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- July 2018 (Revised August 2018)
- Case
Rocky Mountain Condiments: Close Encounters with the Legal System for the First Time
By: Lena G. Goldberg
The founder of a Colorado start-up focused on developing a line of condiments confronts a host of legal issues that threaten the viability of her young enterprise. She is suing a co-packer for, among other things, breach of contract, theft of recipes and trade secrets,... View Details
Keywords: Law And Regulation; Start-ups; Founders' Agreements; Cross-Border Jurisdiction; Torts; Consumer Protection; Non-disclosure Agreements; Intellectual Property Protection; Fraud; Legal Remedies; Law; Lawsuits and Litigation; Laws and Statutes; Business Startups; Contracts; Intellectual Property; Food and Beverage Industry
Goldberg, Lena G. "Rocky Mountain Condiments: Close Encounters with the Legal System for the First Time." Harvard Business School Case 319-029, July 2018. (Revised August 2018.)
- October 1983 (Revised December 1984)
- Case
Manac Systems: Selling Legal Software Systems (A)
Bonoma, Thomas V. "Manac Systems: Selling Legal Software Systems (A)." Harvard Business School Case 584-037, October 1983. (Revised December 1984.)
- 2014
- Article
Framework for China's Novel Sustainable Evaluation System Strategy
By: Robert G. Eccles and Peijun Duan
China’s sustainable development faces three challenges: first, the follow-up momentum of sustainable economic growth and economic transformation is insufficient; second, some resources and environment loads have reached their limits; third, some products affecting the... View Details
Eccles, Robert G., and Peijun Duan. "Framework for China's Novel Sustainable Evaluation System Strategy." Art. 1. Zhongguo ke xue yuan yuan kan [Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences] 29, no. 4 (2014): 401–409.
- February 2002
- Background Note
Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Framework
Identifies many of the legal issues likely to arise in the course of starting and growing a company. Suggests strategies not only for ensuring compliance with the law but also for using the law and the legal system to increase predictability, maximize value, marshal... View Details
Bagley, Constance E. "Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Framework." Harvard Business School Background Note 802-161, February 2002.
- October 2019
- Teaching Note
Rocky Mountain Condiments: Close Encounters with the Legal System for the First Time
By: Lena G. Goldberg
Teaching Note for HBS No. 319-029. View Details
- August 2005 (Revised April 2015)
- Background Note
Employment At Will: A Legal Perspective
By: Lynn S. Paine and Christopher M. Bruner
Provides a brief overview of the employment-at-will doctrine, an important concept unique to the U.S. legal system and business landscape. Briefly surveys the history and development of this doctrine and certain limitations and exceptions to it, as well as some of the... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Resignation and Termination; Employment; Common Law; Laws and Statutes; Business and Government Relations; United States
Paine, Lynn S., and Christopher M. Bruner. "Employment At Will: A Legal Perspective." Harvard Business School Background Note 306-036, August 2005. (Revised April 2015.)
- Working Paper
Institutional Access and Failure: Colonial Legal Systems and Persistent Institutional Inadequacy in Tropical Africa
By: Catherine S. M. Duggan
- 2011
- Case
Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes: Transforming the Management Control System in Time of Crisis
By: Ning Jia, F. Warren McFarlan and Xiaohui Li
Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co. is a Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE) that manufactures cast pipe products and steel products. The company had grown to become a dominant player in the ductile iron pipe industry, holding more than 40% domestic market share and nearly... View Details
Jia, Ning, F. Warren McFarlan, and Xiaohui Li. "Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes: Transforming the Management Control System in Time of Crisis." Tsinghua University Case, 2011.
- 15 Nov 2018
- News
Algorithms tame ambiguities in use of legal data
- 2011
- Teaching Note
Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes: Transforming the Management Control System in Time of Crisis (TN)
By: Ning Jia, F. Warren McFarlan and Xiaohui Li
Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co. is a Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE) that manufactures cast pipe products and steel products. The company had grown to become a dominant player in the ductile iron pipe industry, holding more than 40% domestic market share and nearly... View Details
Jia, Ning, F. Warren McFarlan, and Xiaohui Li. "Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes: Transforming the Management Control System in Time of Crisis (TN)." Tsinghua University Teaching Note, 2011.
- Article
Supporting Value-Based Health Care—Aligning Financial and Legal Accountability
By: Mark M. Zaki, Anupam B. Jena and Amitabh Chandra
U.S. health care payment and delivery-system reforms have focused on improving care by making organizations accountable for outcomes, quality, and costs. Payers have supported the implementation of accountable care organizations (ACOs), bundled-payment models, and... View Details
Zaki, Mark M., Anupam B. Jena, and Amitabh Chandra. "Supporting Value-Based Health Care—Aligning Financial and Legal Accountability." New England Journal of Medicine 385, no. 11 (September 9, 2021): 965–967.
