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- Faculty Publications (260)
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- Faculty Publications (260)
- March 1998 (Revised July 1998)
- Case
Boston Duck Tours,1996: Has Boston Gone Quackers?
By: Myra M. Hart and Stephanie Dodson
While on vacation in Memphis, former investment manager Andy Wilson discovers a unique "tour bus" that travels over land and through water. He decides to transplant the concept to Boston and to add both historical and theatrical features to the amphibious tour. As he... View Details
Keywords: Opportunities; Creativity; Entrepreneurship; Financing and Loans; Problems and Challenges; Business Startups; Tourism Industry; Tennessee; Boston
Hart, Myra M., and Stephanie Dodson. "Boston Duck Tours,1996: Has Boston Gone Quackers?" Harvard Business School Case 898-189, March 1998. (Revised July 1998.)
- February 1998
- Case
Human Element in Marketing Strategy,The: A Look at the Creative and Subjective Side
By: Das Narayandas and Gerald Zaltman
Explores the human element in formulating marketing strategy. A rewritten version of an earlier note. Includes color exhibits. View Details
- 1998
- Article
Looking Inside the Fishbowl of Creativity: Verbal and Behavioral Predictors of Creative Performance
By: J. Ruscio, D. M. Whitney and T. M. Amabile
This study set out to identify specific task behaviors that predict observable product creativity in three domains and to identify which of those behaviors mediate the well-established link between intrinsic motivation and creativity. One-hundred fifty-one... View Details
Ruscio, J., D. M. Whitney, and T. M. Amabile. "Looking Inside the Fishbowl of Creativity: Verbal and Behavioral Predictors of Creative Performance." Creativity Research Journal 11, no. 3 (1998): 243–263.
- fall 1997
- Article
Motivating Creativity in Organizations: On Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do
By: T. M. Amabile
Creativity in all fields, including business, flourishes under intrinsic motivation- the drive to do something because it is interesting, involving, exciting, satisfying, or personally challenging. This article presents the Componential Theory of Organizational... View Details
Amabile, T. M. "Motivating Creativity in Organizations: On Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do." California Management Review 40, no. 1 (fall 1997): 39–58.
- 01 Oct 1997
- Conference Presentation
Rewards and Creativity
By: B. A. Hennessey and Teresa M. Amabile
Keywords: Creativity
- September–October 1997
- Comment
Comment on: 'What's Stifling Creativity at Coolburst?' by Suzy Wetlaufer et al.
By: T. M. Amabile
Keywords: Creativity
Amabile, T. M. "Comment on: 'What's Stifling Creativity at Coolburst?' by Suzy Wetlaufer et al." Harvard Business Review 75, no. 5 (September–October 1997): 46 & 48.
- 1997
- Chapter
The Imagination to Innovate, the Professionalism to Perform, and the Openness to Collaborate: The Leading the Change-Adept Organization
Keywords: Creativity; Innovation and Invention; Performance Expectations; Cooperation; Leading Change; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "The Imagination to Innovate, the Professionalism to Perform, and the Openness to Collaborate: The Leading the Change-Adept Organization." In Rosabeth Moss Kanter on the Frontiers of Management, by R. M. Kanter. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1997.
- 1 Aug 1997
- Conference Presentation
What Really Happens in Creative Projects: Event Sampling through Electronic Data Collection
By: T. M. Amabile, D. Whitney, J. Weinstock, L. Miller and C. Fallang
- 1997
- Chapter
Environmental Determinants of Work Motivation, Creativity, and Innovation: The Case of R&D Downsizing
By: T. M. Amabile and R. Conti
Keywords: Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Research and Development; Working Conditions; Motivation and Incentives; Creativity; Innovation and Invention
Amabile, T. M., and R. Conti. "Environmental Determinants of Work Motivation, Creativity, and Innovation: The Case of R&D Downsizing." In Technological Innovation: Oversights and Foresights, edited by Raghu Garud, Praveen Rattan Nayyar, and Zur Baruch Shapira. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
- January 1997 (Revised June 1997)
- Case
Corporate New Ventures at Procter & Gamble
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Dean Whitney
Consumer products giant Procter & Gamble is faced with an urgent need to revitalize new-product innovation, given its recent focus on incremental product improvements and its aggressive growth goals. As part of this effort, the company's top executives form a small,... View Details
Keywords: Innovation Strategy; Creativity; Working Conditions; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Groups and Teams; Retail Industry; Ohio
Amabile, Teresa M., and Dean Whitney. "Corporate New Ventures at Procter & Gamble." Harvard Business School Case 897-088, January 1997. (Revised June 1997.)
