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- Faculty Publications (2,391)
- June 2003 (Revised August 2003)
- Case
Pension Policy at The Boots Company PLC
By: Luis M. Viceira and Akiko M. Mitsui
In early 2000, the trustees of the pension scheme at Boots considered a proposal to move 100% of the pension assets into a bond portfolio, which would be passively managed. The Boots Co. PLC was a leading retailer of cosmetics and toiletries in the United Kingdom, and... View Details
Keywords: Performance Productivity; Employees; Asset Management; Capital Structure; Investment Portfolio; Consumer Products Industry; United Kingdom
Viceira, Luis M., and Akiko M. Mitsui. "Pension Policy at The Boots Company PLC." Harvard Business School Case 203-105, June 2003. (Revised August 2003.)
- June 2003 (Revised April 2004)
- Case
Mercy Corps: Global Social Entrepreneurship (A)
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Daniel F. Curran
Neal Keny-Guyer, CEO of Mercy Corps International, built his organization by following the advice of Theodore Roosevelt: "Be smart enough to hire good people and have sense enough to get out of their way." For eight years, Keny-Guyer helped Mercy Corps grow in size and... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Globalization; Government and Politics; Selection and Staffing; Leadership; Organizational Structure; Opportunities; Afghanistan; Iraq
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Daniel F. Curran. "Mercy Corps: Global Social Entrepreneurship (A)." Harvard Business School Case 303-079, June 2003. (Revised April 2004.)
- May 2003
- Module Note
Managing Development Networks
By: Stefan H. Thomke
Describes the concepts and pedagogy for a module on understanding and managing product development networks between firms and within firms and among products themselves. Introduces students to the increasingly important role of networks in the development of new... View Details
Keywords: Product Development; Resource Allocation; Research and Development; Networks; Design; Groups and Teams
Thomke, Stefan H. "Managing Development Networks." Harvard Business School Module Note 603-091, May 2003.
- May 2003 (Revised November 2005)
- Case
Marks & Spencer: The Phoenix Rises
By: Joseph L. Bower
The great U.K. retailer fell on hard times in 1998. In 2001, a new CEO was recruited who appears to have succeeded in turning around this world-renown company. This case examines the steps he took (strategic, structural, and recruiting key people) and highlights a... View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Recruitment; Leadership Development; Crisis Management; Supply and Industry; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Segmentation; Retail Industry
Bower, Joseph L. "Marks & Spencer: The Phoenix Rises." Harvard Business School Case 303-096, May 2003. (Revised November 2005.)
- April 2003
- Article
The Role of Wages and Auditing during a Crackdown on Corruption in the City of Buenos Aires
By: Rafael Di Tella and Ernesto Schargrodsky
We study the prices paid for basic inputs during a crackdown on corruption in the public hospitals of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, during 1996 97. We find a well-defined, negative effect on the measures used to capture corruption. Prices paid by hospitals for... View Details
Di Tella, Rafael, and Ernesto Schargrodsky. "The Role of Wages and Auditing during a Crackdown on Corruption in the City of Buenos Aires." Journal of Law & Economics 46, no. 1 (April 2003): 269–92.
- spring 2003
- Article
The Six Challenges of Equity-Based Pay Design
By: Brian J. Hall
Hall, Brian J. "The Six Challenges of Equity-Based Pay Design." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 15, no. 3 (spring 2003): 49–70.
- March 2003 (Revised November 2005)
- Case
Botswana: A Diamond in the Rough
By: Laura Alfaro, Debora L. Spar, Faheen Allibhoy and Vinati Dev
In the years since independence, tiny, landlocked Botswana has gone from being one of the world's poorest nations to becoming a stable, prosperous state, blessed with the highest sustained growth rate in the world. This case highlights the role that foreign direct... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Growth and Development Strategy; Economic Growth; Natural Environment; Developing Countries and Economies; Botswana
Alfaro, Laura, Debora L. Spar, Faheen Allibhoy, and Vinati Dev. "Botswana: A Diamond in the Rough." Harvard Business School Case 703-027, March 2003. (Revised November 2005.)
