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- All HBS Web
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- 17 Dec 2014
- Research & Ideas
How Our Brain Determines if the Product is Worth the Price
yes or no with the push of a button. After exiting the machine, participants filled out a survey to rate how much they had liked each product, on a scale of 1 to 7. The researchers focused on brain activity at the moment participants saw... View Details
- 06 Sep 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
FIN Around the World: The Contribution of Financing Activity to Profitability
- 15 May 2009
- Working Paper Summaries
Barriers to Household Risk Management: Evidence from India
- 1982
- Article
When Self-Descriptions Contradict Behavior: Actions do Speak Louder than Words
By: T. M. Amabile and L. Kabat
Subjects viewed two videotapes, one depicting a stimulus person's self-description and the other depicting that person's behavior in a conversation, according to a four-way factorial design personality descriptor used in the self-description ("introvert" or... View Details
Amabile, T. M., and L. Kabat. "When Self-Descriptions Contradict Behavior: Actions do Speak Louder than Words." Social Cognition 1 (1982): 311–335.
- September 2023
- Teaching Note
Roche: ESG and Access to Healthcare
By: George Serafeim
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 123-075. In May 2022, Roche Group, one of the largest healthcare companies in the world, hosted its first ESG investor event focused exclusively on its efforts to impact access to healthcare. While Roche had recently set an ambitious goal... View Details
- Article
Psychological Safety and Near Miss Events in Radiation Oncology
By: Palak Kundu, Olivia Jung, Kathy Rose, Chonlawan Khaothiemsang, Nzhde Agazaryan, Amy C. Edmondson, Michael L. Steinberg and Ann C. Raldow
Background: Near miss events, defined as harm averted due to chance, are learning opportunities in radiation oncology. Psychological safety is a feature of a learning environment characterized by interpersonal risk taking. We examine the effects of near miss type and... View Details
Kundu, Palak, Olivia Jung, Kathy Rose, Chonlawan Khaothiemsang, Nzhde Agazaryan, Amy C. Edmondson, Michael L. Steinberg, and Ann C. Raldow. "Psychological Safety and Near Miss Events in Radiation Oncology." Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 27 suppl. (September 20, 2019): 231.
- 2018
- Working Paper
Show or Tell? Improving Agent Decision Making in a Tanzanian Mobile Money Field Experiment
By: Jason Acimovic, Chris Parker, David F. Drake and Karthik Balasubramanian
When workers make operational decisions, the firm's global knowledge and the workers’ domain-specific knowledge complement each other. Oftentimes workers have the final decision-making power. Two key decisions a firm makes when designing systems to support these... View Details
Keywords: Employees; Decision Making; Training; Performance Improvement; Money; Mobile Technology; Developing Countries and Economies; Financial Services Industry
Acimovic, Jason, Chris Parker, David F. Drake, and Karthik Balasubramanian. "Show or Tell? Improving Agent Decision Making in a Tanzanian Mobile Money Field Experiment." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-106, May 2018.
- 21 Jun 2012 - 24 Jun 2012
- Conference Presentation
Visual Attention to Power Posers: People Avert their Gaze from Nonverbal Displays of Power
By: Elizabeth Baily Wolf
Existing literature suggests that people visually attend more to powerful/high-status people. However, previous studies manipulated target power/status via the target’s role (e.g., CEO or judge vs. mechanic or fry cook) or clothing (e.g., business suit vs. sweat suit).... View Details
- April 2012
- Article
Retail Doesn't Cross Borders: Here's Why and What to Do about It
By: Marcel Corstjens and Rajiv Lal
Most companies assume that the easiest way to grow is by investing overseas and that the developing world offers the best opportunities for boosting revenues and profits today. However, success abroad varies widely, and research shows that it's often tough to... View Details
Keywords: Operations; Growth and Development Strategy; Globalization; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Local Range; Retail Industry
Corstjens, Marcel, and Rajiv Lal. "Retail Doesn't Cross Borders: Here's Why and What to Do about It." Harvard Business Review 90, no. 4 (April 2012).
- February 2010
- Case
Shurgard Self-Storage: Expansion to Europe (Abridged)
Shurgard, a U.S.-based firm that rents storage facilities to consumers and small businesses, is considering financing options for rapid expansion of its European operations. Five years after entering Europe, Shurgard Europe has opened 17 facilities in Belgium, France,... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Business Growth and Maturation; Multinational Firms and Management; Logistics; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Trade; Equity; Corporate Finance; United States; Europe
Hamermesh, Richard G. "Shurgard Self-Storage: Expansion to Europe (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 810-102, February 2010.
