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- Faculty Publications (1,698)
- 1993
- Book
British Multinational Banking 1830-1990
By: Geoffrey Jones
This book provides the first modern history of British multinational banking. It analyses their emergence, growth and performance from their origins in the 1830s until the present day. It is based on a wide range of confidential banking records, which are placed in the... View Details
Keywords: Banks and Banking; Multinational Firms and Management; Growth and Development; Information Management; Performance; Great Britain; United Kingdom
Jones, Geoffrey. British Multinational Banking 1830-1990. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993.
- 1993
- Book
Coalitions and Collaboration in International Business
By: G. Jones
This volume provides a selection of the most important research on the history of international business collaboration from the nineteenth century until the present day. The selected essays cover the extensve literature on international cartels, other forms of... View Details
Keywords: International Business; Collaboration; Joint Ventures; Trade; Equity; Body of Literature; Relationships; Research
Jones, G., ed. Coalitions and Collaboration in International Business. Aldershot, England: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1993.
- 1993
- Comment
What Does a Theory of Creativity Require?
By: T. M. Amabile
Comments on Hans J. Eysenck's claims about the close alliance between creativity and psychosis in an article published in the periodical 'Psychological Inquiry.' Distinct senses of Eysenck's use of the term creativity; Failure of Eysenck to present an actual theory of... View Details
Amabile, T. M. "What Does a Theory of Creativity Require?" Psychological Inquiry 4 (1993): 179–181. (Commentary, 'Creativity and Personality: Suggestions for a Theory' by H. J. Eysenck.)
- October 1992
- Supplement
American Connector Co. (B)
By: Gary P. Pisano
Presents a plant manager's proposal to improve operations at American Connector Co. The plan attempts to imitate operations at DJC Corp., a successful Japanese competitor. Requires students to consider how changes in manufacturing impact productivity, flexibility, and... View Details
Pisano, Gary P. "American Connector Co. (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 693-049, October 1992.
- August 1992 (Revised February 1998)
- Supplement
Star Distributors, Inc. (B)
By: David A. Thomas
Presents the dilemma of Don Waters, vice president of Franchise Operations at Belmont Beverages. Waters must must decide what to do about the conflict between two partners in one of Belmont's franchises. View Details
Keywords: Management Teams; Conflict Management; Franchise Ownership; Partners and Partnerships; Distribution Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
Thomas, David A. "Star Distributors, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 493-016, August 1992. (Revised February 1998.)
- August 1992 (Revised February 1995)
- Case
Otis Pacific Asia Operations (B): Regionalization
Describes Otis's effort to build a regional organization linking its previously autonomous opportunities across the Pacific Asia region. Describes changes being made in several key functions, including manufacturing, marketing, engineering, and finance. Presents major... View Details
Keywords: Engineering; Finance; Marketing Strategy; Production; Opportunities; Competition; Integration
Yoshino, Michael Y. "Otis Pacific Asia Operations (B): Regionalization." Harvard Business School Case 393-010, August 1992. (Revised February 1995.)
- August 1992 (Revised December 1994)
- Case
Sexual Harassment, Free Speech or ...?
By: Lynn S. Paine
Presents two brief vignettes about female employees who object to gender discrimination in their work environment. In one case, the manager of a convenience store removes "adult" magazines from the store's shelves because she sees them as damaging to women. In the... View Details
Keywords: Moral Sensibility; Working Conditions; Law; Behavior; Managerial Roles; Crime and Corruption; Groups and Teams; Organizational Culture; Problems and Challenges; Gender
Paine, Lynn S. "Sexual Harassment, Free Speech or ...?" Harvard Business School Case 393-033, August 1992. (Revised December 1994.)
- July 1992 (Revised May 1996)
- Background Note
Note on Commodity Futures
By: Kenneth A. Froot, Jay O. Light and Nancy Donohue
Describes how commodity futures work, what products and exchanges are available, and who the players in the commodity markets are. Also presents a careful discussion of the pricing of futures in commodity markets, focusing on cost of carry and risk premium approaches,... View Details
Keywords: Futures and Commodity Futures
Froot, Kenneth A., Jay O. Light, and Nancy Donohue. "Note on Commodity Futures." Harvard Business School Background Note 293-018, July 1992. (Revised May 1996.)
- Article
Renegotiation and the Form of Efficient Contracts
By: Jerry R. Green and J. J. Laffont
Two parties may agree to a mutually binding contract that will govern their behavior after an uncertain event becomes known. As there is no agent who can both observe this uncertain outcome and enforce the contract, contingent agreements are precluded. However, the... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and J. J. Laffont. "Renegotiation and the Form of Efficient Contracts." Annales d'économie et de statistique, nos. 25-26 (January–June 1992): 123–150.
- May 1992
- Supplement
Fabtek (B)
By: Rowland T. Moriarty Jr. and Benson P. Shapiro
Presents an urgent order for repair service from an important customer who had purchased an item from a competitor. The item, which TiFab had bid on, went out at a price that TiFab predicted was below the amount necessary to ensure quality manufacture. Now the customer... View Details
Moriarty, Rowland T., Jr., and Benson P. Shapiro. "Fabtek (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 592-096, May 1992.
