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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (559)
- October 2009 (Revised March 2012)
- Case
Nettwerk: Digital Marketing in the Music Industry
By: John A. Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
How is music marketed in the digital era? Nettwerk Music Group built on its foundation as a social, grassroots marketer of music and artists and emerged as a leader in the Internet-enabled social media environment. For most of the past decade Nettwerk CEO Terry McBride... View Details
Keywords: Music Entertainment; Product Marketing; Network Effects; Sales; Social and Collaborative Networks; Online Technology; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Music Industry
Deighton, John A., and Leora Kornfeld. "Nettwerk: Digital Marketing in the Music Industry." Harvard Business School Case 510-055, October 2009. (Revised March 2012.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- February 2001 (Revised June 2001)
- Case
Competitive Dynamics in Home Video Games (B): Nintendo Power
Tells the story of Nintendo's revival of the home video game industry in the mid-1980s and its dominance of the market in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Strategic issues addressed include the creation of value by sparking dormant demand and the capture of value... View Details
Coughlan, Peter J. "Competitive Dynamics in Home Video Games (B): Nintendo Power." Harvard Business School Case 701-092, February 2001. (Revised June 2001.)
- February 2010 (Revised June 2012)
- Case
"Plugging In" the Consumer: The Adoption of Electrically Powered Vehicles in the U.S.
By: Elie Ofek and Polly Ribatt
How will U.S. consumers respond to the proliferation of alternative-fuel vehicles, such as cars powered partially or completely by electricity, in the coming decade? After a century in which fossil fuel-powered vehicles dominated the market, it appeared consumers would... View Details
Keywords: Energy Sources; Policy; Marketing; Demand and Consumers; Business and Government Relations; Natural Environment; Pollutants; Adoption; Auto Industry; United States
Ofek, Elie, and Polly Ribatt. "Plugging In" the Consumer: The Adoption of Electrically Powered Vehicles in the U.S. Harvard Business School Case 510-076, February 2010. (Revised June 2012.)
- 29 Oct 2007
- HBS Case
Marketing Maria: Managing the Athlete Endorsement
marketing. "That day, Maria's life changed forever, and so did mine," says Max Eisenbud, her agent at sports agency IMG, as quoted in the recent Harvard Business School case "Maria Sharapova: Marketing a Champion."... View Details
- 27 Mar 2014
- News
From Marx to Marketing
groundbreaking research project was the impetus that would bring a steady stream of professors, managers, and other participants from Russia and Eastern Europe to HBS. "At HBS," Vlachoutsicos recalls, "the perception was that Soviet power... View Details
- 2011
- White Paper
Brands Are People Too! Harnessing the Power of Brand Warmth and Competence
By: Chris Malone, Jill Avery and S. T. Fiske
Research in customer behavior has revealed that the way humans respond to brands is simply an extension of the way they instinctively perceive, judge, and behave towards one another. Understanding how consumers judge brands using social processes akin to those used in... View Details
Keywords: Brands; Brand Management; Customer Relationship Management; CRM; Brand Positioning; Brand Equity; Customers; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Satisfaction; Brands and Branding; Marketing; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Consumer Products Industry
Malone, Chris, Jill Avery, and S. T. Fiske. "Brands Are People Too! Harnessing the Power of Brand Warmth and Competence." White Paper Series, Relational Capital Group, Newtowne Square, PA, 2011.
- 18 Jul 2005
- Research & Ideas
Identify Emerging Market Opportunities
Companies are increasingly looking to emerging markets like China as a vital source of growth. The problem is these companies often lack an effective strategy for identifying which countries to do business with. In a June Harvard Business... View Details
- 16 Apr 2001
- Research & Ideas
Brand Power from Wedgwood to Dell: Part One
remarkably well.—Nancy F. Koehn In Part Two, to appear in the April 23 update of HBS Working Knowledge, Koehn discusses the remarkable brand power created by Estée Lauder, Howard Schultz, and Michael Dell. ... A Parachute Through Time All... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- 2008
- Book
Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep Metaphors Reveal About the Minds of Consumers
By: Gerald Zaltman and Lindsay Zaltman
Why do advertising campaigns and new products often fail? Why do consumers feel that companies don't understand their needs? Because marketers themselves don't think deeply about consumers' innermost thoughts and feelings. Marketing Metaphoria is a... View Details
Keywords: Advertising Campaigns; Nonverbal Communication; Customer Satisfaction; Books; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Consumer Behavior; Failure; Nonprofit Organizations; Behavior; Emotions
Zaltman, Gerald, and Lindsay Zaltman. Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep Metaphors Reveal About the Minds of Consumers. Harvard Business School Press, 2008.
- 01 Aug 2018
- What Do You Think?
