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- Faculty Publications (233)
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- Faculty Publications (233)
- 2014
- Article
Are Patents Creative or Destructive?
By: Tom Nicholas
Current debate over patent aggregation has led to renewed interest in the long-standing question concerning whether patents are a creative or a destructive influence on the process of technological development. In this paper I examine the basic patent tradeoff between... View Details
Nicholas, Tom. "Are Patents Creative or Destructive?" Antitrust Law Journal 79, no. 2 (2014): 405–421.
- Article
Advancing Research on Hybrid Organizing—Insights from the Study of Social Enterprises
By: Julie Battilana and Matthew Lee
Hybrid organizations that combine multiple organizational forms deviate from socially legitimate templates for organizing and thus experience unique organizing challenges. In this paper, we introduce and develop the concept of hybrid organizing, which we define as the... View Details
Keywords: Hybrid Organizations; Social Enterprise; Organizational Structure; Social Entrepreneurship
Battilana, Julie, and Matthew Lee. "Advancing Research on Hybrid Organizing—Insights from the Study of Social Enterprises." Academy of Management Annals 8 (2014): 397–441.
- 2014
- Chapter
Building an Infrastructure for Empirical Research on Social Enterprise: Challenges and Opportunities
By: Matthew Lee, Julie Battilana and Ting Wang
Purpose: Despite the increase in empirical studies of social enterprise in management and organization research, the lack of a cohesive knowledge base in this area is concerning. In this chapter, we propose that the underdevelopment of the attendant research... View Details
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship
Lee, Matthew, Julie Battilana, and Ting Wang. "Building an Infrastructure for Empirical Research on Social Enterprise: Challenges and Opportunities." In Social Entrepreneurship and Research Methods. Vol. 9, edited by Jeremy C. Short, David J. Ketchen, and Donald D. Bergh, 241–264. Research Methodology in Strategy and Management. Emerald Group Publishing, 2014.
- June–July 2014
- Article
Language as a Lightning Rod: Power Contests, Emotion Regulation, and Subgroup Dynamics in Global Teams
By: Pamela J. Hinds, Tsedal Neeley and Catherine Durnell Cramton
Through an ethnographic study comprised of interviews with and observations of 96 globally distributed members in six software development teams, we propose a model that captures how asymmetries in language fluency contribute to an us vs. them dynamic so common in... View Details
Keywords: Equality and Inequality; Communication Intention and Meaning; Groups and Teams; Applications and Software; Emotions; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Power and Influence; Information Technology Industry
Hinds, Pamela J., Tsedal Neeley, and Catherine Durnell Cramton. "Language as a Lightning Rod: Power Contests, Emotion Regulation, and Subgroup Dynamics in Global Teams." Journal of International Business Studies 45, no. 5 (June–July 2014): 536–561.
- 2014
- Book
Great Power, Peace, and American Primacy: The Origins of a New International Order
By: Josh Baron
This book explains the period of great power peace in the last fifty years and outlines the path to perpetuating it. Drawing on the Realist tradition and challenging conventional wisdom about the causes of American primacy, Baron explores contributions to peace made by... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; International Relations; Power and Influence; Conflict and Resolution; United States
Baron, Josh. Great Power, Peace, and American Primacy: The Origins of a New International Order. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
- November 2013
- Article
Simplification and Saving
By: John Beshears, James J. Choi, David Laibson and Brigitte C. Madrian
The daunting complexity of important financial decisions can lead to procrastination. We evaluate a low-cost intervention that substantially simplifies the retirement savings plan participation decision. Individuals received an opportunity to enroll in a retirement... View Details
Keywords: Retirement Savings; Simplification; Procrastination; Behavioral Economics; Saving; Motivation and Incentives; Retirement
Beshears, John, James J. Choi, David Laibson, and Brigitte C. Madrian. "Simplification and Saving." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 95 (November 2013): 130–145.
