger, Julia, Amit Goldenberg, Tamar Saguy, and Eran Halperin. "How Our Ideological Out-Group Shapes Our Emotional Response to Our Shared Socio-Political Reality." British Journal of Social Psychology 63, no. 2 (April 2024): 723–744.
- August 2021
- Article
Anger Damns the Innocent
By: Katherine DeCelles, Gabrielle Adams, Holly S. Howe and Leslie K. John
False accusations of wrongdoing are common and can have grave consequences. In six studies, we document a worrisome paradox in perceivers’ subjective judgments of a suspect’s guilt. Specifically, we find that laypeople (online panelists; N = 4,983) use suspects’ angry... View Details
Keywords: Morality; Accusations; Deception; Guilt; Affect; Emotions; Behavior; Perception; Judgments; Decision Making
DeCelles, Katherine, Gabrielle Adams, Holly S. Howe, and Leslie K. John. "Anger Damns the Innocent." Psychological Science 32, no. 8 (August 2021): 1214–1226.
- Article
Signaling When Nobody Is Watching: A Reputation Heuristics Account of Outrage and Punishment in One-shot Anonymous Interactions
By: Jillian J. Jordan and David G. Rand
Moralistic punishment can confer reputation benefits by signaling trustworthiness to observers. However, why do people punish even when nobody is watching? We argue that people often rely on the heuristic that reputation is typically at stake, such that reputation... View Details
Keywords: Signaling; Morality; Trustworthiness; Anger; Third-party Punishment; Moral Sensibility; Behavior; Trust; Reputation
Jordan, Jillian J., and David G. Rand. "Signaling When Nobody Is Watching: A Reputation Heuristics Account of Outrage and Punishment in One-shot Anonymous Interactions." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 118, no. 1 (January 2020).
- December 2016
- Article
The Effects of Endowment Size and Strategy Method on Third Party Punishment
By: Jillian J. Jordan, Katherine McAuliffe and David G. Rand
Numerous experiments have shown that people often engage in third-party punishment (3PP) of selfish behavior. This evidence has been used to argue that people respond to selfishness with anger, and get utility from punishing those who mistreat others. Elements of the... View Details
Keywords: Third-party Punishment; Norm-enforcement; Strategy Method; Economic Games; Cooperation; Emotions; Fairness
Jordan, Jillian J., Katherine McAuliffe, and David G. Rand. "The Effects of Endowment Size and Strategy Method on Third Party Punishment." Experimental Economics 19, no. 4 (December 2016): 741–763.
- June 2016
- Teaching Note
The Cheese and the Oligarchs: The Politics, the Media, and Israel's Dream of a Start-Up Nation
By: Rafael Di Tella and Christine Snively
Israel enjoyed the highest concentration of technology start-ups in the world per capita. Despite regional instability, the country maintained strong economic growth and was considered a high-tech powerhouse. But not all Israelis benefited. Between the 1980s and 2010s,... View Details
- June 2016 (Revised December 2017)
- Case
The Cheese and the Oligarchs: The Politics, the Media, and Israel's Dream of a Start-Up Nation
By: Rafael Di Tella and Christine Snively
Israel enjoyed the highest concentration of technology start-ups in the world per capita. Despite regional instability, the country maintained strong economic growth and was considered a high-tech powerhouse. But not all Israelis benefited. Between the 1980s and 2010s,... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Information Technology; Business Conglomerates; Business Startups; Israel
Di Tella, Rafael, and Christine Snively. "The Cheese and the Oligarchs: The Politics, the Media, and Israel's Dream of a Start-Up Nation." Harvard Business School Case 716-060, June 2016. (Revised December 2017.)
- December 2015
- Article
Emotion and the Art of Negotiation: How to Use Your Feelings to Your Advantage
Negotiations can be fraught with emotion, but it's only recently that researchers have examined how particular feelings influence what happens during deal making. Here the author shares some key findings and advice. Anxiety leads to poor outcomes. You will be less... View Details
Brooks, Alison Wood. "Emotion and the Art of Negotiation: How to Use Your Feelings to Your Advantage." Harvard Business Review 93, no. 12 (December 2015): 56–64.
- April 2015
- Article
Anxious and Egocentric: How Specific Emotions Influence Perspective Taking
By: Andrew R. Todd, Matthias Forstmann, Pascal Burgmer, Alison Wood Brooks and Adam D. Galinsky
People frequently feel anxious. Although prior research has extensively studied how feeling anxious shapes intrapsychic aspects of cognition, much less is known about how anxiety affects interpersonal aspects of cognition. Here, we examine the influence of incidental... View Details
Keywords: Anxiety; Egocentrism; Emotion; Perspective Taking; Risk and Uncertainty; Perspective; Emotions
Todd, Andrew R., Matthias Forstmann, Pascal Burgmer, Alison Wood Brooks, and Adam D. Galinsky. "Anxious and Egocentric: How Specific Emotions Influence Perspective Taking." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144, no. 2 (April 2015): 374–391.
- Article
Anger and Regulation
By: Rafael Di Tella and Juan Dubra
We study a model in which agents experience anger when they see a firm that has displayed insufficient concern for the welfare of its clients (i.e., altruism) making high profits. Regulation can increase welfare, for example, through fines (even with no changes in... View Details
Keywords: Altruism; Populism; Public Relations; Profit; Consumer Behavior; Perception; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms
Di Tella, Rafael, and Juan Dubra. "Anger and Regulation." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 116, no. 3 (July 2014): 734–765.
