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- Faculty Publications (1,627)
- September 1990 (Revised March 1991)
- Case
Mod IV Product Development Team
By: Anne Donnellon and Joshua D. Margolis
Focuses sharply on a crossfunctional product development team at Honeywell's Building Controls Division. Traces the history of teams at the division, which introduced them as a response to intensifying competition and the need for faster development. Reveals the... View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Management Teams; Product Development; Organizational Structure; Groups and Teams; Competitive Strategy
Donnellon, Anne, and Joshua D. Margolis. "Mod IV Product Development Team." Harvard Business School Case 491-030, September 1990. (Revised March 1991.)
- April 1990
- Supplement
Philip Morris Companies' ""Bill of Rights"" Sponsorship Program, Responses
By: Stephen A. Greyser and Norman Klein
Describes the reactions of public interest groups, members of the House of Representatives, and others. Further documents reactions to the choice of Philip Morris (PM) as a sponsor. Invites students to weigh the corporate pluses and minuses for PM, given these... View Details
Greyser, Stephen A., and Norman Klein. Philip Morris Companies' ""Bill of Rights"" Sponsorship Program, Responses. Harvard Business School Supplement 590-109, April 1990.
- April 1990 (Revised January 1993)
- Case
Ad Council's AIDS Campaign (A): Advertising Strategy
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Janet Montgomery
Ad Council wished to run an educational campaign aimed at preventing the spread of AIDS. They were challenged to find acceptable ways to address this very sensitive subject matter--ways that the media and the public would approve. One of the big challenges was to make... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Goals and Objectives; Social Marketing; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Success; Problems and Challenges; Social Issues; Health Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Janet Montgomery. "Ad Council's AIDS Campaign (A): Advertising Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 590-105, April 1990. (Revised January 1993.)
- February 1990 (Revised April 1991)
- Background Note
Quick Response in the Apparel Industry
It has been estimated that the U.S. apparel industry wastes over $25 billion annually due to inefficient practices, long lead times, and insufficient coordination between channel partners. In response to intense competition from off-shore producers, the industry has... View Details
Keywords: Information; Distribution Channels; Performance Efficiency; Partners and Partnerships; Adaptation; Business Strategy; System; Technology; Apparel and Accessories Industry; United States
Hammond, Janice H. "Quick Response in the Apparel Industry." Harvard Business School Background Note 690-038, February 1990. (Revised April 1991.)
- January 1990 (Revised March 1991)
- Case
American Red Cross Blood Services: Northeast Region
By: Robert L. Simons
Recounts the financial difficulties and management changes experienced by American Red Cross Blood Services: Northeast Region (NER) during the 1980s. After summarizing industry-wide changes in the collection, testing, and distribution of blood and blood products, the... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Budgets and Budgeting; Financial Management; Restructuring; Health; SWOT Analysis; Social Enterprise; Marketplace Matching; Management Style; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Health Industry; North and Central America
Simons, Robert L. "American Red Cross Blood Services: Northeast Region." Harvard Business School Case 190-078, January 1990. (Revised March 1991.)
- 1990
- Chapter
Rediscovering Functions in the MNC: The Role of Expertise in Firms' Response to Shifting Exchange Rates
By: D. Lessard and N. Nohria
Lessard, D., and N. Nohria. "Rediscovering Functions in the MNC: The Role of Expertise in Firms' Response to Shifting Exchange Rates." In Managing the Global Firm, edited by Christopher A. Bartlett, Y. Doz, and G. Hedlund. London: Routledge, 1990.
- August 1989 (Revised October 2003)
- Case
Fan Pier
By: William J. Poorvu and Katherine Sweetman
The owner of the Fan Pier site in South Boston has been found legally responsible for blocking the efforts of his development partner in attaining the approval necessary to build the $800 million megaproject they had planned together. It was believed that the owner... View Details
Keywords: Partners and Partnerships; Law; Projects; Design; Organizational Design; Marketing Strategy; Government and Politics; Property; Real Estate Industry; Boston
Poorvu, William J., and Katherine Sweetman. "Fan Pier." Harvard Business School Case 390-012, August 1989. (Revised October 2003.)
- August 1989
- Supplement
Steven B. Belkin, Video
By: Michael J. Roberts and Howard H. Stevenson
This video both shows responses to student questions and updates the case material. View Details
Roberts, Michael J., and Howard H. Stevenson. "Steven B. Belkin, Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 890-504, August 1989.
- August 1989
- Case
Ethics, Responsibility, and Ideology
By: George C. Lodge
Lodge, George C. "Ethics, Responsibility, and Ideology." Harvard Business School Case 390-014, August 1989.
