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- Faculty Publications (922)
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- Faculty Publications (922)
- March–April 2020
- Article
An Institutional Approach to Gender Diversity and Firm Performance
By: Letian Zhang
This study examines data from 35 countries and 24 industries to understand the relationship between gender diversity and firm performance. Previous studies report conflicting evidence: some find that gender-diverse firms experience more positive performance and others... View Details
Keywords: Institutional Theory; Cross-cultural; Diversity; Gender; Organizations; Performance; Situation or Environment; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues
Zhang, Letian. "An Institutional Approach to Gender Diversity and Firm Performance." Organization Science 31, no. 2 (March–April 2020): 439–457.
- March 2020
- Article
Context, Time, and Change: Historical Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research
By: R. Daniel Wadhwani, David A. Kirsch, Frederike Welter, William B. Gartner and Geoffrey Jones
The article discusses the value of historical methods and reasoning in strategic entrepreneurship research and theory. A framework is introduced for integrating history into entrepreneurship theory. The framework demonstrates how historical assumptions play a formative... View Details
Wadhwani, R. Daniel, David A. Kirsch, Frederike Welter, William B. Gartner, and Geoffrey Jones. "Context, Time, and Change: Historical Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research." Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 14, no. 1 (March 2020): 3–19.
- March 2020
- Article
Explaining the Persistence of Gender Inequality: The Work-family Narrative as a Social Defense Against 24/7 Work Culture
By: Irene Padavic, Robin J. Ely and Erin M. Reid
It is widely accepted that the conflict between women’s family obligations and professional jobs’ long hours lies at the heart of their stalled advancement. Yet research suggests that this “work-family narrative” is incomplete: men also experience it and nevertheless... View Details
Keywords: 24/7 Work Culture; Hegemonic Narrative; Social Defense; Work-family Conflict; Systems-psychodynamic Theory; Work-Life Balance; Personal Development and Career; Gender; Equality and Inequality; Organizational Culture
Padavic, Irene, Robin J. Ely, and Erin M. Reid. "Explaining the Persistence of Gender Inequality: The Work-family Narrative as a Social Defense Against 24/7 Work Culture." Administrative Science Quarterly 65, no. 1 (March 2020): 61–111. (Winner, Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research, 2021. Runner-up, Financial Times Responsible Business Education Award, Academic Research with Impact, 2021.)
- 2020
- Working Paper
A General Theory of Identification
By: Iavor Bojinov and Guillaume Basse
What does it mean to say that a quantity is identifiable from the data? Statisticians seem to agree
on a definition in the context of parametric statistical models — roughly, a parameter θ in a model
P = {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ} is identifiable if the mapping θ 7→ Pθ is injective.... View Details
Bojinov, Iavor, and Guillaume Basse. "A General Theory of Identification." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-086, February 2020.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Design in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
By: Roberto Verganti, Luca Vendraminelli and Marco Iansiti
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is affecting the scenario in which innovation takes place. What are the implications for our understanding of design? Is AI just another digital technology that, akin to many others, will not significantly question what we know about... View Details
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Design Thinking; Technological Innovation; Design; Change; Theory; AI and Machine Learning
Verganti, Roberto, Luca Vendraminelli, and Marco Iansiti. "Design in the Age of Artificial Intelligence." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-091, February 2020.
- 2021
- Working Paper
Impact Investing: A Theory of Financing Social Enterprises
By: Benjamin N. Roth
I present a model of financing social enterprises to delineate the role of impact investors relative to “pure” philanthropists. I characterize the optimal scale and structure of a social enterprise when financed by grants, and when financed by investments. Impact... View Details
Roth, Benjamin N. "Impact Investing: A Theory of Financing Social Enterprises." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-078, February 2020. (Revised June 2021.)
