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- All HBS Web
- People (22)
- News (1,431)
- Research (5,407)
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- Faculty Publications (3,588)
- May 2011
- Case
Baria Planning Solutions, Inc.: Fixing the Sales Process
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and William Schmidt
Baria Planning Solutions (BPS) is a consulting firm that specializes in using spend analysis to help companies identify savings through reduced procurement costs and improved supplier performance. Management is concerned about the disappointing performance of the sales... View Details
Keywords: Quantitative Analysis; Technology; Operations Management; Product Lines; Manufacturing; Capacity Planning; Production Planning; Production; Management Practices and Processes; Service Operations; Supply Chain Management; Salesforce Management; Planning; Consulting Industry; North and Central America
Wheelwright, Steven C., and William Schmidt. "Baria Planning Solutions, Inc.: Fixing the Sales Process." Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-568, May 2011.
- August 2001 (Revised February 2005)
- Case
Dakota Office Products
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The senior management team of Dakota, an office products distributor, is concerned about the company's first loss in history. Explores the role for activity based costing and customer profitability measurement in a distribution company. Dakota's customers are... View Details
Keywords: Activity Based Costing and Management; Order Taking and Fulfillment; Profit; Distribution; Customers; Distribution Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Dakota Office Products." Harvard Business School Case 102-021, August 2001. (Revised February 2005.)
- June 2012
- Case
Siemens AG: Key Account Management
By: Thomas Steenburgh, Michael Ahearne and Elena Corsi
The key account manager of an engineering company has to convince a department to give up important contracts. The German engineering company Siemens had set up a global key account management program since 2010. The key account manager of an emerging account had been... View Details
Keywords: Key Account Management; Commercialization; Marketing; Marketing Management; Engineering; Marketing Strategy; Customer Relationship Management; Profit; Problems and Challenges; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Europe
Steenburgh, Thomas, Michael Ahearne, and Elena Corsi. "Siemens AG: Key Account Management." Harvard Business School Case 512-110, June 2012.
- Research Summary
Product Policy and Pricing
By: Robert J. Dolan
Robert J. Dolan's continuing research on marketing issues focuses on pricing policy and new products. His research program encompasses the development of both cases and conceptual models. Dolan's focus is the proper utilization of customer input in the new-product... View Details
- April 2013
- Case
Sterling Household Products Company
By: William E. Fruhan and Craig Stephenson
Sterling Household Products manufactures and markets a broad line of consumer goods from laundry soap and cosmetics to cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing products. The company has many highly regarded brand names and consistently reports impressive sales and... View Details
Fruhan, William E., and Craig Stephenson. "Sterling Household Products Company." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-556, April 2013.
- July 1987
- Case
Altoona Corp.: Computer Products Division
By: Roger E. Bohn and Robert H. Hayes
A relatively small manufacturer of computer memory disks has achieved a major market position through the use of its statistical quality control (SQC) program. It is now expanding the production of a new line of disks and is encountering problems getting the process... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Volatility; Performance Consistency; Performance Improvement; Performance Productivity; Quality; Mathematical Methods; Hardware; Manufacturing Industry
Bohn, Roger E., and Robert H. Hayes. "Altoona Corp.: Computer Products Division." Harvard Business School Case 688-010, July 1987.
- June 2010 (Revised July 2011)
- Case
Classic Knitwear and Guardian: A Perfect Fit?
By: John A. Quelch and Patricia Girardi
Classic Knitwear manufactures and distributes casual apparel, either unbranded or under a private-label brand name. Partly because Classic has no brand recognition with consumers, gross margins are low. To improve margins, the company considers partnering via a... View Details
Keywords: Market Research; Forecasting; Consumer Marketing; New Product Marketing; Product Lines; Merchandising; Branding; Demand and Consumers; Partners and Partnerships; Marketing Strategy; Forecasting and Prediction; Product Marketing; Brands and Branding; Product Development; Manufacturing Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Quelch, John A., and Patricia Girardi. "Classic Knitwear and Guardian: A Perfect Fit?" Harvard Business School Brief Case 104-217, June 2010. (Revised July 2011.)
