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- 23 Mar 2021
- News
Managing Future Growth at an Innovative Workforce Education Start-up
- Article
Start-Ups That Last: How to Scale Your Business
By: Ranjay Gulati and Alicia DeSantola
Gulati, Ranjay, and Alicia DeSantola. "Start-Ups That Last: How to Scale Your Business." Harvard Business Review 94, no. 3 (March 2016): 54–61. (Reprinted in the Harvard Business Review OnPoint Winter 2016 "Launch a Start-Up That Lasts" Edition.)
- 01 Jun 2011
- News
Mr. Start-Up
could stray from an assignment to write market assessments and instead create a start-up business plan. “The professor was Walt Salmon, and fortunately he was all for it,” recalls Cassidy, who eventually made good on the plan to launch... View Details
- 13 Dec 2022
- Interview
Why Some Start-Ups Fail to Scale
By: Jeffrey Rayport and Curt Nickisch
Managing rapid growth is a huge challenge for young businesses. Even start-ups with glowing reviews and skyrocketing sales can fail. That’s because new ventures and corporate initiatives alike have to sustain profitability at scale, according to Harvard Business School... View Details
"Why Some Start-Ups Fail to Scale." HBR IdeaCast (podcast), Harvard Business Review Group, December 13, 2022.
- August 2018
- Case
Tapping Growth at Lord Hobo Brewing Company
By: Ethan Rouen and Susanna Gallani
Lord Hobo Brewing Company accounts for its inventory process as it prepares to create its first set of professional financial statements for investors. View Details
Keywords: Inventory; Start-ups; Craft Brewing; Investing; GAAP; Brand Management; Accounting; Working Capital; Entrepreneurship; Private Equity; Business Startups; Business and Shareholder Relations; Food and Beverage Industry; Boston; New England; United States
Rouen, Ethan, and Susanna Gallani. "Tapping Growth at Lord Hobo Brewing Company." Harvard Business School Case 119-028, August 2018.
- April 2000 (Revised April 2004)
- Case
Infosys: Financing an Indian Software Start-Up
Describes the financing and growth of Infosys, an Indian software start-up. Infosys defies a number of stereotypes about barriers to entrepreneurship in India. The company was founded by a small group of entrepreneurs with little equity and without backing from a large... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Applications and Software; Financing and Loans; Business Startups; Growth and Development Strategy; Information Technology Industry; India
Kuemmerle, Walter, and William J. Coughlin Jr. "Infosys: Financing an Indian Software Start-Up." Harvard Business School Case 800-103, April 2000. (Revised April 2004.)
- October 1998 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Spotfire: Managing a Multinational Start-Up
Spotfire, a software start-up, must address the question of dividing its effort between Sweden and the United States in addition to raising venture capital, obtaining new customers, and managing early-stage growth. View Details
Keywords: Growth Management; Multinational Firms and Management; Applications and Software; Business Startups; Information Technology Industry; United States; Sweden
Kuemmerle, Walter, and Chad S Ellis. "Spotfire: Managing a Multinational Start-Up." Harvard Business School Case 899-078, October 1998. (Revised March 2004.)
- 23 Nov 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
Growth Through Heterogeneous Innovations
- April 2004 (Revised May 2006)
- Background Note
Achieving Profitable Growth and Market Value
By: James L. Heskett and Richard G. Hamermesh
Provides an overview of how a new venture needs to change as it passes from the initial start-up to the growth phase. Explores how a venture's leadership, strategy, and execution need to evolve to deal with rapid growth. View Details
Heskett, James L., and Richard G. Hamermesh. "Achieving Profitable Growth and Market Value." Harvard Business School Background Note 804-157, April 2004. (Revised May 2006.)
- 01 Jun 2009
- News
Entrepreneur’s Rwandan Start-Up Gets HBS Support
(SHE), and its first business, a Rwandan start-up that employs sixty women to manufacture and distribute low-cost sanitary pads. In recognition of her achievements, Scharpf in March was named the first HBS Social Entrepreneurship Fellow... View Details
- December 2016 (Revised December 2018)
- Case
From Start-Up to Grown-Up Nation: The Future of the Israeli Innovation Ecosystem
By: Elie Ofek and Margot Eiran
In June 2016, Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, wrestled with how to sustain Israel’s strong innovation track record and the country’s reputation as the “startup nation.” Despite the economic miracle the country had wrought since its founding, he... View Details
Keywords: Israel; Israeli Start-up Nation; Innovation Economy; Entrepreneurial Mindset; Scaling-up; Unicorns; Innovation Clusters; High-tech; Innovation Management; Multinational Corporation R&D Centers; Social Equality; Two-tier Economy; Liberalizing An Economy; Foreign Investment; Military Service; Quality Of Human Capital; Socioeconomic Gaps; Labor Force Participation; Government Initiatives; Innovation and Management; Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Business Startups; Government and Politics; Economy; Equality and Inequality; Education; Resource Allocation; Globalization; Israel
Ofek, Elie, and Margot Eiran. "From Start-Up to Grown-Up Nation: The Future of the Israeli Innovation Ecosystem." Harvard Business School Case 517-066, December 2016. (Revised December 2018.)