- 2013
- Article
Multinational Corporations, Global Justice and Corporate Responsibility: A Question of Purpose
By: Nien-he Hsieh
Do multinational corporations (MNCs) have a responsibility to address unjust conditions—not simply by refraining from contributing to injustice, but also by actively working to bring about a just state of affairs? This paper examines whether this question can be... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Corporations; Global Justice; Corporate Purpose; Corporate Responsibility; Human Needs; Multinational Firms and Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact
Hsieh, Nien-he. "Multinational Corporations, Global Justice and Corporate Responsibility: A Question of Purpose." Notizie di Politeia 29, no. 111 (2013).
- 2013
- Dissertation
Designing Freemium: A Model of Consumer Usage, Upgrade, and Referral Dynamics
By: Clarence Lee, Vineet Kumar and Sunil Gupta
Abstract. Over the past decade "freemium" (free + premium) has become the dominant business model among internet start-ups for its ability to acquire and monetize a large install-base with limited marketing resources. Freemium is a hybrid strategy where a firm offers... View Details
- April 2013
- Article
What Roger Fisher Got Profoundly Right: Five Enduring Lessons for Negotiators
Roger Fisher, who died in 2012, enjoyed a remarkable career that modeled one way that an academic, especially in a professional school such as law or business, could make a significant, positive, and lasting difference in the world. Distinctive aspects of his career... View Details
Keywords: Bargaining; Conflict Resolution; Dealmaking; Negotiation; Personal Development and Career; Conflict and Resolution
Sebenius, James K. "What Roger Fisher Got Profoundly Right: Five Enduring Lessons for Negotiators." Negotiation Journal 29, no. 2 (April 2013): 159–169.
- Article
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black: Distancing Response to Ethical Dissonance
By: R. Barkan, S. Ayal, F. Gino and D. Ariely
Six studies demonstrate the "pot calling the kettle black" phenomenon whereby people are guilty of the very fault they identify in others. Recalling an undeniable ethical failure, people experience ethical dissonance between their moral values and their behavioral... View Details
Keywords: Ethical Dissonance; Cognitive Dissonance; Moral Judgment; Impression Management; Unethical Behavior; Values and Beliefs; Moral Sensibility; Cognition and Thinking; Research; Behavior; Judgments
Barkan, R., S. Ayal, F. Gino, and D. Ariely. "The Pot Calling the Kettle Black: Distancing Response to Ethical Dissonance." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141, no. 4 (November 2012): 757–773.
- 2012
- Article
Organizing for Society: A Typology of Social Entrepreneuring Models
By: Johanna Mair, Julie Battilana and Julian Cardenas
In this article, we use content and cluster analysis on a global sample of 200 social entrepreneurial organizations to develop a typology of social entrepreneuring models. This typology is based on four possible forms of capital that can be leveraged: social, economic,... View Details
Mair, Johanna, Julie Battilana, and Julian Cardenas. "Organizing for Society: A Typology of Social Entrepreneuring Models." Special Issue on Social Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Journal of Business Ethics 111, no. 3 (December 2012): 353–373.
- Article
Can Wages Buy Honesty?: The Relationship Between Relative Wages and Employee Theft
By: C. X. Chen and Tatiana Sandino
In this study we examine whether, for a sample of retail chains, high levels of employee compensation can deter employee theft, an increasingly common type of fraudulent behavior. Specifically, we examine the extent to which relative wages (i.e., employee wages... View Details
Chen, C. X., and Tatiana Sandino. "Can Wages Buy Honesty? The Relationship Between Relative Wages and Employee Theft." Journal of Accounting Research 50, no. 4 (September 2012): 967–1000.
- 2012
- Working Paper
Risky Business: The Impact of Property Rights on Investment and Revenue in the Film Industry
By: Venkat Kuppuswamy and Carliss Y. Baldwin
Our paper tests a key prediction of property rights theory, specifically, that agents will respond to marginal incentives embedded in property rights when making non-contractible, revenue-enhancing investments (Grossman and Hart, 1986; Hart and Moore, 1990). Using rich... View Details
Keywords: Property Rights; Property; Rights; Investment; Contracts; Revenue; Motivation and Incentives; Motion Pictures and Video Industry; United States
Kuppuswamy, Venkat, and Carliss Y. Baldwin. "Risky Business: The Impact of Property Rights on Investment and Revenue in the Film Industry." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-007, July 2012. (Revised August 2012.)
