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- October 2019 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
Serbia at a Crossroads
By: Sophus A. Reinert, Federica Gabrieli and Jyotika Banga
In the fall of 2018, Serbia found itself at a crossroads yet again. Following the Balkan Wars of the 1990s and the collapse of Yugoslavia, the country had embarked on a slow and arduous process of accession to the European Union (EU). This had been further hampered by... View Details
Keywords: Geopolitics; EU Accession; Economic Systems; Government and Politics; War; Social Issues; Serbia
Reinert, Sophus A., Federica Gabrieli, and Jyotika Banga. "Serbia at a Crossroads." Harvard Business School Case 720-004, October 2019. (Revised July 2020.)
- Article
All Eyes on Them: A Field Experiment on Citizen Oversight and Electoral Integrity
By: Natalia Garbiras-Díaz and Mateo Montenegro
Can information and communication technologies help citizens monitor their elections? We analyze a large-scale field experiment designed to answer this question in Colombia. We leveraged Facebook advertisements sent to over 4 million potential voters to encourage... View Details
Keywords: Social Influence; Electoral Behavior; Election Outcomes; Economics; Economy; Governance; Government and Politics; Social Media; Social Marketing; Society; Political Elections; Advertising
Garbiras-Díaz, Natalia, and Mateo Montenegro. "All Eyes on Them: A Field Experiment on Citizen Oversight and Electoral Integrity." American Economic Review 112, no. 8 (August 2022): 2631–2668.
- July 4, 2001
- Editorial
An Economy for Kosovo, One Building Block at a Time
By: David A. Moss and Bruce R. Scott
Moss, David A., and Bruce R. Scott. "An Economy for Kosovo, One Building Block at a Time." New York Times (July 4, 2001), A15.
- Research Summary
By: Goran Calic
What makes some organizations more innovative than others? Innovation follows from strategy and structure. A good strategy allows individuals to impose their own imagination towards organizational goals in a coordinated way. Good structure adds incentives that... View Details
Keywords: Energy Generation; Renewable Energy; Entrepreneurship; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Innovation and Management; Resource Allocation; Strategy; Energy Industry; Green Technology Industry; Canada; United States; Europe; Croatia; Serbia and Montenegro
- August 2023
- Article
The 5G Spectrum Auction in Chile
By: Juan Escobar, Rafael Epstein, Jose Correa, Pamela Gidi, Jozsef Markovits, Natalie Epstein, Yerko Montenegro and Abner Turkieltaub
In 2021, the Chilean government implemented a first-price package auction to allocate electromagnetic spectrum for 5G mobile services. The auction was run sequentially for different spectrum bands, allowing firms to exploit band complementarities. It was a... View Details
Escobar, Juan, Rafael Epstein, Jose Correa, Pamela Gidi, Jozsef Markovits, Natalie Epstein, Yerko Montenegro, and Abner Turkieltaub. "The 5G Spectrum Auction in Chile." Art. 102580. Telecommunications Policy 47, no. 7 (August 2023).
- May 2013
- Supplement
Studio Moderna—A Venture in Eastern Europe
By: Jim Sharpe
This is the Spreadsheet Supplement for Studio Moderna—A Venture in Eastern Europe (HBS Case #808110). Includes Exhibit 3a, Exhibit 3b, Exhibit 5, and Exhibit 6. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Management; Entrepreneurial Marketing; Entrepreneurial Organizations; International Entrepreneurship; International Expansion; Consumer Marketing; Consumer Goods; Innovation; Leadership; Organizational Structure; Advertising; Internet; Marketing; General Management; Growth; Organizational Development; Television; Entrepreneurship; Geographic Location; Globalization; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Digital Marketing; Business Strategy; Marketing Channels; Media; Consumer Products Industry; Distribution Industry; Retail Industry; Slovenia; Slovakia; Croatia; Macedonia; Bulgaria; Serbia and Montenegro; Poland; Hungary; Bosnia and Hercegovina; Czech Republic; Lithuania; Albania; Romania; Central Asia
- June 2013
- Supplement
Studio Moderna - Sandi Cesko, CEO, Video Supplement
By: Jim Sharpe
This is the Video Supplement for Studio Moderna - A Venture in Eastern Europe (HBS Case #808110). View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Management; Entrepreneurial Marketing; Entrepreneurial Organizations; International Entrepreneurship; International Expansion; Consumer Marketing; Consumer Goods; Innovation; Leadership; Organizational Structure; Advertising; Internet; Marketing; General Management; Growth; Organizational Development; Television; Entrepreneurship; Geographic Location; Globalization; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Digital Marketing; Business Startups; Marketing Channels; Media; Consumer Products Industry; Distribution Industry; Retail Industry; Slovenia; Slovakia; Croatia; Macedonia; Bulgaria; Serbia and Montenegro; Poland; Hungary; Bosnia and Hercegovina; Czech Republic; Lithuania; Estonia; Albania; Romania; Central Asia
Sharpe, Jim. "Studio Moderna - Sandi Cesko, CEO, Video Supplement ." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 813-716, June 2013.