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- All HBS Web
- People (8)
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- Faculty Publications (491)
- February 2014
- Article
Governance and CEO Turnover: Do Something or Do the Right Thing?
By: Ray Fisman, Rakesh Khurana, Matthew Rhodes-Kropf and Soojin Yim
We study how corporate governance affects firm value through the decision of whether to fire or retain the CEO. We present a model in which weak governance—which prevents shareholders from controlling the board—protects inferior CEOs from dismissal, while at the same... View Details
Keywords: Governing and Advisory Boards; Value; Retention; Resignation and Termination; Corporate Governance; Management Teams; Business and Shareholder Relations
Fisman, Ray, Rakesh Khurana, Matthew Rhodes-Kropf, and Soojin Yim. "Governance and CEO Turnover: Do Something or Do the Right Thing?" Management Science 60, no. 2 (February 2014): 319–337.
- June 2009
- Journal Article
Taxes, Institutions and Foreign Diversification Opportunities
By: Mihir Desai and Dhammika Dharmapala
Investors can access foreign diversification opportunities through either foreign portfolio investment (FPI) or foreign direct investment (FDI). The worldwide tax regime employed by the U.S. potentially distorts this choice by penalizing FDI, relative to FPI, in... View Details
Keywords: International Finance; Foreign Direct Investment; Investment Portfolio; Multinational Firms and Management; Taxation; Diversification; United States
Desai, Mihir, and Dhammika Dharmapala. "Taxes, Institutions and Foreign Diversification Opportunities." Journal of Public Economics 93, nos. 5-6 (June 2009): 703–714.
- 05 Jul 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
Bankers, Industrialists, and Their Cliques: Elite Networks in Mexico and Brazil During Early Industrialization
- 21 May 2019
- Working Paper Summaries
rTSR: When Do Relative Performance Metrics Capture Relative Performance?
- 2009
- Report
Clusters, Cluster Policy, and Swedish Competitiveness
By: Christian H.M. Ketels
Proximity enables firms to take advantage of knowledge spill-overs and exploit supplierdemand linkages with other entities engaged in related activities. Cluster strength thus seems to be one of the important determinants of prosperity differences across geographies.... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Industry Clusters; Business and Government Relations; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Sweden
Ketels, Christian H.M. "Clusters, Cluster Policy, and Swedish Competitiveness." Expert Report to Sweden's Globalisation Council, Globalisation Council (Sweden), Stockholm, Sweden, 2009.
- February 2018
- Article
Bank CEO Materialism: Risk Controls, Culture and Tail Risk
By: Robert Bushman, Robert Davidson, Aiyesha Dey and Abbie Smith
We investigate how the prevalence of materialistic bank CEOs has evolved over time and how risk management policies, non-CEO executives’ behavior, and tail risk vary with CEO materialism. We document that the proportion of banks run by materialistic CEOs increased... View Details
Keywords: Management; Personal Characteristics; Behavior; Risk Management; Organizational Culture; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry
Bushman, Robert, Robert Davidson, Aiyesha Dey, and Abbie Smith. "Bank CEO Materialism: Risk Controls, Culture and Tail Risk." Journal of Accounting & Economics 65, no. 1 (February 2018): 191–220.
- June 2005 (Revised August 2006)
- Case
The Perfect CEO
By: G. Felda Hardymon and Ann Leamon
A venture capitalist must decide among three highly qualified candidates to be CEO of a start-up software company. Each has unique strengths and weaknesses and will take the company in very different directions. Whom should he recommend to the board? View Details
Hardymon, G. Felda, and Ann Leamon. "The Perfect CEO." Harvard Business School Case 805-156, June 2005. (Revised August 2006.)
- February 2016
- Article
Labor Unemployment Insurance and Earnings Management
By: Yiwei Dou, Mozaffar N. Khan and Youli Zou
There is relatively little prior evidence on the potential impact of rank and file employees on financial reporting choices outside union negotiations. We contribute to the literature by providing new evidence that firms appear to manage long-run earnings upward in... View Details
Dou, Yiwei, Mozaffar N. Khan, and Youli Zou. "Labor Unemployment Insurance and Earnings Management." Journal of Accounting & Economics 61, no. 1 (February 2016): 166–184.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Bank Runs and Interest Rates: A Revolving Lines Perspective
By: Falk Bräuning and Victoria Ivashina
Revolving credit is at the core of the banking business. Corporate revolving credit lines are demandable claims; thus, similar to a traditional bank run on deposits, sudden widespread drawdowns on credit lines can be destabilizing to the banking sector. However, we... View Details
Bräuning, Falk, and Victoria Ivashina. "Bank Runs and Interest Rates: A Revolving Lines Perspective." Working Paper, May 2024.
