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- May 2011
- Teaching Note
Baria Planning Solutions, Inc.: Fixing the Sales Process (Brief Case)
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and William Schmidt
Teaching Note for 4568. View Details
- August 2018
- Case
Four Products: Predicting Diffusion (2018)
By: John Gourville
One job of product managers, marketers, strategic planners, and other corporate executives is to predict what the demand will be for a new product. This task is easier for certain classes of new products than for others. For new consumer package goods, for instance,... View Details
Keywords: Diffusion Processes; Product Adoption; Marketing; Forecasting and Prediction; Demand and Consumers; Adoption; Product Launch
Gourville, John. "Four Products: Predicting Diffusion (2018)." Harvard Business School Case 519-018, August 2018.
- August 2018
- Article
Creative Sparks or Paralysis Traps? The Effects of Contradictions on Creative Processing and Creative Products
By: Goran Calic and Sébastien Hélie
Paradoxes are an unavoidable part of work life. The unusualness of attempting to simultaneously satisfy contradictory imperatives can result in creative outcomes that simultaneously satisfy both imperatives by inducing search for, and selection of, novel and useful... View Details
Calic, Goran, and Sébastien Hélie. "Creative Sparks or Paralysis Traps? The Effects of Contradictions on Creative Processing and Creative Products." Art. 1489. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (August 2018).
- October 1990 (Revised November 1992)
- Case
Ceramics Process Systems Corp. (A)
By: Clayton M. Christensen
A small ceramics company started by a group of MIT professors struggles with some basic technology strategy issues. A plan to take "one commercializable step" at a time in order to get a foothold in the market goes awry because of incompatibility between the company's... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Technology; Problems and Challenges; Market Entry and Exit; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Research and Development; Production; Manufacturing Industry; Cambridge
Christensen, Clayton M. "Ceramics Process Systems Corp. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 691-028, October 1990. (Revised November 1992.)
- Article
Reflections on the 2013 Decade Award: 'Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited' Ten Years Later
By: Mary Benner and Michael Tushman
This paper reflects on Benner and Tushman (2003): "Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited." Our paper received the Academy of Management Review's best paper award in 2003 and the decade award in 2013. We consider the... View Details
Keywords: Organizations; Innovation and Invention; Performance Productivity; Innovation and Management
Benner, Mary, and Michael Tushman. "Reflections on the 2013 Decade Award: 'Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited' Ten Years Later." Academy of Management Review 40, no. 4 (October 2015): 497–514.
- 2020
- Chapter
El problema de la productividad [The Productivity Problem]
By: Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
The weak performance of the Latin American region in terms of the growth of its GDP is largely due to its low productivity growth. In fact, the region's main problem has been its lack of efficiency in combining capital and labor to produce. In this chapter, we... View Details
Keywords: GDP Growth; Productivity Growth; Efficiency; Labor; Capital; Growth and Development; Latin America
Alfaro, Laura, and Fabio Kanczuk. "El problema de la productividad [The Productivity Problem]." Chap. 3 in El desafío del desarrollo en América Latina. Políticas para una región más productiva, integrada e inclusiva [The Challenge of Development in Latin America: Policies for a More Productive, Integrated and Inclusive Region], 85–123. Caracas, Venezuela: CAF – Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, 2020, Spanish ed.
- 1995
- Article
Technology Development and Integration: An Empirical Study of the Interaction between Applied Science and Product Development
By: Marco Iansiti
Keywords: Information Technology; Research and Development; Integration; Information; Science; Product
Iansiti, Marco. "Technology Development and Integration: An Empirical Study of the Interaction between Applied Science and Product Development." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 42 (1995): 259–269.
- Article
Knowledge, Integration and the Locus of Learning: An Empirical Analysis of Process Development
By: Gary P. Pisano
Pisano, Gary P. "Knowledge, Integration and the Locus of Learning: An Empirical Analysis of Process Development." Strategic Management Journal 15 (Winter 1994): 85–100.
- Article
Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development
Leonard-Barton, D. A. "Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development." Strategic Management Journal 13 (Summer 1992): 111–125.
