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- Faculty Publications (2,088)
- 1994
- Book
The Perpetual Enterprise Machine: Seven Keys to Corporate Renewal through Successful Product and Process Development
Bowen, H. K., K. B. Clark, C. H. Holloway and S. C. Wheelwright, eds. The Perpetual Enterprise Machine: Seven Keys to Corporate Renewal through Successful Product and Process Development. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
- August 1994 (Revised January 1999)
- Case
Taco Bell Corporation (Abridged Update)
By: James L. Heskett
Taco Bell's management has developed plans to establish 100,000 points of service for its fast food business. Clearly, this will require significantly different approaches to management and organization. View Details
Keywords: Business Plan; Growth and Development Strategy; Service Delivery; Organizations; Food and Beverage Industry
Heskett, James L. "Taco Bell Corporation (Abridged Update)." Harvard Business School Case 395-010, August 1994. (Revised January 1999.)
- August 1994
- Case
Southwest Airlines: 1993 (Abridged Update)
By: James L. Heskett
Southwest Airlines management is faced with increasing competition. It must decide which of several route extensions provide the appropriate competitive response while preserving the internal culture that has made the airline so successful. View Details
Keywords: Air Transportation; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Management Teams; Organizational Culture; Air Transportation Industry
Heskett, James L. "Southwest Airlines: 1993 (Abridged Update)." Harvard Business School Case 395-025, August 1994.
- August 1994 (Revised May 1995)
- Case
Engineering Inspection & Insurance Company
By: Robert H. Hayes
Engineering Inspection & Insurance Co. (EIIC) is a small but highly successful company that offers machinery and boiler inspection and insurance services. After years of above-average growth and profits, both are retreating toward the industry average, policy delivery... View Details
Keywords: Service Operations; Business Strategy; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Insurance; Strategic Planning; Problems and Challenges; Insurance Industry; United States
Hayes, Robert H. "Engineering Inspection & Insurance Company." Harvard Business School Case 695-009, August 1994. (Revised May 1995.)
- July 1994
- Case
Microsoft: Multimedia Publications (A)
By: Marco Iansiti and Ellen Stein
Microsoft Corp. has built a highly successful business around computer software (both applications and system software) using a particular organizational structure. Now that the company has chosen to enter the consumer market with a CD-ROM product, how should Microsoft... View Details
Keywords: Product Development; Organizational Structure; Applications and Software; Design; Expansion; Consumer Products Industry; Information Technology Industry; Washington (state, US)
Iansiti, Marco, and Ellen Stein. "Microsoft: Multimedia Publications (A)." Harvard Business School Case 695-005, July 1994.
- July 1994 (Revised March 1995)
- Case
Microsoft: Multimedia Publications (B)
By: Marco Iansiti and Ellen Stein
Microsoft is about to release an apparently successful CD-ROM baseball product. The company is trying to determine what product(s) should be developed next, how it should organize itself, and what role it should play in the development of such products. View Details
Keywords: Product Development; Applications and Software; Product Design; Organizational Structure; Product Launch; Business Strategy; Consumer Products Industry; Information Technology Industry; Washington (state, US)
Iansiti, Marco, and Ellen Stein. "Microsoft: Multimedia Publications (B)." Harvard Business School Case 695-006, July 1994. (Revised March 1995.)
- May 1994
- Background Note
Managing Market Complexity: A Three-Ring Circus
Proposes models of organization that address the various product-market environments posed by the product life cycle. Frames these changes along the two dimensions of uncertainty and diversity. Offers three sets of organizational characteristics to reflect the three... View Details
Keywords: Business Processes; Growth and Development Strategy; Complexity; Organizational Structure; Organizational Culture; Product Marketing; Markets; Product
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Managing Market Complexity: A Three-Ring Circus." Harvard Business School Background Note 594-119, May 1994.
- May 1994 (Revised August 1994)
- Case
By: Shoshana Zuboff and Janis Lee Gogan
Motorola's old automative electronics plant in Arcade, outside Buffalo, New York, faced the prospect of closure in the mid-1980s, but leading customers persuaded Motorola to give the plant a second chance. The new plant manager, Dennis Fiehn, recognized that existing... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Business Exit or Shutdown; Customers; Leading Change; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Organizational Structure; Competitive Strategy; Expansion; Telecommunications Industry; New York (state, US)
Zuboff, Shoshana, and Janis Lee Gogan. "Motorola-Elma." Harvard Business School Case 494-136, May 1994. (Revised August 1994.)
- May 1994 (Revised May 1995)
- Case
Laura Ashley (B): Defining a Strategy
By: Richard L. Nolan
A turnaround CEO engineers a business transformation and formulates short-term and long-term strategy after assessing the business situation. View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Management Teams; Business Strategy; Consumer Products Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Nolan, Richard L. "Laura Ashley (B): Defining a Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 194-143, May 1994. (Revised May 1995.)