- September 2023
- Case
DocSend: A Path off the Plateau?
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and Jeffrey Huizinga
Recounts how the leaders of DocSend, an early-stage startup that offered tools for sharing files online, searched for a viable business model and weighed tradeoffs in transitioning from a sales-led to a product-led "go-to-market" approach. View Details
Keywords: Technology; Start-up; Growth; Business Model; Business Startups; Sales; Growth and Development Strategy; Technology Industry
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and Jeffrey Huizinga. "DocSend: A Path off the Plateau?" Harvard Business School Case 824-038, September 2023.
- February 2019 (Revised November 2021)
- Case
By: Willy Shih
Mitch Lowe, the CEO of MoviePass, was having trouble convincing people of the viability of the company's business model. The company was building a multi-sided platform and was planning to extract value from increasing traffic to movie theaters through a number of... View Details
Keywords: Start-up; Start-up Growth; Start-ups; Business Model Innovation; Business Model; Innovation and Invention; Multi-Sided Platforms; Business Startups; Planning; Motion Pictures and Video Industry; United States
Shih, Willy. "MoviePass." Harvard Business School Case 619-052, February 2019. (Revised November 2021.)
- January 2008 (Revised December 2008)
- Case
Codman Academy: Beyond the Start-up Phase
By: Stacey Childress and Tiffany K. Cheng
As it entered its seventh academic year, Codman Academy, an expeditionary learning charter school located in Dorchester, Massachusetts, was reflecting on its successes and challenges. The school had succeeded in placing every member of its most recent graduating class... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; Leadership; Performance Improvement; Partners and Partnerships; Education Industry; Boston
Childress, Stacey, and Tiffany K. Cheng. "Codman Academy: Beyond the Start-up Phase." Harvard Business School Case 308-072, January 2008. (Revised December 2008.)
- 05 Nov 2013
- News
Start-Ups Get a Start in New Orleans
they are past the start-up phase but still haven't generated significant growth and sales. Wilkins says the emergence of a number of organizations like his, which are dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs,... View Details
- January 2017
- Case
Flatiron School
By: Thomas Eisenmann and Halah AlQahtani
In late 2016, the founders of Flatiron School, a startup offering 12-week coding bootcamps, are formulating their growth strategy. Their new online-only program has matched the excellent job placement results for their in-person bootcamps. Should Flatiron shift... View Details
Keywords: Scaling Start-ups; Growth Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Distribution Channels; Growth and Development Strategy; Internet and the Web; Business Startups; Diversification; Expansion; Education Industry; United States
Eisenmann, Thomas, and Halah AlQahtani. "Flatiron School." Harvard Business School Case 817-114, January 2017.
- 18 Feb 2013
- Research & Ideas
Breaking Through a Growth Stall
identify your core customers and build a scalable platform for growth around them. That's the message from Frank V. Cespedes, the MBA Class of 1973 Senior Lecturer of Business Administration at Harvard Business School; James P. Dougherty,... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- January 2014
- Case
Entrepreneurial Finance Lab: Scaling an Innovative Start-up Financing Venture
By: Joan Farre-Mensa, William R. Kerr and Alexis Brownell
EFL provides credit-scoring services in developing countries using psychometric assessment, but the potential loss of a large customer makes them reconsider their scaling narrative. View Details
Keywords: Finance; Developing Countries; Lending; Psychometrics; Scaling; Entrepreneurship; Credit; Developing Countries and Economies; Growth and Development Strategy; Financial Services Industry; Banking Industry; Africa; Latin America
Farre-Mensa, Joan, William R. Kerr, and Alexis Brownell. "Entrepreneurial Finance Lab: Scaling an Innovative Start-up Financing Venture." Harvard Business School Case 814-073, January 2014.
- June 2016 (Revised December 2017)
- Case
The Cheese and the Oligarchs: The Politics, the Media, and Israel's Dream of a Start-Up Nation
By: Rafael Di Tella and Christine Snively
Israel enjoyed the highest concentration of technology start-ups in the world per capita. Despite regional instability, the country maintained strong economic growth and was considered a high-tech powerhouse. But not all Israelis benefited. Between the 1980s and 2010s,... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Information Technology; Business Conglomerates; Business Startups; Israel
Di Tella, Rafael, and Christine Snively. "The Cheese and the Oligarchs: The Politics, the Media, and Israel's Dream of a Start-Up Nation." Harvard Business School Case 716-060, June 2016. (Revised December 2017.)
- June 2016
- Teaching Note
The Cheese and the Oligarchs: The Politics, the Media, and Israel's Dream of a Start-Up Nation
By: Rafael Di Tella and Christine Snively
Israel enjoyed the highest concentration of technology start-ups in the world per capita. Despite regional instability, the country maintained strong economic growth and was considered a high-tech powerhouse. But not all Israelis benefited. Between the 1980s and 2010s,... View Details