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- Faculty Publications (226)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (226)
- 2008
- Working Paper
Economic Impacts of Immigration: A Survey
By: Sari Pekkala Kerr and William R. Kerr
This paper surveys recent empirical studies on the economic impacts of immigration. The survey first examines the magnitude of immigration as an economic phenomenon in various host countries. The second part deals with the assimilation of immigrant workers into... View Details
Pekkala Kerr, Sari, and William R. Kerr. "Economic Impacts of Immigration: A Survey." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-013, July 2008. (NBER WP 16736, Revised February 2011, forthcoming in Finnish Economic Papers.)
- April 2008 (Revised May 2008)
- Case
Commonwealth Care Alliance: Elderly and Disabled Care
By: Michael E. Porter and Jennifer F Baron
Individuals enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid, known as dual eligibles, are among the highest-cost beneficiaries in the US. Commonwealth Care Alliance, a small nonprofit insurer and care delivery system in Massachusetts, operated under a public demonstration... View Details
Keywords: Programs; Public Sector; Alliances; Policy; Age; Service Delivery; Value; Health Care and Treatment; Welfare; Insurance Industry; Health Industry; Massachusetts
Porter, Michael E., and Jennifer F Baron. "Commonwealth Care Alliance: Elderly and Disabled Care." Harvard Business School Case 708-502, April 2008. (Revised May 2008.)
- Third Quarter 2008
- Article
Governance in the Public Sector
By: John A. Quelch
Quelch, John A. "Governance in the Public Sector." Directors & Boards 32, no. 4 (Third Quarter 2008): 36–37.
- December 2007 (Revised January 2008)
- Case
Transforming Arizona's Health Care System: Developing and Implementing the Health-e Connection Roadmap
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Ajay Vinze, T.S. Raghu and Minu Ipe
Addresses the issues of leadership and change management in the process of transforming an industry through an innovative public-private partnership approach to policy making. In 2005, the Governor of Arizona issued an Executive Order to create a roadmap for the state... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Private Sector; Public Sector; Health Care and Treatment; Service Delivery; Partners and Partnerships; Information Technology; Health Industry; Service Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., Ajay Vinze, T.S. Raghu, and Minu Ipe. "Transforming Arizona's Health Care System: Developing and Implementing the Health-e Connection Roadmap." Harvard Business School Case 808-072, December 2007. (Revised January 2008.)
- 2007
- Casebook
Managing School Districts for High Performance: Cases in Public Education Leadership
By: Stacey Childress, Richard F. Elmore, Allen S. Grossman and Susan Moore Johnson
Managing School Districts for High Performance brings together more than twenty case studies and other readings that offer a powerful and transformative approach to advancing and sustaining the work of school improvement. At the center of this work is the... View Details
Keywords: Management; Strategy; Leadership; Public Sector; Organizational Design; Education; Performance Improvement
Childress, Stacey, Richard F. Elmore, Allen S. Grossman, and Susan Moore Johnson, eds. Managing School Districts for High Performance: Cases in Public Education Leadership. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, 2007.
- 2007
- Book
America the Principled: 6 Opportunities for Becoming a Can-Do Nation Once Again
This book draws on the author's multiple research projects and field observations to analyze problems facing the United States in recent years and to create an agenda for renewing American strengths through returning to core American principles—but in new ways suitable... View Details
Keywords: Values and Beliefs; Policy; Leadership; Civil Society or Community; Cooperation; United States
Kanter, Rosabeth M. America the Principled: 6 Opportunities for Becoming a Can-Do Nation Once Again. New York: Crown, 2007.
- 2007
- Chapter
The Rationales and Performance of Public Venturing: Survey Evidence from Belgium and Finland
By: Ant Bozkaya and William R. Kerr
Bozkaya, Ant, and William R. Kerr. "The Rationales and Performance of Public Venturing: Survey Evidence from Belgium and Finland." In Essays in Entrepreneurial Finance, by Ant Bozkaya, 95–139. Université libre de Bruxelles, 2007. (Reprinted in Entrepreneurial Finance: Financing of Young, Innovative Ventures (Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag, 2009), 95-139.)
- January 2007 (Revised August 2007)
- Case
Fulton County School System: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Monica Nah Lee
Illustrates the adaptation and implementation of a private sector management tool, the Balanced Scorecard, to a public school district. As part of a continuous improvement initiative, the Director of Planning and Policy facilitates the development of a strategy map and... View Details
Keywords: Education; Governance; Leadership; Balanced Scorecard; Performance Improvement; Strategy; Education Industry
Kaplan, Robert S., and Monica Nah Lee. "Fulton County School System: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard." Harvard Business School Case 107-029, January 2007. (Revised August 2007.)
- 2007
- Chapter
Health Services for the Poor in Developing Countries: Private vs. Public vs. Private & Public
By: Tarun Khanna and David M. Bloom
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Poverty; Welfare or Wellbeing; Developing Countries and Economies; Public Sector; Private Sector; Health Industry
Khanna, Tarun, and David M. Bloom. "Health Services for the Poor in Developing Countries: Private vs. Public vs. Private & Public." In Business Solutions for the Global Poor: Creating Social and Economic Value, edited by V. Kasturi Rangan, John A. Quelch, Gustavo Herrero, and Brooke Barton. John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
- December 2006 (Revised February 2009)
- Case
China Merchants Bank: Here Just For You
By: F. Warren McFarlan, GuoQing Chen, HengYuan Zhu, Bin Yang, Michael Shih-ta Chen, G.A. Donovan, Waishun Lo and Yan Yang
Founded in 1987, China Merchants Bank (CMB) is a pioneer in the use of technical innovation and IT as a competitive tool in the rapidly evolving Chinese banking sector. With a relatively small branch network when compared to its larger competitors, CMB uses an... View Details
Keywords: Credit Cards; Information Technology; Technological Innovation; Innovation Leadership; Competitive Strategy; Initial Public Offering; Emerging Markets; Opportunities; Banking Industry; China; Hong Kong
McFarlan, F. Warren, GuoQing Chen, HengYuan Zhu, Bin Yang, Michael Shih-ta Chen, G.A. Donovan, Waishun Lo, and Yan Yang. "China Merchants Bank: Here Just For You." Harvard Business School Case 307-081, December 2006. (Revised February 2009.)