- Article
A Theories-in-Use Approach to Building Marketing Theory
By: G. Zaltman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, Bernard Jaworski, Ajay K. Kohli, Kapil R. Tuli and Wolfgang Ulaga
This article’s objective is to inspire and provide guidance on the development of marketing knowledge based on the theories-in-use (TIU) approach. The authors begin with a description of the TIU approach and compare it with other inductive and deductive research... View Details
Keywords: Building Theory; Grounded Theory; Theories-in-use; Theory Construction; Theory Development; Marketing; Knowledge; Theory
Zaltman, G., Valarie A. Zeithaml, Bernard Jaworski, Ajay K. Kohli, Kapil R. Tuli, and Wolfgang Ulaga. "A Theories-in-Use Approach to Building Marketing Theory." Journal of Marketing 84, no. 1 (January 2020): 32–51.
- May 2020
- Article
Scalable Holistic Linear Regression
By: Dimitris Bertsimas and Michael Lingzhi Li
We propose a new scalable algorithm for holistic linear regression building on Bertsimas & King (2016). Specifically, we develop new theory to model significance and multicollinearity as lazy constraints rather than checking the conditions iteratively. The resulting... View Details
Bertsimas, Dimitris, and Michael Lingzhi Li. "Scalable Holistic Linear Regression." Operations Research Letters 48, no. 3 (May 2020): 203–208.
- Article
United's Frequent-Flier Program Gets Some Game Theory
Kominers, Scott Duke. "United's Frequent-Flier Program Gets Some Game Theory." Bloomberg Opinion (December 13, 2019).
- November 2019
- Supplement
Hapag-Lloyd AG: Complying with IMO 2020
By: Benjamin C. Esty, Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej and Emer Moloney
A new environmental regulation known as IMO 2020 was creating what one industry analyst called “the biggest shakeup for the oil and shipping industries in decades.” According to the new regulation, all ocean-going ships would have to limit their sulfur emissions by... View Details
- November 2019
- Case
Hapag-Lloyd AG: Complying with IMO 2020
By: Benjamin C. Esty, Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej and Emer Moloney
A new environmental regulation known as IMO 2020 was creating what one industry analyst called “the biggest shakeup for the oil and shipping industries in decades.” According to the new regulation, all ocean-going ships would have to limit their sulfur emissions by... View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Ship Transportation; Strategic Planning; Game Theory; Pollutants; Supply Chain; Corporate Accountability; Capital Budgeting; Environmental Sustainability; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Governance Compliance; Shipping Industry; Transportation Industry; Germany
Esty, Benjamin C., Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej, and Emer Moloney. "Hapag-Lloyd AG: Complying with IMO 2020." Harvard Business School Case 220-003, November 2019.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Tech Clusters
By: William R. Kerr and Frederic Robert-Nicoud
Tech clusters like Silicon Valley play a central role for modern innovation, business competitiveness, and economic performance. This paper reviews what constitutes a tech cluster, how they function internally, and the degree to which policy makers can purposefully... View Details
Keywords: Clusters; Agglomeration; Innovation; Industry Clusters; Innovation and Invention; Entrepreneurship; Patents
Kerr, William R., and Frederic Robert-Nicoud. "Tech Clusters." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-063, November 2019. (Revised June 2020.)
- Article
How to Use Heuristics for Differential Privacy
By: Seth Neel, Aaron Leon Roth and Zhiwei Steven Wu
We develop theory for using heuristics to solve computationally hard problems in differential privacy. Heuristic approaches have enjoyed tremendous success in machine learning, for which performance can be empirically evaluated. However, privacy guarantees cannot be... View Details
Neel, Seth, Aaron Leon Roth, and Zhiwei Steven Wu. "How to Use Heuristics for Differential Privacy." Proceedings of the IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 60th (2019).
- 2019
- Working Paper
Design Rules, Volume 2: How Technology Shapes Organizations: Chapter 17 The Wintel Standards-based Platform
The purpose of this chapter is to use the theory of bottlenecks laid out in previous chapters to better understand the dynamics of an open standards-based platform. I describe how the Wintel platform evolved from 1990 through 2000 under joint sponsorship of Intel and... View Details
Keywords: Open Platforms; Bottlenecks; Wintel Platform; Disintermediation; Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Business History; Digital Platforms; Computer Industry
Baldwin, Carliss Y. "Design Rules, Volume 2: How Technology Shapes Organizations: Chapter 17 The Wintel Standards-based Platform." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-055, November 2019.
