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- Faculty Publications (417)
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- All HBS Web (1,564)
- Faculty Publications (417)
- Article
Passion Penalizes Women and Advantages (Unexceptional) Men in High-Potential Designations
By: Joyce He, Jon M. Jachimowicz and Celia Moore
High potential programs offer a swift path up the corporate ladder for those who secure a place on them. However, the evaluation of “potential” occurs under considerable uncertainty, creating fertile ground for gender bias. We document that men are more likely than... View Details
Keywords: Passion; Potential; Gender; Motivation and Incentives; Performance; Talent and Talent Management
He, Joyce, Jon M. Jachimowicz, and Celia Moore. "Passion Penalizes Women and Advantages (Unexceptional) Men in High-Potential Designations." Organization Science (in press).
- August 2000 (Revised July 2001)
- Case
Laura Martin: Real Options and the Cable Industry
By: Mihir A. Desai and Peter Tufano
CSFB equity research analyst Laura Martin publishes a report on valuing Cox Communications that introduces an innovative approach to valuation. She contends that EBITDA multiple analysis, typical for the cable industry, is flawed because it overlooks the value of the... View Details
Desai, Mihir A., and Peter Tufano. "Laura Martin: Real Options and the Cable Industry." Harvard Business School Case 201-004, August 2000. (Revised July 2001.)
- 2008
- Working Paper
The Supply Side of Innovation: H-1B Visa Reforms and U.S. Ethnic Invention
By: William R. Kerr and William F. Lincoln
This study evaluates the impact of high-skilled immigrants on US technology formation. Specifically, we use reduced-form specifications that exploit large changes in the H-1B visa program. Fluctuations in H-1B admissions levels significantly influence the rate of... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Patents; Ethnicity; Immigration; Innovation and Invention; United States
Kerr, William R., and William F. Lincoln. "The Supply Side of Innovation: H-1B Visa Reforms and U.S. Ethnic Invention." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-005, December 2008. (FAQ on paper, Appendix, forthcoming at Journal of Labor Economics.)
- 11 Dec 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
Quality Management and Job Quality: How the ISO 9001 Standard for Quality Management Systems Affects Employees and Employers
Keywords: by David I. Levine & Michael W. Toffel
Passion Penalizes Women and Advantages (Unexceptional) Men in High-Potential Designations
High potential programs offer a swift path up the corporate ladder for those who secure a place on them. However, the evaluation of “potential” occurs under considerable uncertainty, creating fertile ground for gender bias. We document that men are more likely than... View Details
- January 2018 (Revised August 2020)
- Background Note
Continuous Software Development: Agile's Successor
By: Jeffrey J. Bussgang, Samuel Clemens and Olivia Hull
In recent years, the twin software development methodologies of continuous delivery and continuous deployment have risen to prominence in the start-up world and beyond. These methods have enabled technology companies large and small to accelerate their product... View Details
Keywords: Continuous Improvement; Continuous Development; Continuous Delivery; Continuous Integration; Product Development Processes; Computer Programming; Agile; Waterfall; Software Applications; Software Engineering; Applications and Software; Information Technology; Technological Innovation; Product Development; Customer Focus and Relationships; Entrepreneurship; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure; Quality; Product Marketing; Product; Infrastructure; Information Infrastructure; Computer Industry; Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry; Massachusetts; Boston
Bussgang, Jeffrey J., Samuel Clemens, and Olivia Hull. "Continuous Software Development: Agile's Successor." Harvard Business School Background Note 818-055, January 2018. (Revised August 2020.)
- TeachingInterests
Investing: Risk, Return and Impact (MBA)
By: Shawn A. Cole
This is an investing/finance course, designed to build on skills introduced in the RC finance course, but with an emphasis on how and whether investors should incorporate what have traditionally been considered “non-financial” criteria in their decisions: for... View Details
- Program
Private Equity and Venture Capital
Details Take advantage of the right opportunities at the right time Evaluate the impact of market cycles so you can move on opportunities with the most potential Apply best practices for making investments, both within your borders View Details
- July 2010
- Article
The Supply Side of Innovation: H-1B Visa Reforms and U.S. Ethnic Invention
By: William R. Kerr and William F. Lincoln
This study evaluates the impact of high-skilled immigrants on U.S. technology formation. We use reduced-form specifications that exploit large changes in the H-1B visa program. Higher H-1B admissions increase immigrant science and engineering (SE) employment and... View Details
Keywords: Engineering; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Immigration; Innovation and Invention; Patents; Business and Government Relations; Science; United States
Kerr, William R., and William F. Lincoln. "The Supply Side of Innovation: H-1B Visa Reforms and U.S. Ethnic Invention." Journal of Labor Economics 28, no. 3 (July 2010): 473–508. (Winner of H. Gregg Lewis Prize for Best Paper in Journal of Labor Economics 2010-2011.)
- November 2018
- Article
Disruptive Innovation: An Intellectual History and Directions for Future Research
By: Clayton M. Christensen, Rory McDonald, Elizabeth J. Altman and Jonathan E. Palmer
The concept of disruptive innovation has gained considerable currency among practitioners despite widespread misunderstanding of its core principles. Similarly, foundational research on disruption has elicited frequent citation and vibrant debate in academic circles,... View Details
Keywords: Innovation Metrics; Systemic Industries; Technology Trajectories; Disruptive Innovation; Theory; History; Competitive Strategy; Research
Christensen, Clayton M., Rory McDonald, Elizabeth J. Altman, and Jonathan E. Palmer. "Disruptive Innovation: An Intellectual History and Directions for Future Research." Special Issue on Managing in the Age of Disruptions. Journal of Management Studies 55, no. 7 (November 2018): 1043–1078.
