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- Faculty Publications (1,954)
- 1 Aug 1985
- Conference Presentation
The Architecture of Organizational Change: Linking Micro to Macro in the Change Process
By: R. M. Kanter
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation
- June 1985 (Revised April 1989)
- Case
Benetton (B)
By: James L. Heskett
The managing director of Benetton is faced with several issues concerning the adequacy of the company's organization to capitalize on the early success it has achieved in an important foreign market, the United States. Specifically, the case raises questions about... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Structure; Global Strategy; Transition; Growth and Development Strategy; Success; Business Headquarters; Business Subsidiaries; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business Growth and Maturation; United States; Italy
Heskett, James L. "Benetton (B)." Harvard Business School Case 685-020, June 1985. (Revised April 1989.)
- May 1985 (Revised March 1993)
- Case
General Electric Co.--1984
By: Francis Aguilar and Richard G. Hamermesh
Describes the first four years of Jack Welch's tenure as CEO of the General Electric Co. Deals with the ways Welch has tried to change GE's strategy and planning activities and his attempts to make the company more entrepreneurial. View Details
Keywords: Management Teams; Management Style; Change Management; Strategic Planning; Corporate Strategy; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Aguilar, Francis, and Richard G. Hamermesh. "General Electric Co.--1984." Harvard Business School Case 385-315, May 1985. (Revised March 1993.)
- February 1985 (Revised September 1988)
- Case
Caterpillar Tractor Co.
Describes the structure and evolution of the earth moving equipment industry worldwide in the post war era, particularly focusing on developments in the 1960s and 1970s. Describes Caterpillar's strategy in becoming the dominant worldwide competitor (industry market... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Business Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Caterpillar Tractor Co." Harvard Business School Case 385-276, February 1985. (Revised September 1988.)
- 1 Sep 1984
- Conference Presentation
Ensuring Minority Achievement in Corporations: The Importance of Structural Theory and Structural Change
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "Ensuring Minority Achievement in Corporations: The Importance of Structural Theory and Structural Change." Paper presented at the Rutgers Conference on Minorities in Business, September 01, 1984. (Reprinted in Ensuring Minority Success in Corporate Management, edited by N. DiTomaso. N.Y.: Plenum, 1987.)
- August 1983 (Revised December 1987)
- Case
Hewlett-Packard: Challenging the Entrepreneurial Culture
Stevenson, Howard H. "Hewlett-Packard: Challenging the Entrepreneurial Culture." Harvard Business School Case 384-035, August 1983. (Revised December 1987.)
- June 1983
- Background Note
Note on the Paper Machinery Industry
Describes the major structural changes taking place in the paper industry in the 1970s: major oil and pulp price increases, pollution legislation, a shift in industry development from OECD countries to LDCs and NICs and the technological revolution in paper making.... View Details
Keywords: Engineering; Price; Global Strategy; Growth and Development; Industry Structures; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Pollutants; Competition; Pulp and Paper Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Note on the Paper Machinery Industry." Harvard Business School Background Note 383-185, June 1983.
- March 1983 (Revised January 1984)
- Case
Merloni Group
The general manager of the recently-established French subsidiary of an Italian appliance company is in conflict with headquarters about unexpectedly poor financial performance. Headquarters management believes it should be able to exert more control over the... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Trade; Organizational Structure; Performance Evaluation; Power and Influence; France; Italy
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Merloni Group." Harvard Business School Case 383-152, March 1983. (Revised January 1984.)
- November 1982
- Case
Conversion Training at New England Telephone (A)
By: D. Quinn Mills and E. Mary Lou Balbaky
Mills, D. Quinn, and E. Mary Lou Balbaky. "Conversion Training at New England Telephone (A)." Harvard Business School Case 383-099, November 1982.
- November 1982
- Case
Conversion Training at New England Telephone (B)
By: D. Quinn Mills and E. Mary Lou Balbaky
Mills, D. Quinn, and E. Mary Lou Balbaky. "Conversion Training at New England Telephone (B)." Harvard Business School Case 383-100, November 1982.
- August 1982 (Revised September 1991)
- Case
Rockwell International (A)
Describes the competitive situation facing Rockwell International, the market leader in the U.S. water meter industry. The industry is undergoing structural change, and competitor activity is intensifying. Rockwell must decide what, if any, actions are necessary to... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Decisions; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Markets; Industry Structures; Business Strategy; Competition; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "Rockwell International (A)." Harvard Business School Case 383-019, August 1982. (Revised September 1991.)
- 01 Dec 1981
- Conference Presentation
Social Indicators of the Changing Relationship of Individuals and Organizations
By: R. M. Kanter
- June 1981 (Revised February 1983)
- Case
West Point: The Cheating Incident (A)
Presents a review of published data on the 1976 cheating scandal at West Point. Written from the perspective of the Academy Superintendent, it raises issues of ethics, organizational change and action planning in the face of conflicting stakeholder interests. View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Higher Education; Ethics; Government Administration; Conflict and Resolution; Planning; Public Administration Industry; Education Industry
Schlesinger, Leonard A. "West Point: The Cheating Incident (A)." Harvard Business School Case 481-117, June 1981. (Revised February 1983.)
- March 1981 (Revised October 1998)
- Case
Corning Glass Works International (A)
Follows the impact of a change in global strategy on a diversified company's global organization structure. Traces two failed attempts at bringing a business perspective to a geographic organization, and poses the problem of what the international division president... View Details
Keywords: Disruption; Framework; Global Strategy; Organizational Structure; Perspective; Power and Influence
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Michael Y. Yoshino. "Corning Glass Works International (A)." Harvard Business School Case 381-160, March 1981. (Revised October 1998.)
- 1981
- Chapter
Multinational Structural Change: Evolution versus Reorganization
By: C. A. Bartlett
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure
Bartlett, C. A. "Multinational Structural Change: Evolution versus Reorganization." In The Management of Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships in Multinational Corporations, edited by Lars Otterbeck. London: Gower, 1981. (Also in The Internationalization of the Firm, edited by P. Buckley and P.G. Meer, Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1991; and in The History of Management Thought, edited by P. Buckley, Ashgate, 2002.)
- 01 Aug 1980
- Conference Presentation
Power and Change in and by Organizations: Setting Intellectual Directions for Organizational Sociology
By: R. M. Kanter
- August 1980
- Supplement
Renn Zaphiropoulos, A Day with, Video
By: John P. Kotter
Focuses on the management style of Renn Zaphiropoulos in the context of a rapidly changing segment of Xerox's business environment. To be contrasted with the videotape, Day with Fred Henderson (9-881-502) and the case, Fred Henderson (9-480-043). View Details
Kotter, John P. "Renn Zaphiropoulos, A Day with, Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 881-501, August 1980.
- January 1980 (Revised August 1986)
- Case
General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)
Describes the U.S. large turbine generator industry in early 1963, a period of severe price cutting and depressed industry conditions. Presents data to allow a structural analysis of the industry and an analysis of the strategies of the major players since 1946. The... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Customer Focus and Relationships; Machinery and Machining; Cost Management; Price; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Marketing Strategy; Industry Structures; Competition; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)." Harvard Business School Case 380-128, January 1980. (Revised August 1986.)