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- Faculty Publications (1,466)
- November 1982
- Article
The Social Psychology of Creativity: A Consensual Assessment Technique
By: T. M. Amabile
States that both the popular creativity tests, such as the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, and the subjective assessment techniques used in some previous creativity studies are ill-suited to social psychological studies of creativity. A consensual definition of... View Details
Amabile, T. M. "The Social Psychology of Creativity: A Consensual Assessment Technique." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 43, no. 5 (November 1982): 997–1013.
- December 1981 (Revised September 1986)
- Background Note
Research Methods in Marketing: Survey Research
By: Robert J. Dolan
Presents basic issues in survey research, covering both measurement and sampling error. The intention is to consider each element of the survey process: problem statement, questionnaire design, sampling, and data analysis. View Details
Dolan, Robert J. "Research Methods in Marketing: Survey Research." Harvard Business School Background Note 582-055, December 1981. (Revised September 1986.)
- 1981
- Article
Organizational Performance: Recent Developments in Measurement
By: R. M. Kanter and D. Brinkerhoff
Kanter, R. M., and D. Brinkerhoff. "Organizational Performance: Recent Developments in Measurement." Annual Review of Sociology 7 (1981): 321–49.
- 1980
- Chapter
Behavioral Measurement of the Relative Importance of Attribute-Related Information Cues: The Case of Cold Breakfast Cereals
By: S. Ash, C. Duhaime and J. Quelch
Ash, S., C. Duhaime, and J. Quelch. "Behavioral Measurement of the Relative Importance of Attribute-Related Information Cues: The Case of Cold Breakfast Cereals." In Marketing: Towards Excellence in the Eighties, edited by V. Jones, 263–279. Montreal: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 1980.
- 1980
- Chapter
Measuring Consumer Satisfaction and Complaint Behavior: A Study of Financial Services and Insurance
By: J. Quelch and S. Ash
- 1980
- Working Paper
Taxation and the Ex-dividend Day Behavior of Common Stock Prices
By: Jerry R. Green
The behavior of stock prices around ex-dividend days has been suggested as evidence for tax-induced clientele effects and as a means to estimate the average effective tax rate faced by investors. In this paper these possibilities are examined theoretically and... View Details
Green, Jerry R. "Taxation and the Ex-dividend Day Behavior of Common Stock Prices." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 496, July 1980.
- December 1978 (Revised March 1992)
- Case
Archdiocese of New York
By: Stephen A. Greyser and John A. Quelch
A print media campaign to improve attitudes toward the Catholic priesthood and to indirectly increase vocations is evaluated through a comparison of pretest and post-test data. View Details
Keywords: Advertising Campaigns; Measurement and Metrics; Media; Public Opinion; Valuation; Media and Broadcasting Industry; New York (state, US)
Greyser, Stephen A., and John A. Quelch. "Archdiocese of New York." Harvard Business School Case 579-123, December 1978. (Revised March 1992.)
- 1977
- Working Paper
Mitigating Demographic Risk Through Social Insurance
By: Jerry R. Green
A two-period lifetime overlapping generations growth model is used to evaluate the possibility that social insurance can effectively offset economic risks associated with uncertainty about the rate of population growth. Crude measures of the seriousness of this type of... View Details
Keywords: Social Insurance; Econometric Models; Public Sector; Government Administration; Policy; Human Needs; Social Issues; Risk and Uncertainty
Green, Jerry R. "Mitigating Demographic Risk Through Social Insurance." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 215, November 1977.
- June 1977 (Revised September 1992)
- Case
Sorenson Research Co. (Abridged)
Presents the issues facing a high volume, high margin (but lightweight) medical products business. The company is trying to improve its inventory control to reduce inventory investment and improve service. The present multi-site inventory system is described and major... View Details
Keywords: Business Earnings; Investment; Volume; Service Delivery; Supply Chain; Performance Improvement; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Wheelwright, Steven C. "Sorenson Research Co. (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 677-257, June 1977. (Revised September 1992.)
- 01 Apr 1977
- Conference Presentation
Access to Opportunity and Power: Measuring Racism/Sexism inside Organizations
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "Access to Opportunity and Power: Measuring Racism/Sexism inside Organizations." Paper presented at the Research Symposium on Social Indicators in Institutional Racism/Sexism, April 01, 1977. (Also published as "Differential Access to Opportunity and Power" in Discrimination in Organizations, edited by R. Alvarez and K.G. Lutterman, Jossey-Bass, 1979.)
- September 1976
- Case
Del Norte Paper Co. (A)
Deals with a transfer pricing problem in a complex, international situation. A broad range of issues are present in the case, or are needed for a thorough case analysis. Such issues include: relevant costs; the appropriateness of profit centers; the appropriateness of... View Details
Sahlman, William A. "Del Norte Paper Co. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 177-034, September 1976.
- July 1976
- Article
Effects of Externally-Imposed Deadlines on Subsequent Intrinsic Motivation
By: T. M. Amabile, W. DeJong and M. R. Lepper
Studied the effects of externally imposed deadlines on individuals' task performance and their subsequent interest in the task. In 1 deadline condition, 20 male undergraduates were given an explicit time limit for solving a series of initially interesting word games.... View Details
Amabile, T. M., W. DeJong, and M. R. Lepper. "Effects of Externally-Imposed Deadlines on Subsequent Intrinsic Motivation." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 34, no. 1 (July 1976): 92–98.
- December 1975 (Revised January 1987)
- Background Note
Note on Organization Design
By: Jay W. Lorsch
Deals with the organizational designer trying to create a structure, rewards, and a system of measurement that are compatible with the external environment, strategy, tasks, the members of the organization, management style, and the existing culture. View Details
Keywords: Organizational Design
Lorsch, Jay W. "Note on Organization Design." Harvard Business School Background Note 476-094, December 1975. (Revised January 1987.)
- June 1975 (Revised September 2004)
- Case
Angus Cartwright III
By: Kenneth J. Hatten, William J. Poorvu, Howard H. Stevenson, Arthur I. Segel and John H. Vogel, Jr.
Judy and John DeRight, looking to diversify their investment portfolios, have retained Angus Cartwright, Jr. to identify prospective real estate acquisitions. Mr. Cartwright has four potential properties that he feels merit an in-depth financial analysis. The case... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Cash Flow; Investment Return; Investment Portfolio; Taxation; Balanced Scorecard; Valuation
Hatten, Kenneth J., William J. Poorvu, Howard H. Stevenson, Arthur I. Segel, and John H. Vogel, Jr. "Angus Cartwright III." Harvard Business School Case 375-376, June 1975. (Revised September 2004.)
- Teaching Interest
Business Opportunties in Climate Adaptation
By: John D. Macomber
This is a Short Intensive Program or SIP at Harvard Business School. It’s an optional student offering prior to the formal start of the Spring semester the following week. SIPs tend to cover new material on current topics, to be less formal than the HBS Case Study... View Details
- Research Summary
Capital flows in a Globalized Economy: The Role of Policies and Institutions (joint with Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Vadym Volosovych)
By: Laura Alfaro
We describe the patterns of international capital flows in the period 1970-2000. We then examine the determinants of capital flows and capital flow volatility during this period. We find that institutional quality is an important determinant of capital flows.... View Details