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- Faculty Publications (25)
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- Faculty Publications (25)
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- January 2025
- Case
Cyber Oversight: SolarWinds Board of Directors
By: Lynn S. Paine
In 2020, just two years after its IPO, information technology company SolarWinds discovered that it was the victim of an attack on its information systems by Russian hackers. The incident, known as the Sunburst attack, was costly for the company, and certain... View Details
- 2024
- Working Paper
The Real Effects of Bankruptcy Forum Shopping
By: Samuel Antill and Aymeric Bellon
Many non-Delaware firms strategically file for bankruptcy in Delaware. Should this "forum shopping" be allowed? This question has motivated six congressional bill proposals over decades of policy debate. Using a novel natural experiment and Census-Bureau microdata, we... View Details
Antill, Samuel, and Aymeric Bellon. "The Real Effects of Bankruptcy Forum Shopping." Working Paper, December 2024.
- September 2023
- Case
Blackstone Credit and Delaware Basin Resources
By: Victoria Ivashina and Alys Ferragamo
- 2022
- Other Article
Freezeouts in Delaware and Around the World
Subramanian, Guhan. "Freezeouts in Delaware and Around the World." University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 24, no. 4 (2022): 803–817.
- June 2021
- Article
Deals in the Time of Pandemic
By: Guhan Subramanian and Caley Petrucci
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new attention to the period between signing and closing in M&A transactions. Transactional planners heavily negotiate the provisions that govern the behavior of the parties during this window, not only to allocate risk between the... View Details
Subramanian, Guhan, and Caley Petrucci. "Deals in the Time of Pandemic." Columbia Law Review 121, no. 5 (June 2021): 1405–1480.
- 2019
- Article
Go-Shops Revisited
By: Guhan Subramanian and Annie Zhao
A go-shop process turns the traditional M&A deal process on its head: rather than a pre-signing market canvass followed by a post-signing “no shop” period, a go-shop deal involves a limited pre-signing market check, followed by a post-signing “go shop” process to find... View Details
Keywords: Go-shop Process; Mergers and Acquisitions; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Deal; Performance Effectiveness; Technological Innovation
Subramanian, Guhan, and Annie Zhao. "Go-Shops Revisited." Harvard Law Review 133, no. 4 (February 2020): 1216–1279.
- 2019
- Chapter
Appraisal after Dell
This essay presents new data on appraisal litigation and appraisal outs. I find that appraisal claims have not meaningfully declined in 2016 and that perceived appraisal risk, as measured by the incidence of appraisal outs, has increased since the Dell appraisal in May... View Details
Subramanian, Guhan. "Appraisal after Dell." Chap. 10 in The Corporate Contract in Changing Times: Is the Law Keeping Up? edited by Steven Davidoff Solomon and Randall Stuart Thomas, 222–243. University of Chicago Press, 2019.
- September 2017
- Article
Reexamining Staggered Boards and Shareholder Value
By: Charles C.Y. Wang and Alma Cohen
Cohen and Wang (2013) (CW2013) provide evidence consistent with market participants perceiving staggered boards to be value reducing. Amihud and Stoyanov (2016) (AS2016) contests these findings, reporting some specifications under which the results are not... View Details
Keywords: Staggered Boards; Takeover Defense; Antitakeover Provision; Firm Value; Delaware; Airgas; Governing and Advisory Boards; Corporate Governance; Value
Wang, Charles C.Y., and Alma Cohen. "Reexamining Staggered Boards and Shareholder Value." Journal of Financial Economics 125, no. 3 (September 2017): 637–647.
- Article
Patent Trolling Isn't Dead—It's Just Moving to Delaware
By: Lauren Cohen, Umit G. Gurun and Scott Duke Kominers
Cohen, Lauren, Umit G. Gurun, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Patent Trolling Isn't Dead—It's Just Moving to Delaware." Harvard Business Review (website) (June 28, 2017).
- April 2017
- Article
The New Look of Deal Protection
By: Guhan Subramanian and Fernán Restrepo
Deal protection in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) evolves in response to Delaware case law and the business goals of acquirers and targets. We construct a new sample of M&A deals from 2003 to 2015 to identify four such areas of evolution in current transactional... View Details
Subramanian, Guhan, and Fernán Restrepo. "The New Look of Deal Protection." Stanford Law Review 69, no. 4 (April 2017): 1013–1074.
- December 2016
- Article
Deal Process Design in Management Buyouts
Management buyouts (MBOs) are an economically and legally significant class of transaction: not only do they account for more than $10 billion in deal volume per year, on average, but they also play an important role in defining the relationship between inside and... View Details
Subramanian, Guhan. "Deal Process Design in Management Buyouts." Harvard Law Review 130, no. 2 (December 2016): 590–658.
- 2015
- Working Paper
Staggered Boards and Shareholder Value: A Reply to Amihud and Stoyanov
By: Alma Cohen and Charles C.Y. Wang
In a paper published in the Journal of Financial Economics in 2013, we provided evidence that market participants perceive staggered boards to be on average value-reducing. In a recent response paper, Amihud and Stoyanov (2015) “contest” our results. They... View Details
Keywords: Staggered Boards; Takeover Defense; Antitakeover Provision; Firm Value; Agency Costs; Delaware; Chancery Court; Airgas; Governing and Advisory Boards; Acquisition; Corporate Governance; Business and Shareholder Relations; Delaware
Cohen, Alma, and Charles C.Y. Wang. "Staggered Boards and Shareholder Value: A Reply to Amihud and Stoyanov." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-097, February 2016.
