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- Faculty Publications (1,698)
- December 1995
- Supplement
EnClean: Malcolm Waddell, CEO, Video
By: David J. Collis
Presents Malcolm Waddell in a question-and-answer session (the actual questions do not appear on the tape) with HBS MBA students following a class in which the case is discussed. View Details
Keywords: Diversification; Restructuring; Corporate Strategy; Going Public; Decision Making; Acquisition; Interactive Communication
Collis, David J. "EnClean: Malcolm Waddell, CEO, Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 796-508, December 1995.
- November 1995 (Revised February 2017)
- Supplement
Luna Pen (B)
By: Kathleen McGinn and Michael Wheeler
Presents a series of multiple choice options to be distributed and discussed in class. View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Strategy; Negotiation Tactics; Performance Evaluation; Gender; Culture; Power and Influence; Germany; Taiwan
McGinn, Kathleen, and Michael Wheeler. "Luna Pen (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 396-157, November 1995. (Revised February 2017.)
- October 1995 (Revised January 2002)
- Background Note
Managing Performance
By: John J. Gabarro and Linda A. Hill
Encourages managers to think critically about how to prepare for and give a performance appraisal interview. Presents frameworks for evaluating subordinates' work and suggestions for coaching them. View Details
Gabarro, John J., and Linda A. Hill. "Managing Performance." Harvard Business School Background Note 496-022, October 1995. (Revised January 2002.)
- October 1995
- Supplement
Orientation for Viewing the Cranfield-Kearney Performance Appraisal Interview
By: John J. Gabarro and Linda A. Hill
Presents the background information to watching the video reenactment of the Cranfield-Kearney Performance Appraisal Interview. View Details
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication; Compensation and Benefits; Performance; Motivation and Incentives
Gabarro, John J., and Linda A. Hill. "Orientation for Viewing the Cranfield-Kearney Performance Appraisal Interview." Harvard Business School Supplement 496-009, October 1995.
- October 1995
- Exercise
Venture Capital Method - Valuation Problem Set
By: William A. Sahlman and Andrew S. Janower
Presents a short problem set designed as an introduction to the venture capital method of problem solving. View Details
Sahlman, William A., and Andrew S. Janower. "Venture Capital Method - Valuation Problem Set." Harvard Business School Exercise 396-090, October 1995.
- September 1995 (Revised June 1996)
- Background Note
Preparing and Using the Statement of Cash Flows
By: Robert L. Simons and Antonio Davila
Explains the concepts and procedures behind the statement of cash flows. Presents an overview of the reporting objectives of this report, and describes in detail the preparation of the cash flow statement using both the indirect method and the direct method. A complete... View Details
Simons, Robert L., and Antonio Davila. "Preparing and Using the Statement of Cash Flows." Harvard Business School Background Note 196-108, September 1995. (Revised June 1996.)
- August 1995 (Revised April 1998)
- Background Note
A Note for Analyzing Work Groups
By: Linda A. Hill
Presents a model for understanding the behavior and evolution of primary, stable work groups over time. The model describes contextual factors, design factors, and emergent culture as determinants of group behavior and performance. Describes emergent behavior, norms,... View Details
Hill, Linda A. "A Note for Analyzing Work Groups." Harvard Business School Background Note 496-026, August 1995. (Revised April 1998.)
- August 1995
- Case
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.: IT Organization and Architecture Challenges
By: Richard L. Nolan
Presents the outcome of Air Products ICON decentralization projects. New issues are explored, including the challenges of having a decentralized MIS staff, global network, client/server architecture, new data center issues, outsourcing, a new highly strategic customer... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Organizational Design; Problems and Challenges
Nolan, Richard L. "Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.: IT Organization and Architecture Challenges." Harvard Business School Case 196-017, August 1995.
- August 1995 (Revised August 1995)
- Case
CIGNA Property and Casualty Reengineering (A)
By: Richard L. Nolan, Donna B. Stoddard, Chiara Francalanci and Elise C Martin
Reengineering was introduced at CIGNA Corp. in 1988. CIGNA entered a second wave reengineering effort through a major project at CIGNA P&C, one of CIGNA's larger businesses. P&C was in financial crisis and as a result brought in a new executive team in 1991 to head the... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Cost vs Benefits; Design; Growth and Development; Analytics and Data Science; Growth and Development Strategy; Balanced Scorecard; Financial Crisis; Crisis Management; Projects; Information Technology; Insurance Industry
Nolan, Richard L., Donna B. Stoddard, Chiara Francalanci, and Elise C Martin. "CIGNA Property and Casualty Reengineering (A)." Harvard Business School Case 196-059, August 1995. (Revised August 1995.)
- July 1995 (Revised April 1999)
- Case
Becton Dickinson (E): An Assessment of Strategic Human Resource Management Profiling
By: Michael Beer and Pamela J. Maus
This case presents an assessment of the strategic human resource management (SHRM) profiling process implemented at Becton Dickinson. It explores the questions the assessment raised about the viability of the process and what aspects might be changed if the process is... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Human Resources; Management Practices and Processes; Strategic Planning; Health Industry
Beer, Michael, and Pamela J. Maus. "Becton Dickinson (E): An Assessment of Strategic Human Resource Management Profiling." Harvard Business School Case 496-007, July 1995. (Revised April 1999.)
