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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (2,046)
- 05 Nov 2014
- HBS Seminar
CV Harquail, Authentic Organizations and Stevens Institute of Technology
- February 2011
- Exercise
Pitch Your Project!
By: Thomas Steenburgh
No matter what you do later in your career, you are going to have to learn how to pitch ideas. Perhaps you will want to convince a venture capitalist to invest in your new business idea. Perhaps you will want to convince your company to develop an innovative product.... View Details
Keywords: Business Plan; Change; Venture Capital; Governing and Advisory Boards; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Marketing; Product Development; Interests; Complexity; Chicago; New York (state, US)
Steenburgh, Thomas. "Pitch Your Project!" Harvard Business School Exercise 511-116, February 2011.
- January 2014
- Article
J. Richard Hackman (1940–2013)
By: Ruth Wageman and Teresa M. Amabile
When J. Richard Hackman died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on January 8, 2013, psychology lost a giant. Six and a half feet tall, with an outsize personality to match, Richard was the leading scholar in two distinct areas: work design and team effectiveness. In both... View Details
Keywords: Social Psychology; Organizational Design; Groups and Teams; Personal Development and Career; Education Industry; Cambridge
Wageman, Ruth, and Teresa M. Amabile. "J. Richard Hackman (1940–2013)." American Psychologist 69, no. 1 (January 2014): 80.
- 17 Oct 2017
- First Look
First Look at New Research and Ideas, October 17, 2017
antecedents, challenges, opportunities, and management strategies associated with hybridity and highlighting critical directions for future research. Publisher's link: September 18, 2017 Stanford View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- Web
Help - Alumni
Program in Leadership (PPL) Program for Leadership Development (plus completion of 10 open-enrollment program days) (PLDA) Senior Executive Program, China (SEPCA) Senior Executive Leadership Program (SELP) Retired HBS programs which... View Details
- 12 Mar 2006
- Research & Ideas
Global Poverty Needs a Global Answer
clear that what the Bank and other development agencies were doing was not reducing poverty. In some instances it was actually making it worse by sustaining the political and social arrangements that caused... View Details
Keywords: by Cynthia Churchwell
- 03 Oct 2023
- HBS Case
Layoffs Can Be Bad Business: 5 Strategies to Consider Before Cutting Staff
suspend certain benefit payments, such as 401(k) matching contributions. “These are some of those commonsense things that may not occur to people because they are thinking with their labor hats on and not their general business hat,” Sucher says. 3. View Details
- April 2012
- Article
Big BRICs, Weak Foundations: The Beginning of Public Elementary Education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China
By: Latika Chaudhary, Aldo Musacchio, Steven Nafziger and Se Yan
Our paper provides a comparative perspective on the development of public primary education in four of the largest developing economies circa 1910: Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC). These four countries encompassed more than 50% of the world's population in... View Details
Keywords: Perspective; Growth and Development; Middle School Education; Developing Countries and Economies; Data and Data Sets; Geographic Location; Public Administration Industry; Brazil; Russia; India; China
Chaudhary, Latika, Aldo Musacchio, Steven Nafziger, and Se Yan. "Big BRICs, Weak Foundations: The Beginning of Public Elementary Education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China." Explorations in Economic History 49, no. 2 (April 2012): 221–240.
- September 2006 (Revised December 2007)
- Case
Go Red For Women: Raising Heart Health Awareness
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Marie Bell
In 2003, the $654 million American Heart Association (AHA) approached Cone, Inc. (a brand and communications agency) to develop a corporate sponsorship strategy that would raise $75 million over three years. Within 12 months, the AHA launched the highly successful Go... View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Marketing Communications; Social Marketing; Nonprofit Organizations; Social and Collaborative Networks
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Marie Bell. "Go Red For Women: Raising Heart Health Awareness." Harvard Business School Case 507-026, September 2006. (Revised December 2007.)
- 06 Sep 2011
- Research & Ideas
The Power of Leadership Groups for Staying on Track
developing leaders effective in collaborative, global organizations. True North Groups is also the title of the new book I have written with coauthor Doug Baker, a pioneer in the small-group movement. Having participated in two True North... View Details
Keywords: by Bill George
- January 2013 (Revised October 2015)
- Case
By: Eric Werker, Meg Rithmire, Benjamin Kennedy and Andrew Knauer
The case narrates the development of Pittsburgh from the 1940s to 2012. It analyzes the collapse of the steel industry in the early 1980s, the city's subsequent decline, and the city's later re-emergence as a hub for higher education, the tech sector, and the... View Details
Keywords: Google; Population; City Growth; Shale; PNC; Tom Murphy; Luke Ravenstahl; Public-private Partnership; Tax Increment Financing; Brownfields; Renaissance; Industry Clusters; Industry Growth; City; Business and Government Relations; Taxation; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Nonprofit Organizations; Higher Education; Technology Industry; Health Industry; Steel Industry; Education Industry; Pittsburgh
Werker, Eric, Meg Rithmire, Benjamin Kennedy, and Andrew Knauer. "Pittsburgh." Harvard Business School Case 713-035, January 2013. (Revised October 2015.)