- July 1989 (Revised December 1990)
- Case
CIBA-GEIGY Pharmaceuticals: Pharma International
By: John A. Quelch
Examines the decision by Pharma International on whether to launch an antimalarial product in Nigeria and, if so, how that should be implemented. Involves commercial, ethical, and policy considerations. Rich in situation assessment data, the case refers to criticism of... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Decision Choices and Conditions; Product Launch; Policy; Developing Countries and Economies; Pharmaceutical Industry; Nigeria
Quelch, John A. "CIBA-GEIGY Pharmaceuticals: Pharma International." Harvard Business School Case 589-108, July 1989. (Revised December 1990.)
- June 1989 (Revised May 1993)
- Supplement
Rossin Greenberg Seronick & Hill, Inc. (B)
By: John A. Quelch
Teaching objectives: 1) to show how aggressive marketing can lead to allegations of misconduct, 2) to consider responses under crisis management, and 3) to explore the importance of credibility within marketing communications. View Details
Quelch, John A. "Rossin Greenberg Seronick & Hill, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 589-125, June 1989. (Revised May 1993.)
- June 1989 (Revised May 1993)
- Supplement
Rossin Greenberg Seronick & Hill, Inc. (C)
By: John A. Quelch
Teaching objectives: 1) to consider legal and other obligations advertising agencies owe to their clients, 2) to show how aggressive marketing can lead to allegations of misconduct, 3) to explore conflicts of interest which may arise for professional service companies... View Details
Keywords: Conflict of Interests; Ethics; Lawsuits and Litigation; Marketing; Advertising; Advertising Industry; New England
Quelch, John A. "Rossin Greenberg Seronick & Hill, Inc. (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 589-126, June 1989. (Revised May 1993.)
- June 1989 (Revised November 1991)
- Supplement
Ingersoll-Rand (B): Managing Multiple Channels--1986
Peter Baldwin takes over Clabough's job and is charged with the responsibility to improve sales force morale, control expenses, and improve market share. View Details
Keywords: Salesforce Management; Supply and Industry; Management Teams; Industrial Products Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Ingersoll-Rand (B): Managing Multiple Channels--1986." Harvard Business School Supplement 589-122, June 1989. (Revised November 1991.)
- April 1989 (Revised August 1989)
- Case
Burlington Northern (A)
Describes the forces that led to the development of a logistics analysis program by the Burlington Northern Railroad. The first half of the case describes changes in industrial structure, technology, demographics, shipper practices, and government regulation that led... View Details
Hammond, Janice H. "Burlington Northern (A)." Harvard Business School Case 689-081, April 1989. (Revised August 1989.)
- December 1988
- Article
Strategic Responses to Automobile Emissions Control: A Game-Theoretic Analysis
By: Dennis Yao
This paper examines the dynamics of standard-setting regulation under technological uncertainty and asymmetric information about technological capability. A two-period model which allows fully strategic action is developed and applied to the regulation of automobile... View Details
Keywords: Transportation; Pollutants; Standards; Governance Controls; Technological Innovation; Research and Development; Mathematical Methods
Yao, Dennis. "Strategic Responses to Automobile Emissions Control: A Game-Theoretic Analysis." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 15 (December 1988): 419–438. (Harvard users click here for full text.)
- November 1988 (Revised December 1988)
- Case
Tejon Ranch and California Water Use
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Tejon Ranch and California Water Use." Harvard Business School Case 589-066, November 1988. (Revised December 1988.)
- October 1988
- Case
Agrico, Inc.: A Software Dilemma
An information systems vice president has one hour to make an ethical decision: should a software program, left inadvertently on the company's computer, be copied and stored? Copying the program would protect clients' assets, but it seems to violate the vendor... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Ethics; Contracts; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Business and Shareholder Relations; Information Technology Industry
McFarlan, F. Warren. "Agrico, Inc.: A Software Dilemma." Harvard Business School Case 189-085, October 1988.
- August 1988 (Revised January 1992)
- Supplement
Norton Group PLC: To Be or Not to Be in the Motorcycle Business (B)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Jon Skofic
Outlines the decisions taken by the company's management team in response to the challenges posed in Norton Group PLC (A). For each such decision, further data is provided for students to ponder the effectiveness of the action steps undertaken. View Details
Keywords: Motorcycle Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Jon Skofic. "Norton Group PLC: To Be or Not to Be in the Motorcycle Business (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 589-014, August 1988. (Revised January 1992.)
- August 1988 (Revised August 1989)
- Case
Poletown Dilemma, The
By: Thomas R. Piper
Senior management of General Motors must select a site for a new assembly plant to replace two plants located in Detroit. The economics strongly favor a site in an adjacent state. However, a relocation would have substantial, negative impact on the existing work force,... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Business and Government Relations; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business Offices; Management Teams; Restructuring; Economics; Auto Industry; Michigan
Piper, Thomas R. "Poletown Dilemma, The." Harvard Business School Case 389-017, August 1988. (Revised August 1989.)