- Summer 2015
- Article
The Effect of Delaware Doctrine on Freezeout Structure and Outcomes: Evidence on the Unified Approach
By: Fernan Restrepo and Guhan Subramanian
Historically, Delaware corporate law provided different standards of judicial review for buyouts by controlling shareholders (also known as "freezeouts") based on what transactional form was used: deferential business judgment review for freezeouts executed as tender... View Details
Restrepo, Fernan, and Guhan Subramanian. "The Effect of Delaware Doctrine on Freezeout Structure and Outcomes: Evidence on the Unified Approach." Harvard Business Law Review 5, no. 2 (Summer 2015): 205–236.
- 2014
- Article
Delaware's Choice
This article first documents the shift to annual elections of all directors at most U.S. corporations and argues that the alternative of "ineffective" staggered boards would have been more desirable, as a policy matter, but is now a missed opportunity. Using this... View Details
Subramanian, Guhan. "Delaware's Choice." Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 39, no. 1 (2014). (Delivered as the 29th Annual Francis G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law in Wilmington, Delaware in November 2013. Selected by academics as one of the “top ten” articles in corporate/securities law for 2014, out of 560 articles published in that year.)
- December 2013
- Article
How Do Staggered Boards Affect Shareholder Value? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
By: Alma Cohen and Charles C.Y. Wang
The well-established negative correlation between staggered boards (SBs) and firm value could be due to SBs leading to lower value or a reflection of low-value firms' greater propensity to maintain SBs. We analyze the causal question using a natural experiment... View Details
Keywords: Staggered Board; Takeover Defense; Antitakeover Provision; Proxy Fight; Tobin's; Firm Value; Agency Cost; Delaware; Chancery Court; Airgas; Governing and Advisory Boards; Corporate Governance
Cohen, Alma, and Charles C.Y. Wang. "How Do Staggered Boards Affect Shareholder Value? Evidence from a Natural Experiment." Journal of Financial Economics 110, no. 3 (December 2013): 627–641.
- July 2012
- Case
El Paso's Sale to Kinder Morgan
By: John Coates, Clayton Rose and David Lane
On October 16, 2011, El Paso agreed to sell itself to Kinder Morgan for just over $21 billion. Shareholders filed suit, arguing that the process was tainted by conflict and that a higher price could be obtained. Delaware Chancellor Leo Strine agreed with the plaintiffs... View Details
Keywords: El Paso; Kinder Morgan; Goldman Sachs; Leo Strine; Conflicts Of Interest; Corporate Governance; Relationships; Lawsuits and Litigation; Energy Industry; Banking Industry; United States
Coates, John, Clayton Rose, and David Lane. "El Paso's Sale to Kinder Morgan." Harvard Business School Case 313-021, July 2012.
- November 2010
- Technical Note
Technical Note: An Abridged History of the American Corporation
By: Rakesh Khurana, Andrew David Klaber and Eric Baldwin
This note examines the development of the corporate form in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present, focusing primarily on legal issues. It identifies several major trends in the history of the American corporation: the transition of corporations... View Details
Keywords: Accounting; Corporate Accountability; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; History; Code Law; Managerial Roles; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Private Ownership; United States
Khurana, Rakesh, Andrew David Klaber, and Eric Baldwin. "Technical Note: An Abridged History of the American Corporation." Harvard Business School Technical Note 411-069, November 2010.
- August 2010 (Revised March 2012)
- Supplement
The Dow Acquisition of Rohm and Haas (E)
By: Jay W. Lorsch and Melissa Barton
Dow completed the acquisition of Rohm and Haas and escaped a battle in a Delaware courtroom View Details
Lorsch, Jay W., and Melissa Barton. "The Dow Acquisition of Rohm and Haas (E)." Harvard Business School Supplement 411-005, August 2010. (Revised March 2012.)
- May 2010
- Article
Is Delaware's Antitakeover Statute Unconstitutional? Evidence from 1988-2008
By: Guhan Subramanian, Steven Herscovici and Brian Barbetta
Delaware's antitakeover statute, codified at Section 203 of the Delaware corporate code, is by far the most important antitakeover statute in the United States. When it was first enacted in 1988, three bidders challenged its constitutionality under the Commerce Clause... View Details
Keywords: Courts and Trials; Opportunities; Bids and Bidding; Laws and Statutes; Decisions; Change; Acquisition; United States
Subramanian, Guhan, Steven Herscovici, and Brian Barbetta. "Is Delaware's Antitakeover Statute Unconstitutional? Evidence from 1988-2008." Business Lawyer 65, no. 3 (May 2010): 685–752. (Selected by academics as one of the “top ten” articles in corporate/securities law for 2010, out of 447 articles published in that year.)
- November 2005 (Revised February 2006)
- Case
Oracle vs. PeopleSoft (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine, Guhan Subramanian and David Millstone
Focuses on the hotly contested takeover battle between software rivals Oracle and PeopleSoft in 2003 and 2004. Raises novel issues of takeover law under Delaware corporate law as well as issues of fair competition under California law. A central issue is whether the... View Details