- September 2009
- Article
Finance and Politics: A Review Essay Based on Kenneth Dam's Analysis of Legal Traditions in The Law-Growth Nexus
By: Mark J. Roe and Jordan I. Siegel
Strong financial markets are widely thought to propel economic development, with many in finance seeing legal tradition as fundamental to protecting investors sufficiently for finance to flourish. Kenneth Dam finds that the legal tradition view inaccurately portrays... View Details
Keywords: Financial Development; Economic Development; Kenneth Dam; Finance; Government and Politics; Information; Law
Roe, Mark J., and Jordan I. Siegel. "Finance and Politics: A Review Essay Based on Kenneth Dam's Analysis of Legal Traditions in The Law-Growth Nexus." Journal of Economic Literature 47, no. 3 (September 2009): 781–800. (Strong financial markets are widely thought to propel economic development, with many in finance seeing legal tradition as fundamental to protecting investors sufficiently for finance to flourish. Kenneth Dam finds that the legal tradition view inaccurately portrays how legal systems work, how laws developed historically, and how government power is allocated in the various legal traditions. Yet, after probing the legal origins' literature for inaccuracies, Dam does not deeply develop an alternative hypothesis to explain the world's differences in financial development. Nor does he challenge the origins core data, which could be origins' trump card. Hence, his analysis will not convince many economists, despite that his legal learning suggests conceptual and factual difficulties for the legal origins explanations. Yet, a dense political economy explanation is already out there and the origins-based data has unexplored weaknesses consistent with Dam's contentions. Knowing if the origins view is truly fundamental, flawed, or secondary is vital for financial development policy making because policymakers who believe it will pick policies that imitate what they think to be the core institutions of the preferred legal tradition. But if they have mistaken views, as Dam indicates they might, as to what the legal traditions' institutions really are and which types of laws are effective, or what is really most important to financial development, they will make policy mistakes—potentially serious ones.)
- 25 Mar 2014
- Research & Ideas
China’s Economic System has Difficult Road Overcoming its Political System
relying on the legal system to settle a dispute, says Kirby, you've already lost. "No one would be well-advised to settle a commercial dispute in a Chinese court," he warns. "You're better off not wasting... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Blanding
Electronic Trace Data and Legal Outcomes: The Effect of Electronic Medical Records on Malpractice Claim Resolution Time
Information systems generate copious trace data about what individuals do and when they do it. Trace data may affect the resolution of lawsuits by, for... View Details
- 2017
- Working Paper
Peer Effects on the United States Supreme Court
By: Matthew Lilley, Richard Holden and Michael Keane
Using data on essentially every US Supreme Court decision since 1946, we estimate a model of peer effects on the Court. We consider both the impact of justice ideology and justice votes on the votes of their peers. To identify these peer effects we use two instruments.... View Details
Keywords: Supreme Court; Peer Effects; Voting Behavior; Legal System; Courts and Trials; Voting; Behavior
Lilley, Matthew, Richard Holden, and Michael Keane. "Peer Effects on the United States Supreme Court." Working Paper, February 2017.
- Research Summary
Capitalism as a System of Governance
My research interest is in further exploration of the analytic utility of an original conception of capitalism as an indirect, three level system of governance for the economic relationships within political entities, and mostly within nation states. This three level... View Details
- March 2006
- Background Note
Business, Law, and Society: The Systems Approach to Law and Management
Presents the systems approach to law and management, a construct for understanding how public law affects the competitive environment and a firm's resources. Describes how the legally astute manager can use legal tools to assess opportunities, develop the firm's value... View Details
Bagley, Constance E. "Business, Law, and Society: The Systems Approach to Law and Management." Harvard Business School Background Note 806-086, March 2006.
- July 2021
- Article
Electronic Trace Data and Legal Outcomes: The Effect of Electronic Medical Records on Malpractice Claim Resolution Time
By: Sam Ransbotham, Eric Overby and Michael C. Jernigan
Information systems generate copious trace data about what individuals do and when they do it. Trace data may affect the resolution of lawsuits by, for example, changing the time needed for legal discovery. Trace data might speed resolution by clarifying what events... View Details
Keywords: Analytics and Data Science; Lawsuits and Litigation; Digital Transformation; Welfare; Health Industry
Ransbotham, Sam, Eric Overby, and Michael C. Jernigan. "Electronic Trace Data and Legal Outcomes: The Effect of Electronic Medical Records on Malpractice Claim Resolution Time." Management Science 67, no. 7 (July 2021): 4341–4361.
- 05 Jul 2006
- Working Paper Summaries