- 1993
- Chapter
Seihin Kaihatsu Process no Management (Management of the Product Development Process)
By: Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka
Keywords: Product Development
- April 2013 (Revised April 2014)
- Case
Transitions Asia: Managing Across Cultures
By: Roy Y.J. Chua and Dawn H. Lau
The director of an interim executive search firm, Chee Lung Tham, faced a clash of culture and management styles when his mainland Chinese client threatened to fire the American interim manager that Tham had assigned. The client, Wong Lung, ran a family-owned garment... View Details
Keywords: China; Cross-cultural Management; Management Style; Conflict Management; Family Business; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Service Industry; China
Chua, Roy Y.J., and Dawn H. Lau. "Transitions Asia: Managing Across Cultures." Harvard Business School Case 413-099, April 2013. (Revised April 2014.)
- May 2011
- Supplement
The Morrison Company, Faculty Spreadsheet (Brief Case)
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and Paul Myers
- February 2023
- Supplement
Coats Dyehouse Management
By: Willy C. Shih
Coats, the largest thread maker in the world, transformed its business to digital colour measurement so that it could respond better to customer demand in the garment industry for rapid product cycles and more fragmented colour choices. Its embrace of digital colour... View Details
Keywords: Inventory Management; Supply Chain; Inventory; Supply Chain Management; Operations; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Asia
Shih, Willy C. "Coats Dyehouse Management." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 622-703, February 2023.
- 1992
- Working Paper
Managing the Product Line: A Case of the Automobile Industry
By: T. Fujimoto, K. B. Clark and Y. Aoshima
- May 2011
- Teaching Note
Baria Planning Solutions, Inc.: Fixing the Sales Process (Brief Case)
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and William Schmidt
Teaching Note for 4568. View Details
- May 2011
- Supplement
The Morrison Company, Spreadsheet Supplement (Brief Case)
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and Paul Myers
- November 2012
- Article
Does Management Really Work?
By: Nicholas Bloom, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen
HBR's 90th anniversary is a sensible time to revisit a basic question: Are organizations more likely to succeed if they adopt good management practices? The answer may seem obvious to most HBR readers, but these three economists cast their net much wider than that. In... View Details
Keywords: Best Practices; Consulting Firms; Corporations; Cost Control; Employee Training; Executive Ability (Management); Executives—training Of; Hospitals—administration; Industrial Management—research; Productivity Incentives; School Management Teams; Work Environment; Management; Research
Bloom, Nicholas, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen. "Does Management Really Work?" Harvard Business Review 90, no. 11 (November 2012).
- 2007
- Chapter
Creativity in Product Development
Managing new product development is a key area of management, straddling strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship and macro-organizational behaviour. All of the contributors in the Handbook of New Product Developmet Management are well-known and leading exponents to... View Details
Keywords: Management Practices and Processes; Product Development; Problems and Challenges; Research; Creativity
Fleming, Lee, and Santiago Mingo. "Creativity in Product Development." In Handbook of New Product Development Management, edited by Christoph Loch and Stylianos Kavadias. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.
- 23 Apr 2012
- Research & Ideas
How to Brand a Next-Generation Product
notice a new name.” Like Apple, most consumer-centric companies deal with the dilemma of how to brand the next- generation of an existing product. Product upgrades make up the majority of corporate research and development activity.... View Details
Keywords: by Carmen Nobel
- 26 Aug 2001 - 30 Aug 2001
- Conference Presentation
Developing Products on Internet Time: Managing Innovation in Turbulent Environments
By: Alan MacCormack
- 07 Apr 2022
- Blog Post
Product Management at HBS: Roll Up Your Sleeves and Learn by Doing
Battalion. While at HBS and SEAS (the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences), Weston built his own video game, Regent, and honed his product management and entrepreneurial skillset. He is also... View Details