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- All HBS Web
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- News (1,152)
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- Faculty Publications (667)
Preparing High-Earning Athletes for their Post-Play LIves
The average NFL player makes upwards of a million dollars a year. Even rookies are guaranteed a minimum of $325,000, which is seven times the average starting salary of a college grad. It’s a lot of money, but with the career of an NFL player averaging just... View Details
- October 2016
- Case
Addicaid: Scaling a Digital Platform for Addiction Wellness and Recovery
By: Robert S. Huckman and Sarah Mehta
In 2013, Sam Frons founded Addicaid—a mobile application (app) that allowed people in addiction recovery to track their progress, check in with counselors, and connect with others in recovery programs. The app was grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy and used the... View Details
Keywords: Digital Health Interventions; Substance Use Disorder; Addiction Treatment; Addiction Recovery; Scale; Innovation; Health; Health Disorders; Health Industry; New York (city, NY)
Huckman, Robert S., and Sarah Mehta. "Addicaid: Scaling a Digital Platform for Addiction Wellness and Recovery." Harvard Business School Case 617-018, October 2016.
- December 2024
- Article
Respect for Improvements and Comparative Statics in Matching Markets
One of the oldest results in the theory of two-sided matching is the entry comparative static, which shows that under the Gale–Shapley deferred acceptance algorithm, adding a new agent to one side of the market makes all the agents on the other side weakly... View Details
Kominers, Scott Duke. "Respect for Improvements and Comparative Statics in Matching Markets." Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design 9, no. 1 (December 2024): 83–104.
- June 2020
- Teaching Note
Armarium: Luxury Fashion Brands for Rent
By: Jill Avery and David Fubini
Armarium, a two-sided digital platform that offered consumers the opportunity to rent the most coveted, current season high fashion clothing and accessories from the top global luxury brands, had emerged from its first sales season with two distinct customer segments:... View Details
Keywords: Luxury Brand; Fashion; Sharing Economy; Two-sided Marketplace; Target Market; Customer Selection; Marketing; Brands and Branding; Luxury; Two-Sided Platforms; Business Model; Growth and Development Strategy; Customer Value and Value Chain; Fashion Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States; North America
- 25 Oct 2004
- Research & Ideas
Planning for Surprises
leaders. But there must be a point where we hold leaders accountable for their failure to prevent predictable surprises. There must be a point at which we conclude that leaders have been misguided or negligent or both. When should we hold... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- January 2019
- Supplement
The De Beers Group: Launching GemFair for Artisanal Diamonds
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Daniel Fisher
In April 2018, the De Beers Group launched a pilot project called GemFair to create a new supply of ethically and environmentally sourced diamonds from artisanal and small-scale mines (ASM) in Sierra Leone. Whether this project would yield a meaningful supply of rough... View Details
Keywords: Diamonds; New Business; Strategy Development; Strategy Execution; Scope; ESG; Supply; Corporate Strategy; Business Strategy; Value Creation; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Mining Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Sierra Leone; United Kingdom
Esty, Benjamin C., and Daniel Fisher. "The De Beers Group: Launching GemFair for Artisanal Diamonds." Harvard Business School Supplement 719-437, January 2019.
- September 2016
- Case
Ekal Vidyalaya: Education for Rural India
By: David Drake, Namrata Bhattacharya, Pooja Godbole and Amrita Saigal
By examining Ekal Vidyalaya (Ekal), a nonprofit network of schools in India, this case focuses on the classic challenge faced by organizations that grow through replication (e.g., McDonald's, Starbucks, Walmart, Whole Foods): How can they continue to drive growth when... View Details
Drake, David, Namrata Bhattacharya, Pooja Godbole, and Amrita Saigal. "Ekal Vidyalaya: Education for Rural India." Harvard Business School Case 617-021, September 2016.
- 02 Aug 2013
- News
People must take responsibility for managing their careers
- Article
Performance Effects of Setting a High Reference Point for Peer‐Performance Comparison
By: Henry Eyring and V.G. Narayanan
We conduct a field experiment, based on a registered report accepted by the Journal of Accounting Research, to test performance effects of setting a high reference point for peer‐performance comparison. Relative to providing the median as a reference point for... View Details
Keywords: Relative Performance Evaluation; Reference Points; Social Comparison; Field Experiment; Performance; Performance Evaluation; Education
Eyring, Henry, and V.G. Narayanan. "Performance Effects of Setting a High Reference Point for Peer‐Performance Comparison." Journal of Accounting Research 56, no. 2 (May 2018): 581–615.
