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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (251)
- 14 Jul 2020
- Research & Ideas
Restarting Under Uncertainty: Managerial Experiences from Around the World
decisions more quickly and reliably. Case 3: Preempt the threats Brazil Energy Biomass is an energy producer, generating steam from biomass and selling the energy to industrial clients in take-or-pay contracts. The company has two plants... View Details
- 27 Feb 2018
- First Look
First Look at New Research and Ideas, February 27, 2018
occupational segregation on which most prior research has focused. We examine more than 40 years of longitudinal data on the racial employment composition of every large private-sector workplace in the United States to calculate... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- August 2023
- Case
Beamery: Using Skills and AI to Modernize HR
By: Boris Groysberg, Alexis Lefort, Susan Pinckney and Carolina Bartunek
Unicorn human relationships startup Beamery evaluates it's growth versus depth strategy as its strategic partners and customers could become future competitors in a quickly changing AI based human resources and talent management industry View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Startups; Competency and Skills; Experience and Expertise; Talent and Talent Management; Customers; Nationality; Learning; Entrepreneurship; Employee Relationship Management; Recruitment; Retention; Selection and Staffing; Values and Beliefs; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Analytics and Data Science; Applications and Software; Disruptive Innovation; Technological Innovation; Job Offer; Job Search; Job Design and Levels; Employment; Human Capital; Europe; United Kingdom; United States
Groysberg, Boris, Alexis Lefort, Susan Pinckney, and Carolina Bartunek. "Beamery: Using Skills and AI to Modernize HR." Harvard Business School Case 424-004, August 2023.
- July 2023 (Revised February 2024)
- Case
By: Lauren Cohen, Grace Headinger and Marcos Quirno
Clair was founded with a simple mission: to expedite America’s workers access to their hard-earned wages. In the headwinds of the COVID-19 pandemic, the startup had successfully raised a seed round of $4.5 million, and within two years the earned wage access (EWA)... View Details
- 2015
- Case
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Mike Critelli and Dossia Service Corporation
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Patricia Bissett Higgins
In 2010, Mark Critelli was a well-seasoned corporate executive who had recently transitioned from being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to that of a startup called Dossia. As an AL Fellow, he knew that despite believing in Dossia’s mission to empower individuals with... View Details
Keywords: Health And Wellness; Health Care; Health Care Education; Health Care Entrepreneurship; Health Care Industry; Health Care Investment; Health Care Outcomes; Health Care Quality; Health Care Reform; Health Care Services; Health Costs; Preventive Care; Insurance Companies; Insurance Industry; Employee Compensation; Empoylee Wellness Programs; Patient Reported Outcome Measures; Patient Satisfaction; Data; Data Analytics; Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Organizations; Entrepreneurial Ventures; Start-up; Leadership Skills; Disruptive Change; Health; Insurance; Employees; Leadership; Disruptive Innovation; Health Care and Treatment; Employment; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Information Technology; Analytics and Data Science; Health Industry; United States
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Patricia Bissett Higgins. "Advanced Leadership Pathways: Mike Critelli and Dossia Service Corporation." Harvard Business Publishing Case 316-053, 2015. (Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative.)
- December 2010 (Revised March 2013)
- Case
Asian Agri and the Future of Palm Oil
By: David E. Bell and Natalie Kindred
For Asian Agri and other Indonesian palm oil producers, the future promised rising demand from fast-growing Asian populations, but also intensifying criticism from environmental groups. With the highest yield and lowest production cost of any edible oil, palm oil... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Social Marketing; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business Strategy; Supply Chain Management; Natural Environment; Marketing Strategy; Environmental Sustainability; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Indonesia; Malaysia
Bell, David E., and Natalie Kindred. "Asian Agri and the Future of Palm Oil." Harvard Business School Case 511-015, December 2010. (Revised March 2013.)
- May 18, 2020
- Other Article
Media Bias? But Not What You Think It Is
The media are often accused of political bias. But news outlets reflect many political beliefs in a fragmented media environment. However, an almost across-the-board bias is how news media talk about digital business, and the pandemic has exacerbated that bias, which... View Details
Cespedes, Frank V. "Media Bias? But Not What You Think It Is." Medium (May 18, 2020).
- Research Summary
The Global Networks of Multinational Firms (with Maggie Chen)
By: Laura Alfaro
In this paper we characterize the topology of global multinational networks and examine the macro and micro patterns of multinational activity. We construct indices of network density at both pairwise industry and establishment level and measure agglomeration in a... View Details
- November 2002 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
China's Rural Leap Forward
By: Bruce R. Scott and Jamie Matthews
Collectively owned township and village enterprises (TVEs) played a pivotal role in China's rapid growth during the 1980s and 1990s. Although they originated in the policies and institutions of the Maoist era, TVEs thrived only after Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms... View Details
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Public Sector; Public Ownership; Development Economics; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Macroeconomics; Emerging Markets; China
Scott, Bruce R., and Jamie Matthews. "China's Rural Leap Forward." Harvard Business School Case 703-024, November 2002. (Revised June 2003.)