- March 2003 (Revised November 2005)
- Case
Bertelsmann AG
By: Bharat N. Anand, Michael G. Rukstad and Christoph Kostring
On July 28, 2002, Bertelsmann announced the firing of its CEO, Thomas Middelhoff, in a move that surprised industry observers, analysts, and many employees. Bertelsmann, a privately held company headquartered in Germany, was one of the largest global media... View Details
Keywords: Business Conglomerates; Corporate Strategy; Entertainment; Media; Change Management; Integration; Resignation and Termination; Private Ownership; Initial Public Offering; Business Units; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Publishing Industry; Music Industry; Germany
Anand, Bharat N., Michael G. Rukstad, and Christoph Kostring. "Bertelsmann AG." Harvard Business School Case 703-405, March 2003. (Revised November 2005.)
- March 2003
- Background Note
Management and Creativity in Television Broadcasting
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Douglas A Raymond
Management and creativity are sometimes assumed to be unrelated or even conflicting concepts. In the best cases, management controls enable artistic success by gathering resources and providing discipline. However, if pushed too far, the same discipline can stifle... View Details
- Article
The Role of Lockups in Initial Public Offerings
By: Alon Brav and Paul A. Gompers
In a sample of 2,794 initial public offerings (IPOs), we test three potential explanations for the existence of IPO lockups: lockups serve as (i) a signal of firm quality, (ii) a commitment device to alleviate moral hazard problems, or (iii) a mechanism for... View Details
Keywords: Initial Public Offering; Quality; Moral Sensibility; Compensation and Benefits; Venture Capital; Problems and Challenges; Stock Shares; Going Public
Brav, Alon, and Paul A. Gompers. "The Role of Lockups in Initial Public Offerings." Review of Financial Studies 16, no. 1 (Spring 2003).
- February 2003
- Background Note
Leading Teams
This note which describes the architecture and processes that characterize effective teams, begins by detailing the steps involved in designing a team, from diagnosing the complexity, interdependence, and objectives of the task to harnessing the key resources teams... View Details
Keywords: Communication; Decision Making; Leadership; Managerial Roles; Performance Effectiveness; Groups and Teams
Polzer, Jeffrey T. "Leading Teams." Harvard Business School Background Note 403-094, February 2003.
- February 2003 (Revised June 2006)
- Case
Implementing the Nissan Renewal Plan
By: Michael Y. Yoshino and Masako Egawa
Carlos Ghosn, a former executive vice-president of Renault, became the COO of Nissan Motor Co., a troubled auto company in Japan when Renault bought 38% of the company in 1999. This case deals with how Ghosn turned the company around. Examines in considerable detail... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Change Management; Employees; Leading Change; Strategic Planning; Motivation and Incentives; Auto Industry; Japan
Yoshino, Michael Y., and Masako Egawa. "Implementing the Nissan Renewal Plan." Harvard Business School Case 303-111, February 2003. (Revised June 2006.)
- February 2003 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
Large Scale Change at The WSSC
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Corey B. Hajim
Describes the organizational transformation occurring at the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), a public utility. Faced with the possibility of privatization after decades of providing service in the absence of competition or performance pressures, the... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Mission and Purpose; Change Management; Restructuring; Privatization; Resignation and Termination; Utilities Industry
Edmondson, Amy C., and Corey B. Hajim. "Large Scale Change at The WSSC." Harvard Business School Case 603-056, February 2003. (Revised March 2003.)
- February 2003 (Revised October 2003)
- Case
Cable Data Systems
By: Paul W. Marshall and Todd H Thedinga
Describes the operating challenges of Cable Data Systems (CDS), a minority-owned cable installation company with a dual mission of maximizing profits and providing employment opportunities to minorities in urban markets. Following the merger of two cable installation... View Details
Keywords: Selection and Staffing; Employment; Forecasting and Prediction; Urban Scope; Cost Management; Infrastructure; Labor Unions; Demand and Consumers; Demographics; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Boston
Marshall, Paul W., and Todd H Thedinga. "Cable Data Systems." Harvard Business School Case 803-132, February 2003. (Revised October 2003.)
