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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (2,813)
- May 1998
- Article
Market Structure, Innovation and Vertical Product Differentiation
By: Shane Greenstein and Garey Ramey
We reassess Arrow's (1962) [Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention, in NBER, The Rate and Direction of Innovative Activity (Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ)] results concerning the effect of market structure on the returns from process... View Details
Greenstein, Shane, and Garey Ramey. "Market Structure, Innovation and Vertical Product Differentiation." International Journal of Industrial Organization 16, no. 3 (May 1998): 285–311.
- Summer 2021
- Article
The Origin and Development of Firm Management
By: Michela Giorcelli
This paper examines the historical origin and diffusion of management practices. Despite their centrality in the modern world, the concepts of ‘management’ developed fairly recently. Only with the Industrial Revolution, due to the increased firm size, owners needed a... View Details
Keywords: Productivity; Kaizen; Management; Management Practices and Processes; History; Performance Productivity; Technology
Giorcelli, Michela. "The Origin and Development of Firm Management." Oxford Review of Economic Policy 37, no. 2 (Summer 2021): 259–275.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Novel Risks
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Anette Mikes
All organizations practice some form of risk management to identify and assess routine risks in their operations, supply chains, strategy, and external environment. These risk management policies, however, fail in the presence of novelty. Novel risks arise from... View Details
Kaplan, Robert S., Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, and Anette Mikes. "Novel Risks." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-094, March 2020. (Revised May 2020.)
- 2019
- Working Paper
Why Do User Communities Matter for Strategy?
By: Sonali K. Shah and Frank Nagle
User communities represent a unique organizing structure for the exchange of ideas and knowledge. They are organizations composed primarily of users working collaboratively, voluntarily, and with minimal oversight to freely and openly develop and exchange knowledge... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Management; Knowledge Sharing; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Organizations; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Strategy
Shah, Sonali K., and Frank Nagle. "Why Do User Communities Matter for Strategy?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-126, June 2019.
- 2015
- Report
The Challenge of Shared Prosperity: Findings of Harvard Business School's 2015 Survey on U.S. Competitiveness
In the 2015 survey on U.S. competitiveness, HBS alumni weigh in on the current state and future trajectory of U.S. competitiveness as well as the structural strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. business environment. In addition, alumni delve deeper into two aspects of... View Details
Keywords: Competitiveness; U.S. Competitiveness; Shared Prosperity; Wealth; Competition; United States
Rivkin, Jan, Karen G. Mills, and Michael E. Porter. "The Challenge of Shared Prosperity: Findings of Harvard Business School's 2015 Survey on U.S. Competitiveness." Report, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, September 2015 (With contributions from Michael I. Norton and Mitchell B. Weiss.)
- 2012
- Chapter
Problem Solving and Search in Networks
By: David Lazer and Ethan Bernstein
This chapter examines the role that networks play in facilitating or inhibiting search for solutions to problems at both the individual and collective levels. At the individual level, search in networks enables individuals to transport themselves to a very different... View Details
Keywords: Network Organizations; Search; Problem Solving; Individual; Individuals And Teams; Collective; Cognitive Search; Network Search; Search Typology; Networks; Social and Collaborative Networks; Theory; Knowledge Sharing
Lazer, David, and Ethan Bernstein. "Problem Solving and Search in Networks." Chap. 17 in Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain, edited by Peter M. Todd, Thomas T. Hills, and Trevor W. Robbins, 269–282. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.
- Article
The Global Rise of Democracy: A Network Account
By: Magnus Thor Torfason and Paul Ingram
We examine the influence of an interstate network created by intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) on the global diffusion of democracy. We propose that IGOs facilitate this diffusion by transmitting information between their member states and by interpreting that... View Details
Keywords: International Relations; Networks; Society; Transformation; Power and Influence; Country; Globalization
Torfason, Magnus Thor, and Paul Ingram. "The Global Rise of Democracy: A Network Account." American Sociological Review 75, no. 3 (June 2010): 355–77.
- Article
Stereotype Content Model across Cultures: Universal Similarities and Some Differences
By: A.J.C. Cuddy, S.T. Fiske, V.S.Y. Kwan, P. Glick, S. Demoulin, J. Ph. Leyens and M.H. Bond
The stereotype content model (SCM; Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002) proposes potentially universal principles of societal stereotypes and their relation to social structure. Here, the SCM reveals theoretically grounded, cross-cultural, cross-groups' similarities and... View Details
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Relationships; Groups and Teams; Prejudice and Bias; Culture; Societal Protocols; East Asia; Europe
Cuddy, A.J.C., S.T. Fiske, V.S.Y. Kwan, P. Glick, S. Demoulin, J. Ph. Leyens, and M.H. Bond. "Stereotype Content Model across Cultures: Universal Similarities and Some Differences." British Journal of Social Psychology 48, no. 1 (March 2009).
- 2008
- Working Paper
Accountability and Inequality in Single-Party Regimes: A Comparative Analysis of Vietnam and China
Over the past two decades, no two economies have averaged more rapid economic growth than China and Vietnam. But while China's income inequality has risen rapidly over that same time frame, Vietnam's has only grown moderately. Structural and socio-cultural determinants... View Details
Keywords: Income Characteristics; Economic Growth; Policy; Government and Politics; Equality and Inequality; China; Viet Nam
Abrami, Regina M., Edmund Malesky, and Yu Zheng. "Accountability and Inequality in Single-Party Regimes: A Comparative Analysis of Vietnam and China." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-099, May 2008.
