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- 2023
- Working Paper
Point Four and the Politics of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States during the Early Cold War
By: Melanie Sheehan
This article traces business influence in the formulation of the Point Four technical assistance program, the first US Cold War-era international development program. It focuses specifically on business interest associations’ efforts to secure federal incentives to... View Details
Keywords: Point Four Program; Business Interest Association; International Development; Cold War; Foreign Direct Investment; Business History; Business and Government Relations
Sheehan, Melanie. "Point Four and the Politics of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States during the Early Cold War." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-078, June 2023.
- 2023
- Book
Suharto's Cold War: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the World
By: Mattias Fibiger
After the murder of senior generals in the Indonesian army by elements of the country's communist party in 1965, General Suharto orchestrated the mass killing of some half a million leftists and fellow travelers. But his ambitions spanned far beyond perpetrating a... View Details
Keywords: Indonesia; Cold War; Political Economy; Foreign Aid; International Investment; International Relations; International Finance; History; War; Economic Systems; Government and Politics; Indonesia; Southeast Asia
Fibiger, Mattias. Suharto's Cold War: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023.
- 2022
- Article
Indonesia and the Third Indochina War: The End of Containment
By: Mattias Fibiger
The Third Indochina War called forth dramatic changes in the international relations of Southeast Asia. Foremost among these changes was a shift in the geopolitical orientation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The organization’s founders... View Details
Fibiger, Mattias. "Indonesia and the Third Indochina War: The End of Containment." Journal of American-East Asian Relations 29, no. 3 (2022): 240–270.
- January 2020 (Revised March 2020)
- Case
Huawei: A Global Tech Giant in the Crossfire of a Digital Cold War
By: William C. Kirby, Billy Chan and John P. McHugh
By 2020, Ren Zhengfei, CEO of Huawei, had transformed the small telephone switch manufacturer he founded in 1987 into a $120 billion telecommunications company poised to lead the lucrative rollout of fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks. However, an emerging... View Details
Keywords: International Strategy; Government And Business; Digital Infrastructure; Political Risk; Information Technology; Infrastructure; Business and Government Relations; Government and Politics; Information Infrastructure; Technology Industry; China; United States
Kirby, William C., Billy Chan, and John P. McHugh. "Huawei: A Global Tech Giant in the Crossfire of a Digital Cold War." Harvard Business School Case 320-089, January 2020. (Revised March 2020.)
- August 2023
- Teaching Note
Huawei: A Global Tech Giant in the Crossfire of a Digital Cold War
By: William C. Kirby and Noah B. Truwit
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 320-089. By 2020, Ren Zhengfei, CEO of Huawei, had transformed the small telephone switch manufacturer he founded in 1987 into a $120 billion telecommunications company poised to lead the lucrative rollout of fifth-generation (5G)... View Details
- 2015
- Chapter
British Colonial Violence in the Era of the Cold War
Elkins, Caroline M. "British Colonial Violence in the Era of the Cold War." In Decolonization and the Cold War: Negotiating Independence, edited by Leslie James and Elisabeth Leake, 257–283. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
- 17 Mar 2020
- Cold Call Podcast
Is There a Winner in Huawei’s Digital Cold War with the US?
- Book Review
Review of "The Cold War in Southeast Asia: An Interpretive History," by Ang Cheng Guan
By: Mattias Fibiger
Fibiger, Mattias. Review of "The Cold War in Southeast Asia: An Interpretive History," by Ang Cheng Guan. H-Diplo 20, no. 39 (May 20, 2019): 9–12.
- 2015
- Book
Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World
By: Jeremy Friedman
The conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War has long been understood in a global context, but Jeremy Friedman's Shadow Cold War delves deeper into the era to examine the competition between the Soviet Union and the People's... View Details
Friedman, Jeremy. Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2015.
- 04 Feb 2022
- Book
Beyond the Cold War: Reinventing Socialism in 5 Countries
process of constructing socialism was obscured to a degree by the bipolar structure of geopolitics. As the quest for allies and political support became a zero-sum game in Moscow and Washington, DC, it became easier to view states as falling on one side or the other of... View Details
Keywords: by Dina Gerdeman
- Third Quarter 2022
- Article
How Global Upheaval Influences Board Decision-Making: What Is the Effect of Cold War II on Corporate Governance?