- 02 May 2014
- Working Paper Summaries
Profits and Economic Development
Keywords: by Dan Schwab & Eric Werker
- March 2016
- Article
Environmental Demands and the Emergence of Social Structure: Technological Dynamism and Interorganizational Network Forms
By: Adam Tatarynowicz, Maxim Sytch and Ranjay Gulati
This study investigates the origins of variation in the structures of interorganizational networks across industries. We combine empirical analyses of existing interorganizational networks in six industries with an agent-based simulation model of network emergence.... View Details
Keywords: Interorganizatonal Relationships; Social Networks; Network Emergence; Interorganizational Networks; Information Technology; Networks; Organizational Structure; Social and Collaborative Networks; Social Media
Tatarynowicz, Adam, Maxim Sytch, and Ranjay Gulati. "Environmental Demands and the Emergence of Social Structure: Technological Dynamism and Interorganizational Network Forms." Administrative Science Quarterly 61, no. 1 (March 2016): 52–86.
- 2014
- Article
Corporate Governance and the Financial Crisis in Italy
By: Dante Roscini
The financial crisis hit Italy harder than many other Eurozone countries. In part this was due to the fact that the crisis came upon a system that was weakened by years of sub-par economic growth. One of the several endogenous factors that explain the stagnation of the... View Details
Roscini, Dante. "Corporate Governance and the Financial Crisis in Italy." Journal of Modern Italian Studies 19, no. 4 (2014): 389–395.
- 2013
- Working Paper
Cross-Border Reverse Mergers: Causes and Consequences
By: Jordan Siegel and Yanbo Wang
We study non-U.S. companies that have used reverse mergers as a means to adopt U.S. corporate law (and sometimes U.S. securities law as well). Early adopters of cross-border reverse mergers and those firms that hired a Big Four auditor exhibited superior corporate... View Details
Siegel, Jordan, and Yanbo Wang. "Cross-Border Reverse Mergers: Causes and Consequences." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-089, April 2012. (Revised December 2012, March 2013, September 2013.)
- 28 Nov 2005
- Research & Ideas
Unilever: Transformation and Tradition
changing aspirations. Secondly, Unilever developed strengths in the acquisition of other firms, and their subsequent "Unileverization." After the failed merger attempts of the late 1960s, Unilever... View Details
- 17 Oct 2012
- News
Executives Lack Confidence in U.S. Competitiveness
- Research Summary
Dynamics of Platform Competition: Exploring the Role of Installed Base, Platform Quality and Consumer Expectations
Researchers debate the role of installed base, platform quality and consumer expectations in driving the success of platforms. We analyze these three factors in a dynamic model where a new entrant with superior quality competes with an incumbent platform, and... View Details
- 2014
- Article
Corporate Governance and the Financial Crisis in Italy
By: Dante Roscini
The financial crisis hit Italy harder than many other Eurozone countries. In part this was due to the fact that the crisis came upon a system that was weakened by years of sub-par economic growth. One of the several endogenous factors that explain the stagnation of the... View Details
Roscini, Dante. "Corporate Governance and the Financial Crisis in Italy." Journal of Modern Italian Studies 19, no. 4 (2014): 389–395.
- October 2007 (Revised May 2008)
- Case
Transforming Korea Inc: Financial Crisis and Institutional Reform
By: Laura Alfaro and Renee Kim
South Korea, as one of the Asian "tiger" economies, transformed itself into the world's 11th largest economy and major exporter by 1996, emerging from being one of the lowest income countries in the region back in the 1960s. Yet one year later in 1997, Korea was swept... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Financial Crisis; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Business and Government Relations; South Korea
Alfaro, Laura, and Renee Kim. "Transforming Korea Inc: Financial Crisis and Institutional Reform." Harvard Business School Case 708-007, October 2007. (Revised May 2008.)
- January–February 2023
- Article
The Overlooked Key to a Successful Scale-Up
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Davide Sola and Martin Kupp
Many start-ups experience enormous popularity and runaway growth, but only a few go on to become stable giants. What separates them from the pack? They all go through a developmental stage called extrapolation, say three business school professors.
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Keywords: Entrepreneurship And Strategy; Scalability; Business Startups; Growth and Development Strategy; Entrepreneurship
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Davide Sola, and Martin Kupp. "The Overlooked Key to a Successful Scale-Up." Harvard Business Review (January–February 2023): 56–65.