- August 2012 (Revised May 2013)
- Case
Milwaukee (A): Making of a World Water Hub
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Matthew Bird
Starting in 2007 Milwaukee leaders from different areas (large established companies, civic organizations, public sector, academia, and entrepreneurs) negotiated a path for converting the region into a global water hub to address economic and environmental concerns.... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Growth Management; Business or Company Management; Leading Change; Wisconsin
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Matthew Bird. "Milwaukee (A): Making of a World Water Hub." Harvard Business School Case 313-057, August 2012. (Revised May 2013.)
- July–September 2012
- Article
The (Un)Hidden Turmoil of Language in Global Collaboration
By: Tsedal Neeley, Pamela J. Hinds and Catherine D. Cramton
Companies are increasingly relying on a lingua franca, or common language (usually English), to facilitate cross-border collaboration. Despite the numerous benefits of a lingua franca, our research reveals myriad challenges that disrupt collaboration and contribute to... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Loss; Spoken Communication; Performance Productivity; Research; Global Range; Problems and Challenges; Diversity; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues
Neeley, Tsedal, Pamela J. Hinds, and Catherine D. Cramton. "The (Un)Hidden Turmoil of Language in Global Collaboration." Organizational Dynamics 41, no. 3 (July–September 2012): 236–244.
- May 2012
- Article
Herbert A. Simon on What Ails Business Schools: More than A Problem in Organizational Design
By: Rakesh Khurana and J.C. Spender
We critically examine Herbert Simon's 1967 essay, "The Business School: A Problem in Organizational Design." We consider this essay within the context of Simon's key ideas about organizations, particularly those closely associated with the 'Carnegie perspective' on... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Design; Perspective; Innovation and Invention; Business Education; Research; Management Practices and Processes; Teaching
Khurana, Rakesh, and J.C. Spender. "Herbert A. Simon on What Ails Business Schools: More than A Problem in Organizational Design." Journal of Management Studies 49, no. 3 (May 2012): 619–639.
- 2012
- Working Paper
Big C, Little C, Howard, and Me: Approaches to Understanding Creativity
This essay, which highlights some of the major contributions that Howard Gardner has made to creativity research, contrasts his approach to my own. While he analyzed cases of "Big C" (world-renowned creativity), I have focused on the more ordinary "Little c"... View Details
Amabile, Teresa M. "Big C, Little C, Howard, and Me: Approaches to Understanding Creativity." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-085, September 2013.
- 2012
- Chapter
Social Entrepreneurs, Socialization Processes, and Social Change: The Case of Sekem
By: Tomislav Rimac, Johanna Mair and Julie Battilana
How can application of a positive lens to understanding social change and organizations enrich and elaborate theory and practice? This is the core question that inspired this book. It is a question that brought together a diverse and talented group of researchers... View Details
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship; Social Psychology; Social Issues; Organizations; Business and Community Relations
Rimac, Tomislav, Johanna Mair, and Julie Battilana. "Social Entrepreneurs, Socialization Processes, and Social Change: The Case of Sekem." In Using a Positive Lens to Explore Social Change and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation, edited by Karen Golden-Biddle and Jane E. Dutton. Organization and Management Series. New York: Routledge, 2012.
- March 2012
- Article
The Incentive Bubble
By: Mihir Desai
The past three decades have seen American capitalism quietly transformed by a single, powerful idea—that financial markets are a suitable tool for measuring performance and structuring compensation. Stock instruments for managers, high-powered incentive contracts for... View Details
Keywords: Economic Systems; Financial Markets; Executive Compensation; Motivation and Incentives; Corporate Governance; Equality and Inequality; Human Capital; United States
Desai, Mihir. "The Incentive Bubble." Harvard Business Review 90, no. 3 (March 2012).
- 2012
- Book
The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity Revisited
By: Josh Lerner and Scott Stern
While the importance of innovation to economic development is widely understood, the conditions conducive to it remain the focus of much attention. This volume offers new theoretical and empirical contributions to fundamental questions relating to the economics of... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Opportunities; Nonprofit Organizations; Resource Allocation; Economic Growth; Research and Development
Lerner, Josh and Scott Stern, eds. The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity Revisited. University of Chicago Press, 2012.