What should boards and companies do or not do when confronting the impact of geopolitical crises? It may be helpful to consider the broader context giving rise to these issues, namely why we’re in the situation, the lessons we’re learning about geopolitical risk in... View Details
Montelongo, Michael. "How Global Upheaval Influences Board Decision-Making: What Is the Effect of Cold War II on Corporate Governance?" Directors & Boards 46, no. 5 (Third Quarter 2022): 30–31.
- April 13, 2017
- Article
The World Almost Ended One Week in 1983
By: Nate Jones and J. Peter Scoblic
Jones, Nate, and J. Peter Scoblic. "The World Almost Ended One Week in 1983." Slate (April 13, 2017).
- 09 Mar 2022
- Research & Ideas
War in Ukraine: Soaring Gas Prices and the Return of Stagflation?
researching the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline linking Russia and Germany. In an interconnected corporate world, he says, the pipeline project illustrates how inseparable politics and business are, especially at the edges of old Cold... View Details
- December 2014
- Case
Henry A. Kissinger as Negotiator: Background and Key Accomplishments
By: James K. Sebenius and Laurence A. Green
Following a brief summary of Henry A. Kissinger's career, this case describes three of his most pivotal negotiations: the historic establishment of U.S. diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, the easing of geopolitical tension with the Soviet Union,... View Details
Keywords: Kissinger; Negotiation; Bargaining; Diplomacy; Multiparty Negotiations; Dispute Resolution; Mediation; Israel; Sinai; Egypt; Cold War; Detente; China; Nixon; Conflict Management; Negotiation Types; International Relations; Personal Development and Career; Israel; Egypt; China; United States; Soviet Union
Sebenius, James K., and Laurence A. Green. "Henry A. Kissinger as Negotiator: Background and Key Accomplishments." Harvard Business School Case 915-020, December 2014.
- Research Summary
Professor Fibiger conducts research on twentieth-century international history, focusing primarily on political economy and international relations in Southeast Asia.
Professor Fibiger's first book is entitled Suharto's Cold War: Indonesia, Southeast... View Details
Professor Fibiger's first book is entitled Suharto's Cold War: Indonesia, Southeast... View Details
Keywords: Authoritarianism; Political Economy; Foreign Aid; Foreign Direct Investment; Foreign Policy; Southeast Asia; United States; Finance; International Economy; International Capital Markets; History; International Relations; National Security; Government and Politics; Development Economics; Southeast Asia; United States; Indonesia; Philippines; Malaysia; Singapore
- 2022
- Book
Ripe for Revolution: Building Socialism in the Third World
By: Jeremy Friedman
A historical account of ideology in the Global South as the postwar laboratory of socialism, its legacy following the Cold War, and the continuing influence of socialist ideas worldwide.
In the first decades after World War II, many newly independent... View Details
In the first decades after World War II, many newly independent... View Details
Keywords: Socialism; Economic Systems; Globalization; Government and Politics; Developing Countries and Economies
Friedman, Jeremy. Ripe for Revolution: Building Socialism in the Third World. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2022.
- January 2007 (Revised May 2008)
- Case
Henry Luce and the American Century
By: Nitin Nohria, Anthony Mayo and Logan Wilcox
Henry Luce, founder of the publishing company which produced Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated, created the largest media company in the world by the mid-20th century. Luce's flagship magazine, Time, was able to gross over $20 million in sales during its... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Business History; Leadership Style; Emerging Markets; Publishing Industry; United States
Nohria, Nitin, Anthony Mayo, and Logan Wilcox. "Henry Luce and the American Century." Harvard Business School Case 407-076, January 2007. (Revised May 2008.)
- October 1993 (Revised December 1997)
- Case
General Dynamics: Compensation and Strategy (A)
William Anders became CEO of defense giant General Dynamics in 1991 as the Cold War was ending and as the industry became saddled with excess capacity. Observing that the company was underserving shareholders and required a massive change in its culture, Anders brought... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Corporate Strategy; Executive Compensation; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Murphy, Kevin J. "General Dynamics: Compensation and Strategy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 494-048, October 1993. (Revised December 1997.)
- Research Summary
Professor Friedman devotes his research to the history of the Left and its struggle to end economic and social inequality. He studies how this struggle evolved, its various cultural contexts, and what paths have been tried and rejected. He has been able to gain access... View Details