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- October 6, 2015
- Article
The Equity Imperative in Collective Impact
By: Mark R. Kramer and John Kania
The five conditions of collective impact, implemented without attention to equity, are not enough to create lasting change. View Details
Kramer, Mark R., and John Kania. "The Equity Imperative in Collective Impact." Stanford Social Innovation Review (website) (October 6, 2015).
- November–December 2023
- Article
Network Centralization and Collective Adaptability to a Shifting Environment
By: Ethan S. Bernstein, Jesse C. Shore and Alice J. Jang
We study the connection between communication network structure and an organization’s collective adaptability to a shifting environment. Research has shown that network centralization—the degree to which communication flows disproportionately through one or more... View Details
Keywords: Network Centralization; Collective Intelligence; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure; Communication; Decision Making; Networks; Adaptation
Bernstein, Ethan S., Jesse C. Shore, and Alice J. Jang. "Network Centralization and Collective Adaptability to a Shifting Environment." Organization Science 34, no. 6 (November–December 2023): 2064–2096.
- August 2016
- Case
Collective Academy
By: Shikhar Ghosh and Christopher Payton
This case is about making the decision to become an entrepreneur and early challenges in setting up a business model and team. In 2015, Pato Bichara co-founded Collective Academy to create an affordable, three-year undergraduate experience to infuse innovation into... View Details
Keywords: Early Stage; Team Building; Business Startup; Trade-offs; Risk; Founders' Agreements; Education; Entrepreneurship; Business Model; Business Startups; Decision Making; Technology Industry; Mexico; Latin America; United States
Ghosh, Shikhar, and Christopher Payton. "Collective Academy." Harvard Business School Case 817-026, August 2016.
- April 2020
- Article
Collective Emotions
By: Amit Goldenberg, David Garcia, Eran Halperin and James J. Gross
When analyzing situations in which multiple people are experiencing emotions together—whether the emotions are positive or negative and whether the situations are online or offline—we are intuitively drawn to the emotions of each individual in the situation. However,... View Details
Goldenberg, Amit, David Garcia, Eran Halperin, and James J. Gross. "Collective Emotions." Current Directions in Psychological Science 29, no. 2 (April 2020): 154–160.
- 2021
- Chapter
Governing for Growth in Scope: Cultivating a Comparative Understanding of How Peer Production Collectives Evolve
By: Rebecca Karp, Amisha Miller and Siobhan O'Mahony
One of the early challenges for any peer production collective is how to govern the growth of new members or contributors. Scope growth was not a topic of concern when scholars were focused on understanding the emergence of peer production collectives as a phenomenon... View Details
Keywords: Peer Production Collectives; Scope Growth; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Governance; Growth Management
Karp, Rebecca, Amisha Miller, and Siobhan O'Mahony. "Governing for Growth in Scope: Cultivating a Comparative Understanding of How Peer Production Collectives Evolve." Chap. 11 in The Handbook of Peer Production, edited by Mathieu O'Neil, Christian Pentzold, and Sophie Toupin, 137–152. John Wiley & Sons, 2021.
- 2024
- Chapter
Regulating Collective Emotions
By: Amit Goldenberg
When we think of emotion and emotion regulation, we typically think of them as processes occurring at the individual level. Even when emotions are experienced by multiple people who interact with each other, analysis is typically centered around individual-level... View Details
Goldenberg, Amit. "Regulating Collective Emotions." Chap. 22 in Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Third Edition edited by James J. Gross and Brett Q. Ford, 183–189. Guilford Press, 2024.
- May 2022 (Revised December 2023)
- Case
Founder Collective
By: Jo Tango and Alys Ferragamo
Founder Collective ("FC") launched in 2009 with a clear mission: to be the most aligned fund for founders at the seed stage. In keeping with its mission, FC maintained smaller fund sizes and was not a lifecycle investor. By November of 2021, the seed market had become... View Details
Keywords: Seed Investing; Business Startups; Mission and Purpose; Investment; Competitive Strategy; Venture Capital
Tango, Jo, and Alys Ferragamo. "Founder Collective." Harvard Business School Case 822-129, May 2022. (Revised December 2023.)
- October 2016
- Case
Turkasset: Bringing Customer-Centricity to Debt Collection
By: Dennis Campbell and Gamze Yucaoglu
In December 2014, in preparation for the year-end board presentation, Hilmi Guvenal (PMD 1993), shareholder and CEO of Turkasset, and Ilker Yoney, COO, sat down to discuss Turkasset’s five- and ten-year strategic plans. Since taking leadership of the company in 2009,... View Details
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Customer Experience; Customer Service; Customer-centric; Emerging Market; Customer Focus; Employee Empowerment; Employee Engagement; Employee Training; Staffing; Operations Management; Quality Management; Service Management; Service Quality; Continuous Improvement; Turkasset; Collections Agency; NPL; Call Center; Financial Services; Borrowing and Debt; Customer Focus and Relationships; Organizational Culture; Operations; Management; Service Operations; Quality; Competitive Advantage; Cost vs Benefits; Financial Services Industry; Turkey
- Article
Collective Impact
By: John Kania and Mark Kramer
Kania, John, and Mark Kramer. "Collective Impact." Stanford Social Innovation Review 9, no. 1 (Winter 2011): 36–41. (Most downloaded article in SSIR's history.)