- February 2003 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A)
By: Christopher A. Bartlett, Michael Y. Yoshino and Perry Fagan
A young Italian MBA working for a Swiss multinational is sent to India to establish a subsidiary and implement the strategy he prepared at headquarters as a strategic planner. This case focuses on three core strategic decisions he must make as his plan is challenged by... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Decisions; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Employees; Management Teams; Strategic Planning; India; Switzerland
Bartlett, Christopher A., Michael Y. Yoshino, and Perry Fagan. "Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A)." Harvard Business School Case 303-086, February 2003. (Revised November 2006.)
- February 2003 (Revised April 2003)
- Background Note
Note on Staffing in Professional Service Firms
By: Ashish Nanda
This case discusses the problem of balancing demand and supply of professionals within a professional services firm (PSF). It emphasizes how human resources management policies impact supply conditions and how market opportunities determine demand conditions. The case... View Details
Keywords: Demand and Consumers; Balance and Stability; Supply and Industry; Employees; Service Industry
Nanda, Ashish. "Note on Staffing in Professional Service Firms." Harvard Business School Background Note 903-110, February 2003. (Revised April 2003.)
- February 2003 (Revised August 2004)
- Background Note
Note on Valuation-Compensation Tradeoff in Professional Service Firm Acquisitions
By: Ashish Nanda
This case highlights the tradeoff between valuation ascribed to professionals at the time of a professional services firm (PSF) acquisition and the postacquisition compensation of these professionals. It emphasizes how a high valuation at acquisition carries with it... View Details
Nanda, Ashish. "Note on Valuation-Compensation Tradeoff in Professional Service Firm Acquisitions." Harvard Business School Background Note 903-111, February 2003. (Revised August 2004.)
- February 2003 (Revised February 2009)
- Case
Yahoo!: Becoming a Competitor in the Career Listings Space (A)
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Nicole Nasser
In late 2001, Yahoo!'s new executive leadership team faces a decision. With online advertising revenues significantly off, the company has decided to explore new strategic businesses, including online recruiting. The team must decide whether to make a bid for... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Decisions; Recruitment; Management Teams; Negotiation Deal; Employment Industry
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Nicole Nasser. "Yahoo!: Becoming a Competitor in the Career Listings Space (A)." Harvard Business School Case 903-071, February 2003. (Revised February 2009.)
- January 2003 (Revised April 2004)
- Case
Cat is out of the Bag, The: KANA and the Layoff Gone Awry (A)
By: Leslie A. Perlow and David Ager
Vicki Amon-Higa, vice president of KANA, a publicly traded, midsize development company, was working with Bryan Kettle, KANA's CFO, to plan a layoff in which KANA would reduce the size of its workforce by nearly 40%. Despite the best of intentions, news of the layoff... View Details
Keywords: Crisis Management; Employees; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Problems and Challenges; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Conflict Management
Perlow, Leslie A., and David Ager. "Cat is out of the Bag, The: KANA and the Layoff Gone Awry (A)." Harvard Business School Case 403-117, January 2003. (Revised April 2004.)
- January 2003 (Revised October 2003)
- Case
Satera Team at Imatron Systems, Inc. (A), The
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Elizabeth Schatzel
Escalating conflict has erupted within the Satera product development team, resulting from the conflicting cognitive styles of the two senior mechanical engineers. The conflict has taken a toll on both project progress and team morale, endangering one of the most... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Entrepreneurship; Human Resources; Management; Business or Company Management; Groups and Teams; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Amabile, Teresa M., and Elizabeth Schatzel. "Satera Team at Imatron Systems, Inc. (A), The." Harvard Business School Case 803-141, January 2003. (Revised October 2003.)