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- All HBS Web
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- October 2018 (Revised March 2019)
- Background Note
Note on Managing Workforce Reductions
By: Ethan Bernstein and Carin-Isabel Knoop
Each individual who enters an organization will, at some point, leave. And yet most future leaders spend significantly more effort learning about recruiting than departures, despite the sensitivity and challenges associated with the latter. This note is intended to... View Details
Keywords: Layoffs; Downsizing; Workforce; Workforce Reductions; Delayering; Human Resources; Employees; Resignation and Termination; Management; Organizations; Reputation
Bernstein, Ethan, and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "Note on Managing Workforce Reductions." Harvard Business School Background Note 419-039, October 2018. (Revised March 2019.)
- June 2015
- Article
Standard-Essential Patents
By: Josh Lerner and Jean Tirole
A major policy issue in standard setting is that patents that are ex-ante not that important may, by being included into the standard, become standard-essential patents (SEPs). In an attempt to curb the monopoly power that they create, most standard-setting... View Details
Lerner, Josh, and Jean Tirole. "Standard-Essential Patents." Journal of Political Economy 123, no. 3 (June 2015): 547–586.
- December 2009 (Revised June 2010)
- Case
Ebro Puleva
By: David E. Bell, Antonio Garcia de Castro, Rocio Reina Paniagua and Mary Louise Shelman
Once Spain's largest sugar company, Ebro Puleva has been transformed through a series of international acquisitions into the world's largest package rice company and second largest pasta company. In 2009, Chairman Antonio Hernandez Callejas must decide how to proceed... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Financial Crisis; Globalized Firms and Management; Leadership; Growth and Development Strategy; Brands and Branding; Consumer Behavior; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Retail Industry; Spain
Bell, David E., Antonio Garcia de Castro, Rocio Reina Paniagua, and Mary Louise Shelman. "Ebro Puleva." Harvard Business School Case 510-026, December 2009. (Revised June 2010.)
- June 2008 (Revised July 2008)
- Case
How Serial Entrepreneurs Build and Manage a Board of Directors in a Venture-Backed Start Up
By: Michael J. Roberts, William A. Sahlman and Sasha Novakovich
This case includes structured interviews with four serial entrepreneurs about the way in which they built and used their boards in each of their companies and what they have learned through that process. These entrepreneurs were asked similar questions, such as "How do... View Details
Roberts, Michael J., William A. Sahlman, and Sasha Novakovich. "How Serial Entrepreneurs Build and Manage a Board of Directors in a Venture-Backed Start Up." Harvard Business School Case 808-163, June 2008. (Revised July 2008.)
- February 2003 (Revised May 2003)
- Case
Accel Partners' European Launch
By: G. Felda Hardymon and Josh Lerner
In spring 2001, with the venture market crashing all around, the London office of Accel Partners, a major west coast venture capital firm, needs to make a decision about investing in an Irish software company. As the first investment of the new European operation, the... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Growth and Development Strategy; Venture Capital; Global Strategy; Decision Choices and Conditions; Expansion; Management Practices and Processes; Partners and Partnerships; Financial Services Industry; London; United States
Hardymon, G. Felda, and Josh Lerner. "Accel Partners' European Launch." Harvard Business School Case 803-021, February 2003. (Revised May 2003.)
- March 2002 (Revised July 2004)
- Case
RWE and the Proposal for a German Electricity Regulator
In April 2001, Dietmar Kuhnt, CEO of the German energy giant RWE, had to make a decision that would affect his company's future. Profits in the electricity sector depended heavily on regulatory rules that influenced industry structure and pricing. RWE had emerged... View Details
Dyck, Alexander, Jose Gomez-Ibanez, and Christoph Meier. "RWE and the Proposal for a German Electricity Regulator." Harvard Business School Case 702-053, March 2002. (Revised July 2004.)
- April 1992 (Revised September 1993)
- Case
By: Debora L. Spar
Describes the political and economic situation in Poland in 1989, following the country's first democratic elections and the subsequent establishment of a Solidarity-led government. After examining the legacies left by 40 years of Communist rule, the case lays out the... View Details
Spar, Debora L. "Poland--1989." Harvard Business School Case 792-091, April 1992. (Revised September 1993.)
- 2016
- Working Paper
Financing Payouts
By: Joan Farre-Mensa, Roni Michaely and Martin Schmalz
We study the extent to which firms rely on the capital markets to fund their payouts. We find that 42% of firms that pay out capital also initiate debt or equity issues in the same year, resulting in 32% of aggregate payouts being externally financed. Most firms with... View Details
Keywords: Payout Policy; Financing Decisions; Debt Issues; Equity Issues; Capital Structure; Decision Making; Financing and Loans; Corporate Finance
Farre-Mensa, Joan, Roni Michaely, and Martin Schmalz. "Financing Payouts." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-049, December 2014. (Revised December 2016.)
- July/August 2004
- Article
Stakeholders and Environmental Management Practices: An Institutional Framework
By: Magali Delmas and Michael W. Toffel
Despite burgeoning research on companies' environmental strategies and environmental management practices, it remains unclear why some firms adopt environmental management practices beyond regulatory compliance. This paper leverages institutional theory by proposing... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Management Practices and Processes; Environmental Management; Adoption; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Organizational Structure; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Competition; Framework; Governance Compliance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms
Delmas, Magali, and Michael W. Toffel. "Stakeholders and Environmental Management Practices: An Institutional Framework." Business Strategy and the Environment 13, no. 4 (July/August 2004): 209–222.