- August 28, 2018
- Article
How Intermittent Breaks in Interaction Improve Collective Intelligence
By: Ethan Bernstein, Jesse Shore and David Lazer
People influence each other when they interact to solve problems. Such social influence introduces both benefits (higher average solution quality due to exploitation of existing answers through social learning) and costs (lower maximum solution quality due to a... View Details
Keywords: Transparency; Social Influence; Collective Intelligence; Interaction; Problem Solving; Collaboration; Intermittant; Breaks; Always On; Communication Technologies; Communication; Design; Information; Management; Leadership; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Performance; Social and Collaborative Networks; Information Technology
Bernstein, Ethan, Jesse Shore, and David Lazer. "How Intermittent Breaks in Interaction Improve Collective Intelligence." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 35 (August 28, 2018).
- October 2019
- Teaching Note
Collective Academy
By: Shikhar Ghosh and Shweta Bagai
Teaching Note for HBS No. 817-026. View Details
- June 2014
- Article
Collective Genius
By: Linda A. Hill, Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove and Kent Lineback
Competitiveness depends in great part on the ability to innovate. The perennial challenge, then, is to build an organization capable of innovating again and again. Traditional, direction-setting leadership can work well when the solution to a problem is known and... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Innovation Leadership; Leadership; Innovation and Invention; Organizational Culture
Hill, Linda A., Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove, and Kent Lineback. "Collective Genius." Harvard Business Review 92, no. 6 (June 2014): 94–102.
- February 1990 (Revised July 1990)
- Case
Internal Revenue Service: Automated Collection System
By: Nitin Nohria
Describes how the IRS's collection operations changed from a largely manual system (COF) to an automated system (ACS). A central aspect of ACS was the electronic scheduling and maintaining of work. While with ACS the IRS accomplished significant improvements in the... View Details
Keywords: Sovereign Finance; Revenue; Information Technology; Taxation; Change Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Design; Human Resources; Public Administration Industry; United States
Nohria, Nitin. "Internal Revenue Service: Automated Collection System." Harvard Business School Case 490-042, February 1990. (Revised July 1990.)
- February 1992
- Background Note
Note on Collective Action
Goodman, John B. "Note on Collective Action." Harvard Business School Background Note 792-070, February 1992.
- 2000
- Chapter
Leadership as Collective Genius
By: L. Hill
Keywords: Leadership
Hill, L. "Leadership as Collective Genius." In Management 21C: Someday We'll All Manage This Way, edited by S. Chowdhury. Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2000.
- Article
Determining Our Destiny: Do Restrictions to Collective Autonomy Fuel Collective Action?
By: Frank J. Kachanoff, Nour Kteily, Thomas H. Khullar, Hyun Joon Park and Donald M. Taylor
Kachanoff, Frank J., Nour Kteily, Thomas H. Khullar, Hyun Joon Park, and Donald M. Taylor. "Determining Our Destiny: Do Restrictions to Collective Autonomy Fuel Collective Action?" Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 119, no. 3 (September 2020): 600–632.
- March 2023
- Module Note
Client Interviewing and Data Collection
By: David G. Fubini and Patrick Sanguineti
A module note for the Mastering Consulting and Advisory Skills (MCAS) course, "Client Interviewing and Data Collection" introduces the essentials of client interviews and provides best practices for early career consultants and advisors. View Details
Fubini, David G., and Patrick Sanguineti. "Client Interviewing and Data Collection." Harvard Business School Module Note 423-082, March 2023.
- Research Summary
Compensatory Transfers in Collective Decision Making
By: Jerry R. Green
Jerry R. Green is studying mechanisms that can be employed to promote efficient collective decisions while providing justifiable compensation to participants who favor different, less efficient alternatives. This type of decision problem is pervasive in business,... View Details
- 2011
- Other Unpublished Work
Aligning Collective Production with Demand: Evidence from Wikipedia
Economic markets align supply and demand through prices. However, many social phenomena lack pricing to inform producers about consumer demand. This can lead to the over- or under-production of certain goods and services. In this paper, I propose a social mechanism... View Details
Gorbatai, Andreea Daniela. "Aligning Collective Production with Demand: Evidence from Wikipedia." 2011.