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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (4)
- News (254)
- Research (1,038)
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- Faculty Publications (401)
- Article
Manage the Suppliers That Could Harm Your Brand: Know When to Avoid, Engage, or Drop Them
By: Jodi L Short and Michael W. Toffel
The pandemic has placed a new spotlight on working conditions in factories that supply global companies. To avert problems, firms often impose codes of conduct on their suppliers and perform audits to assess compliance. Do these measures help identify unethical... View Details
Keywords: Auditing; Agency Cost; Quality And Safety; Quality Management System; Quality Management; Unions; Environmental Management; Globalization; Goods and Commodities; Governance; Labor; Labor Unions; Wages; Working Conditions; Operations; Supply Chain; Safety; Quality; China; Bangladesh; Asia; Pakistan
Short, Jodi L., and Michael W. Toffel. "Manage the Suppliers That Could Harm Your Brand: Know When to Avoid, Engage, or Drop Them." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 2 (March–April 2021).
- 22 Feb 2021
- Working Paper Summaries
Auditor Independence and Outsourcing: Aligning Incentives to Mitigate Shilling and Shirking
- 01 Mar 2021
- News
Manage the Suppliers That Could Harm Your Brand
- April 1996 (Revised May 2008)
- Exercise
Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1983 Negotiation, Local 190 Confidential Information
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Victoria Medvec
Includes a series of three negotiation exercises portraying management/labor relations at ABC over a period of seven years. ABC, initially a family-owned business, had prided itself on its cooperative relationship with its union, Local 190. With the skyrocketing... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Compensation and Benefits; Labor Unions; Wages; Working Conditions; Negotiation Process; Labor and Management Relations
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Victoria Medvec. "Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1983 Negotiation, Local 190 Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 396-321, April 1996. (Revised May 2008.)
- 12 Feb 2017
- News
Harvard Business School makes a case for diversity
- Research Summary
Individual Effectiveness
By: Frances X. Frei
This research investigates how to create the conditions for individuals to thrive. The work is guided by the observation that individauls and organizations have the opportunity to vastly enhance individual effectiveness. View Details
- 2018
- Report
The Water of Systems Change
By: Mark R. Kramer, John Kania and Peter Senge
Foundations involved in systems change can increase their odds for success by focusing on the least explicit but most powerful conditions for change, while also turning the lens on themselves.
The Water of Systems Change aims to clarify what it means to shift... View Details
Kramer, Mark R., John Kania, and Peter Senge. "The Water of Systems Change." Report, FSG, May 2018.
- Research Summary
My research examines how companies manage environmental issues, occupational safety, and working conditions in global supply chains. More recently, I have also begun researching the drivers and implications of CEO activism, where organizational leaders speak out on... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Performance; Environmental Strategy; Labor Management; Transparency; Institutional Theory; Economic Analysis; Quality Improvement; Operations Management; Supply Chain; Regulation; Environmental Sustainability; Safety; Quality; Climate Change; Environmental Regulation; Pollution; Environmental Management; Operations; Supply Chain Management; Manufacturing Industry; Construction Industry; Asia; Europe; United States
- 26 Mar 2024
- Research & Ideas
How Humans Outshine AI in Adapting to Change
working with collaborators to give AI “the same self-orienting capabilities as humans, so they behave in the right way, no matter what they see,” he says. “But that's a hard problem to solve.” Assessing the capabilities of AI So how can... View Details
- 20 Jan 2022
- News
Three Steps to Help Companies Rebuild Trust During the Pandemic
- May 2019 (Revised June 2019)
- Background Note
Responsibilities in the Supply Chain
By: Nien-hê Hsieh
Companies are increasingly called upon to take responsibility for what occurs in their supply chains. One particular area of debate is a company’s responsibility for working conditions in supplier factories. This note provides a framework for managers to grapple with... View Details
Keywords: Supply Chain; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Working Conditions; Safety; Corporate Accountability
Hsieh, Nien-hê. "Responsibilities in the Supply Chain." Harvard Business School Background Note 319-114, May 2019. (Revised June 2019.)
- March–April 2019
- Article
Operational Transparency: Make Your Processes Visible to Customers and Your Customers Visible to Employees
By: Ryan W. Buell
Conventional wisdom holds that the more contact an operation has with its customers, the less efficiently it will run. But when customers are partitioned away from the operation, they are less likely to fully understand and appreciate the work going on behind the... View Details
Keywords: Operational Transparency; Customers; Services; Operations; Customer Focus and Relationships; Employees; Customer Satisfaction; Behavior; Service Industry
Buell, Ryan W. "Operational Transparency: Make Your Processes Visible to Customers and Your Customers Visible to Employees." R1902H. Harvard Business Review 97, no. 4 (March–April 2019): 102–113.
