MBA Voices
MBA Voices
Data-driven decision-making is a powerful tool. A first step to successfully deploying such tools is to have clear (measurable) objectives and think through tradeoffs. Ask yourself: what is the metric that I care the most about, and for other metrics, what trade-offs am I willing to make? [...]
When I talk to people in different industries and organizations, people agree on the importance of mentorship. However, if you look at how people spend their time, there is huge variability in terms of how much people prioritize mentoring activities. Some people see mentoring others as an obligation (that is, just another activity that HR wants employees to do), whereas others see it as an opportunity. We find in our research that a key difference has to do with mentors’ approach to their own learning. [...]
The views and opinions expressed in the MBA Voices blog are those of the authors.
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