- 2019
- Article
Does Big Data Enhance Firm Innovation Competency? The Mediating Role of Data-driven Insights
By: Maryam Ghasemaghaei and Goran Calic
Grounded in gestalt insight learning theory and organizational learning theory, we collected data from 280 middle and top-level managers to investigate the impact of each big data characteristic (i.e., data volume, data velocity, data variety, and data veracity) on... View Details
Ghasemaghaei, Maryam, and Goran Calic. "Does Big Data Enhance Firm Innovation Competency? The Mediating Role of Data-driven Insights." Journal of Business Research 104 (2019): 69–84.
- 2019
- Working Paper
The Impact of the General Data Protection Regulation on Internet Interconnection
By: Ran Zhuo, Bradley Huffaker, KC Claffy and Shane Greenstein
The Internet comprises thousands of independently operated networks, where bilaterally negotiated interconnection agreements determine the flow of data between networks. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes strict restrictions on... View Details
Keywords: Personal Data; Privacy Regulation; GDPR; Interconnection Agreements; Internet and the Web; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; European Union
Zhuo, Ran, Bradley Huffaker, KC Claffy, and Shane Greenstein. "The Impact of the General Data Protection Regulation on Internet Interconnection." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 26481, November 2019.
- Article
Organizational Innovation in the Multinational Enterprise: Internalization Theory and Business History
By: Teresa da Silva Lopes, Mark Casson and Geoffrey Jones
This article engages in a methodological experiment by using historical evidence to challenge a common misperception about internalization theory. The theory has often been criticized for maintaining that it assumes a hierarchically organized MNE based on knowledge... View Details
Keywords: Internalization; Multinational Strategy; Business History; Organization And Management Theory; Globalization; Entrepreneurship; Governance; History; Organizations; Theory; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; North and Central America
da Silva Lopes, Teresa, Mark Casson, and Geoffrey Jones. "Organizational Innovation in the Multinational Enterprise: Internalization Theory and Business History." Journal of International Business Studies 50, no. 8 (October 2019): 1338–1358.
- 2019
- Working Paper
Soul and Machine (Learning)
By: Davide Proserpio, John R. Hauser, Xiao Liu, Tomomichi Amano, Alex Burnap, Tong Guo, Dokyun Lee, Randall Lewis, Kanishka Misra, Eric Schwarz, Artem Timoshenko, Lilei Xu and Hema Yoganarasimhan
Machine learning is bringing us self-driving cars, improved medical diagnostics, and machine translation, but can it improve marketing decisions? It can. Machine learning models predict extremely well, are scalable to “big data,” and are a natural fit to rich media... View Details
Proserpio, Davide, John R. Hauser, Xiao Liu, Tomomichi Amano, Alex Burnap, Tong Guo, Dokyun Lee, Randall Lewis, Kanishka Misra, Eric Schwarz, Artem Timoshenko, Lilei Xu, and Hema Yoganarasimhan. "Soul and Machine (Learning)." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-036, September 2019.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Collusion in Brokered Markets
By: John William Hatfield, Scott Duke Kominers and Richard Lowery
The U.S. residential real estate agency market presents a puzzle for economic theory: commissions on real estate transactions have remained high for decades even though entry is frequent and costs are low. We model the real estate agency market, and other brokered... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; "Repeated Games"; Collusion; Antitrust; Brokered Markets; Game Theory; Real Estate Industry
Hatfield, John William, Scott Duke Kominers, and Richard Lowery. "Collusion in Brokered Markets." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-023, September 2019. (Revised July 2020.)
- September 2019 (Revised February 2020)
- Teaching Note
Commonwealth Bank of Australia: Unbanklike Experimentation
By: Ryan W. Buell and Leslie K. John
Email for a courtesy copy.
This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: Commonwealth Bank of Australia: Unbanklike Experimentation (619-018). In August 2017,... View Details
This Teaching Note explains the theory of the case and teaching plan for the case: Commonwealth Bank of Australia: Unbanklike Experimentation (619-018). In August 2017,... View Details