- June 1995 (Revised September 2019)
- Teaching Note
Richardson Sheffield
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Ashish Nanda
This note was prepared to aid instructors in the use of "Richardson Sheffield," HBS No. 392-089. The case traces Bryan Upton’s 20-plus years as managing director of a Sheffield-based cutlery company and describes the strategic and organizational actions he took to... View Details
Keywords: Development; General Management; Human Resources; Management; Leadership; Strategy; United Kingdom
- April 1995 (Revised December 2006)
- Case
Identify the Nonprofit
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Ramona Hilgenkamp
This case presents financial statements and selected ratios for seven unidentified nonprofit organizations and asks that each set of financial information be matched with one of the following nonprofit entities: a public television station, a suburban hospital, a... View Details
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Ramona Hilgenkamp. "Identify the Nonprofit." Harvard Business School Case 195-215, April 1995. (Revised December 2006.)
- April 1995 (Revised August 1995)
- Case
Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield (A)
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Ramona Hilgenkamp
Mounting financial losses and increasing public scrutiny present many challenges to the board of directors of a large nonprofit health insurer. This case series presents chronologically the increasing problems of the company. View Details
Keywords: Governing and Advisory Boards; Corporate Governance; Financial Condition; Organizational Culture; Problems and Challenges; Nonprofit Organizations; Insurance Industry
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Ramona Hilgenkamp. "Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield (A)." Harvard Business School Case 195-216, April 1995. (Revised August 1995.)
- March 1995 (Revised March 2001)
- Case
The Black & Decker Corporation (A): Power Tools Division
By: Robert J. Dolan
Presents Black & Decker's performance against a Japanese competitor and others in the power tools market. Black & Decker is anxious to regain its market share leadership in particular segments of the market. View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Product Positioning; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Competition; Globalization; Construction Industry; Consumer Products Industry
Dolan, Robert J. "The Black & Decker Corporation (A): Power Tools Division." Harvard Business School Case 595-057, March 1995. (Revised March 2001.)
- March 1995
- Case
Donald Salter Communications, Inc.
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Jeremy Cott
A new CEO is hired to manage the turnaround of a family-owned newspaper publisher. In a departure from previous management, he implements a new compensation scheme that explicitly ties executive pay to market-value-based measures of firm performance. Because the... View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Transformation; Asset Management; Wages; Balanced Scorecard; Family Ownership; Motivation and Incentives; Valuation; Journalism and News Industry
Gilson, Stuart C., and Jeremy Cott. "Donald Salter Communications, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 295-114, March 1995.
- January 1995
- Case
Understanding User Needs
By: Marco Iansiti and Ellen Stein
Presents an introduction to methods for understanding user needs in product development. Describes a number of techniques including the use of focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, the Kano method, Lead User analysis, the Product Value matrix, OFD, etc. Provides a... View Details
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Customer Value and Value Chain; Product Development; Mathematical Methods
Iansiti, Marco, and Ellen Stein. "Understanding User Needs." Harvard Business School Case 695-051, January 1995.
- January 1995 (Revised January 1995)
- Case
USAA: Business Process Review for the Great Lakes Region (Abridged)
By: James L. Heskett
Presents the results of a service process analysis of USAA's claims processing activity in its Great Lakes Region. Explores not only issues of redesigning the process but also the organizational implications of various alternatives. View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Mortgages; Management Practices and Processes; Business Processes; Organizational Design; Mathematical Methods; Real Estate Industry; North America
Heskett, James L. "USAA: Business Process Review for the Great Lakes Region (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 395-026, January 1995. (Revised January 1995.)
- January 1995 (Revised August 1997)
- Background Note
Cross-Border Valuation
By: Kenneth A. Froot and W. Carl Kester
Provides a review of valuation techniques used to assess cross-border investments. Discusses the discounting of free cash flows with a weighted average cost of capital and the use of adjusted present value. Special concerns such as foreign-exchange risk, country risks,... View Details
Froot, Kenneth A., and W. Carl Kester. "Cross-Border Valuation." Harvard Business School Background Note 295-100, January 1995. (Revised August 1997.)
- December 1994 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
3M Optical Systems: Managing Corporate Entrepreneurship
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Afroze A Mohammed
A middle-level division manager must decide whether he should support an investment request for a third attempt at launching a new product developed by a struggling business unit. Describes the long, difficult process by which the unit has developed the product--a... View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Decision Choices and Conditions; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Product Launch; Problems and Challenges; Product Development; Consumer Products Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Afroze A Mohammed. "3M Optical Systems: Managing Corporate Entrepreneurship." Harvard Business School Case 395-017, December 1994. (Revised May 1999.)
- November 1994 (Revised December 1995)
- Case
Scripps Research Institute, The: November 1993 (Abridged)
By: Josh Lerner
In November 1993, Dr. Richard Lerner, president of the Scripps Research Institute, faces the challenge of maintaining his organization's financial and scientific vitality. A proposed cooperative venture with Sandoz has attracted considerable criticism. Meanwhile, a new... View Details
Keywords: Joint Ventures; Financing and Loans; Policy; Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Problems and Challenges; Research; Nonprofit Organizations
Lerner, Josh. "Scripps Research Institute, The: November 1993 (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 295-068, November 1994. (Revised December 1995.)