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- July 1991
- Case
Managing the U.S. Dollar in the 1980s
By: W. Carl Kester and Richard P. Melnick
Provides numerical data and alternative explanations concerning the U.S. dollar's rise and subsequent fall in value from 1981 through 1987. Students are challenged to study the evidence and make their own inferences concerning the dollar's movements and the degree of... View Details
Kester, W. Carl, and Richard P. Melnick. "Managing the U.S. Dollar in the 1980s." Harvard Business School Case 292-001, July 1991.
- June 2023
- Article
Why Is Dollar Debt Cheaper? Evidence from Peru
By: Bryan Gutiérrez, Victoria Ivashina and Juliana Salomao
In emerging markets, a significant share of corporate loans are denominated in dollars. Using novel data that enables us to see currency and the cost of credit, in addition to several other transaction-level characteristics, we re-examine the reasons behind dollar... View Details
Keywords: Emerging Market Corporate Debt; Currency Mismatch; Liability Dollarization; Carry Trade; Currency; Emerging Markets; Borrowing and Debt; Interest Rates; Peru
Gutiérrez, Bryan, Victoria Ivashina, and Juliana Salomao. "Why Is Dollar Debt Cheaper? Evidence from Peru." Journal of Financial Economics 148, no. 3 (June 2023): 245–272.
- 16 Oct 2018
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, October 16, 2018
company and grow as fast as possible (e.g., high double digits) or be more conservative and grow sales at a financially healthy rate, like traditional retailers did (e.g., single digits). The primary way e-retailing companies achieved these abnormally high View Details
Keywords: Dina Gerdeman
- July 2005
- Article
The Consequences of Labor Market Flexibility: Panel Evidence Based on Survey Data
By: Rafael Di Tella and Robert MacCulloch
We introduce a new data set on hiring and firing restrictions for 21 OECD countries for the period 1984 –1990. The data are based on surveys of business people in the countries covered, so the indices we use are subjective in nature. Controlling for country and time... View Details
Keywords: Job Security Provisions; Subjective Data; Unemployment; Employment; Labor; Markets; Data and Data Sets
Di Tella, Rafael, and Robert MacCulloch. "The Consequences of Labor Market Flexibility: Panel Evidence Based on Survey Data." European Economic Review 49, no. 5 (July 2005): 1225–59.
- May 2019
- Article
Corporate Debt, Firm Size and Financial Fragility in Emerging Markets
By: Laura Alfaro, Gonzalo Asis, Anusha Chari and Ugo Panizza
The post-Global Financial Crisis period shows a surge in corporate leverage in emerging markets and a number of countries with deteriorated corporate financial fragility indicators (Altman’s Z-score). Firm size plays a critical role in the relationship between... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Debt; Firm Size; Financial Fragility; Emerging Market; Organizations; Borrowing and Debt; Financial Condition; Emerging Markets; System Shocks
Alfaro, Laura, Gonzalo Asis, Anusha Chari, and Ugo Panizza. "Corporate Debt, Firm Size and Financial Fragility in Emerging Markets." Journal of International Economics 118 (May 2019): 1–19. (Also NBER Working Paper 25459.)
- April 2011 (Revised February 2013)
- Background Note
How Government Debt Accumulates
By: Dante Roscini and Jonathan Schlefer
This note discusses the economics of government-debt accumulation. Fiscal deficits are only part of the picture; other factors include the level of debt as a percent of nominal GDP; the interest rate; the inflation rate; the growth rate; and changes in the exchange... View Details
Roscini, Dante, and Jonathan Schlefer. "How Government Debt Accumulates." Harvard Business School Background Note 711-087, April 2011. (Revised February 2013.)
- Research Summary
Corporate Debt, Firm Size and Financial Fragility in Emerging Markets
By: Laura Alfaro
The post-Global Financial Crisis period shows a surge in corporate leverage in emerging markets and a number of countries with deteriorated corporate financial fragility indicators (Altman’s Z-score). Firm size plays a critical role in the relationship between... View Details
- March 2006 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
China: To Float or Not To Float? (C)- Esquel Group and the Chinese Renminbi
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
In July 2005, China revalued its currency by 2.1% and adjusted its exchange rate regime toward a more market-based system. Esquel Group, a family-run, privately held textiles firm specializing in high-quality cotton shirts with its most significant manufacturing base... View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Currency Exchange Rate; Private Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Value Creation; China
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael M. Di Tella, and Ingrid Vogel. "China: To Float or Not To Float? (C)- Esquel Group and the Chinese Renminbi." Harvard Business School Case 706-023, March 2006. (Revised November 2006.)
- December 1994 (Revised June 1995)
- Case
Tiffany & Co.--1993
By: W. Carl Kester and Kendall Backstrand
The restructuring of Tiffany's retailing agreement with Mitsukoshi Ltd. in 1993 exposed Tiffany to substantial yen/dollar exchange rate volatility that it had not previously faced. This new exposure requires Tiffany to establish risk management policies and practices.... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Currency Exchange Rate; Management Practices and Processes; Risk Management; Agreements and Arrangements; Situation or Environment
Kester, W. Carl, and Kendall Backstrand. "Tiffany & Co.--1993." Harvard Business School Case 295-047, December 1994. (Revised June 1995.)
- March 2006 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
China: To Float or Not To Float? (E)- ABB Investment in China
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
In July 2005, China revalued its currency by 2.1% and adjusted its exchange rate regime toward a more market-based system. ABB, a global power and automation technologies company based out of Switzerland with operations in China, was among those companies confronted... View Details
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate; Investment; Multinational Firms and Management; International Relations; Problems and Challenges; Value Creation; China; Switzerland
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael M. Di Tella, and Ingrid Vogel. "China: To Float or Not To Float? (E)- ABB Investment in China." Harvard Business School Case 706-035, March 2006. (Revised November 2006.)