- May – June 2011
- Article
Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: How High Status Individuals Decrease Group Effectiveness
By: Boris Groysberg, Jeffrey T. Polzer and Hillary Anger Elfenbein
Can groups become effective simply by assembling high status individual performers? Though an affirmative answer may seem straightforward on the surface, this answer becomes more complicated when group members benefit from collaborating on interdependent tasks.... View Details
Keywords: Groups and Teams; Equity; Theory; Human Resources; Integration; Body of Literature; Performance Effectiveness; Status and Position; Experience and Expertise
Groysberg, Boris, Jeffrey T. Polzer, and Hillary Anger Elfenbein. "Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: How High Status Individuals Decrease Group Effectiveness." Organization Science 22, no. 3 (May–June 2011): 722–737.
- July 1, 2010
- Article
Beyond Disengagement and Anger
By: Nancy F. Koehn
Koehn, Nancy F. "Beyond Disengagement and Anger." Huffington Post, The Blog (July 1, 2010).
- 2009
- Working Paper
Anger and Regulation
By: Rafael Di Tella and Juan Dubra
We propose a model where voters experience an emotional cost when they observe a firm that has displayed insufficient concern for other people's welfare (altruism) in the process of making high profits. Even with few truly altruistic firms, an equilibrium may emerge... View Details
- Article
Why Doesn't Capitalism Flow to Poor Countries?
By: Rafael Di Tella and Robert MacCulloch
We show that capitalism is far from common around the world. Outside a small group of rich countries, heavy regulation of business, leftist rhetoric, and interventionist beliefs flourish. We relate these phenomena to the presence of corruption, with causality running... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Voting; Economic Systems; Fairness; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Emotions
Di Tella, Rafael, and Robert MacCulloch. "Why Doesn't Capitalism Flow to Poor Countries?" Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (Spring 2009): 285–321.
- Article
Blinded by Anger or Feeling the Love: How Emotions Influence Advice Taking
By: F. Gino and M. E. Schweitzer
Gino, F., and M. E. Schweitzer. "Blinded by Anger or Feeling the Love: How Emotions Influence Advice Taking." Journal of Applied Psychology 93, no. 5 (September 2008): 1165–1173.
- January 2008
- Article
Do Well by Doing Good? Don't Count on It
By: Joshua D. Margolis, Hillary Anger Elfenbein and James P. Walsh
Research over 35 years shows only a weak link between socially responsible corporate behavior and good financial performance. However, there's no evidence of risk in doing good, only in being exposed for misdeeds. View Details
Keywords: Values and Beliefs; Profit; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Performance Effectiveness; Behavior
Margolis, Joshua D., Hillary Anger Elfenbein, and James P. Walsh. "Do Well by Doing Good? Don't Count on It." Social Responsibility. Special Issue on HBS Centennial. Harvard Business Review 86, no. 1 (January 2008): 19.
- May 2007
- Article
Inner Work Life: Understanding the Subtext of Business Performance
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Steven J. Kramer
Anyone in management knows that employees have their good days and their bad days and that, for the most part, the reasons for their ups and downs are unknown. Most managers simply shrug their shoulders at this fact of work life. But does it matter, in terms of... View Details
Amabile, Teresa M., and Steven J. Kramer. "Inner Work Life: Understanding the Subtext of Business Performance." Harvard Business Review 85, no. 5 (May 2007).
- August 2004 (Revised March 2005)
- Teaching Note
Flextronics: Deciding on a Shop-Floor System for Producing the Microsoft Xbox (TN)
By: Jeffrey T. Polzer, Hillary Anger Elfenbein and Jenny Illes
Teaching Note to (9-403-090). View Details
- May 2004
- Teaching Note
Henry Tam and the MGI Team (TN)
By: Jeffrey T. Polzer and Hillary Anger Elfenbein
Teaching Note to (9-404-068). View Details
- October 2003
- Case
Henry Tam and the MGI Team
By: Jeffrey T. Polzer, Ingrid Vargas and Hillary Anger Elfenbein
Within a short time frame, seven diverse team members assemble to write a business plan for a new company and struggle to define their roles, make decisions together, and resolve conflict. Henry Tam, a second-year Harvard MBA student, who joins an aspiring start-up... View Details
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication; Business Plan; Groups and Teams; Decision Making; Jobs and Positions; Leadership Style; Human Resources; Management Teams; Conflict and Resolution; Diversity
Polzer, Jeffrey T., Ingrid Vargas, and Hillary Anger Elfenbein. "Henry Tam and the MGI Team." Harvard Business School Case 404-068, October 2003.
- February 2003
- Background Note
Identity Issues in Teams
By: Jeffrey T. Polzer and Hillary Anger Elfenbein
This note explains how identity dynamics underlie many of the observable interpersonal problems that team members encounter, ranging from lack of participation and low involvement to misunderstandings and dysfunctional emotional conflict. It provides a framework for... View Details
Keywords: Framework; Managerial Roles; Outcome or Result; Performance Effectiveness; Groups and Teams; Conflict and Resolution; Emotions; Identity
Polzer, Jeffrey T., and Hillary Anger Elfenbein. "Identity Issues in Teams." Harvard Business School Background Note 403-095, February 2003.