- 2020
- Article
Mutual Funds: Skill and Performance
By: Jonathan B. Berk, Jules van Binsbergen and Max Miller
The authors summarize the recent literature on mutual fund manager skill and performance. They discuss the latest contributions in the field and reinterpret them through the lens of the rational expectations framework (efficient market hypothesis). They further discuss... View Details
Keywords: Investment Return; Investment Portfolio; Financial Management; Performance Evaluation; Measurement and Metrics
Berk, Jonathan B., Jules van Binsbergen, and Max Miller. "Mutual Funds: Skill and Performance." Journal of Portfolio Management 46, no. 5 (2020): 17–31.
- Fourth Quarter 2007
- Article
Contingent Claims Approach to Measuring and Managing Sovereign Credit Risk
By: Dale . F. Gray, Robert C. Merton and Zvi Bodie
This paper proposes a new approach to measure, analyze, and manage sovereign risk based on the theory and practice of modern contingent claims analysis (CCA). The paper provides a new framework for adapting the CCA model to the sovereign balance sheet in a way that can... View Details
Keywords: Credit; Investment; Sovereign Finance; Risk Management; Emerging Markets; Market Transactions; Mathematical Methods; Valuation
Gray, Dale . F., Robert C. Merton, and Zvi Bodie. "Contingent Claims Approach to Measuring and Managing Sovereign Credit Risk." Special Issue on Credit Analysis. Journal of Investment Management 5, no. 4 (Fourth Quarter 2007): 5–28.
- Program
Designing and Executing Corporate Revitalization
major corporate challenges proactively, make the right strategic moves, and lead a revitalization effort that establishes a firm foundation for growth. This program is eligible for the Certificate of... View Details
- Article
Quantile Evaluation, Sensitivity to Bracketing, and Sharing Business Payoffs
By: Y. Grushka-Cockayne, K. C. Lichtendahl, V.R.R. Jose and R.L. Winkler
From forecasting competitions to conditional value-at-risk requirements, the use of multiple quantile assessments is growing in practice. To evaluate them, we use a rule from the general class of proper scoring rules for a forecaster’s multiple quantiles of a single... View Details
Grushka-Cockayne, Y., K. C. Lichtendahl, V.R.R. Jose, and R.L. Winkler. "Quantile Evaluation, Sensitivity to Bracketing, and Sharing Business Payoffs." Operations Research 65, no. 3 (May–June 2017): 712–728.
- Program
Driving Nonprofit Performance and Innovation—Virtual
nonprofit organization—especially when tackling society's toughest challenges—senior executives and board members must prioritize assessment of organizational performance. In this live online program, you... View Details
- July 2023
- Teaching Note
Belden and Digital Transformation: From Product Sales to Solutions Sales
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 823-002. Belden manufactures devices such as switches, cables, adapters, and connectors. Faced with market changes, the firm initiated a new Enhanced Solutions Delivery (ESD) initiative. In November 2022 executives are evaluating the... View Details
- 06 Mar 2018
- First Look
First Look at Research and Ideas, March 6, 2018
countries. Our results are close to those reported by the International Comparisons Program (ICP) in 2011 and the OECD in 2014 and can be used to obtain more up-to-date... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- March–April 2017
- Article
Advancing Conservation by Understanding and Influencing Human Behavior
By: Sheila M. Reddy, Jensen Montambault, Yuta J. Masuda, Ayelet Gneezy, Elizabeth Keenan, William Butler, Jonathan R. Fisher and Stanley T. Asah
Behavioral sciences can advance conservation by systematically identifying behavioral barriers to conservation and how to best overcome them. Behavioral sciences have informed policy in many other realms (e.g., health, savings), but they are a largely untapped resource... View Details
Keywords: Adaptive Management; Awareness; Behavioral Economics; Behavioral Science; Conservation Intervention; Conservation Planning; Decision-making; Incentives; Nudge; Management; Motivation and Incentives; Behavior; Marketing; Decision Making; Environmental Sustainability; Economics
Reddy, Sheila M., Jensen Montambault, Yuta J. Masuda, Ayelet Gneezy, Elizabeth Keenan, William Butler, Jonathan R. Fisher, and Stanley T. Asah. "Advancing Conservation by Understanding and Influencing Human Behavior." Conservation Letters 10, no. 2 (March–April 2017): 248–256. (doi:10.1111/conl.12252.)
- August 2023
- Article
Impact of Social Needs Case Management on Use of Medical and Behavioral Health Services: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
By: Mark D. Fleming, Crystal Guo, Margae Knox, Daniel M. Brown, Elizabeth A. Hernandez and Amanda L. Brewster
Social needs case management is an increasingly common strategy used by health care organizations to address integrated health and social needs. These programs connect patients to resources such as food assistance, housing, transportation, or income benefits, in... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Medical Specialties; Programs; Human Needs; Welfare; Health Industry; California
Fleming, Mark D., Crystal Guo, Margae Knox, Daniel M. Brown, Elizabeth A. Hernandez, and Amanda L. Brewster. "Impact of Social Needs Case Management on Use of Medical and Behavioral Health Services: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial." Annals of Internal Medicine 176, no. 8 (August 2023): 1139–1141.
- October 2013
- Case
Oaktree and the Restructuring of CIT Group (A)
By: Victoria Ivashina and David Scharfstein
CIT's prepackaged bankruptcy marked the first time a major financial institution was able to successfully restructure and emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy, challenging conventional views that a financial firm could not survive bankruptcy proceedings as a going... View Details
Ivashina, Victoria, and David Scharfstein. "Oaktree and the Restructuring of CIT Group (A)." Harvard Business School Case 214-035, October 2013.