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- Faculty Publications (2,160)
- March 2003
- Case
Insurer of Last Resort? The Federal Financial Response to September 11
By: David A. Moss and Sarah A. Brennan
Examines the federal financial response to September 11, 2001: the airline bailout, the victim compensation fund, emergency aid to New York and Washington, and terrorism reinsurance. Less than two weeks after the attacks, the government had committed almost $40 billion... View Details
Moss, David A., and Sarah A. Brennan. "Insurer of Last Resort? The Federal Financial Response to September 11." Harvard Business School Case 703-041, March 2003.
- March 2003 (Revised January 2008)
- Case
Northrop versus TRW
By: Carliss Y. Baldwin and James Quinn
TRW, a leading supplier of advanced technology products for the auto, defense, and aerospace markets, receives an unexpected stock-for-stock offer from defense company Northrop Grumman Corp. The $11.4 billion aggregate offer, which represents a 22% premium over the... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Decision Choices and Conditions; Governing and Advisory Boards; Laws and Statutes; Negotiation Tactics; Valuation; Aerospace Industry; Auto Industry; Ohio
Baldwin, Carliss Y., and James Quinn. "Northrop versus TRW." Harvard Business School Case 903-115, March 2003. (Revised January 2008.)
- 2003
- Conference Paper
Follow the Money: What Really Drives Technology Innovation in Construction
By: John D. Macomber
Technology enthusiasts, academics, and software companies remain concerned about the slow pace of innovation in the construction industry. Tools are widely available that seem to provide eminently sensible and clearly apparent improvement to the process of design and... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Technological Innovation; Construction; Design; Performance Improvement; Motivation and Incentives; Knowledge Management; Adoption; Business Model; Capital Structure; Supply Chain
Macomber, John D. "Follow the Money: What Really Drives Technology Innovation in Construction." Paper presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers, 2003.
- Article
The Growing Strategic Importance of End-of-Life Product Management
Requiring manufacturers to manage the their products when they become waste is an innovative form of regulation, one that has been adopted by countries in Asia, Europe, and North America on a variety of products that range from vehicles to appliances to batteries.... View Details
Keywords: Product; Environmental Sustainability; Cost Management; Wastes and Waste Processing; Strategy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Manufacturing Industry; Asia; Europe; North and Central America
Toffel, Michael W. "The Growing Strategic Importance of End-of-Life Product Management." California Management Review 45, no. 3 (Spring 2003): 102–129.
- February 2003 (Revised December 2006)
- Case
Toys "R" Us (A)
By: Michael G. Rukstad, Dennis A. Yao and Cate Reavis
In 1992, Toys "R" Us, the pioneer of the "category killer" retail format, faced significant competitive threats from mass discounters and warehouse clubs and was losing market share. This case explores the dynamic sustainability of Toys "R" Us's retailing model, its... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Competition; Supply and Industry; Power and Influence; Retail Industry; United States
Rukstad, Michael G., Dennis A. Yao, and Cate Reavis. Toys "R" Us (A). Harvard Business School Case 703-445, February 2003. (Revised December 2006.)
- February 2003 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
The Nature Conservancy
By: Allen S. Grossman and Jane Wei-Skillern
Almost immediately upon being appointed CEO of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Steve McCormick undertakes a radical reorganization of this global institution. TNC is the largest and, by most measures, the most successful environment organization in the world, with... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Leading Change; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Strategic Planning; Natural Environment; Nonprofit Organizations; United States
Grossman, Allen S., and Jane Wei-Skillern. "The Nature Conservancy." Harvard Business School Case 303-007, February 2003. (Revised March 2003.)
- February 2003 (Revised January 2004)
- Case
Mission to Mars (A)
By: Alan D. MacCormack and Jay Wynn
This case is set in spring 2000, several months after two successive, failed missions to the planet Mars. Students are asked to evaluate the reasons for these failures in the context of NASA's "Faster, Better, Cheaper" program, which was initiated in 1992. They are... View Details
Keywords: Failure; Change Management; Innovation Strategy; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Projects; Management; Risk Management; Risk and Uncertainty; Aerospace Industry; Technology Industry
MacCormack, Alan D., and Jay Wynn. "Mission to Mars (A)." Harvard Business School Case 603-083, February 2003. (Revised January 2004.)
- February 2003 (Revised February 2009)
- Case
Yahoo!: Becoming a Competitor in the Career Listings Space (A)
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Nicole Nasser
In late 2001, Yahoo!'s new executive leadership team faces a decision. With online advertising revenues significantly off, the company has decided to explore new strategic businesses, including online recruiting. The team must decide whether to make a bid for... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Decisions; Recruitment; Management Teams; Negotiation Deal; Employment Industry
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Nicole Nasser. "Yahoo!: Becoming a Competitor in the Career Listings Space (A)." Harvard Business School Case 903-071, February 2003. (Revised February 2009.)
- January 2003 (Revised September 2007)
- Background Note
A Note on Racing to Acquire Customers
Examines factors that motivate a firm's race to acquire customers in newly emerging markets and explores conditions under which racing strategies are likely to yield attractive returns. Provides a definition of racing behavior, introduces the notion of an optimal level... View Details
Keywords: Customers; Price Bubble; Network Effects; Emerging Markets; Market Entry and Exit; Behavior; Competition
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "A Note on Racing to Acquire Customers." Harvard Business School Background Note 803-103, January 2003. (Revised September 2007.)