- July 2003 (Revised October 2013)
- Case
Model N Inc.
By: Marco Iansiti and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld
The CEO of a Silicon Valley start-up needed to make organizational and product changes to deliver a new software solution to a Fortune 500 customer. He was wondering how he should structure the company to best meet the requirements for this particular customer, while... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Business Startups; Trends; Communication; Customer Focus and Relationships; Selection and Staffing; Time Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business Strategy; Software; Computer Industry
Iansiti, Marco, and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld. "Model N Inc." Harvard Business School Case 604-015, July 2003. (Revised October 2013.)
- Web
Drivers of Competitiveness - Institute For Strategy And Competitiveness
capacity of firms in terms of skills, capabilities and management practices. Fiscal Policy: Effective public spending aligned with revenues over time Monetary Policy: Low levels of inflation Economic Stabilization: Avoiding structural... View Details
- Web
Profiles - MBA
think about this work, and how different incentive structures can be utilized to really drive impact. Professional goals: Unlike many other mechanisms of change, tech allows us to scale impact in a way previously impossible. I'm excited... View Details
- January 15, 2019
- Article
Is Your Company's Strategy Aligned with Your Ownership Model?
By: Josh Baron
The legacy of Vanguard founder John Bogle has brought attention to the transformative influence of ownership structures within the business world. Bogle's revolutionary insight into the limitations of active fund management led to the widespread adoption of index... View Details
Keywords: Ownership Type; Business Strategy; Organizational Structure; Strength and Weakness; Competitive Advantage
Baron, Josh. "Is Your Company's Strategy Aligned with Your Ownership Model?" Harvard Business Review (website) (January 15, 2019).
- 18 Jul 2017
- First Look
First Look at New Research and Ideas, July 18, 2017
positively select into negotiations on observable characteristics of the negotiation environment, only women positively select on unobservables such as their ability to negotiate. Organizational Structures and the Improvement of Working... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 20 Dec 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
The Demise of Cost and Profit Centers
Keywords: by Robert S. Kaplan
- Research Summary
Dynamic Demand Estimation in Platform and Two-Sided Markets
paper develops techniques to structurally estimate consumer demand
in general platform-intermediated and two-sided markets. By
estimating both sides of the market simultaneously, the methodology
presented here is able to (1) endogenize the utility of a platform
as... View Details
- 2023
- Article
M4: A Unified XAI Benchmark for Faithfulness Evaluation of Feature Attribution Methods across Metrics, Modalities, and Models
By: Himabindu Lakkaraju, Xuhong Li, Mengnan Du, Jiamin Chen, Yekun Chai and Haoyi Xiong
While Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques have been widely studied to explain predictions made by deep neural networks, the way to evaluate the faithfulness of explanation results remains challenging, due to the heterogeneity of explanations for... View Details
Keywords: AI and Machine Learning
Lakkaraju, Himabindu, Xuhong Li, Mengnan Du, Jiamin Chen, Yekun Chai, and Haoyi Xiong. "M4: A Unified XAI Benchmark for Faithfulness Evaluation of Feature Attribution Methods across Metrics, Modalities, and Models." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2023).
- 2019
- Working Paper
Design Rules, Volume 2: How Technology Shapes Organizations: Chapter 17 The Wintel Standards-based Platform
The purpose of this chapter is to use the theory of bottlenecks laid out in previous chapters to better understand the dynamics of an open standards-based platform. I describe how the Wintel platform evolved from 1990 through 2000 under joint sponsorship of Intel and... View Details
Keywords: Open Platforms; Bottlenecks; Wintel Platform; Disintermediation; Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Business History; Digital Platforms; Computer Industry
Baldwin, Carliss Y. "Design Rules, Volume 2: How Technology Shapes Organizations: Chapter 17 The Wintel Standards-based Platform." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-055, November 2019.
- April 2011
- Case
Designs by Kate: The Power of Direct Sales
By: John A. Deighton and Sarah Abbott
The sales representatives at Designs by Kate (DBK) sell private label jewelry at hosted parties and through online social media channels. They are also responsible for recruiting, training, and managing new sales reps. CEO and founder Kate Creevey designed the... View Details
Keywords: Direct Sales; Consumer Marketing; Marketing Management; Personal Selling; Sales Compensation; Sales Organization; Motivation and Incentives; Marketing Strategy; Salesforce Management; Performance; Compensation and Benefits; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Deighton, John A., and Sarah Abbott. "Designs by Kate: The Power of Direct Sales." Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-284, April 2011.
- 2010
- Working Paper
From Bench to Board: Gender Differences in University Scientists' Participation in Commercial Science
This paper examines gender differences in the participation of university life science faculty in commercial science. Based on theory and field interviews, we develop hypotheses regarding how scientists' productivity, co-authorship networks, and institutional... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; For-Profit Firms; Gender Characteristics; Higher Education; Entrepreneurship; Governing and Advisory Boards; Science-Based Business; Nonprofit Organizations; Biotechnology Industry
Ding, Waverly W., Fiona Murray, and Toby E. Stuart. "From Bench to Board: Gender Differences in University Scientists' Participation in Commercial Science." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-014, August 2010.