- October 2008
- Article
Sociopolitical Dynamics in Relations Between Top Managers and Security Analysts: Favor Rendering, Reciprocity, and Analyst Stock Recommendations
By: James Westphal and Michael B. Clement
We examine how the disclosure of negative firm information may prompt top executives to render personal and professional favors for security analysts, who may reciprocate by rating firms relatively positively. We further examine how negative ratings may prompt... View Details
Westphal, James, and Michael B. Clement. "Sociopolitical Dynamics in Relations Between Top Managers and Security Analysts: Favor Rendering, Reciprocity, and Analyst Stock Recommendations." Academy of Management Journal 51, no. 5 (October 2008): 873–897.
- September 2004 (Revised February 2007)
- Case
Hedging Currency Risks at AIFS
By: Mihir A. Desai, Vincent Dessain and Anders Sjoman
The American Institute for Foreign Studies (AIFS) organizes study abroad programs and cultural exchanges for American students. The firm's revenues are mainly in U.S. dollars, but most of its costs are in eurodollars and British pounds. The company's controllers review... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Investment Funds; Financial Strategy; Forecasting and Prediction; Revenue; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Currency; Currency Exchange Rate; Education Industry; North and Central America
Desai, Mihir A., Vincent Dessain, and Anders Sjoman. "Hedging Currency Risks at AIFS." Harvard Business School Case 205-026, September 2004. (Revised February 2007.)
- December 1985 (Revised August 1994)
- Case
Metromedia Broadcasting Corp.
Describes the market for high-yield, or "junk," bonds and includes summaries of academic research on the risk/return characteristics of high-yield securities. Describes the role of Drexel Burnham Lambert in the primary and secondary markets for high-yield debt.... View Details
Mason, Scott P. "Metromedia Broadcasting Corp." Harvard Business School Case 286-044, December 1985. (Revised August 1994.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Segmented Arbitrage
We use arbitrage activity in equity, fixed income, and foreign exchange markets to characterize the frictions and constraints facing intermediaries. The average pairwise correlation between the 32 arbitrage spreads that we study is 22%. These low correlations are... View Details
Keywords: Financial Intermediation; Arbitrage; Intermediary-based Asset Pricing; Finance; Segmentation
Siriwardane, Emil, Adi Sunderam, and Jonathan Wallen. "Segmented Arbitrage." Journal of Finance (forthcoming).
- April 2002
- Article
The Determination of Unemployment Benefits
By: Rafael Di Tella and Robert J. MacCulloch
While much empirical research exists on labor market consequences of unemployment benefits, there is remarkably little evidence on the forces determining benefits. We present a simple model where workers desire insurance against unemployment risk and benefits increase... View Details
Di Tella, Rafael, and Robert J. MacCulloch. "The Determination of Unemployment Benefits." Journal of Labor Economics 20, no. 2 (April 2002): 404–34.
- 2021
- Working Paper
Competitive Two-Part Tariffs
By: Jorge Tamayo and Guofu Tan
We study competitive two-part tariffs in a model of asymmetric duopoly firms that offer (vertically and horizontally) differentiated products. We show that the sign of the markup for each product depends on the average expected demand among all customers as well as the... View Details
Keywords: Product Differentiation; Two-part Tariffs; Marginal-cost Pricing; Cross-subsidization; Competition; Price
Tamayo, Jorge, and Guofu Tan. "Competitive Two-Part Tariffs." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-089, March 2021. (R&R American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.)
- 2008
- Chapter
Matching and Market Design
By: Muriel Niederle, Alvin E. Roth and Tayfun Sonmez
Matching is the part of economics concerned with who transacts with whom and how. Models of matching, starting with the Gale-Shapley deferred acceptance algorithm, have been particularly useful in studying labour markets and in helping design clearinghouses to fix... View Details
- August 2011 (Revised November 2018)
- Case
Lind Equipment
By: Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Lind Equipment failed to meet its loan covenants with its senior bank lender in the summer of 2008, just six months after it was acquired. While the senior bank debt comprised only 6% of the capital used in the acquisition and was fully secured, it exercised its right... View Details
Keywords: Financial Condition; Borrowing and Debt; Capital; Revenue; Financing and Loans; Financial Strategy; Financial Management; Acquisition; Financial Crisis; Currency Exchange Rate; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Manufacturing Industry; Industrial Products Industry
Ruback, Richard S., and Royce Yudkoff. "Lind Equipment." Harvard Business School Case 212-012, August 2011. (Revised November 2018.)
- June 12, 2017
- Article
Corporate Balance Sheets in Emerging Markets: A Comparison of the Global Crisis and the Asian Financial Crisis
By: Laura Alfaro, Gonzalo Asis, Anusha Chari and Ugo Panizza
Leverage levels in emerging market firms rose dramatically in the aftermath of the Global Crisis. This column examines whether concerns of a repeat of the Asian financial crisis, which was largely attributed to corporate financial roots, are justified. While firm... View Details
Alfaro, Laura, Gonzalo Asis, Anusha Chari, and Ugo Panizza. "Corporate Balance Sheets in Emerging Markets: A Comparison of the Global Crisis and the Asian Financial Crisis." Vox, CEPR Policy Portal (June 12, 2017).
- 15 Aug 2007
- Op-Ed
3 Steps to Reduce Financial System Risk
firm can have unintended negative consequences for the system as a whole. Fixing The Future What about the future? If left unchecked, systemic risk in the international financial system will increase owing to the combination of... View Details