- 2005
- Working Paper
Strategic Management As Organizational Learning: Developing Fit and Alignment Through a Disciplined Process
By: Michael Beer, Sven C. Voelpel, Marius Leibold and Eden B. Tekie
- May 2003
- Module Note
Managing Development Networks
By: Stefan H. Thomke
Describes the concepts and pedagogy for a module on understanding and managing product development networks between firms and within firms and among products themselves. Introduces students to the increasingly important role of networks in the development of new... View Details
Keywords: Product Development; Resource Allocation; Research and Development; Networks; Design; Groups and Teams
Thomke, Stefan H. "Managing Development Networks." Harvard Business School Module Note 603-091, May 2003.
- 1991
- Book
Product Development Performance: Strategy, Organization, and Management in the World Auto Industry
By: K. B. Clark and T. Fujimoto
Clark, K. B., and T. Fujimoto. Product Development Performance: Strategy, Organization, and Management in the World Auto Industry. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1991.
- March 2009
- Article
Product Development and Learning in Project Teams: The Challenges are the Benefits
By: A. C. Edmondson and I. Nembhard
Keywords: Product; Research and Development; Learning; Projects; Groups and Teams; Problems and Challenges
Edmondson, A. C., and I. Nembhard. "Product Development and Learning in Project Teams: The Challenges are the Benefits." Journal of Product Innovation Management 26, no. 2 (March 2009): 123–138.
- October 2005
- Article
Strategic Management as Organizational Learning: Developing Fit and Alignment through a Disciplined Process
By: Michael Beer, Sven C. Voelpel, Marius Leibold and Eden B. Tekie
Beer, Michael, Sven C. Voelpel, Marius Leibold, and Eden B. Tekie. "Strategic Management as Organizational Learning: Developing Fit and Alignment through a Disciplined Process." Long Range Planning 38, no. 5 (October 2005).
- 2021
- Working Paper
Impact Accounting for Product Use: A Framework and Industry-specific Models
By: George Serafeim and Katie Trinh
This handbook provides the first systematic attempt to generate a framework and industry-specific models for the measurement of impacts on customers and the environment from use of products and services, in monetary terms, that can then be reflected in financial... View Details
Keywords: Impact Measurement; Product Impact; Customer Welfare; Environment; ESG; Product; Customers; Well-being; Environmental Sustainability; Measurement and Metrics; Accounting; Financial Statements; Analysis; Framework
Serafeim, George, and Katie Trinh. "Impact Accounting for Product Use: A Framework and Industry-specific Models." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-141, June 2021.
- Research Summary
Foreign Direct Investment, Finance, and Economic Development
Research has sought to understand how foreign direct investment affects host economies. This paper reviews the empirical literature, specifically addressing the question: How does FDI affect economic development of host countries and what is the role of local financial... View Details
- May 2017
- Article
Behavioral Processes in Long-Lag Interventions
By: Dale T. Miller, Jennifer E. Dannals and Julian Zlatev
We argue that psychologists who conduct experiments with long lags between the manipulation and the outcome measure should pay more attention to behavioral processes that intervene between the manipulation and the outcome measure. Neglect of such processes, we contend,... View Details
Keywords: Field Experiments; Interventions; Behavioral Mediation; Theories Of Change; Longitudinal Studies; Behavior; Research; Change; Theory
Miller, Dale T., Jennifer E. Dannals, and Julian Zlatev. "Behavioral Processes in Long-Lag Interventions." Perspectives on Psychological Science 12, no. 3 (May 2017): 454–467.
- Teaching Interest
General Management: Processes and Action
General Management: Processes and Action (GMPA) focuses on implementation and the way that general managers get things done. Typically, they work through processes—sequences of tasks and activities that unfold over time, like strategic planning,... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Communication Strategy; Decision Making; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Technological Innovation; Knowledge Management; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Practices and Processes; Management Skills; Management Style; Management Teams; Managerial Roles; Resource Allocation; Business Processes; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Culture; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Strategic Planning; Conflict and Resolution; Power and Influence; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Auto Industry; Computer Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Financial Services Industry; Health Industry; Information Industry; Legal Services Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Publishing Industry; Retail Industry; Video Game Industry; China; India; United States