- May 2007 (Revised July 2011)
- Case
The West German Headache Center: Integrated Migraine Care
By: Michael E. Porter, Clemens Guth and Elisa M. Dannemiller
Describes the joint efforts of the German health plan KKH and Essen University Hospital to develop an integrated practice unit (IPU), and the West German Headache Center's efforts to improve the quality of migraine care. Provides an overview of the German health care... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Health Care and Treatment; Medical Specialties; Industry Structures; Service Delivery; Integration; Health Industry; Germany
Porter, Michael E., Clemens Guth, and Elisa M. Dannemiller. "The West German Headache Center: Integrated Migraine Care." Harvard Business School Case 707-559, May 2007. (Revised July 2011.)
- Web
Accounting & Management - Faculty & Research
illustrates some of the incentive conflicts that companies face when managing EPS, especially when market participants (e.g., analysts) fixate on EPS and compensation agreements are structured around EPS. Keywords: Accounting ; Financial... View Details
- January 2025
- Case
Index and Active investing: Vanguard and the New Frontier of Active ETFs
By: Marco Sammon, Luis M. Viceira and Jonathan Kanagasabai
This case explores Vanguard’s strategic decision-making process as it considers entering the growing market for actively managed exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Set in 2024, the case places students in the position of Rodney Comegys, Vanguard’s global head of the Equity... View Details
Sammon, Marco, Luis M. Viceira, and Jonathan Kanagasabai. "Index and Active investing: Vanguard and the New Frontier of Active ETFs." Harvard Business School Case 225-056, January 2025.
- 1996
- Article
Limits on Interest Rate Rules in the IS Model
By: William R. Kerr and Robert G. King
There has been a substantial amount of research on interest rate rules. This literature finds that the feasibility and desirability of interest rate rules depends on the structure of the model used to approximate macroeconomic reality. We employ a series of... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Macroeconomics; Interest Rates; Price; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Performance Expectations
Kerr, William R., and Robert G. King. "Limits on Interest Rate Rules in the IS Model." Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 82, no. 2 (1996): 47–75.
- November 1994 (Revised May 2002)
- Case
K-III: A Leveraged Build-Up
By: George P. Baker III, Nicola Bamford and Nicolas Greenspan
Explores the strategy, financing, and governance of a new type of organizational form, dubbed the Leveraged Build-Up by its inventor, Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. The company makes leveraged acquisitions of small publishing companies, managing them in a very... View Details
Keywords: Debt Securities; Financial Management; Leveraged Buyouts; Cash Flow; Organizational Structure; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Governance; Financial Strategy; Corporate Finance; Publishing Industry
Baker, George P., III, Nicola Bamford, and Nicolas Greenspan. "K-III: A Leveraged Build-Up." Harvard Business School Case 295-067, November 1994. (Revised May 2002.)
- August 2008
- Case
System on a Chip 2008: Ardentec Corporation
By: Willy C. Shih, Chen-Fu Chien, Chintay Shih and Ting-Chen Chen
Ardentec Corporation is a specialist in "wafer probing," a highly specialized niche sandwiched between the "front-end" and the "back-end" of semiconductor manufacturing. Because the semiconductor industry uses modular processes and has standard containers for the... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Industry Structures; Horizontal Integration; Vertical Integration; Manufacturing Industry; Semiconductor Industry
Shih, Willy C., Chen-Fu Chien, Chintay Shih, and Ting-Chen Chen. "System on a Chip 2008: Ardentec Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 609-026, August 2008.
- 08 Feb 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
Psychological Influence in Negotiation: An Introduction Long Overdue
Keywords: by Deepak Malhotra & Max H. Bazerman
- 12 Apr 2007
- Working Paper Summaries
From Manufacturing to Design: An Essay on the Work of Kim B. Clark
- 2013
- Working Paper
Managers and Market Capitalism
By: Rebecca Henderson and Karthik Ramanna
In a capitalist system based on free markets, do managers have responsibilities to the system itself? If they do, should these responsibilities shape their behavior when they are engaging in the political process in an attempt to structure the institutions of... View Details
- 2009
- Article
India Transformed: Insights from the Firm Level 1988–2007
By: Laura Alfaro and Anusha Chari
Using firm-level data, this paper analyzes the transformation of India's economic structure following the implementation of economic reforms. The focus of the study is on publicly listed and unlisted firms from across a wide spectrum of manufacturing and services... View Details
Keywords: Financial Statements; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Transformation; Economics; Ownership; Assets; Sales; Profit; Stock Shares; Private Sector; Investment Return; Manufacturing Industry; Service Industry; India
Alfaro, Laura, and Anusha Chari. "India Transformed: Insights from the Firm Level 1988–2007." India Policy Forum 6 (2009). (Also NBER Working Paper w15448. Featured in The Economist. Economics focus. "Dancing elephants. Is Indian capitalism becoming oligarchic?" Jan 27th 2011.)