- July 2010
- Other Article
Clusters and Entrepreneurship
By: Mercedes Delgado, Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern
This article examines the role of regional clusters in regional entrepreneurship. We focus on the distinct influences of convergence and agglomeration on growth in the number of start-up firms as well as in employment in these new firms in a given region-industry.... View Details
Keywords: Economics
Delgado, Mercedes, Michael E. Porter, and Scott Stern. "Clusters and Entrepreneurship." Journal of Economic Geography 10, no. 4 (July 2010): 495–518. (U.S. Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper, No. CES-WP-10-31.)
Regina E. Herzlinger
Regina E. Herzlinger is the Nancy R. McPherson Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. She was the first woman to be tenured and chaired at Harvard Business School and serve on many established and start-up corporate health care/medical... View Details
- Article
Credit Access and Social Welfare: The Rise of Consumer Lending in the United States and France
By: Gunnar Trumbull
Research into the causes of the 2008 financial crisis has drawn attention to a link between growing income inequality in the United States and high household indebtedness. Most accounts trace the U.S. idea of credit-as-welfare to the period of wage stagnation and... View Details
Keywords: Household Finance; Welfare State; Credit; Personal Finance; Welfare; Borrowing and Debt; France; United States
Trumbull, Gunnar. "Credit Access and Social Welfare: The Rise of Consumer Lending in the United States and France." Politics & Society 40, no. 1 (March 2012): 9–34.
- March 2011 (Revised March 2011)
- Case
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey - Managing in the Shadow of Health Care Reform
Per the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), which President Obama signed in 2010, states would be required to create state-wide health insurance marketplaces - the Health Benefit Exchanges (HBEs) - in which individuals and small employers could choose... View Details
Keywords: Insurance; Health Care and Treatment; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Emerging Markets; Risk and Uncertainty; Health Industry; Health Industry; New Jersey
Oberholzer-Gee, Felix, Raffaella Sadun, and Richard G. Hamermesh. "Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey - Managing in the Shadow of Health Care Reform." Harvard Business School Case 711-403, March 2011. (Revised March 2011.)
Joseph B. Fuller
Joseph Fuller is a Professor of Management Practice in General Management and Entrepreneurship. He founded and co-leads the school’s project, Managing the Future of Work, as well as the Harvard Project on the Workforce. He currently leads the FIELD Global Capstone... View Details
- March 1982 (Revised August 1988)
- Case
Duncan Field (A)
Duncan Field, having left employment in the cable television industry, is attempting to find and buy a cable system with a financial backer. Traces Duncan's career path preparing for this move, shows development of his financial backing, follows his search, and... View Details
Thurston, Philip H., Richard O. von Werssowetz, and H. Irving Grousbeck. "Duncan Field (A)." Harvard Business School Case 382-137, March 1982. (Revised August 1988.)
- 30 Jun 2008
- Research & Ideas
Rethinking Retirement Planning
know we should be saving for retirement, but how much should we be squirreling away? And of the funds our company's plan offers, which should we choose? According to Harvard Business School professor Robert C. Merton, the defined contribution (DC) plans currently... View Details
- Career Coach
Zoe Sun
Zoe wants to help students, particularly international students who require visa sponsorship, understand opportunities available in the private equity industry and in finance industry more broadly. Having... View Details
- October 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
"Friendly Skies, The": Welfare-to-Work at United Airlines
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Ellen Pruyne
In 1997 United CEO Gerald Greenwald was appointed chairman of the national Welfare-to-Work Partnership by President Clinton and committed United to hiring from the welfare rolls. A welfare-to-work recruitment program was rapidly established and soon followed by a... View Details
Keywords: Programs; Selection and Staffing; Retention; Employees; Recruitment; Welfare; Air Transportation Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Ellen Pruyne. "Friendly Skies, The": Welfare-to-Work at United Airlines. Harvard Business School Case 399-013, October 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- Career Coach
Michelle Luo
Michelle wants to help students explore opportunities available in Tech and Entertainment & Media. She worked as a Product Manager at Google prior to HBS and then transitioned to Entertaiment & Media and can help to navigate how these View Details
- Career Coach
Cat Davidson
Cat is a sports industry veteran (marketing/partnerships) and career-switcher (tech strategy). She enjoys assisting students interested in sports, Big Tech, or who are making career changes. She is particularly well-equipped to help... View Details