- September 2016
- Case
Ekal Vidyalaya: Education for Rural India
By: David Drake, Namrata Bhattacharya, Pooja Godbole and Amrita Saigal
By examining Ekal Vidyalaya (Ekal), a nonprofit network of schools in India, this case focuses on the classic challenge faced by organizations that grow through replication (e.g., McDonald's, Starbucks, Walmart, Whole Foods): How can they continue to drive growth when... View Details
Drake, David, Namrata Bhattacharya, Pooja Godbole, and Amrita Saigal. "Ekal Vidyalaya: Education for Rural India." Harvard Business School Case 617-021, September 2016.
- July 2004 (Revised March 2006)
- Background Note
Work and Job Search Related Stress
Explores the experience of work-related stress and examines various coping tactics. Pays particular attention to stress related to the job-search process. Teaching Purpose: To help students recognize sources of stress and develop more effective coping skills. View Details
Higgins, Monica C., Stacy McManus, and Zibby Schwarzman. "Work and Job Search Related Stress." Harvard Business School Background Note 405-013, July 2004. (Revised March 2006.)
- Research Summary
Fairness and Efficiency in Resource Allocation
In studying the relationship of fairness and efficiency, Professor Trichakis takes the novel approach of looking at varied industries for unifying factors, and he pays special attention to inequities by incorporating both quantitative work in social welfare and the... View Details
- Research Summary
Creating Trust in International Joint Ventures in Asia: An Empirical Comparative Study
In the wake of the currently ongoing financial crisis in Asia, we anticipate a rapid increase of international joint ventures between Asian and Western firms. However, so far, the sources of success in international joint ventures have not been well understood. Why do... View Details
- October 1999 (Revised October 2000)
- Case
Women's World Banking: Catalytic Change Through Networks
By: James E. Austin and Susan Hamerling
Describes the evolution of Women's World Banking, an international microfinance nonprofit promoting financial access for poor women. Explores the organization's development of different types of networks to achieve its mission. View Details
Keywords: Mission and Purpose; History; Networks; Microfinance; Nonprofit Organizations; Gender; Growth and Development Strategy
Austin, James E., and Susan Hamerling. "Women's World Banking: Catalytic Change Through Networks." Harvard Business School Case 300-050, October 1999. (Revised October 2000.)
- March 2007 (Revised April 2011)
- Case
Madam C.J. Walker: Entrepreneur, Leader, and Philanthropist
By: Nancy F. Koehn, Anne Dwojeski, William Grundy, Erica Helms and Katherine Miller
Madam C. J. Walker, who has been credited as the first self-made African-American woman millionaire, created a hair-care empire after years spent as a laundress in St. Louis, Missouri. Decades before the Civil Rights movement, her company gave employment to thousands... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Business History; Race; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Entrepreneurship; Personal Development and Career; Gender; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Saint Louis
Koehn, Nancy F., Anne Dwojeski, William Grundy, Erica Helms, and Katherine Miller. "Madam C.J. Walker: Entrepreneur, Leader, and Philanthropist." Harvard Business School Case 807-145, March 2007. (Revised April 2011.)
- 12 PM – 1 PM EDT, 28 Sep 2016
- Webinars: Career
5 Happiness Hacks That Drive Productivity, Sales, and Creativity
According to Harvard Business Review, happy people are 37% more productive, have 31% higher sales, and are three times more creative than their peers. In this webinar, Neil Pasricha (MBA 2007) provides models to create lasting happiness including building diverse... View Details
- February 2021 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
Marvin: A Personalized Telehealth Approach to Mental Health
By: Regina E. Herzlinger, Eshani Sharma, Andrew Nguyen, Thomas Arsenault, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Julia Kelley
More than one third of Americans were said to suffer some type of behavioral health ailment at some point in their lifetime, with many people requiring chronic therapy or intervention. Despite significant clinical needs, access to reliable treatment has been difficult... View Details
Keywords: Mental Health; Applications; Startup Management; Telehealth; Health Care Entrepreneurship; Health & Wellness; Health Care; Health Care and Treatment; Customization and Personalization; Internet and the Web; Entrepreneurship; Growth and Development Strategy; Applications and Software
Herzlinger, Regina E., Eshani Sharma, Andrew Nguyen, Thomas Arsenault, Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Julia Kelley. "Marvin: A Personalized Telehealth Approach to Mental Health." Harvard Business School Case 321-127, February 2021. (Revised March 2022.)
- 14 Jan 2015
- Research & Ideas
Thriving in the Turbulence of Emerging Markets
"Nobody outside India understands what that means instead of going to a dealer and taking a vehicle and going home, you had to make a booking, and your turn would come probably after ten years," said Bajaj. At one point the Bajaj two-wheeler became so intricately... View Details