- 2003
- Chapter
Equity Financing
By: Paul Gompers and Joshua Lerner
Equity financing for entrepreneurial firms has attracted increasing attention in
both the popular press and academic literature. The dramatic growth in the
venture capital industry in the past two decades has been accompanied by new
academic research that explores... View Details
Gompers, Paul, and Joshua Lerner. "Equity Financing." In Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction, by Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch, 267–298. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
- 2003
- Article
Venture Capital and Private Equity: A Course Overview
By: Josh Lerner
This paper describes a course exploring the private equity industry, "Venture Capital and Private Equity". The goals of this article are two-fold: to make the structure and content of the class available to a broader audience beyond the audience of MBAs and executives... View Details
Lerner, Josh. "Venture Capital and Private Equity: A Course Overview." International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 1, no. 3 (2003): 359–384.
- December 2002
- Case
National Economic Accounting: Past, Present, and Future
By: David A. Moss and Sarah A. Brennan
Presents the fundamentals of GDP accounting (including definitions, etc.), examines the history of national accounting, and surveys the international debate over "Green GDP." The first section explains the basic rules and definitions of national economic accounting and... View Details
Keywords: History; Natural Environment; Quality; Accounting; Forecasting and Prediction; Environmental Sustainability; Economy; United States
Moss, David A., and Sarah A. Brennan. "National Economic Accounting: Past, Present, and Future." Harvard Business School Case 703-026, December 2002.
- December 2002 (Revised October 2006)
- Case
Commerce Bank
By: Frances X. Frei and Corey B. Hajim
Commerce Bank has become one of the fastest growing banks in the country, despite having defied conventional wisdom about how to grow deposits. Banks historically have grown either by competing on deposit rates or through acquisitions that expand their deposit base.... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Design; Growth and Development Strategy; Service Operations; Competition; Banking Industry
Frei, Frances X., and Corey B. Hajim. "Commerce Bank." Harvard Business School Case 603-080, December 2002. (Revised October 2006.)
- October 2002 (Revised April 2007)
- Case
Dell Computers (A): Field Service for Corporate Clients
By: Frances X. Frei, Amy C. Edmondson and Corey B. Hajim
Explores the highly successful PC and low-end server manufacturer's entry into the large-scale server market in the United States. A key difference of this new market is the intense service element required to support the larger hardware. Specifically, the industry... View Details
Keywords: Information Infrastructure; Customer Relationship Management; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Service Operations; Business or Company Management; Emerging Markets; Problems and Challenges; Service Delivery; Computer Industry; United States
Frei, Frances X., Amy C. Edmondson, and Corey B. Hajim. "Dell Computers (A): Field Service for Corporate Clients." Harvard Business School Case 603-067, October 2002. (Revised April 2007.)
- October 2002 (Revised March 2013)
- Case
Intermountain Health Care
By: Richard M.J. Bohmer, Amy C. Edmondson and Laura Feldman
Intermountain Health Care (IHC), an integrated delivery system based in Utah, has adopted a new strategy for managing health care delivery. The approach focuses management attention not only on the facilities where care takes place but also on physician decision making... View Details
Keywords: Ethnicity; Innovation Strategy; Cost Management; Information Technology; Organizational Structure; Technology Adoption; Performance Improvement; Problems and Challenges; Adoption; Change Management; Cost vs Benefits; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; Utah
Bohmer, Richard M.J., Amy C. Edmondson, and Laura Feldman. "Intermountain Health Care." Harvard Business School Case 603-066, October 2002. (Revised March 2013.)
- October 2002
- Article
The Speed Trap: Exploring the Relationship between Decision Making and the Temporal Context
By: Leslie Perlow, Gerardo Okhuyson and Nelson Repenning
Keywords: Decision Making
Perlow, Leslie, Gerardo Okhuyson, and Nelson Repenning. "The Speed Trap: Exploring the Relationship between Decision Making and the Temporal Context." Academy of Management Journal 45, no. 5 (October 2002): 931–955.
- September 2002
- Case
World Trade Organization, The
By: David A. Moss and Nick Bartlett
Explores the origins and workings of the World Trade Organization (WTO), focusing particular attention on the special challenges of trade liberalization at the dawn of the 21st century. View Details
Moss, David A., and Nick Bartlett. "World Trade Organization, The." Harvard Business School Case 703-015, September 2002.
- September 2002
- Background Note
Presence of Mind
This case is reflection on the importance of acquiring presence of mind in negotiations. Using a variety of metaphors, the case explores different ways for negotiators to achieve this selfawareness. Athletes experience the phenomenon of "being in the zone," artists and... View Details
Keywords: Management Skills; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Style; Interpersonal Communication; Decision Making
Wheeler, Michael A. "Presence of Mind." Harvard Business School Background Note 903-009, September 2002.
- Other Article
What Do We Know About Variance in Accounting Profitability?
By: Anita M. McGahan and Michael E. Porter
In this paper, we analyze the variance of accounting profitability among a broad cross-section of firms in the American economy from 1981 to 1994. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the importance of year, industry, corporate-parent, and business-specific... View Details
McGahan, Anita M., and Michael E. Porter. "What Do We Know About Variance in Accounting Profitability?" Management Science 48, no. 7 (July 2002): 834–851.
- 2002
- Chapter
Ranking National Environmental Regulation and Performance: A Leading Indicator of Future Competitiveness?
By: Daniel Esty and Michael E. Porter
This chapter from The Global Competitiveness Report analyzes the differences among countries in environmental performance and the link between environmental outcomes and national environmental policy choices. The chapter reveals the findings from an exploration... View Details
Esty, Daniel, and Michael E. Porter. "Ranking National Environmental Regulation and Performance: A Leading Indicator of Future Competitiveness?" In The Global Competitiveness Report 2001–2002, by Michael E. Porter, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Peter K. Cornelius, John W. McArthur, and Klaus Schwab, 78–101. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.