- September 2006 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
Cathy Benko: WINning at Deloitte (A)
By: Kathleen L. McGinn, Deborah M. Kolb and Cailin B. Hammer
Jim Quigley, CEO of Deloitte and Touche's consulting practice, asks senior partner Cathy Benko to lead Deloitte & Touche's much publicized Initiative for the Retention and Advancement of Women (WIN). Benko, already the Lead Client Service Partner on one of Deloitte's... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Leadership Development; Talent and Talent Management; Personal Development and Career; Gender; Consulting Industry; United States
McGinn, Kathleen L., Deborah M. Kolb, and Cailin B. Hammer. "Cathy Benko: WINning at Deloitte (A)." Harvard Business School Case 907-026, September 2006. (Revised November 2006.)
- June 2006 (Revised February 2007)
- Teaching Note
Private Capital and Public Policy: Standard & Poor's Sovereign Credit Ratings (TN)
By: Rawi E. Abdelal
- 2006
- Other Unpublished Work
Rural Clusters of Innovation: Berkshires Strategy Project: Driving A Long-Term Economic Strategy
The Berkshires Strategy Project, a six-month strategy development effort involving dozens of private and public sector organizations in the Berkshires, has led to broad consensus behind an economic strategy for the County, and galvanized a leadership group in the form... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Rural Clusters of Innovation: Berkshires Strategy Project: Driving A Long-Term Economic Strategy." Monitor Group, 2006.
- Jul 2005 - 2005
- Conference Presentation
Implementing Public Sector Reforms: The Role of Institutional Entrepreneurs
By: Julie Battilana
- May 2004 (Revised November 2005)
- Case
Turkey: Securing Stability in a Rough Neighborhood
By: Richard H.K. Vietor and Emily Thompson
After suffering years of volatility and crises, Turkey desperately sought macroeconomic and political stability in an ever-worsening region of the world. In the short term, Turkey had to repay its debt, which amounted to more than 80% of GDP. By January 2004, Turkey... View Details
Keywords: Public Sector; Inflation and Deflation; Macroeconomics; Borrowing and Debt; Banks and Banking; International Finance; Privatization; Religion; Turkey; European Union
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Emily Thompson. "Turkey: Securing Stability in a Rough Neighborhood." Harvard Business School Case 704-045, May 2004. (Revised November 2005.)
- December 2003 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
FIRA: Confronting the Mexican Agricultural Crisis
By: James E. Austin, Michael Chu and Cate Reavis
In fall 2003, Mexico's agriculture sector was facing a crisis brought on largely by a surge in cheap U.S. imports resulting from NAFTA and inaccessible and/or expensive terms of credit for Mexican agricultural producers. It was getting harder for Mexican producers to... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Public Sector; Trade; Financial Instruments; Crisis Management; Markets; Strategic Planning; Partners and Partnerships; Competitive Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Austin, James E., Michael Chu, and Cate Reavis. "FIRA: Confronting the Mexican Agricultural Crisis." Harvard Business School Case 304-032, December 2003. (Revised March 2004.)
- September 2003 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Bharti Tele-Ventures
By: Tarun Khanna, Krishna G. Palepu and Ingrid Vargas
Following the liberalization of India's telecommunications service industry in the early 1990s, Bharti Tele-Ventures grew from a small entrepreneurial telephone equipment importer and manufacturer to become India's largest private-sector telecommunications service... View Details
Keywords: Private Sector; Growth and Development; Customers; Foreign Direct Investment; Mergers and Acquisitions; Competition; Public Ownership; Profit; Partners and Partnerships; Rank and Position; Telecommunications Industry; India
Khanna, Tarun, Krishna G. Palepu, and Ingrid Vargas. "Bharti Tele-Ventures." Harvard Business School Case 704-426, September 2003. (Revised March 2004.)
- August 2003 (Revised September 2008)
- Background Note
Note on Financing of the U.S. Health Care Sector
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Jeff Grahling
This course describes the public and private sources of financing of the U.S. health-care sector,and identifies the characteristics of insurance policies, their costs, the structure of the insurance industry, and the role of consultants and brokers. The insurance... View Details
Keywords: Economic Sectors; Financing and Loans; Insurance; Industry Structures; Health Industry; Insurance Industry; United States
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Jeff Grahling. "Note on Financing of the U.S. Health Care Sector." Harvard Business School Background Note 304-039, August 2003. (Revised September 2008.)
- February 2003 (Revised July 2005)
- Case
British Broadcasting Corporation (A): One BBC
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Douglas A Raymond
Greg Dyke, the new director general of the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) must decide whether to extend an already ambitious change effort at the world's largest public service broadcaster. The initial results of the effort are very positive: audience numbers are up,... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Media; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Leadership Development; Competition; Creativity; Relationships; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United Kingdom
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Douglas A Raymond. "British Broadcasting Corporation (A): One BBC." Harvard Business School Case 303-075, February 2003. (Revised July 2005.)
- 2002
- Report
Conference Board Commission on Public Trust and Private Enterprise
By: Lynn S. Paine and other contributors
Paine, Lynn S., and other contributors. "Conference Board Commission on Public Trust and Private Enterprise." Report, Conference Board, November 2002.