23 Dec 2019

Class of 2022—Last Chance to Apply

The Round 2 deadline for the Class of 2022 is two weeks from today (January 6, 2020). Good luck to those of you working through your application between now and then. We look forward to getting to know you.

Harvard University, and our MBA Admissions office, will be closed from December 25 through January 1, 2020. We will be monitoring ApplyTech@hbs.edu if you have any technical challenges with the application; we will respond to other messages after the office re-opens.

Finally, for those of you considering applying next year, let me suggest that you sign up for a Class Visit (available dates starting in February 2020). Seeing HBS in person and the case method in action is something I recommend as you consider whether or not to apply to Harvard in the future. Can’t make it to Boston? Meet us in a city near you or watch a virtual event.