Teaching Resources
Harvard Business School has taught business history since 1927. Today around half of the 900 students in the second year of the Harvard MBA take one or more of the business history electives.
Although some other business and management schools in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Latin America also offer successful business history courses, few can match the extensive and lengthy investment made in history by Harvard Business School. Indeed, many of the world’s business schools still fail to teach any history at all, depriving their students of the opportunity to learn from the past as they build their future careers.
The Historical Data Visualization project provides geographic maps of historical data on broad economic, social and political trends both globally and within the United States. It can be used in teaching to as a supplement to cases, textbooks, and other readings.
Case Method Teaching
The C. Roland Christensen Center for Teaching and Learning was established in 2004 to promote and support teaching excellence and innovation within Harvard Business School. It also provides leadership and expertise about case method teaching and participant-centered learning for instructors at other institutions in the United States and abroad.