Are Free Trade and Free Markets Quaint Ideas From the Past?
AvigatorPhotographer Are Free Trade Notions Repeatedly Victim to Short-Term Thinking? Free trade and free markets are concepts to which many of us, given our training in economics, aspire. But they inevitably fall victim to the varied and... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 2012
- Book
Strength in Numbers: The Political Power of Weak Interests
By: Gunnar Trumbull
This book investigates the sources of interest group influence on public policy. Trumbull argues that diffuse groups like consumers are more influential, and industry less influential, than we commonly assume. View Details
Trumbull, Gunnar. Strength in Numbers: The Political Power of Weak Interests. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012.
- August 2015
- Article
Pricing and Efficiency in the Market for IP Addresses
By: Benjamin Edelman and Michael Schwarz
We consider market rules for transferring IP addresses, numeric identifiers required by all computers connected to the Internet. Transfers usefully move resources from lowest- to highest-valuation networks, but transfers tend to cause socially costly growth in the... View Details
Keywords: Externalities; Intermediaries; Market Design; Internet; Web Services Industry; Telecommunications Industry
Edelman, Benjamin, and Michael Schwarz. "Pricing and Efficiency in the Market for IP Addresses." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 7, no. 3 (August 2015): 1–23. (lead article.)
- 27 Oct 2002
- Research & Ideas
Want a Happy Customer? Coordinate Sales and Marketing
integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems depending upon design and implementation. And, increasingly the integrated systems can be supplemented with powerful point solutions such as those designed to manage View Details
Keywords: by Benson Shapiro
- 01 Sep 2006
- News
Marketing Giant Ted Levitt Remembered
SCHOLAR, WRITER, TEACHER: Levitt, in a photo from 1983. His research tranformed the study and practice of marketing. The HBS community lost a legendary member of its faculty June 28 when marketing expert Theodore (“Ted”) Levitt died at... View Details
- 26 Aug 2019
- Research & Ideas
Lipstick Tips: How Influencers Are Making Over Beauty Marketing
Instagram and YouTube. In the competition for the consumer’s attention, influencers are winning with pretty packages of photos and videos, as consumers increasingly reject more traditional forms of marketing like TV commercials and... View Details
- 14 Jan 2015
- Research & Ideas
Thriving in the Turbulence of Emerging Markets
The growth and competiveness of emerging markets is a fundamental reality in global business today. Yet it is often forgotten just how much these countries have changed in a short period of time, how challenging their business... View Details
- 29 Apr 2020
- Book
The Key to Powerful Social Change: Small Villages
Who will solve the great problems facing humanity, a list of critical issues that only begins with the current pandemic? In the interview below, Rosabeth Moss Kanter discusses her recent book, Think Outside the Building, and her view that solutions are most likely to... View Details
Keywords: by Dina Gerdeman
- 2024
- Working Paper
Omnia Juncta in Uno: Foreign Powers and Trademark Protection in Shanghai's Concession Era
By: Laura Alfaro, Cathy Bao, Maggie X. Chen, Junjie Hong and Claudia Steinwender
We investigate how firms and markets adapt to trademark protection, an extensively utilized but under-examined form of IP protection to address asymmetric information, by exploring a historical precedent: China’s 1923 trademark law. Exploiting unique, newly digitized... View Details
Keywords: Trademark; Firm Dynamics; Intermediaries; Intellectual Property Institutions; Trademarks; Intellectual Property; Laws and Statutes; Outcome or Result; Organizational Change and Adaptation; China
Alfaro, Laura, Cathy Bao, Maggie X. Chen, Junjie Hong, and Claudia Steinwender. "Omnia Juncta in Uno: Foreign Powers and Trademark Protection in Shanghai's Concession Era." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-030, November 2021. (Revised July 2024.)
- 15 Apr 2017
- News
Bringing Markets to Myanmar
whatever new government coalition might be in place in March 2016. Then he looked at me and said, the real power is not here. It's with Minister number five. Morrell: David, tell me about the meeting with Minister number five. What did... View Details
- January 2009 (Revised November 2010)
- Case
The Dojima Rice Market and the Origins of Futures Trading
By: David A. Moss and Eugene Kintgen
In 1730, Japanese merchants petitioned shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune to officially authorize trade in rice futures at the Dojima Exchange, the world's first organized (but unsanctioned) futures market. For many years, the Japanese government had prohibited the trade of... View Details
Keywords: Futures and Commodity Futures; Price; Food; Business History; Market Transactions; Business and Government Relations; Japan
Moss, David A., and Eugene Kintgen. "The Dojima Rice Market and the Origins of Futures Trading." Harvard Business School Case 709-044, January 2009. (Revised November 2010.)