- Web
About Us - Research Computing Services
no cost for up to one hour per month. Consultations longer than one hour and project work for faculty are charged to faculty research budgets at a rate of $40/hour. Our areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: Advanced... View Details
- 19 Jan 2015
- Research & Ideas
Is Wikipedia More Biased Than Encyclopædia Britannica?
Democrats (e.g., tax breaks, minimum wage, fuel efficiency) and Republicans (e.g., death tax, border security, war on terror), rating each according to political slant. Zhu and Greenstein then identified some 4,000 articles that appeared... View Details
- 21 May 2013
- First Look
First Look: May 21
cost of capital and in turn the rates available to borrowers. Standard theory predicts that, in perfect and efficient capital markets, reducing banks' leverage reduces the risk and cost of equity but leaves the overall weighted average... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- Web
2018 Financial Risk and Regulation Survey - Behavioral Finance & Financial Stability
Schillers website Consistent with their positive views on the effectiveness of the bank-focused regulation passed since 2008, discussed below, participants rated banks as only moderately likely to be at the center of a financial crisis... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
Punitive but Discerning: Reputation Can Fuel Ambiguously-Deserved Punishment, but Does Not Erode Sensitivity to Nuance
By: Jillian J. Jordan and Nour Kteily
The desire to appear virtuous can motivate people to punish wrongdoers, a desirable outcome when punishment is clearly deserved. Yet claims that “virtue signaling” is fueling a culture of outrage suggest that reputation concerns may inspire even potentially unmerited... View Details
Jordan, Jillian J., and Nour Kteily. "Punitive but Discerning: Reputation Can Fuel Ambiguously-Deserved Punishment, but Does Not Erode Sensitivity to Nuance." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (forthcoming).
- July 2021
- Article
How Trust and Distrust Shape Perception and Memory
By: Ann-Christin Posten and Francesca Gino
Trust is a key ingredient in decision making, as it allows us to rely on the information we receive. Although trust is usually viewed as a positive element of decision making, we suggest that its effects on memory are costly rather than beneficial. Across nine studies... View Details
Posten, Ann-Christin, and Francesca Gino. "How Trust and Distrust Shape Perception and Memory." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 121, no. 1 (July 2021): 43–58.
- November 2015 (Revised February 2016)
- Supplement
Allianz Turkey: Focus on the Customer (B)
By: W. Earl Sasser and Gamze Yucaoglu
At the age of 39, Solmaz Altın took over the helm at Allianz Turkey. Solmaz quickly realized that, although the insurance market was thinly penetrated in Turkey, the company was operating in a very competitive environment with pressure on prices and, hence, cost... View Details
Keywords: Service Excellence; Customer Experience; Customer Service; Emerging Market; Customer Focus; Net Promoter Score; Customer Relationship Management; Competition; Leading Change; Service Operations; Emerging Markets; Customer Satisfaction; Insurance Industry; Turkey
Sasser, W. Earl, and Gamze Yucaoglu. "Allianz Turkey: Focus on the Customer (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 316-094, November 2015. (Revised February 2016.)
- 23 Jan 2013
- Working Paper Summaries
Cost of Capital Dynamics Implied by Firm Fundamentals
Keywords: by Matthew Lyle & Charles C.Y. Wang
- 11 Jan 2013
- Working Paper Summaries
The Spatial Diffusion of Technology
- March 2022
- Article
Where to Locate COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Facilities?
By: Dimitris Bertsimas, Vassilis Digalakis Jr, Alexander Jacquillat, Michael Lingzhi Li and Alessandro Previero
The outbreak of COVID-19 led to a record-breaking race to develop a vaccine. However, the limited vaccine capacity creates another massive challenge: how to distribute vaccines to mitigate the near-end impact of the pandemic? In the United States in particular, the new... View Details
Keywords: Vaccines; COVID-19; Health Care and Treatment; Health Pandemics; Performance Effectiveness; Analytics and Data Science; Mathematical Methods
Bertsimas, Dimitris, Vassilis Digalakis Jr, Alexander Jacquillat, Michael Lingzhi Li, and Alessandro Previero. "Where to Locate COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Facilities?" Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 69, no. 2 (March 2022): 179–200.