- 2012
- Working Paper
Rainmakers: Why Bad Weather Means Good Productivity
By: Jooa Julia Lee, Francesca Gino and Bradley R. Staats
People believe that weather conditions influence their everyday work life, but to date, little is known about how weather affects individual productivity. Most people believe that bad weather conditions reduce productivity. In this research, we predict and find just... View Details
Keywords: Productivity; Opportunity Cost; Distractions; Weather; Performance Productivity; Social Psychology; Mathematical Methods
Lee, Jooa Julia, Francesca Gino, and Bradley R. Staats. "Rainmakers: Why Bad Weather Means Good Productivity." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-005, July 2012.
- April 1996 (Revised May 2008)
- Exercise
Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1983 Negotiation, Baxter Management Confidential Information
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Victoria Medvec
Includes a series of three negotiation exercises portraying management/labor relations at ABC over a period of seven years. ABC, initially a family-owned business, had prided itself on its cooperative relationship with its union, Local 190. With the skyrocketing... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Compensation and Benefits; Wages; Working Conditions; Management; Negotiation Process; Labor and Management Relations
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Victoria Medvec. "Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1983 Negotiation, Baxter Management Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 396-322, April 1996. (Revised May 2008.)
- April 1996 (Revised May 2008)
- Exercise
Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1978 Negotiation, Baxter Management Confidential Information
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Victoria Medvec
Includes a series of three negotiation exercises portraying management/labor relations at ABC over a period of seven years. ABC, initially a family-owned business, had prided itself on its cooperative relationship with its union, Local 190. With the skyrocketing... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Compensation and Benefits; Wages; Working Conditions; Management; Negotiation Process; Labor and Management Relations
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Victoria Medvec. "Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1978 Negotiation, Baxter Management Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 396-318, April 1996. (Revised May 2008.)
- November 1993 (Revised April 1995)
- Background Note
Orientation to the Subarctic Survival Situation
By: Linda A. Hill
An orientation to the "Subarctic Survival Situation" (designed by and available from Human Synergistics, Inc., Plymouth, MI, tel. 313-459-1030), an experiental exercise that gives students an opportunity to learn about their personal influence style and their... View Details
- Research Summary
An Unlimited Moments GMM Estimator
A short time series relative to the number of moment conditions in a GMM framework yields an inconsistent estimator. To circumvent this problem, researchers generally restrict the number of moment conditions to some fraction of the length of the time... View Details
- April 1996 (Revised May 2008)
- Exercise
Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1985 Negotiation Baxter Management Confidential Information
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Victoria Medvec
ncludes a series of three negotiation exercises portraying management/labor relations at ABC over a period of seven years. ABC, initially a family-owned business, had prided itself on its cooperative relationship with its union, Local 190. With the skyrocketing... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Compensation and Benefits; Wages; Working Conditions; Management; Negotiation Process; Labor and Management Relations
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Victoria Medvec. "Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1985 Negotiation Baxter Management Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 396-324, April 1996. (Revised May 2008.)
- April 1996 (Revised May 2008)
- Exercise
Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1985 Negotiation, Local 190 Confidential Information
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Victoria Medvec
Includes a series of three negotiation exercises portraying management/labor relations at ABC over a period of seven years. ABC, initially a family-owned business, had prided itself on its cooperative relationship with its union, Local 190. With the skyrocketing... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Compensation and Benefits; Labor Unions; Wages; Working Conditions; Negotiation Process; Labor and Management Relations
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Victoria Medvec. "Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1985 Negotiation, Local 190 Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 396-325, April 1996. (Revised May 2008.)
- April 1996 (Revised May 2008)
- Exercise
Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1978 Negotiation, Local 190 Confidential Information
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Victoria Medvec
Includes a series of three negotiation exercises portraying management/labor relations at ABC over a period of seven years. ABC, initially a family-owned business, had prided itself on its cooperative relationship with its union, Local 190. With the skyrocketing... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Compensation and Benefits; Labor Unions; Wages; Working Conditions; Negotiation Process; Labor and Management Relations
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Victoria Medvec. "Adam Baxter Company/Local 190: 1978 Negotiation, Local 190 Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 396-319, April 1996. (Revised May 2008.)