- Article
Entrepreneurial Creativity Through Motivational Synergy
By: T. M. Amabile
This paper defines and describes entrepreneurial creativity, which is the generation and implementation of novel, appropriate ideas to establish a new venture. Entrepreneurial creativity can be exhibited in established organizations as well as in start-up firms. The... View Details
Keywords: Creativity; Motivation and Incentives; Organizational Culture; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention
Amabile, T. M. "Entrepreneurial Creativity Through Motivational Synergy." Journal of Creative Behavior 31, no. 1 (March 1997): 18–26.
- October 1996
- Article
Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity
By: T. M. Amabile, R. Conti, H. Coon, J. Lazenby and M. Herron
We describe the development and validation of a new instrument, KEYS: Assessing the Climate for Creativity, designed to assess perceived stimulants and obstacles to creativity in organizational work environments. The KEYS scales have acceptable factor structures,... View Details
Keywords: Creativity; Motivation and Incentives; Organizational Culture; Innovation and Invention; Groups and Teams; Performance; Research; Theory
Amabile, T. M., R. Conti, H. Coon, J. Lazenby, and M. Herron. "Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity." Academy of Management Journal 39, no. 5 (October 1996): 1154–1184.
- August 1996 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions (A1)
By: Linda A. Hill and Jaan Elias
Illustrates: 1) the impact of a manager's leadership style on corporate culture, direction, and performance; 2) the concept of fit between leadership style and the requirements of situations in which managers find themselves; and 3) the need for managers to adapt their... View Details
Keywords: Management Style; Race; Organizational Culture; Success; Leadership Style; Gender; Management Teams; Change Management; Situation or Environment; Creativity; Relationships; Music Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Hill, Linda A., and Jaan Elias. "Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions (A1)." Harvard Business School Case 497-015, August 1996. (Revised October 1996.)
- 1996
- Chapter
Frank Barron's Influence on Current and Future Generations of Creativity Researchers: Some Personal Reflections
By: T. M. Amabile, R. Conti and M. A. Collins
- 1996
- Book
Creativity in Context
By: T. M. Amabile
Keywords: Creativity; Theory; Research; Motivation and Incentives; Situation or Environment; Organizational Culture; Measurement and Metrics; Personal Characteristics; Cognition and Thinking; Performance; Performance Evaluation; Social Psychology
Amabile, T. M. Creativity in Context. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996.
- February 1996
- Background Note
Managing for Creativity
Organizational stimulants and obstacles to creativity are summarized. The management tasks of supporting creativity and encouraging innovation are described as a delicate balance between over-control and chaos. A technology used to assess the climate for creativity is... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Invention; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Culture; Creativity; Motivation and Incentives; Technology
Amabile, Teresa M. "Managing for Creativity." Harvard Business School Background Note 396-271, February 1996.
- January 1996
- Background Note
The Motivation for Creativity in Organizations
People will be most creative when they feel motivated primarily by the interest, enjoyment, satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself--when they are driven by a deep involvement in their work and a passion for it. This note describes the ways in which creativity... View Details
Keywords: Compensation and Benefits; Managerial Roles; Organizations; Creativity; Motivation and Incentives; Satisfaction
Amabile, Teresa M. "The Motivation for Creativity in Organizations." Harvard Business School Background Note 396-240, January 1996.
- January 1996
- Background Note
Creativity and Innovation in Organizations
Creativity, the production of new and useful ideas by individuals or teams, can appear in many forms and many functions within firms of all kinds--from entrepreneurial start-ups to well-established enterprises. This note describes the varieties of creativity in... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Organizational Design; Situation or Environment; Creativity
Amabile, Teresa M. "Creativity and Innovation in Organizations." Harvard Business School Background Note 396-239, January 1996.
- 1996
- Article
Evidence to Support the Componential Model of Creativity: Secondary Analyses of Three Studies
By: R. Conti, H. Coon and T. M. Amabile
Amabile's (1983a, 1983b, 1988) componential model of creativity predicts that three major components contribute to creativity: skills specific to the task domain, general (cross-domain) creativity-relevant skills, and task motivation. If all three components actually... View Details
Conti, R., H. Coon, and T. M. Amabile. "Evidence to Support the Componential Model of Creativity: Secondary Analyses of Three Studies." Creativity Research Journal 9, no. 4 (1996): 385–389.