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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
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- 12 Feb 2015
- Video
Privacy and Productivity
- April 2010 (Revised November 2011)
- Case
Soren Chemical: Why Is the New Swimming Pool Product Sinking?
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Sunru Yong
Topics include distribution channels, pricing, and new product marketing. Jen Moritz, the marketing manager for Soren Chemical Co. is struggling with the poor sales performance of Coracle, a new clarifier for residential swimming pools. The performance is puzzling... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Mix; New Product Marketing; Pricing; Branding; Price; Marketing Strategy; Marketing Channels; Product Launch; Brands and Branding; Communication Strategy; Chemical Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Sunru Yong. "Soren Chemical: Why Is the New Swimming Pool Product Sinking?" Harvard Business School Brief Case 104-188, April 2010. (Revised November 2011.)
- 15 Jul 2012
- News
Productivity Trick: Hide!
- February 1996
- Case
Active Coatings, Inc. (A): Challenges in Managing Product Development
Two entrepreneurs face a tough decision when confronted with disappointing test results from the medical application they have chosen to commercialize their innovative process technology. They must decide whether to redesign the technology's current lead-application or... View Details
Teisberg, Elizabeth O., and James Leonard. "Active Coatings, Inc. (A): Challenges in Managing Product Development." Harvard Business School Case 796-061, February 1996.
- Article
The Product Management Audit: Design and Survey Findings
By: John A. Quelch, Paul Farris and James Olver
- 01 Dec 1996
- News
Meditations on the Bottom Line
For many managers today, the greatest business challenges are no longer technical; rather, they involve figuring out how to put more "soul" into the workplace. For Belinda L. Bothwick (MBA '77), however, the new executive director of... View Details
- April 1987 (Revised May 1987)
- Supplement
Inland Steel Co. Product Policy (O): Upgrades of the No. 3 and No. 5 Galvanize Lines
By: Benson P. Shapiro and Lawrence B. Levine
Shapiro, Benson P., and Lawrence B. Levine. "Inland Steel Co. Product Policy (O): Upgrades of the No. 3 and No. 5 Galvanize Lines." Harvard Business School Supplement 587-148, April 1987. (Revised May 1987.)
- Article
Agile Product Development: Managing Development Flexibility in Uncertain Environments
By: S. Thomke and D. Reinersten
Thomke, S., and D. Reinersten. "Agile Product Development: Managing Development Flexibility in Uncertain Environments." California Management Review 41, no. 1 (Fall 1998): 8–30. (Translated into German and reprinted in Harvard Business Manager (May 1999). Also reprinted in Engineering Management Review 28, no. 1 (2000), special issue on Strategy and New Product Design.)
- Article
Fighting Bias on the Front Lines
By: Alexandra C. Feldberg and Tami Kim
Most companies aim for exceptional customer service, but too few are attentive to the subtle discrimination by frontline employees that can alienate customers, lead to lawsuits, or even cause lasting brand damage by going viral.
This article presents research... View Details
This article presents research... View Details
Keywords: Customer Service; Customer Focus and Relationships; Service Delivery; Diversity; Prejudice and Bias; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Feldberg, Alexandra C., and Tami Kim. "Fighting Bias on the Front Lines." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 6 (November–December 2021): 90–98.
- November 1992 (Revised June 1994)
- Case
Packaged Products Company: Handy-Pak Introduction
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Laura Goode
The product manager and the market research director for a new line of snacking nuts are reviewing options concerning the upcoming roll-out of the product. These options include changes in pricing, promotional plans, and salesforce incentives intended to build support... View Details
Keywords: Price; Marketing; Marketing Channels; Product Launch; Distribution; Planning; Research and Development; Sales; Salesforce Management; Alignment; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry
Cespedes, Frank V., and Laura Goode. "Packaged Products Company: Handy-Pak Introduction." Harvard Business School Case 593-057, November 1992. (Revised June 1994.)
- 2013
- Working Paper
How Does Risk Management Influence Production Decisions? Evidence from a Field Experiment
By: Shawn Cole, Xavier Gine and James Vickery
Weather is a key source of income risk, particularly in emerging market economies. This paper uses a randomized controlled trial involving a sample of Indian farmers to study how an innovative rainfall insurance product affects production decisions. We find that... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Production; Weather; Insurance; Emerging Markets; Agribusiness; Insurance Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; India
Cole, Shawn, Xavier Gine, and James Vickery. "How Does Risk Management Influence Production Decisions? Evidence from a Field Experiment." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-080, March 2013. (Revised September 2014.)
- 01 Feb 2022
- News
4 Ways Managers Can Increase Flexibility Without Losing Productivity
- Teaching Interest
Immersive Field Course: Decarbonization and Sustainable Production
By: Willy C. Shih
A course looking at pioneering efforts in sustainable production methods and technologies supporting the energy transition. View Details
- 2016
- Working Paper
Workplace Design: The Good, the Bad, and the Productive
By: Michael Housman and Dylan Minor
We study the effects of performance spillover in the workplace-both positive and negative-on several dimensions, and find that it is pervasive and decreasing in the physical distance between workers. We also find that workers have different strengths, and that while... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Human Resource Management; Peer Effects; Productivity; Spillovers; Toxic Worker; Strategy; Working Conditions; Performance Productivity; Human Resources
Housman, Michael, and Dylan Minor. "Workplace Design: The Good, the Bad, and the Productive." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-147, June 2016.
- February 1996
- Supplement
Active Coatings, Inc. (B): Challenges in Managing Product Development
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Teisberg, Elizabeth O., and James Leonard. "Active Coatings, Inc. (B): Challenges in Managing Product Development." Harvard Business School Supplement 796-062, February 1996.
- August 1998 (Revised February 1999)
- Case
Product Development at Dell Computer Corporation
By: Stefan H. Thomke, Vish V. Krishnan and Ashok Nimgade
Describes how Dell redesigned its new product development process after experiencing a major product setback and a significant decline in firm profits in 1993. Dell's new process is challenged during the development of a new line of portable computers when the incoming... View Details
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits; Profit; Managerial Roles; Risk Management; Product Development; Business Processes; Problems and Challenges; Risk and Uncertainty; Hardware; Computer Industry
Thomke, Stefan H., Vish V. Krishnan, and Ashok Nimgade. "Product Development at Dell Computer Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 699-010, August 1998. (Revised February 1999.)
- 1988
- Book
Innovation and Competition: The Global Management of Petrochemical Products
By: Robert B. Stobaugh
Keywords: Non-Renewable Energy; Globalized Markets and Industries; Energy Industry; Chemical Industry
Stobaugh, Robert B. Innovation and Competition: The Global Management of Petrochemical Products. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1988.
- June 1993 (Revised June 1994)
- Case
IBM: A Product for Managing Local Area Networks (A)
Dhebar, Anirudh S. "IBM: A Product for Managing Local Area Networks (A)." Harvard Business School Case 593-122, June 1993. (Revised June 1994.)
- October 2016
- Technical Note
Product Development Fundamentals
By: Marco Iansiti, Michael Toffel, Kerry Herman and Julia Kelley
This note introduces key managerial issues in new product development. It describes the product development funnel and alternative approaches to structuring product development teams including functional, lightweight, heavyweight, and autonomous/dedicated teams, which... View Details
Iansiti, Marco, Michael Toffel, Kerry Herman, and Julia Kelley. "Product Development Fundamentals." Harvard Business School Technical Note 617-024, October 2016.