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- Faculty Publications (262)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (262)
- April 2001
- Teaching Note
MindSpring TN
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Steven Silverman and William A. Sahlman
Teaching Note for (9-899-178). For book only - not listed on case. View Details
- April 2001
- Teaching Note TN
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Dickson Louie and William A. Sahlman
Teaching Note for (9-801-145). For book only - not listed on case. View Details
Keywords: Web Services Industry
- April 2001
- Teaching Note
PlanetAll TN
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Steven Silverman and William A. Sahlman
Teaching Note for (9-898-105). For book only. View Details
- April 2001
- Teaching Note
QVC, Inc. TN
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Elliot N. Maltz and William A. Sahlman
Teaching Note for (9-897-050). For book only - not listed on case. View Details
Keywords: Retail Industry
- April 2001
- Teaching Note
Streamline (A) and (B) TN
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Rafi Mohammed and William A. Sahlman
- April 2001
- Teaching Note
Virtual Vineyards TN
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Elliot N. Maltz and William A. Sahlman
Teaching Note for (9-396-264). For book only - not listed on case. View Details
- April 2001
- Teaching Note
Weather Services Corporation TN
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Goutam Challagalla and William A. Sahlman
- March 2001
- Case
FIRST: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology
Describes some strategic and financial issues confronting the founder and executive director of a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving awareness of and interest in science and technology among elementary and high school students. The organization sponsors... View Details
Keywords: Middle School Education; Finance; Nonprofit Organizations; Cognition and Thinking; Strategy; Technology
Sahlman, William A. "FIRST: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology." Harvard Business School Case 801-380, March 2001.
- February 2001
- Case (B)
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Dickson Louie and William A. Sahlman
At the end of 1998, Jonathan Bulkeley, the newly-named CEO of, is faced with a challenge. As the second leading online bookseller behind, must build its market share. With Forrester Research predicting that the online... View Details
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Dickson Louie, and William A. Sahlman. " (B)." Harvard Business School Case 901-023, February 2001.
- February 2001 (Revised November 2009)
- Case (D)
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Dickson Louie and William A. Sahlman
At the end of 1999, founder and CEO Jeff Bezos--just named Time Magazine's Man of the Year--ponders the next moves for his company. Having expanded into numerous categories in 1999, ranging from Z-shops to Auctions to E-cards as well as increasing the number... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Competitive Advantage; Expansion; Online Technology; Retail Industry
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Dickson Louie, and William A. Sahlman. " (D)." Harvard Business School Case 901-022, February 2001. (Revised November 2009.)
- February 2001
- Case (C)
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Dickson Louie and William A. Sahlman
At the end of 1999, Steve Riggio, the vice chairman and acting CEO of, wonders what his company should do next against, the online retailer who is the leading online book seller in the United States. While has been... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Internet and the Web; Diversification; Brands and Branding; Retail Industry
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Dickson Louie, and William A. Sahlman. " (C)." Harvard Business School Case 901-024, February 2001.
- December 2000
- Case (A)
By: William A. Sahlman and Jared Stone
Describes a decision confronting the cofounders of a B2B Internet firm that focuses on the purchasing process for manufactured direct materials. The company has raised one round of capital from two prominent venture capital firms and must decide if it makes sense to... View Details
- November 2000
- Case
By: Michael J. Roberts and William A. Sahlman
Describes the development of UPromise, a company that has developed a loyalty program through which corporate partners can contribute to funds that finance the education of consumers' children. Presents the accomplishments prior to the company's second round of... View Details
Keywords: Higher Education; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Financial Markets; Programs
Roberts, Michael J., and William A. Sahlman. "UPromise." Harvard Business School Case 801-321, November 2000.
- November 2000
- Case
By: William A. Sahlman and Michael J. Roberts
Describes the evolution of FireDrop, a new venture-backed company that has developed a new platform for e-mail communication. The FireDrop application--called a Zaplet--allows for e-mails to be continually updated so they are current when read (rather than when sent).... View Details
- December 1999
- Case
E Ink: Financing Growth
By: William A. Sahlman and Matthew C. Lieb
A set of financial and strategic decisions confront the management of a company trying to develop a technology for creating "electronic ink." If successful, the company will be able to create "radio paper," essentially turning a piece of paper into a computer monitor... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Financial Management; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Strategy; Hardware
Sahlman, William A., and Matthew C. Lieb. "E Ink: Financing Growth." Harvard Business School Case 800-252, December 1999.
- November–December 1999
- Article
The New Economy is Stronger Than You Think
Keywords: Economy
Sahlman, William A. "The New Economy is Stronger Than You Think." Art. 99612. Harvard Business Review 77, no. 6 (November–December 1999).
- May 1999
- Case
Susan Brown
A number of issues confront an associate in a venture capital firm. She has just learned that her senior partners are not yet willing to make her a general partner of the firm. She has several options and must decide what to do. View Details
Keywords: Human Resources; Venture Capital; Personal Development and Career; Leadership Development; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Financial Services Industry
Sahlman, William A. "Susan Brown." Harvard Business School Case 899-282, May 1999.
- 1999
- Chapter
Aspects of Financial Contracting in Venture Capital
Sahlman, William A. "Aspects of Financial Contracting in Venture Capital." Chap. 16 in The Entrepreneurial Venture. 2nd ed. by William A. Sahlman, Howard H. Stevenson, Michael J Roberts, and Amar V. Bhide, 304–325. Harvard Business School Press, 1999. (Originally published in Continental Bank Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 1, no. 2 (summer 1988): 23-36. Also reprinted in The New Corporate Finance: Where Theory Meets Practice, edited by D. Chew, 229. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993. Part IV: 4.)
- 1999
- Chapter
How Small Companies Should Handle Advisers
Sahlman, William A. "How Small Companies Should Handle Advisers." Chap. 25 in The Entrepreneurial Venture. 2nd ed. by William A. Sahlman, Howard H. Stevenson, Michael J Roberts, and Amar V. Bhide, 450–458. Harvard Business School Press, 1999.
- 1999
- Chapter
Some Thoughts on Business Plans
Keywords: Business Plan
Sahlman, William A. "Some Thoughts on Business Plans." Chap. 9 in The Entrepreneurial Venture. 2nd ed. by William A. Sahlman, Howard H. Stevenson, Michael J Roberts, and Amar V. Bhide, 138–176. Harvard Business School Press, 1999.