- May 1994 (Revised July 1995)
- Case
Taco Bell--1994
Taco Bell CEO, John Martin, boldly proclaims a growth goal of 200,000 points of access by the year 2000 (the company had approximately 3,600 in 1991). To realize such growth, Martin embraces a philosophy of continual change. The implications for Taco Bell are dramatic... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Food; Organizational Structure; Organizational Culture; Human Resources; Brands and Branding; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Goals and Objectives; Change Management; Expansion; Business Growth and Maturation; Communication; Growth and Development Strategy; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Schlesinger, Leonard A. "Taco Bell--1994." Harvard Business School Case 694-076, May 1994. (Revised July 1995.)
- May 1994 (Revised November 1994)
- Case
PepsiCo: A View from the Corporate Office
Describes the three business segments of PepsiCo (beverages, snack foods, and restaurants). It then explores the competitive environment within each segment and the response of PepsiCo's businesses. It seeks to show how PepsiCo CEO, D. Wayne Calloway, in a very... View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Change; Governance Controls; Management Style; Organizational Structure; Situation or Environment; Competitive Strategy; Value; Food and Beverage Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Leonard A. Schlesinger. "PepsiCo: A View from the Corporate Office." Harvard Business School Case 694-078, May 1994. (Revised November 1994.)
- April 1994 (Revised May 1995)
- Case
Laura Ashley (A): A New CEO Takes Charge
By: Richard L. Nolan
In a turnaround situation, a new CEO must take actions in the short term to gain control and exercise executive leadership and lay groundwork to formulate a long-term strategy to rebuild a viable business. View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Management Teams; Business Strategy; Consumer Products Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Nolan, Richard L. "Laura Ashley (A): A New CEO Takes Charge." Harvard Business School Case 194-142, April 1994. (Revised May 1995.)
- April 1994 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition (1990-1992)
Describes the changes in structure, management systems, people, and processes instituted by the company. Provides students with an opportunity to explore the nature of "IT-enabled" organizational change and the process through which it is implemented. Also enables a... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Information Technology; Business Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition (1990-1992)." Harvard Business School Case 194-109, April 1994. (Revised October 2002.)
- April 1994 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition (1987-1989)
Describes the actions taken by the new CEO to return the company to profitability, to clarify the vision, and then to build the infrastructure (human, capital, and information) needed to support the long-term change in strategy and organization. Ends with senior... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Information Technology; Management Teams; Business Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition (1987-1989)." Harvard Business School Case 194-108, April 1994. (Revised October 2002.)
- April 1994 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition 1980-1986
Describes the environmental, organizational, and information technology context in the late 1970s that led to the development of the initial vision for change and the actions taken to implement that vision. The case ends with the abrupt departure of the CEO as profits... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Information Technology; Management Succession; Management Teams; Business Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "Frito-Lay, Inc.: A Strategic Transition 1980-1986." Harvard Business School Case 194-107, April 1994. (Revised October 2002.)
- April 1994 (Revised October 2001)
- Case
Mrs. Fields, Inc. (1977 - 1987)
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Keri O. Pearlson
Describes a small company selling freshly baked goods through privately owned specialty stores (each store sells only Mrs. Fields products). The company has about 8,000 employees worldwide and less than 150 information systems people for a unique leverage of MIS... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Organizations; Management Systems; Business Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Keri O. Pearlson. "Mrs. Fields, Inc. (1977 - 1987)." Harvard Business School Case 194-064, April 1994. (Revised October 2001.)
- March–April 1994
- Article
Managing for Organizational Integrity
By: L. S. Paine
Keywords: Business Ethics; Compliance; Management; Organizations; Values and Beliefs; Organizational Culture
Paine, L. S. "Managing for Organizational Integrity." Harvard Business Review 72, no. 2 (March–April 1994): 106–117. (Reprinted in The International Library of Management, Ethics in Business and Economics, vol. 1, edited by Thomas Donaldson and Thomas W. Dunfee. Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Publishing Company, Ltd., 1996. Also reprinted in Organizational Behavior: The Ethical Challenge, 2nd ed., edited by Yassin Sankar. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 2004, pp. 405-419.)
- January 1994
- Case
ABC Sales and Service Division: A Case Study of Personal and Organizational Transformation
By: D. Quinn Mills, Brock W. Orwig, Janet M. Pumo, Todd C. Stilson and Richard C. Wei
In the midst of dramatic changes in the information systems industry and declining profits at the ABC Co., the vice president in charge of the sales and service division, Jeff, and his managers attempt to transform their division. The transformation gets off to a good... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Transformation; Motivation and Incentives; Resignation and Termination; Communication; Business or Company Management; Information Technology Industry
Mills, D. Quinn, Brock W. Orwig, Janet M. Pumo, Todd C. Stilson, and Richard C. Wei. "ABC Sales and Service Division: A Case Study of Personal and Organizational Transformation." Harvard Business School Case 494-075, January 1994.
- January 1994 (Revised December 1994)
- Exercise
Four-Way Organization
Three divisions seek to form a two- or three-way conglomerate of maximum economic value. A manager seeks to assist them. Individual and shared interests are in conflict. View Details
Sebenius, James K. "Four-Way Organization." Harvard Business School Exercise 894-015, January 1994. (Revised December 1994.)