- May 1992 (Revised September 2019)
- Case
Richardson Sheffield
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Ashish Nanda
The case traces Bryan Upton’s 20-plus years as managing director of a Sheffield-based cutlery company and describes the strategic and organizational actions he took to raise sales and earnings at more than 25% annually, even as the local industry was in steep... View Details
Keywords: Human Resource Management; Human Resource Practices; General Management; Human Resources; Management; Leadership; Strategy; United Kingdom
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Ashish Nanda. "Richardson Sheffield." Harvard Business School Case 392-089, May 1992. (Revised September 2019.)
- April 1992
- Background Note
Ethical Dimensions of Competitive Analysis
Presents some of the dilemmas of gathering competitive information and the appropriate limits for competitive analysis. Raises the issues involved and provides information about actual corporate practice. View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Competition; Management Practices and Processes; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Corporate Governance; Information Management
Porter, Michael E. "Ethical Dimensions of Competitive Analysis." Harvard Business School Background Note 792-088, April 1992.
- March 1992 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Lada do Brasil
By: James E. Austin and Helen Shapiro
In an effort to capitalize on the entrepreneurial opportunity presented by the Brazilian government's trade liberalization, a Panamanian automobile trading company launched a business of importing the Russian made Lada cars into Brazil. The company confronts a complex... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Transformation; Economics; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Capital; Policy; Competition; Auto Industry; Brazil
Austin, James E., and Helen Shapiro. "Lada do Brasil." Harvard Business School Case 392-122, March 1992. (Revised June 1993.)
- February 1992 (Revised July 1992)
- Background Note
Note on Cross-Border Valuation
By: W. Carl Kester and Julia Morley
Provides a fundamental technical review of valuation techniques used to assess cross-border investments. Discusses the discounting of free cash flows with a weighted average cost of capital, the use of adjusted present value, and the importance of considering real... View Details
Kester, W. Carl, and Julia Morley. "Note on Cross-Border Valuation." Harvard Business School Background Note 292-084, February 1992. (Revised July 1992.)
- January 1992
- Case
Metreke Cards
Used to introduce the assembly line process to first-year MBA students. Three different variations of an assembly line process for packing greeting cards are presented for analysis. To choose among the three, the students must address issues of time standards,... View Details
Wheelwright, Steven C. "Metreke Cards." Harvard Business School Case 692-073, January 1992.
- September 1991 (Revised August 1996)
- Case
Procter & Gamble Co., The: Lenor Refill Package
By: John A. Quelch
The assistant brand manager for Lenor, Procter & Gamble Germany's fabric softener brand, was preparing a presentation on the national launch of an environmentally friendly refill package. View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Environmental Sustainability; Product Launch; Brands and Branding; Consumer Products Industry; Germany; United States
Quelch, John A., Minette E. Drumwright, and Julie Yao. "Procter & Gamble Co., The: Lenor Refill Package." Harvard Business School Case 592-016, September 1991. (Revised August 1996.)
- August 1991
- Background Note
Industrial Market Research: Beta Test Site Management
By: Robert J. Dolan
Describes the role of BETA tests in the new product development process and presents guidelines for effective test program development. View Details
Dolan, Robert J. "Industrial Market Research: Beta Test Site Management." Harvard Business School Background Note 592-010, August 1991.
- July 1991 (Revised September 1995)
- Case
Eastman Kodak Co.: Managing Information Systems Through Strategic Alliances
In January 1988, Colby Chandler, Kodak CEO, created the Corporate Information Systems (CIS) and appointed Katherine Hudson head. She at once became the first head of IT and first woman corporate vice president in the company. Throughout 1989, Hudson inaugurated a... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Strategy; Information Technology; Partners and Partnerships; Organizational Structure; Success; Trends; Information Management; Service Operations; Manufacturing Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "Eastman Kodak Co.: Managing Information Systems Through Strategic Alliances." Harvard Business School Case 192-030, July 1991. (Revised September 1995.)
- July 1991
- Case
Pioneer Petroleum Corp.
Pioneer is an integrated oil company. Its operations include exploration and development, production, transportation, and marketing. The case focuses on Pioneer's cost of capital calculations and its choice between a single company-wide cost of capital or divisional... View Details
Ruback, Richard S. "Pioneer Petroleum Corp." Harvard Business School Case 292-011, July 1991.
- July 1991 (Revised June 1993)
- Background Note
Conflicting Responsibilities
Presents a framework for resolving issues in which managers' responsibilities--to shareholders, employees, other stakeholder groups, and to their own values and commitments in life--conflict with each other. The framework analyzes these issues in terms of duties,... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Employees; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Structure; Personal Development and Career; Business and Shareholder Relations; Business and Stakeholder Relations
Badaracco, Joseph L. "Conflicting Responsibilities." Harvard Business School Background Note 392-002, July 1991. (Revised June 1993.)