- June 1999 (Revised August 2004)
- Case
The National Hockey League's New Television Contract for 2004 and Beyond
By: Stephen A. Greyser and Elizabeth (Lisa) Smyth
The National Hockey League (NHL) has negotiated a new television contract at record rights-fee levels for hockey. The NHL will be shifting its principal television partner from Fox to ESPN/ABC. Students are asked to analyze the current and future contracts in terms of... View Details
Keywords: Budgets and Budgeting; Television Entertainment; Contracts; Marketing Communications; Agreements and Arrangements; Partners and Partnerships; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Greyser, Stephen A., and Elizabeth (Lisa) Smyth. "The National Hockey League's New Television Contract for 2004 and Beyond." Harvard Business School Case 599-108, June 1999. (Revised August 2004.)
- 03 Aug 2022
- News
Hungry for Change
would become the “Patagonia of the food industry.” To reach that ambitious goal, Flynn would have to eschew the traditional supermarket approach, which requires products that have long shelf life—a bad match View Details
Keywords: April White
- March 2013
- Article
For Mobile Devices, Think Apps, Not Ads
By: Sunil Gupta
Many companies envision mobile ads becoming an integral part of their communications strategies. But there's a growing consensus that ads don't work on mobile devices; consumers just don't like them. Instead of creating tiny banner ads, smart marketers will turn to... View Details
Keywords: Applications and Software; Advertising; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Innovation and Invention
Gupta, Sunil. "For Mobile Devices, Think Apps, Not Ads." Harvard Business Review 91, no. 3 (March 2013).
- 26 Apr 2023
- In Practice
Is AI Coming for Your Job?
percent believe the technology will affect them personally. Harvard Business School faculty members share their thoughts below about how AI will reshape the workforce and the skills necessary to succeed in the years ahead. Joseph Fuller: Brace View Details
- September 1994 (Revised September 1994)
- Case
Acer Group, The: Vision for the Year 2000
By: D. Quinn Mills and Richard C. Wei
In the early 1990s, Acer, Inc. set two goals: to be a top-five PC company worldwide in 1995 and to be a global consortium of companies by the year 2000. The company identified potential obstacles concerning capital, image, number of experienced international managers,... View Details
Keywords: Mission and Purpose; Goals and Objectives; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Organizational Structure; Global Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Experience and Expertise; Marketing Strategy; Production; Rank and Position; Business Strategy; Capital; Computer Industry; Japan
Mills, D. Quinn, and Richard C. Wei. "Acer Group, The: Vision for the Year 2000." Harvard Business School Case 495-001, September 1994. (Revised September 1994.)
- 16 Sep 2015
- News
Built for Speed
Rogers breaks in. “OK, guys, let’s try and keep the rest of these to about a minute.” He has other calls to make. On the next call, travel options are weighed (Toulouse? Berlin? Paris?) for meetings with a potential European collaborator.... View Details
- 17 Nov 2016
- News
Wired for Innovation
Photography by Michael Stravato From cofounding the first aerial tramway high above Costa Rica’s rainforest canopy, to helping a two-person wind-energy startup become an industry leader, to making a quixotic run for US Congress, Michael... View Details
- 01 Sep 2010
- News
RX for Change
employs 9,000 people and ranks as Georgia’s largest, most comprehensive health system. Under consideration this day is a proposal to add specialists — known as neurohospitalists — to manage care for patients with disorders such as stroke.... View Details
- 22 Sep 2015
- News
Who's Responsible for Erasing America's Shortage of Skilled Workers?
- Article
How to Use Heuristics for Differential Privacy
By: Seth Neel, Aaron Leon Roth and Zhiwei Steven Wu
We develop theory for using heuristics to solve computationally hard problems in differential privacy. Heuristic approaches have enjoyed tremendous success in machine learning, for which performance can be empirically evaluated. However, privacy guarantees cannot be... View Details
Neel, Seth, Aaron Leon Roth, and Zhiwei Steven Wu. "How to Use Heuristics for Differential Privacy." Proceedings of the IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 60th (2019).
- 07 Feb 2022
- Research & Ideas
Digital Transformation: A New Roadmap for Success
behaviors from leaders that are different from those required in the past. The final installment of this series will look at how leaders need to change if their companies are to reach digital maturity and be a positive force View Details